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Approved Planet Ord Trasi

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Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Earth-Image.jpg| original artist unknown

Name: Ord Trasi

Region: Outer Region
System: Ord Trasi System
Suns: Trasi Diell, Class B9IV (Blue-White Subgiant)
Orbital Position: 5th Planet, Habitable Zone
Moons: Trasi I and Trasi II, both mineral rich moons
System Features: System contains 9 other planets, two aside from Ord Trasi which are described to be "habitable"
Coordinates: x=16 y=7 ; In the Gravlex Med hex, just southeast of Dantooine and adjacent to Ord Biniir
Rotational Period: 28 standard hours
Orbital Period: 412 local days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 9864 km
Atmosphere: Type II
Climate: Temperate ; Cool and Arid
Gravity: Close-Standard (.8 times standard)
Primary Terrain: Plains and Mountains

Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: Humans, Near-Humans, Wookies
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard
Government: Oligarchy
Population: 2 million
Demonym: Trasian
Major Imports: High Tech, Refined Materials
Major Exports: Starships
  • Material: Alusteel
  • Amount: Small. The initial deposits of Trasi I and Trasi II have long since been close to depletion
  • Intent and Reasoning: The presence of alusteel on Ord Trasi's moons Trasi I and Trasi II were the initial reason for Ord Trasi to become a shipbuilding world. The presence of these deposits —in once rich and abundant amounts— made Ord Trasi a natural location to ship other materials to in order to make it one of the larger shipbuilding locations. Since the near depletion of the material, the current companies on Ord Trasi have opted to import the materials in order to continue productions uninterrupted

Affiliation: None

Major Locations:


14092b4a0aa69aa0526a7f8dfdef0538.jpg| image by Mike Luard

Jedna, both the capital city and the only city to note on Ord Trasi, is the powerhouse and base of operation of multiple corporate conglomerates, all of which are consolidated into both a planetary monopoly and the government of the planet. It is here, as opposed to the original proposition of multiple space stations, that all the shipbuilding takes place, and furthermore where other minor corporate operations and projects, such as communications and weapons fabrication, take place.

Culture: The planet of Ord Trasi is ruled by a Corporate Oligarchy. Each section of Ord Trasi's main city and concentration of industry, Jedna, and by extension some portions of the non-industrialized sections of Ord Trasi and mining operations on the moons of Trasi I and Trasi II, are divided up among the major corporations that hold power on the planet. Because of this, there is little sense of a planetary community within the inhabited areas of Ord Trasi.

Despite this, communities do form from time to time, usually small, and eventually consolidate themselves or assimilate into larger groups of of non-corporate unions, which, as opposed to worker unions on many other planets, function to increase the productivity of themselves and decrease the productivity of other unions. This is effectively both the basis and the equivalent of gang related or organised criminal activity with in Ord Trasi, as well as the means for competition on the non-corporate political level between members of the oligarchy.

Furthermore, there is little written law on the planet of Ord Trasi, let alone any sense of it among its people. Because of this, life is more often than not a deadly experience, as an individual is wholly responsible for making sure that they will survive the day, even if that means having to take the life of someone for your own good. This particular fact of life is likely what have kept the unions going for as long as they have been, since the unions generally offer some protections to the individuals that make it up.

Some examples of these unions include:
  • The Arma: A union specialising in weapons fabrications, The Arma's sole concerns lie in changing the focus of Ord Trasi's productions to be predominately weapons fabrications, so that in the instance that war might touch their planet, be that small local incursions or galaxy wide conflicts, The Arma will be able to arm its people so that they will be ready to fight and defend themselves
  • The Attanni: A union specialising in communication manufacturing, the goal of the union is to transform the society of Ord Trasi into a communication superpower. It is their hopes that one day all long distance communications will come through Ord Trasi, making the entirety of the galaxy reliate on the communication technology that Ord Trasi produces, giving way to the possibilities of lucrative trade, and thus the improvement of all life on Ord Trasi.
  • Bastion: A union specialising in shipbuilding, Bastion hopes to one day spread their influence —through the backing of all shipbuilding corporations— by not only producing ships for the most notable of fleets, but for designing space stations that could serve as powerful strategic resources or homes for all of those affected by those with malicious intent

Technology: The technology of Ord Trasi varies throughout the planet, and even more so just between sectors or sections of the city Jedna. In the most notable and powerful areas of Jedna, however, it is evident that the technology of Ord Trasi is possible on par with even the most technologically advanced civilizations. To note, most of the shipbuilding technology could rival even the most prominent shipbuilders, Ord Trasi being possibly the most advanced in working with Alusteel and forging high density materials. In terms of communication, the corporations are always trying to push the boundaries of technological advancement, constantly researching new ways to communicate and, in some instances, even turn communication into weapons, having been working on new models and applications of the Yuuzhan Vong Oggzil. Even weapon fabrications are fairly advanced on Ord Trasi, and like communication, the boundaries are always being pushed to produce a weapon even more efficient than the last model.

