Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Open] The Chronicles of Asteria: Episode One - The Kazerath of Nemoidia

[SIZE=11pt]A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away… something mysterious sits in the Grand Vaults of Cato Neimoidia, within the Commenor Systems Alliance. These are the Chronicles of Asteria, the story of the Starlight World and its people. You don’t just tag along for the story, though, for you influence the Chronicles as though they are a dynamic land of reactions, able to be permanently changed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Millennia ago, someone or something with incredible power created a repository, a device, maybe even a bomb of some kind called the Kazerath Device. It harnesses the power of the Dark and the Light - requiring both to wield - to create what may very well be the most powerful artifact of the Gray in existence… or some strange, but inevitably useless device that is overly complicated for its purpose. No one knows what it is capable of, the Kazerath Device, and for centuries - millennia even - it has been in the Grand Vaults of Cato Neimodia, a planet currently under the control of the Commenor Systems Alliance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Predating the rise of Palpatine and Vader by thousands of years - potentially tens of thousands of years - the Kazerath Device is useless to Jedi and Sith, who would find its best use is to be hidden and stowed away for no one to use, but when one is of the Gray they can harness its power and acquire something closer to greatness than what they have.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Is the Device simply a test of one’s prowess in the Force, containing nothing of value? Is it a grand repository of knowledge containing more information than the largest, most massively sprawling Jedi Archives, capable of enhancing one’s Force power on top of granting access to such great amounts of knowledge? No one is certain, but what is certain is that someone has it, and right now that person is not you. And the people that have it? They have no idea what they possess - pure greatness, in the form of the Sphere of Shadows and Starlight… that or something useless, or simply a curiosity of mystique.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]+ Just make your opening posts, and keep to small groups of NPCs rather than fleets and armies, and you should be fine. If fleets and armies show up, the CSA's administration as well as a roleplay judge will be contacted for a response and a judgement of validity, respectfully. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Note:{/b] + I will be making my opening post after a few other people do. Right now, I'm just setting up the stage. I'm having issues breathing, and wanted to get this up in case I couldn't today.[/SIZE]
Callsign Spider appears; objective, clear
Cato Neimoidia looms and fills the bridge port...

This nondescript freighter makes it way from the hyperspace lane closer to the atmosphere of the planet. Superpowered storm systems and massive banks of fog dominated the planet -fueled by oceans wide.

She had and always would hate space travel…

A number of operatives prepared themselves inside the freighter, some clearly uncomfortable with the idea of undertaking a mission in light armor as was provided. Each contended with a long wool coat over a bodyglove and various plates, and each was equipped with a combination weapons and blasters that gave this crew the impression of being a lot of pirates from some lawless sector.

With a deft turn, the pilot and partner take the small freighter towards the equator of the planet.
[member="Kemoth of Asteria"]​


The priest God never paid
The warp drive was wonky ever since she left the desert planet. Ouch, she should've done a sweep in the ship before she left. There was so much cargo, she was one of the buyers that bought ton. Surely not everything in here was paid. Or at least not by her. She entire ship shook every time she passed a solar system. She leaned over to check the fuel reserves. Wow. She had used absolutely every fuel drop in the entire ship. Even she was surprised. She grabbed the leather handle and pulled it, stopping the ship right in its tracks.

The huge starship before her eyes, a small meter before her face. She swung quickly to avoid the metal hull. That would've been very painful. She looked down at the busy planet below and pondered about their lives. Who did they love? What secrets could be hidden down there? Just as she was about to finish her last sentence a small rock hit her windshield and shocked her out of her mind. She thought to herself, hmm. I want to go down there. So she did. She jumped off the ship and into the sea of people. She sensed multiple people in the force. Hmmm. Light and dark. She looked around before a face caught her attention.
Location: Grand Vaults of Neimodia
Objective: Retrieve some personal belongings in Natalie's vault
Accompanied by: Cecelia Price and Saki Matsuo, Various City Council members

"I don't quite understand how important this piece of paper is?"

"Well if you took a bit of interest in our company you'd know this is the article of incorporation. It's really only got sentimental value at this point, but regardless I'm willing to let you see it."

Natalie took the piece of paper from the vault and hands it to Cecelia, turning back to it and sighing, clearly attempting to find something.

