Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One, Two, Three Oh my half a dozen (Open)

The room was filling in around him. It seemed that the atmosphere was shifting from a training session to a sort of meet-and-greet. Perhaps, though Naji, that was the intention.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Callie," he said to the young girl. Naji gave another small smile to her reddening partner.

"Have you two met before," he asked them, genuinely curious.

[member="Jaret Sha'Co"] | [member="Callie Sha'Co"]
She had heard her former master was preparing to teach a class but the atrisian noble was more interested in seeing what had happened to her. Last time they had not really left on the best of terms with a bizarre lesson from the garden she had made. Junko was walking with her shorter hair in a tight ponytail going over her shoulder. Instead of over her eye while she brushed off the bodysuit she was in and entered the room. Her bottle of spirit ichor near the atrisian sword. She checked her utility belt while standing with the group near the back she let herself stand watching the interactions of the other padawans.
Jaret reached up and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. This is my younger sister." He replied to the older man. For the first time Jaret looked over Naji, and actually noticed his age. Maybe this is one of the masters? He thought to himself. Jaret quickly hurried to make himself look a bit more presentable, brushing down his clothes and smoothing out his hair.

[member="Naji Asiim"] [member="Callie Sha'Co"]
Quinn stood in a far corner, slowly eyeing all of the groups of people that had formed. None of them really looked out of place, they all looked like a typical Jedi. He blinked, a smile forming across his face.

Quinn slowly stepped forward, out of his corner, crossing his arms in front of him as he did. He knew at some point he'd have a need to find a master, but maybe that day could wait.

Just like he was.
Letting herself listen to Naji smiling at him, even then could see how one could see him sticking out.Not to her as learning for all in the skills of the force. Even after such time she knew that would have to start the class. "Welcome Padawn Asiim, I'm glad you came to join us. Waving her hand towards the others.[member="Naji Asiim"] Letting him go wondering off to greet some of his follow padaws. After which time she knew nothing of their background, but this is what was lovely about the force that was the differences from each of these students.

Her own lips curving up as another one enter [member="Cambria Zadira"] know her more then anything to not judge a book soul on its cover. "Yes Knight Zadira, I"m grateful for your help today as you see we have a full class." waving her own hand, as she waited to see if others would come in later seeing both [member="Callie Sha'Co"] and [member="Jaret Sha'Co"] seeing how much they look like each other. Among the force their echos carried some similar.

It seem that the one she tried to speak with before [member="Ikki Ike"] was now being spoken with by Knight Zadira, this brought a joy to see her just jump into the mix.

Looking the one that just stepped in, with his own quietness of apologizes. Raising a brow to [member="Quinn Michaels"] then a very open friendly smile to her lips. After all she wanted all that have gathered today to feel like they belong. Giving off around by her own enlightenment so the peace would flow from her to the room gathered.

Seeing now that which she had seen for a long time as it didn't have to look to see who just came in to stay away from the others. Letting her eyes fall upon [member="Junko Ike"] knowing that sometime they would have to catch out on things. Also wondering just here to watch or would she be willing to take on one of the padawn herself. Until then she started out into the middle looking at [member="Xander Carrick"] with a bow telling him that she would begin.

"Greetings to all, those all I haven't got to personal welcome, I"m Master Whitelight Mistress of this Academy. Those others I have gathered today to help me is Master Carrick, Knight Zadira as well, as Knight Ike.

Lets getting started, I first would like to know from each of you how much you know of the force. Telling me first what it means to have the force flow throw all living thing. Second..."

Pausing as she took a small ball from one of the bench, placing it in the center of the floor.

I would like you to lift this ball 5 feet in the air, no worries if you can't, just watch your fellow students."
Quinn was the first to step up. The kid hardly looked out of a book, and since arriving on Voss books were the only thing he really cared about. He slowly explained how the force was flowing through everyone in the room, and he went on to explain about how the force flowing through every living object was a good thing.

