Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private One Time to Another

Before the Dark Empire's Subjugation of Tython

He followed behind Onrai, their steps echoing in the nearly empty halls. He didn't know what, specifically, had brought this on; after all he knew that they were a creature of the dark, of potential corruption. Yet, at the same time, unlike with sith, there was no attempts at conversion. She seemed to have a sort of "live and let live" policy. He still found that odd about her and that was why, despite her leanings within the Force, he was going in the same way.

Perhaps it was her very nature that he found so odd. She shifted forms, easily, she did not strike first, as he would have assumed that she would've. Nor had she, upon their first meeting attepted to draw him in or drownn him within darker powers. She'd attempted to show him her truth, though he'd not been prepared and had lost consciousness. Even though he'd learned mmore of the Force and galaxy, he wasn't prideful enough to believe that he was ready, even now, not that it mattered. He wasn't aboout to learnn from those so immersed within the dark. Speaking was fine, to an extent. He did ponder what it was that she was after, down here. There wasn't much beyond tomes, scrolls...other such paraphernalia...

"Miss Onrai..." he finally spoke up, as the two turned down, yet another hallway, in the direction of the archival hall. "I have to ask, what are you? I asked you this, once before, but never got a straight answer." He continued his forward movement. Admittedly, he wasn't sure that he'd get a truly straight answer out of her, this time, either. In this, they were two entities, seperated by thought and ideology, yet the path carried their steps the same. "There are too many questions, that I'm not truly prepared too recieve answers to, yet." There was a difference to the man she'd met last, though; a removal of resigation, and an understanding of the self. This would be no battle. Just discussion.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
Onrai had noticed that someone, a Padawan, had been following her. Her encounter with Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade had been particularly brief previously, but he was currently following her as she sought to identify the dark presence that had already split up. Onrai seemed to split into two people - one who walked away and another who acknowledged the young man as he asked her a question, or several.

"I am a god." She said. "I heal the sick, water the crops, aid the births, and answer the prayers. Once all of Coruscant worshipped me, and perhaps in time they will yet again. I am not a being who demands your worship, only that it be given freely and blessings received in return. Such makes me such an idiosyncrasy in the Empire - and is the reason I'm here right now." She had come to the temple on a mission to acquire certain forbidden texts the archive held, whose value was of tremendous significance but which few would ever spare a glance at compared to a shiny new Sith holocron.

"Why? What questions do you have for me, Raphael?"
"You're powerful, but not a god." His reply was swift, and certain, though it did not seem to be defensive or even an attack. "It isn't meant to be offensive, of course. The gods died long ago." Still he continued moving, his footsteps seemed to show no fear, or at the very least he wasn't staying very far behind her. There was a difference to him now and the man that had found her back in the day. While there was a strong light to him, there was a darkness that was also strong in its own right.

"Well, I suppose, the biggest question, why do you utilize the dark side of the Force? With your power I don't quite understand. You could do a great deal more good. In the few times I've seen you... I don't know, you seem almost more like a destabilizing force, when most cultures think of a god in order to promote order or to explain some part of the world that they don't truly understand."

He looked around, seeing no one else was there. He was curious, but opted not to explore further about that. It was probably best that others were near her. "And, I suppose, what is it that you're looking for here? The majority of records are being ferried away, I would think."

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
“A god has to fulfill certain precepts, Raphael. Most importantly, a god has to be able to actually give back to their worshippers as opposed to simply take, take, take. And while many gods died so long ago, you would be surprised at how many still survive.” She said. Her other self was busy with Spindle, hunting down the maleficent manuscripts in the temple. “That is why mortals who lord over people and try to get their worship are not gods.”

She laughed for a moment as he attempted to ask her as to why she used the Dark Side of the Force. “The Dark Side? Silly young Jedi, I haven’t used the Dark Side in years. I wield something far more powerful and far less diluted than that. It is something the Wall of Light cannot harm. I am no destabilizing force - I provide order and stability to those who follow me, as their god or merely as their patron. A god of the new age.” She sighed.