History: Much of Ord Trasi's history had been lost to the aftermath of Zero's Gulag Plague, and little effort has been made to rediscover that history. After the effects of the Gulag Plague had effectively ended, Ord Trasi became a hub for business and industry with the in the Braxant Run. It can merely be speculated upon, considering the history of Ord Trasi before the Gulag Plague is not particularly sot out, that Ord Trasi simply remained the same after the effects of the plague, with perhaps a little more emphasis on the more minor but equally important businesses, such as communications and weapons fabrications. After and during the events of Netherworld, Ord Trasi became both a safe haven and a planet which would offer services to off-world corporations and factions, producing ships and weapons and other technologies on order, or selling portions of their industries for lease, allowing for others to make use of the industrial resources on Ord Trasi, if they wanted to the avoid certain steps within the import-export-repeat process. As for some of the major events in the galaxy:
  • The Gulag Plague severed Ord Trasi's contact to the Republic within three months of Zero Hour, leaving the planet to fend for itself since. When the planet was rediscovered, it became the sight for yet again more mining operations, and eventually became a location for shipbuilding, weapons and arms fabrications, and communications manufacturing location.
  • During the events of Netherworld, it is possible that Ord Trasi became a safe haven and respite zone for the Mando Clans, if not a shipbuilding and dock location for resupply. Ord Trasi would have likely contributed to multiple shipbuilding efforts, and held a strong position within the Braxant Run

Notable PCs: [member=Rakieh Atur]
Intent: Noticed Ord Trasi wasn't near the Braxant Run, and is the birthplace of my character [member=Rakieh Atur]. Planet contains interesting legends lore and potential for a huge shipbuilding location for any faction that might control it. A potential corporation headquarters and base of operations. Creating a history for a canon planet that didn't have much history going for it to begin with and expanding upon what details were reviled about it in the beginning.
Links: | |

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Might do more development on culture later. Also had to make up a few things for the sake of the template. Hoping that thats okay, and if it isn't, well, just let me know I guess
[member="Rakieh Atur"]

Hello there,

Since this is a canon planet it does not require its own Codex sub. Even though it is not on the map it is still very much available to be roleplayed on. You can still produce a Codex submission for it if you wish to expand on the lore and such. However if your main intention is to make it a location available for RP, then that is already the case.

As it stands this submission does not expand upon what is already in the wiki article. Adding a link to wiki for history won’t do. “Might do more development on culture later” won’t do. We already accept the wiki article. To justify this being its own submission there really needs to be more meat to it.

With that information in mind, let me know if you still wish me to judge this submission. I would be happy to. If not we can archive it, and you can begin RPing on Ord Trasi as you please. While adding it to the Chaos Map is not necessary for it to be RPed on, if you wish to see it included you may follow the template for canon planets provided in the Map Thread Updates and post in that thread.


Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

My apologies. I wasn't aware that a thread was not necessary to justify the availability of a canon planet.

While it was my intention to make the location available for rping originally, I would like to very much so like to flesh this out some more. Give me another day or so to finish refining the areas of this post that are lacking.

Thanks for giving me the option to work on it some more
[member="Rakieh Atur"]

Wiki article states that primary terrain is plains and mountains, not just plains. Please adjust.

The planet has only one city? What’s your reasoning behind this? To me that seems illogical and not supported in canon. Based on the world’s appearance, it does not seem to be a city world. One would expect various settlements and cities to be spread out across the planet, although it’s entirely plausible that none would rival the planet’s capital.

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

It was my intention to note that Jedna was unrivaled in size and magnitude, my apologies. I made some changes to try and make that evident as opposed to before when I was giving the impression that it was a city world. (I'm glad you caught that. I didn't realise that I was giving that impression)

Other than that, I adjusted the major terrains portion.
Coordinates: x=224.36 y=7669.86 ; In the Gravlex Med hex, just southeast of Dantooine and adjacent to Ord Biniir
You will need to assign coordinates relative to the Chaos Galaxy Map. Please change this to reflect the new coordinates. Keep in mind that even if this is a canon planet, if it's location falls within a hex that contains more than 4 planets, it cannot be added to the map.

  • Material: Alusteel
  • Amount: Small. The initial deposits of Trasi I and Trasi II have long since been close to depletion
  • Intent and Reasoning: The presence of alusteel on Ord Trasi's moons Trasi I and Trasi II were the initial reason for Ord Trasi to become a shipbuilding world. The presence of these deposits —in once rich and abundant amounts— made Ord Trasi a natural location to ship other materials to in order to make it one of the larger shipbuilding locations. Since the near depletion of the material, the current companies on Ord Trasi have opted to import the materials in order to continue productions uninterrupted
Alusteel is not part of the Restricted Materials listing. As such you do not need to fill out this sub-template to have Alusteel as an export. You can keep it here for ease of reference, I just wanted you to know it was not necessary.

[member="Rakieh Atur"]

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
Mahet said:
You will need to assign coordinates relative to the Chaos Galaxy Map. Please change this to reflect the new coordinates. Keep in mind that even if this is a canon planet, if it's location falls within a hex that contains more than 4 planets, it cannot be added to the map.

Changes have been made. I will keep that in mind, thank you for reminding me.

Mahet said:
Alusteel is not part of the Restricted Materials listing. As such you do not need to fill out this sub-template to have Alusteel as an export. You can keep it here for ease of reference, I just wanted you to know it was not necessary.

I understand. I'd like to keep it just for reference.

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