"Pfft, your name used to be Serenity Loveheart?" The woman laughing to herself, placing her hand over her mouth to try and quiet herself. The particular floor that they were on was almost barren of company, bar the three individuals. Natalie's hand moved to weakly punch the woman and scowl her.

"Shut up.." grunting some more and then finding whatever she was looking for, quickly grasping it with her hand

"Oh what's that? Some death sticks? I know your groove party girl. Don't act like we didn't do that back in high school."

Saki looked at the two in disgust, still looking around and keeping vigilant. Something was off to her. She'd been here on many an occasion, very quiet compared to those instances. It seemed to be Cato NeimoIdia's lazy day, at least for the elite.

"Oh it's a stick alright, and I suppose you could say it's affiliated with death." Winking and lighting the lightsaber up, the crimson red glow illuminating the otherwise dimly lit corridor that they were standing in. Immediately, a gasp came from behind them and Natalie sighed assuming they were moments away from being arrested. A Neimodian stormed over to her, forcing her to turn around and conceal the lightsaber not before powering it down.


"Natalie? Fancy seeing you in your place of work."

Natalie looked to Cecelia and Saki, the latter not being particularly interested in whatever Natalie had to say.

"Klors and I are on the City Council, we're actually political allies in a way... I won't bore you, we were just finishing up here."

"You scared my daughter to death! I was getting a gift for her birthday that I kept in the vault. Been an awful rise in crime recently, honestly you can't keep your things anywhere but in this vault, we'll accompany you on the way up to make sure neither of us get mugged."

Natalie signaled to Saki to close the vault, the 5 now taking the lift to the very first level where a group of several more Neimoidians had gathered waiting for the man.

"Oh I do apologize.. we were going to grab some brunch nearby as a victory for our re-election, care to join us?"

"You're taking your child to a re-election dinner?" Natalie laughed while walking to the group, now comprised of about 9 people in total and greeting each by shaking their hands and exchanging pleasantries.

"Don't be so foolish, my wife and I aren't very good with children. Babysitter hired and all, courtesy of your's truly!"

"If only you were this organised in council meetings!"

Cecelia and Saki looked at eachother in disappointment given Natalie had now went full schmoozing mode in order to please those around her, occasionally sighing in unison and making fun of what she was saying much to the dismay of Natalie. The lobby itself was fairly average in its size, nothing too fabulous but a reception desk, some benches and a central elevator, which was currently being blocked by the group.

As I'm representing the CSA in this, any severe damage to the city will result in increasingly ramped up security measures as necessary. For now they can be assumed to be the following.

Natalie and a group of city council members are now blocking the primary access to the vault. They'll move slowly unless forced


Rick Kaloo

A single Lekai scoutship descended into the hazy atmosphere, its engines silently humming as they pushed the vessel forward. Rick allowed for its weapons were manually disabled by the Neimoidian security officers, but it was very unlikely that they would be needed. There had been rumors of a strange device in the vaults of Cato Neimoidia, and Rick had been sent with a small compliment of Alliance soldiers to see if there really was an artifact there.
From the window in the small, concealed bridge, Rick watched as rain pounded on the scoutship, the subtle thunking noise caused by the event being strangely relaxing. It took Rick's mind off the war, the ships he lost, and the price the Alliance had to pay in the battles. He had only fought in a few battles, but already so much had been lost. Rick wished that someday he would live to see a galaxy in peace and harmony, a galaxy free of war. This was why it was so important whether an artifact existed on Cato Neimoidia or not.
If such an artifact existed, even if the Alliance was unable to use it, taking the relic into Alliance custody would deny the enemy the chance to wield its power.
[member="Kemoth of Asteria"]


Disney's Princess
The Grand Vaults of Cato Neimodia

[member="Natalie LaForte"] , Cecella, and Saki of Mygeeto's grand IMF. Along with some members of the city council. Conversed lightly in the lobby. Meanwhile, just outside the building a very unique Interceptor starfighter was leaving it's pad. It's sole delivery, was a woman. A strange blue-haired woman. Cloaked in a flowing black coat with her impossibly dark helm, held lightly under one arm. The Force surrounding her. Flowing out of her. Engulfing the world around her. In a soft radiant light. The Light of the Force.

