Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onna o yametai (Anastasia Rade)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu was looking at it and gave a small shake of her head. "It is an amulet but what it might do I am not sure. It doesn't feel like a sith amulet pulsing with the darkside. That means it could be just for decoration or it could be something from another force sect. One can never really know." She was interested in it but it wasn't hers to study, it wa Ana's and Matsu rose up thinking about what they could do. "There is only one way to be sure what it can do and that is to test it out. See if it lets you do anything special."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Umm, so there is no on switch?" She grinned as she looked down to the amulet now around her neck. She hoped it had a useful power that she could use to protect those whom she did care about. "I don't feel any different, should I?"

Ana wondered if the amulet held any clues as to what it could or should do. Taking the amulet in her hand she closed her eyes trying to concentrate on what it could be. "I see flames. Do you think maybe has something to do with pyroketics?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her and didn't expect she would feel anything at first... amulets were tricky but she had some ideas while thinking about it. Her eyes flicky as they stood up and Anastasia spoke about flames and pyrokinetic's... She knew those skills and that could be a powerful thing... but also dangerous as she spoke. "If it is, be very careful, pyrokinetics are as dangerous as they are strong. You can easily burn yourself as much as you would someone else." She kept her small grin on her face though and brought her hand up snapping the finger as flame ignited in her palm. "But those who know how to use it can be graceful."
Ana nodded in understanding. She knew fire was dangerous and the last thing she wished to do was burn down her cottage or Cryax's apartment. I know a spell but it is very small. I think I should learn to use before I try anything big. It will be something to research."

The young woman could easily see herself getting angry and burning down something or going on a revenge run to kill all the Graug. She needed help for her anger and hurt but for now that was not something she was readily willing to admit.

"I'll be careful not to use it for evil. I don't want to be like those whom have hurt me. I need to be able to control myself first."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her and gave a nod of her head. "A noble goal and you are wise to want to wait. I have seen many want to rush ahead and I can tell you this, noble goals and intentions can lead to good and evil as well. All it takes is the one thought that your power can reshape the world and that has doomed many who tried to use it with force." She was going on but stopped herself letting out a breath. "But me talking will take up hours upon hours and we don't want that. We want to explore and find treasures here in this temple. I have some crystal, a box and we still can go deeper. Do you want to keep going." Matsu was looking now with a glint in her eyes as she kicked a small rock and it clattered echoing off the rock as it fell through a crack in the floor.
Ana had seen others use the Force for great evil. They use it against others and took pleasure in these people's suffering. None of the Graug priests had such a gift as the one she now possessed but she knew it to be a powerful one all the same. Before she tried to use it she vowed now to research it but that could come later there was much exploring to still do.

If the young woman was being honest with herself she loved being outdoors. It gave her a sense of freedom that she never had before. "Yes, let's continue. I'm hoping to see one of those fire breathing beasts that you were talking about." It probably wasn't the best of ideas but it sounded fun to the native little girl all the same.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu couldn't deny the appeal of seeing the fire breathers they were dangerous but they were also large and living creatures with some beauty to them. Her eyes were looking at the crack before she punched at it to expand the hole to go down while she was looking deeper down it. "The last time I went down a hole like this it led to an ancient city and some artifacts. Never know what you might find."
"I think it's worth a shot to at least go down in it and check it out." Anastasia had no issue taking risks and seeing what was hidden down below. She had the sense of adventure of that of a child and at times thought she was invisible and as such she had already began crawling down the dirt hole before getting any permission or go ahead.

If the two were lucky they would find something worthwhile down here and if not at least the two of them tried.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her and was digging in her pack while the girl started climbing down. The jedi getting the fiber cords and climbing gear for each of them while she secured herself and moved down to catch up violating the girls personal space only long enough and carefully enough to secure her so she couldn't fall as the crack opened to a large chamber. Her eyes going to the roof they were on while she sought groves and handholds. A small nod of her head while she secured her rope in different places to climb down leading the path down with her hands gripping the stone. She found the way down and spoke. "Careful and take your time."
Taking a deep breath and making sure not to look down Ana began to slow descend down the hole. The young woman was unsure if she was afraid of heights but now was definitely not the time she wished to figure that piece of information out.

