Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onna o yametai (Anastasia Rade)

[member="Matsu Ike"]

The young woman nodded her head as she began to pull things out of her bag to go though. During their trip to their next spot Ana wanted to open that chest that she had found previously. She had a feeling that something worthwhile was inside.

"Sound good," she looked up with a smile as he opened up the chest. Inside she found an array of sparkly things but what stood out to her the most was a teal crystal. Pulling it from the pile she held it up to get a better look at it. "Do you know what type of crystal this is? I have never seen anything like it before."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu took the moment to look at her own, the small case while she sat there. Looking at what Ana found she raised an eyebrow moving over more curiously. "That is a strange crystal, I can feel it from here." She didn't grab it but her hand came out to touch it while se spoke looking at the rest of what they had found. One hand bringing a saber holt up while she touched the cool metal. "If I knew how to use psychometry it would be easier but that is a crystal for a lightsaber. A strong one I think that you should take care of. This hilt has resonance with it and." She trailed off holding the saber hilt in her hand though while cradling it. "These are a great find."
"I have yet to make myself a Lightsaber so maybe I should use this crystal. It's different from what I have seen used." She stated as she rolled the crystal over in her hands a few times. Ana didn't say it as she thought it was a little weird but the crystal kind of spoke to her. It was very beautiful and this she knew was going to be something that she ended up keeping.

The chest held a few other odds and ends such as jewelry and some coins. Things she could sell so that she could better furnish her home and get the things that she actually did need.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu gave a nod of her head to that while the ship was being loaded up and she spoke. "It is different, stronger or at least special compared to many others. You will find a great many things in the galaxy that are there to find when you look carefully. I like to look at each world carefully and." She had a smile on her face while laying the saber hilt out while she looked it over but was checking the starmaps against the holomap she had. Plotting the course. "When you look deep enough into the galaxy." She was imputing the constellations while the computer zoomed into sections of the deep core. "You might just find something very special."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"What do you think we can or will find out there?" Ana questioned as she glanced out the port window of the ship wondering what sort of wonders were out there awaiting them. It sounded as if Matsu had found some interesting things in the past. Ana knew that together they would find more wonders.

Turning back to her and the map she lightly smiled. The galaxy was a huge place and she had no idea how she could ever see it all. "Perhaps we will find something nobody has ever seen before."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her as she spoke holding some of the charts and papers. "Perhaps, given what this is saying." She was thinking about it and reading it while her mind was thinking. "This looks like ancient Arkanian, something from their expansion era when they explored the galaxy for a small time." There was plenty of it she could think about and setting the course for the Farlax system in the deep core. "They like to experiment on things and there were a few things here about test subjects. Seems they were seeing the effects of radiation on species." She had a few thoughts sitting down as they were laid out on a table for all to see. "The chances of finding something unknown is possible, the Farlax system is mostly unexplored."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

"Oh, sounds fun. What type of terrain can we expect?" Ana was up for anything however she was rather curious as to what they may uncover here and what to expect. If there was anything that could help her in her mission Ana was more than willing to try it. If she could help her family, Ana was more than willing to try it. "Are we close?" She could be rather impatient at times expecially when it involved exploring new lands as that was something she rather enjoyed doing. It seemed as if they had been up here forever.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu thought about that, she wasn't sure... she really wasn't because for the time they could find anything. They could be walking into a world covered in ice or forest or worse. They would have to see as she remained there with a small smirk on her face. "I am not certain but that will be half the fun as well. We'll need and have some good environmental suits. So that will come in handy but there is more since we don't want to risk dangerous situations." She was looking more at the information well what was there but reading old arkanian and trying to figure out what they did to a civilization wasn't always fun. "Though this is where the real excitement of the time comes in, with lots of things you can find or learn about a species."
It would be a lot more fun not knowing what they may find on this adventure. She had never heard of the planet that they were going to so what they could or would find was a mystery to her. The last stop that they had gone they had found some very cool things that she still had to go through once she got home. The young woman was far too excited about the next stop to take the time to properly go through her loot.