Karen Roberts had arrived.
Cato Nemodia: aboard a Freightor​
Objective: Acquire the Artifact​
Allies: [member="The Major"] [member="Varas Kyrel"]​
Others: [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] @Abril [member="Kemoth of Asteria"]​
Aboard the freightor, Kyrel meditated on the Force. It had not been long after the Blockade of the Hydian Way with The First Order finally making it's move on the Galaxy. Kyrel still recovering from his experience on the Istkusk with the slaying of the Jedi Master known as Zark by his hand and the appearance of his Mother as well as the resurgence of the being known as Thomas Kyrel. Kyrel had become more hardened and as usual was very eager to carry out the Supreme Leader's Will. Now that his armor was finished Kyrel was dressed in his dark robes very similar to that of the Jedi of old but far different as it resembled ren of the past such as Kylo Ren, and underneath the robes was a thick plating of armor and a skinsuit used for his missions.​
Throughout the entire trip aboard the freightor, Zark's last words still echoed in his mind. But he often reassured himself that the man was dead and gone now. His light not strong enough to surpass the Dark Side. Even more so he became increasingly wary of his daughter after her attempt to kill him. Many things these days were troubling indeed but when he had heard word of the Kazerath artifact, he knew the Supreme Leader would take much interest in acquiring the artifact, a sphere made with both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.. The secrets it could contain was something he knew he had to gain. After speaking to one of the best of the FOSB, a being he had met long ago and knew of her achievements within the shadowy organization. The being known as the [member="The Major"] and his Daughter of Darkness [member="Varas Kyrel"] who had recently earned her mark of shame in the form of a new hand and now a Knight of Ren would accompany him on acquiring the artifact and stopping those that would oppose them.​
Finally, the ship dropped out of hyperspace, entering the planet undetected of course and when it was it registered as a simple freighter. From the histories that Kyrel studied all he knew was that Cato Nemodia was one of the final battles of the Clone Wars almost a millennium ago and now a peaceful world far away from the Great Galactic War along the Mid and Outer Rims, whether such a peace would last would be tough to say. The ship landed and already Kyrel could feel several Force Signatures. There were already others after the artifact, but the Enforcer will not allow that. He slowly got up from the depths of the cargo hold and slowly stepping out through a hatch towards the outside. Sensing Varas approach him.​
[SIZE=11pt]Around: [/SIZE][member="The Major"] @Abril [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]

