Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation: Grek

Aedan Miles calmly turned on his heel and started towards the hangar turning he pointed at the two men who were [member="Darth Banshee"]'s guards. "Unless there is a public meeting she is restricted to her quarters and the cafetiere no other places." The two men nodded as Aedan strode past Darth Banshee and towards the hangar not stopping for anything as he made his way towards where he was to meet up with [member="Rianna Ordo"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"], and [member="Ordo"] the final three members of the expedition group. Stepping into the hangar he grinned seeing their ship as he activated his comlink on the shipwide channel. "All expedition members assigned to separate ships I would suggest you head over and get know the ship you will be using. We will be leaving for the final hyperspace jump shortly."
Holding his hand up Aedan called out to Ordo as they descended unto the deck of the Mythosaur. "OYA VOD. It is good to see you here today Ordo. I am glad you could join us I am hoping you will point out anything that could be better in the planning phase." Aedan grinned as he walked towards the man knowing that soon [member="Mirshen"] and [member="Azrael"] would soon be making their way down here before heading off to take command of their ships.
Nolan followed Basaba and chuckled at her comments. He nodded at the other Willamina sisters, He would try his luck with them later, but now he had to get to the next mission.

Pleasure to meet you ladies. Where to boss lady?

The ships were dropping out of hyperspace and the next stage of the campaign was upon them all.

[member="Basaba Willamina"]
Tysk Willamina said:
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Tysk gave a nod of agreement to her and spoke. "Now comes the real question of what are you going to do? There is going to be danger on this trip and we want to make sure everyone comes home." She wanted to make certain Countess did as well but there was a bother somewhat. "Have you been adopted as daughter of a clan yet? Or are you going to try and make your own?"
Giving Tysk which had been her trainer for some time now. As the question was put her her. This bring a train of thoughts to her mind as she thought it over and over. "I wish not to make my own as much has to be done to run a clan much like my own responsibility to my House back on Serreno. I would like to be apoted into a clan."
[member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

"HA HA!" Ordo said as she settled the ship down on its struts.

He stood and lifted her out of her seat and spun in a happy circle before setting he down and giving her a proper kiss.

"Smart, Beautiful and a good Pilot." he said grinning, "How did the Manda pick me to have the perfect Riduur?"

He would have gladly forgone the meeting with the larger ship if he could have but the trip was long and as amazing as the Thranta was it would have been hurting for fuel by the time they made Grek. After a moment he forced himself to head to the Boarding ramp and greet the Pirate and vod Aedan. Ordo smiled as he heard the man speak Mando'a. They had been acquaintances for some time now, even had split a treasure from on Degobah once upon a time.

"Oya, ner vod." he said to the other man, "You were right on time. Who do we have as a crew so far?"

Ordo asked to so they could begin Organizing drop teams, pilots, techs, and gunners. THey didn't know what they were walking into for sure and everyone would be needed to pull their weight, but Ordo knew they would handle it, they were vode after all.
Darth Banshee heard [member="Aedan Miles"] orders, she decide it would be good time to go back to her quarters anyway. Though aedan has still not answer her question about prisoners. She decide to try entice him to talk to her about it after. As she passed him in the corridor, she saw him stopped next to a thirteen foot some thing or other. She was not quite sure what it was to be honest, though it was tall.
She stopped to speak aedan though briefly as she new he busy. Her tone was friendly, and with slight hint of a giggle waiting to come out.
I am sorry for not speaking mandalorian know, as I may got my words wrong earlier.
You did not answer my question, about the prisoners and what you intend to do with them.
She moved through her hand through her hair slightly, showing her left ear as she did.
Also her smile broadened showing her teeth when she did.
She then continued before aedan could react.
I really appreciate it, if you told me what you intend to do later.
In private of course.
After you finished any other preparations, of course.
Before he could say yes or no, she turned and left.
She walked away, just slightly swaying her hips.
Not enough to show she was doing on purpose, though she was.
After that she head back to her quarters quite quickly.

