Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation: Grek

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
@Nolan Detta [member="Aedan Miles"]

Basaba heard the orders and raised an eyebrow as she stood there and crossed her arms over the stygium plates. Her armor was more active camo without actual work while she moved staring at Aedan with a friendly death glare of affection.... "Understood." Turning to the Detta's she spoke motioning and holding her hand up. "Follow." She moved as outside there was a pair of the willamina sisters and fully armored up. "They are with us, no mating until after the mission." Her head turned back and looked at the men. "You will follow orders and pay attention we do not have time for games and messing up will have Miles wife throwing you."
[member="Aedan Miles"]

Mirshen looked at the ship he was going to get to command and then at Aedan. "Hey have I ever not taken anything seriously. I mean come on who kept you from tossing that gamorrian's salad in that CIS prison? Huh, who got you through the toughest time when that girl on shore leave from Fondor gave you a case of the peeing razor blades, twice? Me I got you through it and I will get you through this the only way I know how. With humor and justice for all. Now point me in the direction of the bar... daddy needs another beer."

Sienna Vekarr

He nodded to the man in charge, giving his manstache a light tug with his free hand. 8000 troops? It seemed appropriate for a man of his stature to command so many brave men (he would always command the hearts and whims of women as any Swanson should). To lead them to glorious death and everlasting life in the Manda or victory, either would be an honor. This would be Jon Swanson's turning point, actually his highest point for the Force held something else for him, little did the overconfident man know...

Darth banshee was worried by the idea she could not take prisoners. Though she tried to hide it, she hoped reunite as many imperials as possible under the one sith banner. Though it seems the mandalorians had other plans, so she decide to ask, bid me`choopaani bah ti te merci`t. She looked [member="Aedan Miles"] whist she asked.

roughly translated says What are you going to do with the prisoners
[member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"]

Ordo looked at the weapon and then the girl.

"Perfect." he said simply as she held the weapon up, "Buir has to go get us ready to go you keep up the good work kiddo."

Ordo stood and moved to Rianna. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek as he got close. Wrapping and arm around her shoulders he looked back at the girl.

"What do you think cyar'ika?" he said unsure of himself, "are my daddy skills up to par?"
LOCATION: Location of hook up with [member="Ordo"]
OBJECTIVE: Finish crew loadout.
DESTINATION: Companion Grek
Aedan Miles leaned forward as he thought his hands resting on the holotable as he called out. “BASABA I need to borrow those two till we get to the ground part of the mission. Also would you mind giving the other Vod who volunteered to lead a boarding party a hand?” He turned to look at what was now his sister as he waited for her to respond an alarm went off and he looked towards the holotable then up as he realized what was happening.

“Alright as you think about it you two.” He points at Skosk and Jon Swanson and gestures his hand as he moves towards the door. “Come with me I will tell you the plan for now. The rest of you are dismissed for now I will probably come to speak with each of you as I prefer to spend time actually talking about things instead of just sitting around. Anyone who would like to train there are rooms for that around if you want a sparring partner give me a message.” He walked out the door and towards the bridge looking towards the two men hopefully as they followed him. “Plan is simple guys I brought a portion of boarding pods onto this ship each of you will have a primary boarding crew in the pods their objective is to disable shields so that the transports with other men can get to their and take over. Also I was thinking 8000 men may be a bit too many for a single ship boarding. How would you both feel about cutting that in half so I can have more ships being boarded and fewer targets for the fleet?” He looked at the two men as he waited for their opinions the decision over all was his but he wanted the input of these two men first.

As they entered the bridge he stood off to the side as the Lt started barking out. “ALL SHIPS PREPARE TO LEAVE HYPERSPACE WE ARE REACHING THE ESTIMATED MEETING ZONE WITH THE DANCING THANTRA!” The crew started to send messages and such before the lines faded away to reveal real space near the border of Mandalorian space while the ships waited for the freighter known as The Dancing Thantra to dock with the Mythosaur before they made another jump. Aedan stood on the bridge and activated his comlink. “This is Aedan miles to Ordo if you are out there Vod we have arrived at the meeting place and are awaiting you to dock with the Mythosuar.”

[member="Aden Dawson"] [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Mirshen"] [member="Serock Hoath"] [member="Jaden Taacyn"] [member="Davin Skirata"] [member="Xander Lok"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Jon Swanson"] [member="Nolan Detta "][member="Kable Detta"] [member="Skosk Fett"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Darth Banshee"]

Skosk Fett

[member="Aedan Miles"]

This was fine, Skosk was not ready to lead that much, especially as his first operation attacking. The brute, with a nod said " Whatever your comfortable with sir, I am willing to do whatever is needed for our way of life to continue." . With a posture the mandalorian stood straight, it was habit after so many times in his life he had been stressed on about stance, and posture. A good wrestler's life depended on that, and the bodybuilder was more then just a good wrestler, he was a five time galactic champion. But, this life ended when he was slandered for a crime he did not do, the mandalorians where the ones who took him in, and that is why he was here. To begin his new life after finally earning it, leading four thousand of his allit was a good way to start, the green tank smiled at the thought of it. Glory would be had, soon, just not yet, as of sparing a question popped from the zabraks deep, voice " I would like to spar you vod, it's a good way to practice." , under his T visor he smiled, he wanted a good fight .
LOCATION: Yaim'la hanger going to [member="Aedan Miles"]

Allison was here and when Basaba returned with the others she headed off towering over the rest of her sisters and walking through the ship at a crouch. It wasn't the most ideal but when she got to the bridge. Her husband was here and she stood tall when she got inside and held the horak rifle with her helmet on. The black and silver armor gleaming as she moved forward finally she spoke putting a hand on the scruff of the armor to lift and bring him up for a keldeba kiss and to show her support.
Waiting and listing to all that others had to speak, only after she had done all her homework on each of the players or her fellow vod as she called them. It still a slow process of getting use to. It strange as all those many months she had join up with the mandalaians for a different reason. After they came to her planet to put it under their protection. It was more like a force upon them. It was something that needed to be done to save the many lives and her House that was ruled by her for 1000's of years.