[SIZE=11pt]Cato Neimoidia,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][Unnamed] Bridge City,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outside the Grand Vaults of Cato Neimoidia,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Commenor Systems Alliance[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The sound of three IG-800 Magnaguards and two IG-850 Super Magnaguards clunking lightly against the gray and metal ground of the bridge city that housed the Grand Vaults of Cato Neimoidia wasn’t what brought attention to Kemoth. It wasn’t the four Force-sensitive special operations shocktroopers, with their blasters and telescopic vibro-polestaffs, either. It was the fact that they walked together, with what seemed to be a woman over 6 feet tall walking in the center of a formation. To the first floor of the Grand Vaults they went. There, they were meant to meet with [member="Natalie LaForte"], and a handful of city council members.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kemoth was unarmed, but with her fists, fingertips, and the Force as her lethal weapons and sole defense, she was capable of ripping from her foes their life and any sense of safety that they held. Her guard, however, was far from unarmed. Kemoth let her battle meditation and Force meld flow throughout them, bringing them closer and increasing their capabilities together. Kemoth did not expect a fight, but she would not be unprepared, either. If one of them noticed even the smallest detail of the threat of a thermal detonator or a stranger with a knife, then the rest would know, able to react as quickly as the one who noticed - and if they did not notice what it was, someone else “in the loop” would. It was for her defense. The Lord High Admiral wasn’t necessarily paranoid, but she wasn’t stupid or naive, either.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Ms. LaForte, yes?” Kemoth gave a nodding bow to the Neimoidian administrator. ”May daylight be with you on this day.” Her head rose. She was not familiar with the customs of this land, but hopefully they would be able to show some kind of respect to one another. Kemoth knew her response might be strange to those not familiar with her people, but as the leader of an Arkanian colony who was not Arkanian herself - yet who looked human, or near-human - she was indeed an oddity. An unique specimen - the result of science and a tragic misunderstanding.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”I am Lord High Admiral Kemoth Gatha’uth’oc of Asteria. We spoke over holocommunications. It is good to set my eyes upon you, Ms. LaForte.” Kemoth’s face remained stoic and silent, yet it held a friendlier air than it usually did. The edges of her lips twisted upwards slightly while her eyes twinkled, obviously pleased to finally meet her peer, who offered up the Kazerath Device in a kind and diplomatic manner. Compounding with that was Kemoth’s body posture, with openness and a relaxed, yet proper form, instead of rigidness and a closed off body posture, letting her associate know that she felt comfortable in her presence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”I sought out the Kazerath Device with your government, and Cato Neimoidia delivered it to me. I believe this is the beginning of a positive relationship with my government. I do hope you have arranged for the security that I sought out. I am not certain that our communications were secure - and now that I am feeling the device in the Force, and was feeling it even from Cartao, I am certain that someone else will feel the same.” Kemoth said, giving a gentle warning. She could not illustrate through her words how important it was to defend the device. Not truly. Painting such a picture would create a misunderstanding, or may force the other to feel as though the Kazerath Device should be kept from Kemoth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Once I have studied it, I will share whatever findings are approved for sharing by my superior and myself with your government and your peoples. Should you wish to keep the knowledge a secret in your government, you may do so. It is yours, after all. Is there a time limit of its possession?” Kemoth asked, tilting her head upwards and to the left as though the answer to that question was one of the most important things for her to know at the moment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Around them, her magnaguards and the more organic allies of hers had formed a defensive formation. If someone attacked them, then they would be able to defend both the city councilors and Natalie. Perhaps their formation would reveal just how important security was for the Kazerath Device, the people retrieving it, and the Neimoidians who held such a thing in their vaults all while their government and people were unaware of what it really was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kemoth only knew of the device’s existence and some of its true nature because of mission logs and notes she discovered in her library of old Jedi holocrons. They held mostly useless information, save for a few, but Kemoth knew that there was information about the galaxy 400 years ago to over 800 years ago that they had, information that might come in use. Their importance to her studies could not be questioned. Even mundane missions logs told Kemoth of what life was like in the ages where the HoloNet lived, and electronics worked, and even during the Dark Ages when the starlight of the galaxy seemingly dimmed, yet someone somewhere had decided to make entries in these holocrons. Kemoth would discover the secrets, as best she could, for it was her duty in a way.[/SIZE]

+ Kemoth approaches and greets Natalie LaForte outside of the Grand Vaults of Cato Neimoidia, believing this to be the first step of a relationship with the Commenor Systems Alliance.
[SIZE=11pt]+ Kemoth muses to herself, and goes over how she knew of the device because of old Jedi mission logs and notes about the Kazerath Device.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]+ Kemoth brings with her 3 IG-800 Magnaguards, 2 IG-850 Super Magnaguards, and 4 Force-sensitives from the Admiralty of Cartao’s spec-ops, as a personal guard.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: Grand Vaults of Neimodia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective: More schmoozing[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Accompanied by: Cecelia Price and Saki Matsuo[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], Klors[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]In vicinity: [member="Kemoth of Asteria"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Natalie peered to the entrance as [member="Kemoth of Asteria"], her eyes widening as she noticed her security detail consisting of Magnaguards, something she had not seen for quite some time. Stirring began to arise amongst the city council members, the majority of them leaving to the actual exit of the building waiting for Klors who remained with Natalie, Cecelia and Saki. Natalie's pace quickened as she walked to greet Kemoth, concerned as to why she had brought the militarized droid into what was generally thought to be a civilian structure. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"You don't need to bow for me, I'm an elected official not a Queen.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]" Natalie laughed slightly, not being used to being bowed at. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Before I say anything else, could you perhaps order your droids to remove their weaponry? While the Vault Administrative staff allow weaponry it has to be concealed, and I'm assuming those aren't extendo-blades. If they have additional armaments, such as flame throwers or explosives they'll need to stay here while you collect the item. The others,[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]" waving her hands to the force sensitives "[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Can accompany you in full, so long as they aren't carrying any explosive weaponry or anything that could be used to open vaults, such as drills, saws or machinery. Oh finally, no photography of any kind please![/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Natalie lowered her tone of voice and volume, moving into speak to Kemoth. If she was paying attention, she could clearly see Natalie's fangs indicating that she was a vampire. "Sorry, formalities. Anyway, by technicality it's in the public domain since its original owner cannot be traced, so any citizen of Cato Neimoidia is free to take it out as long as they adhere to the proper procedures and fill in the necessary paperwork. I've done that on your behalf. As you're a foreign dignitary, we've made an exception naturally. Additionally, we usually only allow for loan periods of a month or so, but as stated given your diplomatic status and the nature of the artifact, it's been extended to one year of ownership after which a bounty will be placed for the retrieval of the item, increasing with each day. Sort of like a library but a lot more dangerous.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Finally, to address your security concern, there has not been a single break in to the vault during my tenure as a city councilor. The only break in infact has been for this very item which wasn't even successful with the minimum amount of personnel on site we had back then. Currently, we have a large amount of security personnel stationed on site 24/7. Rest assured you're in safe hands.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Klors approached Natalie with a concerned look on his face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Everything alright here?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"All is well, this is the fine lady who requested that strange force artifact that we currently possess."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"About tha-.."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Natalie cut him off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"We don't have a use for it or actually know how to research this. Obviously if she's contacted us for it she has some knowledge on how to unlock its secrets, if it has any. Oh also! By removing any public domain item from the vaults you accept all responsibility for the loss and damages, including the payment of a bounty hunter should we require one, to retrieve this artifact should it be lost. I know you probably won't use it, but it's for peace of mind."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Well before you cut me off I had an update on that item which will be of use for you, but we'll discuss it in private, don't want to disturb our 'guest' now do we?" Klors gave a sarcastic grin to Natalie before leaving her to join Cecelia and Saki.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Finally, I'll be accompanying you to witness you removing the item. Again, just a formality. Those three will be joining us," pointing to the three, Cecelia, Saki and Klors, who were now in deep conversation. "partly because I myself need legal witnesses should the item go missing and partly because I'm not hungry enough to go to dinner with the other councilors yet." Natalie smiled, awaiting a response.[/SIZE]