“Respectfully, I will not tell you what I seek here other than that it would be useless to those who do not understand its value. I doubt even the Sith looters would know its worth, but I want to leave nothing to chance.”

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
"And, respectfully, I don't care what you're seeking. Much like the dark side adepts that you joined in this invasion, it's going to be something less than savory; that much I know. Nor am I foolhardy enough to think that I can stop you." He'd seen the other part of her break off, though how, exactly, that worked he wasn't certain that he wanted to know. Not that it really mattered, either. Precepts, however... That was a fascinating way to word it, as was the way that she described herself. A new god of a new age.

"Again, no disrespect as I say this, however I cannot see you as a god. A powerful entity, yes, but not a god. Our definitions of such a word... I think that they are very different from one another. Diluted, is a interesting way to define the source of power that you derive your abilites froom, however, and I won't insult you further by asking you to define what you mean." It was odd that their foosteps took them in the same direction, especially when it wasn't knowledge that he was seeking, unlike her.

"I seek something here too, though what it is, I don't yet know. Nor do I know where it is, exactly. It isn't tomes, books, scrolls or holocrons, however. Much of my teaching hasn't come from such places... Some I've learned from the instructors... bits of it, though... From elsewhere, and I'm sorry if that's not a very good explanation, but it's an explanation all the same, and the best I've got."

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
"They may be Dark, but they aren't evil." She said. "The true evils of the galaxy are things far worse, far more monstrous, and far more hateful of all life than any Jedi, alive or dead, would yet know about." She said, before listening to his rationale as to her not being a god. "Then please, bask in ignorance however long you need to and however comfortably you need to. Just know that much worse is yet there to come."

She thought for a moment. "You don't have much time to seek. This world belongs to the Empire now, and soon enough you will be attacked and killed if you stay here. Let me help you find what you need, and give you a way off this world to wherever it is you seek to go. There are multiple ways off the planet that don't require a ship, and one of them is located close enough - in the Old City."

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
Raphael's eyebrow raised a bit at the mention of it being "dark but not evil". It wasn't about evil, though; it was about the intent used. Even techniques considered "of the light" or even unaligned, could be twisted into something that was evil, if the intent was there. Such a thing, however, he elected not to voice. It wasn't really worth the discussion that would follow. He grinned, however, when she mentioned about basking in ignorance. Difference of opinion, perhaps, though it wasn't really important, he supposed.

"Mm..." He listened as Onrai explained, nodding along. It made a fair bit of sense, admittedly. The others had most certainly already evacuated. Now it was literally just the two of them walking through the Temple, their footsteps the only ones that echoed through the once proud halls... It was a bit disheartening, in a way. Yet, that happened. Places were conquered and then reconquered, in war. A costant dance and tug of war, between nations, though the real point was the prevailing ideology...

He heard the call again. Deeper...

"Peculiar that there are ways off the planet that don't require a starship, but I sppose that it shouldn't surprise me. This was a place of learning, after all." Mulling it over, for a moment he eventually gave a good natured sigh. "Alright. I wouldn't mind your assistance in finding what's calling to me, and then helping me leave. Though I do find it a bit odd, in a way. You know that I'm an adherent of the light, even when I first landed on your ship you must've known. Yet, unlike the others, you do not prostelytize or expouse. Perhaps that's why I've the most respect for you."

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
“People come to the correct conclusions in time.” She said simply, looking over the Jedi in question and hoping their search for whatever was here would be relatively quick. “I show people the truths of the universe, and from there, they make their own conclusion.” She finished, before considering what it was that Raphael was looking for. Was it a Holocron? A book? Maybe something else a bit more elaborate in question? It would be interesting to find out.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
He hummed to her words and nodded. There was disagreement, there, as he knew that there would be. The two of them were exceedingly different people, even discounting Onrai's status as more of an entity than a normal person. Still he considered her words carefully. He didn't agree with the thought of "Correct conclusions" each person had their own "truth" and their own conclusions that had to be drawn based on their biases and experiences. He wondered what choices, what loss and what actions had led her to become what she was. Much as he once had for Adeline. A constant search for power, left the soul bereft of care. Perhaps it was that lacking of care that drove them for more power? He didn't know.