[member="Basaba Willamina"]
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Tysk crossed her arms under her chest and looked at the woman from behind the shades as she gave a nod of her head. If she didn't want to make her own clan like Aedan was doing and she wanted to be adopted there were a few choices. Her hand came up though and held her shoulder as she spoke. "Ni kar'tayl gai sa'ad" Her hand remained on the shoulder of the woman she had trained and knew she had honor... That Larraq had brought her in might mean she had some business savvy that could be put to use in the clan. After speaking though she moved forward and patted a hand on her cheek digging. "If there is one going to take care of you it would have to be me."
[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Allison raised an eyebrow while she stood there and turned her head. In the largest suit of armor the mando's produced and next to her husband she saw another flirting with him and then walk away as she spoke.... Looking down at Aedan and she had her eyebrow raised under the helmet. ""Who was that?"

Pa'Kar Sang

Jaden stood, leaning against the guardrails of the hangar, looking down at the others below. His cousin had arrived finally. Did that mean it was nearly time for them to jump? He wondered what would await them when they arrived in Companion Grek.

Turin Val Kur

Companion Grek
Shipyard and Home Station
837 ABY
Liquid Stasis Pod 21210
Subject 6667
Abel Kayne

He could hear them. The sounds and screams of the tormented. For how long had he been here? Months? Days? Years? How many? He felt weak, as usual. Day in and day out. So weak. A bubble floated up from the thin gap in his mouth, his ancient eyes inching open. The mark, the brand they had put on him pulsed, a spectral form materialized in front of his tank, its soulless eyes filled with hate, its thin, whispy, white hair floating in the zero gravity of the derelict station. It let lose a ghastly howl, its form contorting in preparation to strike. He knew it could not harm him.

He wished it could end him.

He knew not why he was here, but as the creature continued to strike the strangely resilient tank, more appeared, waiting their turn. Soon they would leave. They always did. After another burning sensation on his arm, they would leave as if he no longer existed.

He knew not why he was here, or for how long. A week? A day? An Hour?

A century?
[member="Ordo"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Dark orbs filled with adoration and love looked upon Ordo, "Yaim must have decided we both needed each other. How else could it be explained?" She smiled then kissed him voices were nearing, this was when Rianna stepped back and listened. Her husband was an accomplished tactician and experienced in the ways of war. She knew when to be quiet.

She listened as plans were laid out, it was good the Dancing Thranta was stocked with supplies it sounded as thought they might need them.
Marrik exited the conference room and boarded the shuttle back to his frigate. Once aboard, the crew got to work on getting the teams ready for boarding the next derelict vessel and for defending the fleet. The point defense systems fired up and the few assault shuttles deployed as escorts. Marrik sat in the captains chair and listened as teams radioed in on their progress.

This is Captain Aloxum, where are we on deployment?!

This is engineering, we are all set.

Defense systems online and primed for combat sir.

This is Eagle 1, all wings deployed and on standby.

Commander Miles, the Ascension is ready for deployment.

[member="Aedan Miles"]
Ever since his adoption into the Mando'ade, Azrael had been a part of Mandal Motors, and their shipyards both on Yaim, and on the orbital station surrounding the planet. His knowledge of salvaging scrap of ships, freighters, and everything in between had suited him perfectly for the role in maintaining and repairing the fleet. While he wasn't a bad pilot, he certainly not an Ace like his Ori'vod Ordo. The Ca'prudii though was still close to his heart, and he had spent a lot of time calling it a second home while he had been away. The frigate he was assigned to however, he had only read about it. Although his knowledge was fairly extensive, he'd never been aboard the vessel that had been sur-named 'strike'. It was a good name however, apt and fitting. Six large salvos that could produce a single directed assault to decimate pretty much anything that would stand in the way of the vode. Needless to say, Azrael was looking forward to being on the bridge of that support frigate.

Besk'ar boots clipped the hangar catwalks as he moved into the main arena, getting a quick visual on the Night Shadow that he'd be taking to board the frigate soon enough. His grey eyes shifting to his Ori'vod - and the man's new family. A knowing smile spread to thin lips as he approached and leveled his right hand fist to that of Ordo with a firm and respectable nod. When he had met the former farmer, he was looking for his past, searching for something out in the black. After his return to the Mando'ade, Azrael had found that Ordo had moved forward, he'd grown in spirit, epitomizing the idea of shereshoy as he embraced both a wife and a slew of adopted ade. It was a triumph for Ordo, and any blessing on one of the Manda's sons was a blessing on the entire Mando'ade. He'd not met his family up until this point, and decided to remedy that before he'd part ways for the support frigate.