[member="The Major"] [member="Abril"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]

The council members are now waiting outside.

Natalie is explaining the formalities of withdrawing items from the vault.

Cecelia and Saki are highly suspicious of the current situation due to some information revealed by Klors, himself concerned for Natalie's safety.



The priest God never paid
Walking beside a couple, she overheard talks of an artefact. It sounded important, they looked important. She should investigate. She followed the men until one of them split off. She confronted him. She talked down to him. Asked him about the location of the artefact while waving her hands, tricking his mind. He was unsure but he whimpered out a small clue. A vault. She had never heard of this artefact before. Maybe it could help the Lintics? She was curious. She punched the man, making him black out. Left on the street to die. She had to get someone's attention, she liked it.

It was a crowded street, full of people. The longer she was here the more people came. She had to get out, this was not good for her. She followed the stream and eventually made her way to the vault the man talked about. What? Is this it? She thought to herself when approaching a closed street. She tried to talk to anyone in the area.
Cato Neimoidia: Bridge City
A discreet parking space in the selfsame city
Callsign Spider deploys...


The mission was simple and removed from whatever machinations the Ren had designed. Those Force addled representatives were set to wreak their havoc upon the city -for destruction tended to follow their wake. Meanwhile, the Security Bureau would do what it always did: recon, interdict, and provide a semblance of control and reporting to all proceedings. Misc. objectives included keeping Father and Daughter Ren from melting the entire city in a rage: for this Commenor controlled planet was allied with the First Order, and to violate the terms of that partnership for a silly trinket would probably land the operatives of this mission into deep court-appointed mire. On the other hand -if representatives from other governments could be pushed to the point of making a mistake? That was the kind of game an agent worth their salt would bet upon.

Once the ship was settled in and parked nicely -with all legal permits and passes procured via aliases for the sake of discretion- the team of operatives piled out and proceeded in various routes in groups of three while a handful went to place themselves in vantage points across the city. Informants within the CSA had provided the intel tip on the artifact -though as far as the Security Bureau reps on planet were aware of the nature of the device which was contrite concern- but the information provided marked two separate vaults. Thus the platoon was divided to tackle both possible locations. The Force, shining upon the just and unjust equally, guided the Major towards the correct objective. The Ren would be somewhere nearby, either following the Station Chief or making their own way to the point.
Perhaps they took a cab, or used public transit, or rented vehicles, or even walked to the objective: each method was utilized by the various trios.
One thing was for certain, destiny was guiding all to the eventual climax of confrontation.
[member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Varas Kyrel"] | [member="Kemoth of Asteria"]

Rick Kaloo

The scoutship continued its path down the planet's atmosphere. Eventually, cities that seemed to rest on giant steel hammocks came into view. It was a rather unique sight, a true marvel of architecture. Eventually it flew by the main traffic lanes, avoiding them for the sake of time. The less time the operation took, the lesser of a chance there was for the artifact to fall into the wrong hands.