Odd as it felt, that she was, more or less, escorting him around, he was grateful for her company. With the evacuation basically complete, he would've been the only one. Escape would've been a bit more difficult, after, but not impossible. Still... he could heat the call, clear as day, and he kept following it. Down one hall, then another, through a door... he wondered if she was still following him. Then, after another hallway and two more sharp turns, he finally found it.

The chamber was large, domed, the ceiling was practically glowed with pricks of light. There were some crystals housed in different arrangements about the room. Perhaps a room where kybers of old were put? He approached one of these and pulled out the golden crystal from Qi-Ko and placed it upon what seemed to be an incomplete statue, putting it into the eye of what seemed a ferocious dragon. His hand lingered upon the statue, a moment, staring at it.

For a moment, that was all he did, as visions flooded his mind. Different possibilities, tests of his resolve, battles he'd fight on, planets he'd visit... Then, suddenly it was all gone and he was standing in the room again. He pulled back a moment. It had been too fast... He looked around the room. He was missing something.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
Onrai remained silent and continued to eye the Jedi in question. He was bold, certainly, and her other form was preoccupied with Spindle Spindle searching through the restricted archives for certain information. There was no reason to interfere and otherwise let the Padawan get an edge up - it was his quest or goals. For now she would simply linger there, perpahs looking through a more casual book recovered from the archives in question.

Yes, this would be an interesting cookbook to read indeed.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
Each step... He came close to one of the statues, close to where he could find answers, find what his truth would really be. Yet... whenever his hand nearly touched one... he just... He pulled back. There was a reason that the Force only revealed the future to one in bursts, and not completely at one time. Raphael stared at each statue. He felt as though he could quite easily learn what would happen to him. Yet... He refused.

Such a refusal could easily be considered weakness, certainly. Yet, to him, there was far greater strength in denying such a thingand finding one's destiny, or forging it, on one's own. The Force was an ally, but wasn't a blunt instrument, a tool or even a weapon. If he didn't trust it... Well, there were things that he didn't want to think of. That's what happened to those that used the dark side. They coulnd't trust it, and so had to try and control it, but it always bit back, one way or the other.

"This place is so fascinating... I'm surprised that you're concerned only in the books," he replied, with a smile. "Experiences are the most important thing, in my opinion. Enrich your life." His expression, still friendly and smiling, looked from the statues to her. She was buried in her book and her habit of philosophy almost convinced him that she wouldn't take him much more seriously than she had thus far, but still... He had to try to connect to others, where he could. Even in such a time. "Mm... All of that... It was so fast that I could barely make heads or tails of it... A midrim planet and two blades... Of all things that's what I remember, from what I was shown." He tapped his chin, for a moment.

"Do you only study so you can find other ways of defeating an enemy?" he asked, after a few moments, perhaps from curiosity or perhaps just trying to make conversation.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
"There is one enemy that matters in the end." She said. "Best to know of him, of those who serve him, and what can be done. As for experiences - I've had more than my fair share of those." She continued reading her book, hoping that Raphael would soon manage to successfully complete his intended task. As he was essentially trapped on the planet, Onrai would show him the kindness of sending him on his way.

Perhaps she would learn a thing or two from his intended destination.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
The visions finally came to an end, and pointed him... towards... He suddenly turned and walked out of the room, passing her. He walked down. He was going... Where was he going? He stopped at a small doorway and started going through. The visions kept going. Each step felt like he was being pushed further and further towards the edge of his mind's breaking point, but something forced him to keep going. What was it that called him? What pushed and drove him? He didn't know and couldn't really stop to check.