I"m waiting my orders, will go anywhere I'm told, sir.
[member="Ordo"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"]

He was very good with her, it was his heart, his style. The knowing that when you were with him they were safe he gave that to them all the time. It made her feel good, it made her feel loved to be so and it was easy to see Ginnie loved him too.

"Daddy skills are A number 1 cyar'ika" She smiled as they began to walk were they were getting ready to rendevous with whomever it was. This was really Rianna's very first outing with them all, and with their 12 year old in tow and so willing to learn and fight. "Is it soon our arrival, it feels soon" Why did it feel soon had that much time passed.
[member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

"Any minute if they follow the plan." Ordo said still doubting his ability to be what he needed to be for his family. Most people thought Mandalorians were mindless warriors but they rarely saw that those men and women who fought with the tenacity of beast went home with their pay to feed children. The people who said they stole children didn't see the soft hearts that wanted nothing more than to give those displaced kids a chance to survive. Ordo didn't mind what the galaxy thought of him but he hoped he could give the men, women and children he took in what his own buir had given him, a chance. He looked at the little deaf girl as she sat and finished her preparations. It struck him suddenly that he had four daughters now and the Manda only knew where Aran had gone.

Ordo turned as he heard Aedan's voice on the ship comm. It was time after all.

"Guess that's our cue, cyar'ika." he said walking to the small com by the hatch.

"Copy Ner Vod. Enroute." he said to Aedan

He turned back to Rianna.

"Do you want to dock or should I."

Sienna Vekarr


That was the only way Swanson could describe the woman known as Allison. Aedan on the other hand...Well he couldn't say anything...If Swanson had a woman like that, he wouldn't dare fight back and try to be 'the man'. She could crush him like a bug. He hoped things went well, maybe then he could get that promotion he had always wanted.
Aedan gave a short gasp of surprise as he was yanked off his feat and then just as his wife went in for the keldeba kiss he realized who it was accepting the sign of affection he waited for her to finish. As he pulled his helmet off his head thankful he had been wearing it as he looked at her his eyes now lively like they had once been unlike the last time she had seen him. He calmly gestured towards the ground as he chuckled. "Mind putting me down our Vod Ordo will be arriving soon I was going to go to the hangar to greet him."
[member="Allison Willamina"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

Allison looked at Aedan without his helmet and remained holding him for a moment before turning to walk and put him down. "Alright go and be the leader of this expedition I'll wait for you here." She raised an eyebrow under the helmet and clenched fists ready for a fight. "Maybe later we'll put you in some real armor."

"OH I would love to dock!" Rianna smiled broadly and then slipped into the seat, Rianna looked out the view port waiting for the ship to come into view. Slowly she began to reverse the thrusters to bring them in slower. She eased back and The Dancing Thranta slowed. Then the ship came into view. "wow" she whispered.

Lining the ship up Rianna took it in at half speed, then down to quarter speed turning her around watching to make sure she did not give her any bumps. She reached up and began to flip the switches to lower the landing gear. She bit her lip as she worked within a few moments the ship was down. "Touchdown, crowd goes wild" Rianna began to power down, as she looked over to her riduur. Most times he did the piloting he loved it so, and for him to let her do it. Showed a great deal of trust.

Rianna exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath. There were other ships already docked. "Looks like quite the gathering cyar'ika"
Mirshen looked at his best buddy and his wife.... How they did anything was beyond him. Even he wasn't brave enough to scale that mountain but he was brave enough to sell the recordings of Aedan crying afterwards in the bodycast.... Good times as he stood there and spoke. "Number one set all phasers to thrill and lets go to ludicris speed."
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

"Your going to be with us." Tysk spoke, taking in the sight of the Countess and raising an eyebrow in her black synthatex coat while she walked. The handguns all she needed for now and armor was in the ship. They had brought everything important and she came to stand beside the woman popping her neck and wearing the shades for dramatic effect. "So how have you been?"
Darth Banshee was slightly worried as [member="Aedan Miles"] never did answer her question on prisoners. She hoped they where not planning on killing them all. She waited to be told what they planned for her to do. She also wonder what aedan was doing tonight, with his purple hair.
[member="Tysk Willamina"]

Giving her a bit of a smile will that was for the countess. Greetings Tysk, it has been a bit after our training," Miss Tysk. " , having already her gear on but not with her weapons of yet. Having to give each on one of her guns a finally cheek. It was after all her life depend on it that her fellow Vod.
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

Tysk gave a nod of agreement to her and spoke. "Now comes the real question of what are you going to do? There is going to be danger on this trip and we want to make sure everyone comes home." She wanted to make certain Countess did as well but there was a bother somewhat. "Have you been adopted as daughter of a clan yet? Or are you going to try and make your own?"

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