The scoutship set down on an open parking space in the middle of the city next to various other freighters and corvettes. Paperwork was filled out and passes were signed, and while this took up time, it was essential to keep on good terms with the locals. Once the officials had left, twenty Alliance troopers exited the vessel. They wore synthetic coats with light armor plating for important body parts inside, all of which helped to conceal the various blaster rifles carried by the soldiers. Rick also left the vessel, with nothing but a blaster pistol and a smoke grenade underneath his own coat.

The Alliance soldiers split into three groups of six and two soldiers stuck with Rick, each going off in their own direction via taxi, train, or whatever transportation was available. But in the end, all four groups would meet up at the same place.

As Rick entered a taxi, giving the driver credits and a location, he wondered if the First Order also knew about this artifact.

[member="The Major"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Varas Kyrel"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Kemoth of Asteria"] | [member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
The Grand Vaults of Cato Neimodia

[member="Natalie LaForte"] and entourage spoke with [member="Kemoth of Asteria"] and entourage. Karen overheard their conversation from a short distance away. Pausing at the very threshold of the building to catch the last of their chat. Mm. Interesting. What busy little bees.

Karen's Force Aura was sufficient enough that anyone on the planet could sense her. Being CSA space? Nah. There was no need to obscure it. Every single one of Natalie's troupe and Kemoth's guards would be able to sense poor Karen, and perhaps? Even her nonthreatening intentions too.

Ol' Blue then dismissed the outer doors and approached Natalie somewhat directly. Still regaled in her black coat, a her mysterious helm under one arm, and a smile on her face a mile wide.

"Pardon me Miss?" She gave a slight bow, "Karen Roberts. Of the Denon Academy of Science. Did I hear mention of the loaning out of specific relics from the public collection, hm? Fascinating."

She shrugged, "...Well. How might one apply? Hehe."

Lt Col. Anda Demek
Cato Neimoidia Surface, Rooftop
Tags: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="The Major"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Abril"] [member="Kemoth of Asteria"]
In Vicinity: Nothing but the sky above.

Anda holds the pair of macrobinoculars firmly against helmet's visage inspecting the structure before uttering an evaluation to Colonel Varken who laid on the pebbles beside his second-in-command, the both of them and their armoured bodies draped in thick coarsely knitted cloaks concealing the details of their armour and gear beneath. It had been difficult to set up on the multi-storied building's rooftop without detection. "You'd think this would be left to the Ren or FOSB, give me your thoughts Andy why do you believe SOCOM in their wisdom requested our presence?" Varken openly wonders looking to Demek with a questioning look behind his red-painted helmet's visage, Anda lowers the Macrobinoculars before softly speaking inspecting the rappel lines they'd set up to the left peering over Varken's back. "Make sure there are no quaint surprise visits from Jedi or SIS" Anda inclines head somewhat after finishing her sentence in characteristically soft tone, Varken speaks going ahead to rehearse what they were going to do again in terms of retrieval. "Dakka has planted a detpak inside of that garbage receptacle outside of the entrance, when Kemoth exits the building with her security detail Dakka will detonate it, you rappel down to retrieve the package and exfil via that cargo landspeeder Dakka is in on the opposite side of street, I'll cover you from up here and jetpack down on top of the Landspeeder. The Pursuer will touchdown on the reinforced suspension bridge and it'll perform an in-atmosphere Hyperspace jump out of here." Anda silently turns head and offers Varken a nod, listening to the local police's commchannel; they had no idea what was coming, it was imperative that communication with fellow First Order assets was maintained though and so Anda temporarily scrambles her own Comm frequency over to the FOSB's TEAMCOM. "All Bureau Callsigns this is Sturm-One, Comlinkcheck, over." Anda pauses waiting for a response, spoken with a voice not her own but emulated by a device that clutches to her larynx; that of some long deceased Imperial Minister. "We'll probably have to neutralize the droids ourselves, the explosive is a fragmentation device. Maim not kill." Dakka's thick Dosuun accented voice cuts in over Fireteam Sturm's TEAMCOM, Anda was left inwardly hoping the First Order Security Bureau Agents would be an asset and not a hindrance, it was unlikely they brought anything in the way of heavy equipment unlike Sturm who had tactfully arranged to ship in advance having dead-drops placed ahead of the operation to get their equipment onto Cato Neimoidia without raising suspicion. Walking through the streets on a civilized world with a knitted cloak on tended to arouse questions from local security. Anything could still go wrong and knowing how often carefully planned operations got farkled by some outside influence it almost certainly would and they'd need to adapt.
Cato Nemodia: Aboard a nondescript freighter
Objective: Acquire the Artifact
Allies: [member="The Major"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Others: [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Abril"] Kemoth of Asteria