He was normally quiet, thus the fact he managed to speak up in front of so many came as quite a shock. He shocked himself even more when he slowly sat down, crossing his legs and closing his eyes. Some may call it a weak form of Meditation, but yet Quinn was able to call upon the force enough to slowly drag the ball into the air. He then slowly opened his eyes, left palm outstretched in front of him. The ball was higher than five feet, but Quinn didn't really care. He slowly let the ball hover, surprised at what he had actually done.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Ikki Ike said:
[member="Cambria Zadira"]

"I am Ikki master and these are gloves with spooled bloodwire."
Cambria heard [member="Maya Whitelight"] call to begin the Basics Class formally so she leaned down and whispered to [member="Ikki Ike"].

"Perhaps after this class is done we can adjourn to enjoy a refreshment together while you tell me more about your special gloves. I am most interested," the Twi'lek Jedi smiled.

Normally the Shield would have sent a message to her padawan telepathically in this situation, but not knowing if the young girl knew how to use the Force skill yet chose verbally; not wanting to frighten or panic her by hearing a voice speak to her mind for the first time. It was something Bri and Padawan [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] did frequently as they trained and worked together.

Telekinesis was to be the first lesson of the day for the class. This was Cambria's forte… that and Mind Trick. The Guardian watched thoughtfully as the students began to attempt using the Force to move the balls. This was always exciting to see the younglings and untrained padawans take their first steps to becoming a Jedi Knight. Some would master it quickly, others not so, but it was all a process every ones went through with the goal the same. There were not winners or losers, just those who did or did not for there is no try.
Ikki bowed her head fully at the mention of later and refreshments to talk. Not many took an interest in her gloves or her skills but she didn't often have many times to use them. Then the master started the class and Ikki looked up while her eyes flicked to the balls and she partially raised an eyebrow. Not voicing it while her hands clenched and unclenched themselves for a time. She was letting the energies dance over her skin that she could muster to try.

Her focus went to the ball and lifting it like she did when guiding the carbonite tips of her spools. A dancing of energy to push more of it and Ikki was holding her hand out with the fingers moving to try and enclose the ball. Then she would lift it and her section of synthetic tongue grazed over her lips as she was nearly biting down on it in concentration. The pain keeping her focused for a moment until she came out of it and was getting the ball to rise a little.
Jaret quickly stood fast, his attention on Maya. He took in what she said and saw the ball. "I can do this." He whispered to himself.

Jaret stretched out his hand, clearing his mind and concentrating on the ball. At first the ball began to shake. Then it lifted, only a small amount not nearly the height that was required, but it left the ground. "I can do this." he whispered again, the ball gaining more height as the Force flowed through him.

But then the ball fell to the ground. A frown crossed Jaret's face. His cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Quinn had long since moved aside and allowed others a turn. He seemed to have mastered the ability of lifting the ball, thus when it fell from [member="Jaret Sha'Co"], Quinn chose to save him from embarrassment by hovering the ball just a little from the floor. He wasn't sure if anyone noticed, but he wanted all of his peers to believe they could do it.

He held the ball, hand literally only just poking from his sleeve. All he could hope was that Jaret took the ball fast.
"To know the Force," he hesitated, "is to be a piece of the living universe."

Naji stepped forward with his hand outstretched. He struggled for a moment to lift the ball. Slowly, ever so slowly, it began to rise. In his mind, he felt the surface of it. He felt the air surrounding it, surrounding him. It was all one piece.

The ball made it to his chest's height before dropping back to the floor. Not quite as high as expected, but not a bad showing.
As he saw the ball begin to levitate before it hit the ground, Jaret got some confidence from it, thinking it was him who had done it. He didn't mean to, but it was levitating. He held out his hands, and concentrated. The ball began to float higher, Jaret's arm shaking from the amount of effort he was putting into it. 1ft, 2ft, 3,ft and then finally 4ft.

Jaret concentrated on holding the ball here. His face frowning at the amount of strength it required for him. It would be so easy for a master, but this was one of the first time Jaret was using the Force. His eyes were fixated on the ball, awaiting to be told to drop it.

[member="Quinn Michaels"]
Quinn chuckled to himself, letting his hand drop. Finally Jaret had taken the ball. I guess Quinn had managed to work the confidence into him. He would tell Jaret that it was him who'd done it at some point, but for now... nah, it wasn't worth it.