"I'll be making tracks to Nynir to watch your backs." Azrael spoke up, looking over at Aedan before returning his grey hued gaze to Ordo. "Not the best time for a long drawn out din'kartay Ori'vod, but I wanted to meet your Allit before I launch." He offered, glancing at Rianna and Ginnie. It wouldn't be a long visit, but they were his family as well, as all vode were. He'd not pass up an opportunity to meet vode that had made Ordo crack a daily smile.

[member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="Rianna Ordo"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
[member="Tysk Willamina"]

Looking at Tysk once again this time waiting as she put a curve to her lip. "I think I like that idea very much so.", as she put a hand on her sister shoulder as well. "May I call you sister or mother." this part was all knew to her. Wondering where this one that was leading this mission had wonder off to. Maybe he need to be remind how much it was to be on time for things. It wasn't in her nature to wait to much. The way she grew up was after all in many ways different then most that was on this mission team.
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Tysk looked at her for a moment and took her hand from her shoulder to cheek. "I am the clan mother, Basaba, Allison, Levy, my daughters Ayna and Lyna they are your sisters. I am just the one who makes sure all of you are taken care of." That had a luagh from her though while she moved and patted her cheek. "Now get ready, the Yaim'la where the rest of your sisters are is your home now or Dxun. We work to maintain our honor above all else. So any secrets you tell us and we'll work to handle it."
"Secrets", looking at her for some time. As to what could only be taken away or even what she would take. "Yaim'la or Dxun, so Mother what if I have my duty or business on my Sereno for the greater house of Teramo." as she looked at her. To see what kind of surprise if anything. As she wonder put her hand on her shoulder. "I will say the resource of my Greater house as Countess of House Teramo is at the clan disposal. [member="Tysk Willamina"]
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

"Yes secrets, we try to have none and your house, your old life we will work with. I do not know what Sereno would need for you but we will work with it. Might even find a new place to have some of your sisters the more business minded." She gave a smile to that though while not thinking to much around the idea of more funds or support. They weren't in it for the money. "But remember that there is more to life then credits, the Willamina's have great honor and we work to make sure it we keep it. Do not dishonor the clan.
[member="Tysk Willamina"]

"Yes Mother, I will have nothing but respect for the clan will not dishonor the clan.", looking at her now knew clan leader. Even so she couldn't help what would As she took in every word that was spoken to her. "Yes I know all to well what to much credits in the wrong hands can do. That would be why those under me respect me so much." , it would be to come that what would happen next could only be for the future to say.
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

"Good" Tysk smiled at her and walked putting a hand over her shoulder and going towards the Yaim'la, the others who were there all standing around and armored up ready for a fight with full weapons. "These are your sisters and for now this ship is your home. We have more then enough space an an armory built for tearing into anyone who goes after us." She kept the smile on and saw the other multicolored mandalorians while giving the tour and leading the way through to the bunks. "Just choose a bunk not occupied and when it comes time to gear up and go out put on your armor, grab the weapons and join me with the others for going out."
Aedan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair having ignored [member="Darth Banshee"] for the most part. Right now he had a job to do and he was married he didn't care about feelings at the moment. "Some Sith who is playing tag along ignore her." Was the response [member="Allison Willamina"] got from Aedan as he turned back to [member="Ordo"] and gestured. "Manda'lor gave us a sizeable fleet as you noticed. We also have most of Clan Willamina here, the Sith Darth Banshee. As you can see our Vod Azrael is here as well as my clan brother Marrik a few other Mandalorians are playing tag along like the Detta Brothers, I believe a few of the Ori'ramikad are here as well. We have the massive tank of a Fett here and someone named Jon Swanson. I have Mirshen taking command of a ship mostly to get him out of my hair for the time being. I have boarding party orders in position as well as people ready to lead ground forces. I will be heading the research team and acting as primary security for them. Others are leading Security forces once we are ground side."
[member="Tysk Willamina"]

After which time she pick her bunk before returning to where the others had gathered. In her armor always the royal blue armor. It had many ues as she had started to come to practice. After some time as she let herself wonder through the ship wondering who her bunk mates would be on this trip. Even those it didn't matter to her one way or another. As which time she spend the time lending into where the others had gathered themselves.

Knowing when to speak but also when to just look on to see who was all there and gathered.

[member="Nolan Detta] [member="Ordo"] [member="darth Banshee] [member="Azrael"] [member="Marrik Aloxum"][member="Aedan Miles"][member="Tysk Willamina"][member="Rianna Ordo"]

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