As Kyrel sat in silence contemplating his own experiences upon the Itsukusk, Varas contended with her own demons. She was led to believe that the Dark was stronger than the Light, that the lineage of her parents would carry her to the promised land of black shadows, scorched earth and the most immense power that anyone in the galaxy could wield - all just inside of her body and mind, blossoming each day like petals from the nightshade plant.

Why had the light beckoned to her? Was the so conflicted due to the mere vicinity of such a strong Master Jedi? If so, why did Kyrel easily kill him if the Lightside of the Force was supposedly that powerful?

The beauty of Cato Nemodia provided a brief respite from her thoughts. Between the towering cities built on bridges, the majestic kreehawks and the rest of the enticing landscape obscured by mist, she steadied her breathing, meditating as the freighter made its landing. The FOSB were on the ship somewhere and the brunette clone, hair rolled back and pinned so that her helmet would fit smugly, worried that they were there, not just to assist with the operation, but to spy upon her after her treasonous activities.

You narcissist, she chided. No one knows what I did except Kyrel. Yet she wasn't sure her father still had more punishment in the works for her momentary lapse of reason upon the bridge.

Varas followed her father out of the hatch and down the exit ramp, her own armor a mixture of the rank and file Ren armor with a few modifications, including her new black cyberhand which moved with a satisfying pop and click when she extended the finger joints.
[SIZE=11pt]Cato Neimoidia,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][Unnamed] Bridge City,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outside the Grand Vaults of Cato Neimoidia,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Commenor Systems Alliance[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Of course, Ms. LaForte.” Kemoth spoke up to [member="Natalie LaForte"], motioning for the droids to temporarily discard their weapons. ”I do hope that if something happens they can get to their weaponry quickly. They shall be staying here.” Kemoth said, looking to Natalie with a quirked brow at the mention of photography. She gave a simple nod, knowing it would convey all the meaning that she needed to show.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”One year of ownership seems like a fine deal. I shall not lose it, and if I do you will not have to worry about payment.” Kemoth said. ”I will attempt to personally retrieve it myself, as well. This device is too valuable to allow in the hands of those who would use it for nefarious purposes.” Kemoth said, knowing that while a Dark Sider couldn’t use the Kazerath Device because it required the Dark and Light to use, that they would probably try to find someone who could, and would willingly give them all the access they needed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]”Very well.” Kemoth replied, understanding why Natalie had to accompany her as a witness. She looked up, and towards the direction of [member="Karen Roberts"]. Kemoth raised her head up, analyzing the woman when she approached Natalie and herself. Kemoth was surprised that the other would do such a thing when their security seemed to be so active in the moment. Perhaps the woman had no fears, or perhaps she knew that there were people here who could sense her intentions, as well as her presence in the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kemoth was feeling a little easy. A sniper might be able to take her and the droids out if she didn’t detect the bolt in time - and if it was powerful enough. Far more durable than your average human, Arkanian, or Codru-Ji, it took more than your usual heavy blaster bolt to take Kemoth out. Likewise, someone could have a small retriever droid meant to rip the Kazerath Device from her hands, or something with a little more oomph than your usual anti-droid device that could take out her MagnaDroids and leave her down in offensive and defensive capabilities. Kemoth wasn’t stupid. Durable, sure, but stupid? Far from it. She knew that she would probably be targeted at some point in her journey to keep the Kazerath Device safe. Maybe it would be in space, with her becoming a target for hired privateers, or perhaps it would be right near the shuttle pad and the gunship that she had come from earlier.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Whisperer"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="The Major"] [member="Abril"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Kyrel Ren"][/SIZE]