"Are we there yet?" Ana asked as she turned towards the viewport. She knew that travel took time but they had to be there by now or close to it at least. Exploring new worlds was fun for the former slave as she hadn't really been anywhere in her life. This was her chance to catch up in this direction of her life. Her brother fully supported her in this way and she hoped to maybe find something that he would like to thank him for everything he had done for her.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her and wasn't sure how long it would take but she was making plans now. her equipment was laid out as she was going over the gear and putting some of the stuff aside then other stuff where she needed it. A small smirk as the time ticked away and they were entering the Farlax sector.... by way of Widek and she paused for a moment. Feeling it and running to the viewport while her eyes were searching. There were dangerous things in the black but this wasn't natural it was huge and floating there in the light of the sun over the planet. Widek wasn't widely used and she could see why.

"That is not a friendly beast. Evasive maneuvers and get us out of here." She didn't want to get close right now but coming back to explore and she'd discover what she could. As the ship moved and made a jump to hyperspace for a moment she let out a breath checking her hands that gripped a saber. She had drawn it out but going after a large creature was not the way as she turned back to the table and they were approaching the sector as Matsu spoke. "Almost there." They still had some time but she had gotten their equipment ready while making the moves to the hanger bay and cloud car.

Then the ship was out of hyperspace, their speeder loaded up with gear and equipment as well as some rations with the sensors coming. "Master there is high levels of radiation on the planet indicating intentional detonations. Judging by its levels it is unlikely life has remained but our suits should be able to withstand it. Environmental suits with radiation badges to deflect it." Matsu gave a nod of her head and looked at the speeder. "We'll we're going to have to change this, a larger suit will make movement harder but we have the equipment to deal with it." She actually had a smile now and was thinking about it. If the Arkanians had detonated and killed their experiments then who knew what might be there.
"It's alright, I'm used to being around non-friendlies." She nodded as she glanced over to look at the plans of the system that they were going to. Ana had only really begun getting on her own footing however she was quite confident in the skills she had learned thus far from Az. They could take this beast on head on if not for any other reason except that they had no other choice or option.

The suit given to her wasn't comfortable and was quite hard to walk in. The armor that she was crafting for herself was much easier to walk in but that probably was due to the practice that she had gotten in doing just that.

"They probably didn't destroy everything. I'm sure there is something left. Do you know where we could find the ruins?" It must have been important if they had to destroy it. Someone must have been after them.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her and shook her head a little unsure. "Yes and no, a general idea more then an actual location. I should be able to find the location from the map but we'll need to do a little grunt work if it comes down to it." She wasn't opposed to it as they were moving in the suits into the vehicle. The ship loaded to use then Matsu was starting it up and inputting the coordinates with the navicomputers display. She could make it out and even in the streamlined suit her movements were still blocky and focused heading off into the distance with the gauge showing the radiation levels.
Ana wasn't scared of getting her hands dirty especially when the reward was getting something that the young woman actually wanted. She wanted to discover what was down there and why it had been left like that. She wasn't entirely sure that she was going to get the answers she was seeking but trying to figure it out should be fun. It was kind of like a puzzle and she liked puzzles.

"What is the radiation from? Is it from what they did or could it possibly be from something different entirely?" She smiled continuing the best she could to follow along with Matsu the best she could in this suit.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu looked at her as they came to an open area without needing to focus and she spoke. "I think it might be what is left over or something they used to poison the air. Genocide can take a long time, longer then some are wanting to wait and creating a lingering atrocity will allow you to move onto other things." She turned her head back but started feeling something, her eyes were shifting to the sky as she turned her head. For a moment it seemed like she saw something then it was gone before she was moving towards the ruins... that from here looked more intact. A raised eyebrow coming under the suit with less destruction and more seemingly life having returned. She noted tilled areas with freshly turned earth but no plants, there were fences and mud homes.
"Do you think there is anything left in these mud homes?" Ana asked as as she turned slightly to look at Matsu. Even with the radiation there could be something left that did survive. That would truly be something special or dangerous. She was interested in finding it in either case. Normally she would have wandered off to begin exploring on her own but this place was different for many reasons.

