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Public OOC- Festival of Wishes | Eshan Winter Solstice



December 9th, Eshan

The longest night of the year is lit by full moon.

Echani across the nation leave the warmth of their homes and face the night as a community. Ceremonial dances resembling choreographed battles are found dotting the streets, bon fires warm courtyards, and small whistles with magical properties are heard ringing throughout the bitter winter air. The force can felt on a night such as this, the air thick with something that tingles over skin.

A special gift awaits those who makes a wish at the Lake of Tears. Millions were lost to the orbital bombardment that made the crater, and its shoreline is a silent memorial. The spot is an undeniable force nexus.
Rumor has it, on this night and this night only, the waters possess the power to bring back lost things. Though maybe... not as directly as one might expect. The force is strong there tonight. Use it wisely.

And finally, a winter ball is being held for the public at the royal Palace. Careful of wayward mistletoe.

You're invited.
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The Corellian Sharpshooter
Finally, an excuse for Dantum to take off his helmet and show his handsome face (Please control yourselves, ladies). Or he might leave his helmet on, as long as it goes well with his suit. Oh, his suit? He prefers the description liberated. Not stolen. Bounty hunters enjoy time off. Might as well join the thread.
Thread is up! :)


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