He smiled, watching his peers continue to levitate the ball.

[member="Jaret Sha'Co"]
[member="Naji Asiim"]
[member="Ikki Ike"]
[member="Cambria Zadira"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Watching as she let herself be please of how [member="Quinn Michaels"] step out even with all that had gathered, to be the first to tried. It was simple but even then to some it would be the hardest thing they tried in their life. As if something was about to happen. Waiting for the next one feeling not only how much trying was being [member="Ikki Ike"] after the ball came back to rest giving her a nod with a warm smile of engagement.

Hearing [member="Naji Asiim"] words of very thought out before he himself tried to lift. Giving once again as feel him looking upon her. Giving a warm and pleasing smile. Coming from the next one feeling that he was still very unsure of the force itself, that wasn't nothing that couldn't be worked on with [member="Jaret Sha'Co"] giving he own praise, to find her eyes on [member="Quinn Michaels"] this bring a smile amusing smile upon her lips.

It wasn't as if he was doing anything wrong by helping one of his fellow peers out but learning when it was needed then when one had to do it on their own. That was the key to learn, sometime it took a long time. Just maybe she would take this one under her wing herself.

Watching the rest some not even able to do it at all. After which time their was disappointment to them. Letting flow from her encouragement. After which time she pick up the ball before speaking.

"Telekinesis is what just been trying. As some can see it comes easier to some of you and your peers while others struggles.", Looking towards [member="Cambria Zadira"] with a smile before she continued.

"Not all is going to have this ability to use when every called upon, as each one of you are special when it comes to your ability in the force. Your skills and your weakness, yes even those you are a few that can touch the force don't mean that all will be great, or even powerful, no each one has their own strength even then it takes years if not decades to development to the skill level of Master, as I sure Knight Zadira can speak on also. I myself have not skilled myself in the saber as much as I have in the area of healing. For now it will just be the basic skills that will be taught then you can practice on your own with the tools given.

Now I have a question for each one of you to answer.

As you could feel reaching out what was it like for you personal, how did you reach out to touch the ball, was it hard or easy."
Quinn chuckled. He was strong with the force, stronger than most in this room. He'd take a bet on being able to take [member="Maya Whitelight"] and Miss Heavenshield someday. That'd be nice. He chuckled at the thought, before giving Maya the answer of easy.

Quinn didn't find tapping into the force hard. He could tap into the force and use it easy. The bit he found hard was manipulating it into force pushes and pulls. Okay, on paper it wasn't much different to what he had just done, but for some reason he found it harder. He never really understood why it was.

He slowly listened as his peers all gave their answers. He was willing to give a few tips to those finding it hard. Anyway, he smiled, slowly eyeing the room. He never really had time to judge the room, but it was a nice room. A large, nice room. He slowly looked over to a small gym off the side, making a mental note to remember it.

Slowly he was becoming less shy...

And that was good.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Jaret Sha'Co"]
[member="Cambria Zadira"]
@Whoever else
Jaret concentration was diverted from the balls as Maya began to speak, the ball fell to the ground this time, bouncing a bit before it stopped.

This was a difficult question for Jaret, as he was not at all a master of the Force. "I sort of feel it in my hand? Does that make sense? Like I can-" His senetnce trailed off. He'd look around the room to every, Jaret was somewhat of a nervous child.

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Callie sort of felt bad for Jaret, he wasn't as confident as she was and often had trouble meeting new people or doing new things. She just wanted to hug him, but now wasn't the time or place for that. The very least thing she had learnt to do with the force was communicate telepathically, since it wasn't a particularly advanced skill.

"Stop worrying, you need to calm down or you'll never get anywhere." she said, speaking inside her brother's mind.

[member="Jaret Sha'Co"]
Nobody had spoken for a moment. Naji looked around and, on seeing that nobody else was stepping forward did so himself. These kind of things came a little more naturally to him. His days as a schoolteacher readied him for such scenarios.

"Felt the ball in my hands, but it was more than that. It felt like a friend not seen in many years. Think that's how it lifted."

And with that, he stepped back into the crowd's embrace.

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