"Is it safe? To go out exploring alone?" She had no plans to take off the suit that she was wearing but she didn't know if even with the suit on all areas were safe. As she continued to look around Ana couldn't help but wonder why here. What was Matsu trying to find here. This seemed like much too dangerous of a place to just go out exploring and Ana did like exploring.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu stopped the speeder and was looking at what there was, the radiation making her senses feel off as she couldn't tell anything on the planet.... but that instinct in her head was telling her that they weren't alone. "It is possible for things to survive in the radiation." She got out of the speeder and was moving towards the huts as the jedi stopped only to look at the ground as there were areas with imprints. She turned her head up as something in blackened armor moved after them with ebony skin and Matsu jumped back. The gleaming creature had piercing eyes, hair like a raven's feather and wore a full suit of plated armor that kept her attention away from the other movement out the corner of her eye.

A figure in golden clothing with glistening skin that had the jedi reaching her hands up as she cleared the small fencing to stand there. The creature didn't speak but she watched it while motioning with her hands for Anastasia to mirror her. "We are not here to hurt you, we are explorers searching for ruins." The creature looked at her and she was not sure if it understood her as Matsu was keeping her hands up in sight of the creature. Then its voice came out in a grunt and something harsh. "Era chupa." That had the jedi trying to think of what she was saying as she moved off to meet with her.
Ana didn't expect their to be any living thing to actually be here. There was radiation after all and from what she knew nothing could survive radiation. Well, she thought so until this creature appeared in front of them. She didn't really understand what he was saying but from what she could see it didn't have any weapons.

"We come in peace." Ana put her hands up showing that she wasn't a threat to the thing. If she had to protect herself there was always a back up plan. She had a knife with her that she could use but Ana didn't want to. She much rather have rather peaceful travels on this planet. It was clear that Matsu didn't exactly know what this thing was either. Ana would follow her lead though.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu kept her hand up and looking at the creature while she was listening. Their voices coming while it seemed to be thinking if she was telling the truth about not meaning any harm. She stepped forward at least two feet taller then then Matsu as her ebony skin was covered in a sheen of sweat. The sweat as her eyes were looking onto it slowly working to absorb the particles around while she could feel it. That shimmer of energy which explained it. Energy and danger.... the jedi had to admit they had learned how to adapt and now she was looking over to the gold one and seeing much of the same thing.

But it was hard to find fault with them, there was a great deal of visible differences between them but they were more the same species. It was a strange thing to see but she flicked her eyes to see Ana more while she was moving and speaking. "We are friends, just investigating." She showed her hands and took one of the maps they had from the city with them. Holding it up as she got a reaction and showed it with the old arkanian script. Speaking and letting her hands down as the being eased up. "As just followed the clues from the map, no harm is meant." Then she was watching as around them more were appearing.
"I..I don't think that they understand us." Ana gulped as she looked around seeing more showing up. She didn't know what they were doing there but she doubted that it was anything good. Ana honestly didn't want any part of it at all but there didn't seem to be a way out and running was not something that she was willing to do either. It was best to stand here and see what was going on for the moment. She didn't want to do anything that could possibly be thought of as threatening.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Matsu had to agree with her but she could figure this out maybe, her hands still raised as she squatted down and started speaking. "Please know how to draw." The jedi started tracing and speaking as she patted her chest. "Me... Matsu.... friend." She was drawing out vaguely how and where they came from while looking at the things that were coming. The golden skinned ones were very different then the ebony skinned being but they looked close enough as the same species. She could work with that while pointing towards Anastasia. "Ana...stas...ia.... friend." Hopefully that got through and they seemed to understand friend.

The one closest to her tapped her. "Mat... suuu." Saying her name exaggerated and plain as she gave a nod of her head. Then she was making figures in the dirt to match hers. Ones showing the mountain they had been heading to with things flying around it. "Bad." She didn't know what the flying things were but then there was more. Going towards the far side it drew an ocean or what she thought was the ocean and "bad" towards the things in it. Given the radiation she was guessing the fish wouldn't be that healthy to eat but had a few ideas better now while they were speaking among themselves.

"I think I might be getting their language..." Okay a small white lie but she spoke. "We are here to meet you, come from far away."

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