Whelp, this is not going to be easy for anyone involved, especially me… except for maybe the First Order. Good luck, folks!
Location: Grand Vaults of Neimodia
Objective: Some escorting
[SIZE=10.5pt]Accompanied by: Cecelia Price and Saki Matsuo[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], Klors[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]In vicinity: [member="Kemoth of Asteria"] [member="Karen Roberts"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Natalie peered over her shoulder towards Karen, smirking and turning back to Kemoth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Why is everyone bowing to me today..."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Her head turned back and addressed Karen directly in her suitably boring voice for her position, seeming as though she had spouted this exact phrase about 1000 times before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"All items from the public domain can be withdrawn on a loan basis by a citizen of Cato Neimoidia. Special exceptions are made for foreign dignitaries and research institutes on a case by case basis. Applications are processed and then given on a first-come-first-serve basis. Miss Kemoth here was the first to request this particular item, so she'll be the first to receive it. If you would like, when Miss Kemoth is finished with the item it can then be transferred to you as a loan. If you would like more information place make a request at reception.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Natalie then realized why Klors wanted to tell her, the, in comparison to usual, huge amount of attention that the Kazerath device had garnered was attracting individuals from far and wide to seek it out, and given somebody had just eavesdropped on her conversation she was now becoming increasingly worried as to what it could do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"We should proceed, the walls have ears after all." Tapping her nose. Natalie immediately made headway for the elevator, passing Cecelia, Klors and Saki in the process. Klors tapped her shoulder and whispered into her, making sure only she could hear it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"This device can be used to predict the future. We shouldn't be handing it out willy nilly or without taking proper precautions to ensure it's not stolen."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Natalie nodded and turned to Kemoth, the 9 now going into the elevator shaft and descending, assuming the force sensitives were to be joining them and the droids did as ordered. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Could you tell me exactly what you know about this device?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]While she wasn't going to outright deny the woman's request, she was curious to if she knew its potential, or if she didn't why exactly she thought it would be valuable enough to withdraw. As the glass elevator descended, Kemoth could see that the floors were being pretty heavily guarded by the Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion, with the public domain floor being nearly swarmed as they approached it. [/SIZE]

[member="The Major"] [member="Abril"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Whisperer"]

The council members have now disappeared.

Natalie, Kemoth and the rest of the group are now descending to the public domain vault to withdraw the device.



Disney's Princess
The Grand Vaults of Cato Neimodia

Karen got the usual spiel and smiled in kind. And yes. It did sound like poor Natalie had said it a thousand times. Pity. Well, then everybody took their leave. Leaving Karen to simply turn about and notice the shear emptiness of the platform.

"Well. Then I suppose I'll come back in a year then. Hmph."

She shrugged and returned inside to the front desk. Filled out the paperwork to apply for an artifact loan and got herself next in line. She smiled and then took her leave out the side door. One more thing off the bucket list I suppose.

*exit thread*
Location: Bridge City, Cato Neimoidia
Actions: Attending the Admiralty's ships
Allies: [member="Kemoth of Asteria"]

The finest days were indeed ahead of Cyn, she could see them and it only made her smirk tug the corners of her lips. Her fingers delicately scrolled through her datapad as she inspected the reports once more, all the refueling and resupplying was going perfectly and the ship was now in pristine condition. After all it would do no good if their escort ship of the Lord High Admiral was anything less than pristine. The Admiralty had its pride to take care and Cyn would continue to ensure the professionalism and grandeur of her government. I mean, how else would I be able to command a Capital Ship to cruise through the stars? Cyn mused wearily.

The Admiralty's Marines were keeping watch of the ramps and port's entrances as Cyn moved along away from the ship, a simple nod and a salute was enough for an acknowledgement. Cyn's job was currently finished and her next orders were to be on standby for the Lord High Admiral herself, and with a CommLink on-hand things were set for a little exploration. The Port Authorities were civil enough and Cyn was thankful for her simple Officer's uniform, an Ensign wouldn't attract any attention and with no need for a Marine escort or guards Cyn could explore the port as anyone else.

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