"I think I see something shimmering." She stated as a rather bright light shimmered on her bag. Ana would have turned to see what it was but she didn't want to risk the chance of falling. The young Jedi was excited to see what was below them though.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu stopped long enough to let herself look down. The soft light from their glow rods gave her a better view as the low light vision focused on walls and sections of street. A pinwheel academy like on Faustin and that world Vulpesen had found. Now she was seeing it from above before climbing down to the floor and she tapped the ground level. "Careful." She was looking up at Anastasia and giving a small nod of her head while getting another glow rod out to mark the area but she lit a torch. A far stronger light to illuminate the area and she was walking on the carved stone pathways looking around. "This place is amazing."
After touching safely to the ground Anastasia was able to properly glance around the area and take in the sights around her. It was like a mini world all of it's very own. Wow, it's like a lost world." She murmured as she kept glancing around. Ana could see and understand why people would hide away. There were times in which the young woman wished to do the exact same thing.

It was untouched by time and space which she did admit made it a little creepy as but a little charming as well. Lifting the flame higher she was able to see more of the world.

As if it was calling out to her Ana began to walk closer to what looked like the temple. She wanted to see what await her inside.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu was walking now and enjoying the sight of it all as she moved. Letting Ana come close to observe with the light casting on the stone buildings as she looked into some of the rooms. The natives of the planet were two species kind of one had been enslaved by the Empire long ago and used for mining their homes lost and taken away until they just lived in caved. The other had fought and was rather hostile to outsiders but they also stayed on the surface while Matsu grabbed one of the pots to see what she could see from it. "There are on some worlds many places like this, where life is gone but the world itself seems to be standing still waiting for them to return. It is an interesting and at times haunting feeling."
"It is, it's like someone just got up and left all this wonderful ness. It's hard to understand how this could have happened. Normally people leave because everything has been destroyed but there is no sign of why." Wrinkling her nose slightly she went to go explore the lost temple. First she would need to find the door so that she would be able to enter.

As she searched the first side Ana came up empty handed. The same held true when the young woman tried to go around to the other side "I don't see a way in." She wondered if there was something she was missing.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu was in agreement with her, mostly because this place was quiet and still intact. You left for problems which meant there had to be something here that was a problem or something had happened to force them out... Sometimes a predator that can't be killed might be able to do that but you never know. A temples had been built over it and that could mean they knew or learned about them eventually. Might have even sealed away the city from view to protect it... Which she had seen on other worlds. She was looking at the place Ana was trying to get into while she touched the wall and paused for a moment... Her mind sending a small wave through to search the stone, to feel its age and strength while looking for an opening they could walk through. She found one and smirked. "Interesting." Matsu was moving around towards the back and small alleyway almost just large enough for a person to step through carrying something. She looked down at some stairs while brushing cobwebs out of the way.
"What did you find?" Ana questioned as she moved to where Matsu was standing. The young woman peaked her head down the staircase wondering if she ought to go down there. She wanted to explore but she was concerned there was a monster down there. The two had been quite lucky to not run into danger as of yet. She wasn't sure if the luck had run out yet.

"Should we go down there?" Ana normally would have bolted on ahead but there was something holding her back from doing just that.

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow. "Well from the looks of it they built their homes like this, multi levels with the area under the ground for going from place to place. It is smart in case something dangerous comes they can create bottlenecks." Matsu was moving though more as she kept speaking. "We might find an old market or store, never know what could still be around." She was thinking about what they might be able to find from this city or if there were some secrets worth taking back to show.
Ana followed behind Matsu as they began to descend down the stairwells. This was a very weird setup that they had going on here. She knew markets to be on the same row as cities but perhaps it was to protect the food and other goods.

"Do you know why it would be like this? I'm still wondering why they would just leave like this. It seems that coming down here for everything wouldn't be helpful. If someone blocked this off they would be doomed."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu was thinking about it. "In some ways it can make sense.. store everything in an underground place it can be temperature controlled naturally, you can cut down with thieves only having to watch from a single direction or always being able to see your wares. If the path down was blocked I am sure they had others ways down. It can force others to come how you want them to for defensive purposes." She was moving now and stood there as she found it, a dor off to the side and sliding her fingers along pushed it with the force to open letting the large amount of cobwebs stretch and tear. "As to why they left, there are myths of a species that came from the skies and wiped away all life from a planet leaving behind only homes before returnign to their own space. Maybe this is more evidence of them."

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