He had precious little time to contemplate what, exactly, it was that was calling and pulling him, but something wanted him down there. He felt... something. Something that warned him... Yet what was supposed to be, wasn't there. It was like living a separate life, as they begn to descend into an enormous rift and gouge in the planet. He... reached out, but what he was expecting didn't happen. Despite his surprise, he didn't look back at her. He didn't need urging, didn't need any coercing. Something was down here and it was something that he needed to see, something that he needed to do...

"'s..." He blinked, coming up from his stupid, as if returning from the bottom of a pool. "It's down here." Raphael said, glancing back to see if she was still following him. "I don't know what it is, but it's like... I don't know how to describe it... But I know that it's... down here."

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
Onrai was surprised, but soon divined exactly where it was he was going. Was he really being pulled to the chasm? Now? The Prime Gate was in ruins - why would it call for him? Nonetheless, she smiled, watching him as he was pulled over to the edge, looking down. "Yes, one of the ways to escape this world. One to parts unknown, one to anyone, and one straight to the Charnel Worlds." She stood next to him for a moment, thinking about the next best thing to do. "I believe we should take a look. You first."

Then she pushed him over the edge.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
Raphael look over the edge, as she explained what it was that was calling to him. A way to escape the world, to places unknown to anyone and... to the Charnel Worlds? He pondered, what exactly, it was wanting him to do... Getting to it, however would be difficult. Nearly impossible, in fact... Or so he thought. As he stared into the abyss, before them, he heard her suddenly tell him to go look first. Then she pushed him. Into the giant hole.

And he fell.

Admittedly, he hadn't been expecting that, though he probably should have, in hindsight. He remember when she'd tried to take him through the doorway... He'd fainted, then, and couldn't remember anything. But... here he was just falling to, what was probably, certain death and he looked around to find a way to potentilly, stop himself, as he went.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
Raphael would fall a kilometer, then two, then perhaps another more before he found himself slowing. He had certainly reached high speed on his descent, and it was a rather powerful force that slowed him. Soon, he would slow to mere meters a second before finally landing at the bottom of the chasm. There waiting for him was Onrai, who was trying her best not to laugh at whatever panic he had yet felt.

Sitting before them was a gleaming pool of primordial energy, along with the devastated and destroyed remains of a monolith-like structure. "The Prime Gate." Onrai said, looking at it. "How magnificent."

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
He plummeted, wanting to scream but not finding the breath for it. It was a harrowing experience, falling to one's death and, as he was slowed, he didn't want to go through it again. Yet, as he was falling, he'd seen something amazing: a sea of stars, resting at the bottom of this canyon. He... wanted to see what that was, exactly. Then, when he finally touched the ground again, Onrai seemed to be holding her tongue and laughter in. He ignored that, though. It wasn't important.

Then he stepped around the place, looking over everything. She mentioned that it was a prime gate. He noticed the destroyed remains of a structure and walked over to it, placing a hand on it and feeling it. What was it? How in the world had it come to be here...?

"Hmm... Fascinating, fascinating..." He walked around it a few times, feeling what emained of the main column, and then the rest of the monolithic structure. He didn't know quite how... But he had to fix it, if this was one of the best ways off the planet. "It's incredible... If what I'm getting from the actual energy itself, is concerned, it determines one's intended location, based on thought, and then just tunnels through space to that place... This is incredible! How... does it work though...?" He looked around, determining that, obviously, the monolith did something to that effect.

"So... I think I might have a way to fix it but I don't think it'll last beyond another fix. The thing's... more or less broken..."

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I don't need you to fix it, unless you want to try and use the gate as a means to travel to another world and escape this place." Onrai told him. "But if you want to use it as your exit from this world, be my guest. We will rebuild it, and I will use it for reasons that will be my own - and perhaps the Emperor's. The process by which this works is ancient, based on Celestial concepts brought into being by the ancient Kwa people before their degeneration into the Kwi mounts of Dathomir."

She looked at Raphael. "I look forward to our next meeting, Padawan. You may yet prove more receptive to enlightenment than other Jedi - or the Sith."

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

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