Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Man's Hell


Day after day, week after week.

It’d be an eternity of torture. One of slowly more aggressive acts that broke him down, not only physically but mentally as well; a cruel combination of outlandish behavior found only in the deepest hell’s of the underworld. Something few light hearted individuals could even conceive, let alone understand. Though, to The Slave it mattered little now; as the concept of time seemed to fade as each cut into his flesh was made.

It wasn’t the first time he was tortured, and likely not the last, but he couldn’t quite remember a time that was worse than this. They’d soaked him in bacta more times than he could count, and his body was now more riddled with scars than it ever had before; and it was hardly a clean canvas to begin with. Dull knives had been used to cut meat from his thighs, while electricity was forced through his body time and time again to understand nothing more than a simple question;

Where was the Darkforge?

Perhaps at the beginning, he enjoyed it. The aching echoes of pain kept him alive, while the drugs they pumped him with not only made thought impossible, but sleep unbearable. Existence was pain, and as the meat from his back was cut along his spine, he couldn’t help but to whimper ever so slightly in his weakened state. Blood pooled beneath him as the masked assailant gave low and pained breaths, each heavier than the last as he struggled to inhale through the thick filters of the respirator he wore. It was to protect him from the nerve gas that hung in the air, one that penetrated The Slave’s skin and made him more sick than he could imagine. If it weren’t for the already empty state of his stomach, he’d of gagged up what acid it had made in the last few hours before shuddering to a stand still.

It wasn’t a fair existence, this life The Slave knew. Since his childhood he had been nothing more than a target for the malevolent and psychopathic. From torture, to utilization as a tool, he was forever in a cycle of mistreatment that never seemed to let up; and as such it made a jaded and poorly adjusted individual. One that knew no name, no semblance of self worth, and took it out on the innocent and unaccounted for that spread across the galaxy.

Perhaps it was karma, what for his wanton murders and untold amounts of destruction. If nothing else, it was what he was famous for; the ever hungering malignancy that he was. A force of nature few got in the way of, and he was nothing more than an acolyte; a blade so dull that nearly all could consider themselves on his level of refinement. And yet, despite that, he was a weapon so forceful in nature, so disgusting in its creation, that even the most sharpened blades seemed to fall flat when given the chance.

He was unadulterated fear, sin, and evil inhibitions made manifest into a pale alabaster kid made of crimson stained silver and endless ambitions.

In a different world, he might have done the galaxy some good. With his dedication, his need to push forward, there would be few challenges the young man likely could not have faced; yet the universe deemed this reality too facile, too neutral for our would be anti-hero. No, it had for him a lifelong destiny of pain and suffering only the most hardened could face, and even then fewer would make through without an eventual long walk off a short bridge.

This was something even the captors he faced now noticed. It had been nearly a year of constant torture, fillets and stabbings that made him a mere shell of who he once was. Yet, each blade brought this no closer to the answer they sought; and only once did they get even the closest idea of where it was. A glimpse into the nebula it was contained in, but no sooner would it help them than it would confuse them. It wasn’t enough information to find the forge, and the leaders of group were becoming fatigued with the once thought to be sure fire lead to the unholy artifact that it was.

Instead, they moved past the stage of truth and led straight to breaking who he was. Although far from whole prior, even the most foolhardy can take only so much punishment before they simply give in. The heavy metal alloy of the mask locked to his face reverberated each cry, each murmur of pain back towards him two fold; forcing him to face the weakness they brought out of him. With chains on his wrist, he was unable to move, let alone even attempt an escape; all the while a small container of Voidstone was kept nearby to keep him in the dark of the metaphysical.

It made him sick, being disconnected from the force. Far sicker than the nerve gas and torture could ever hope to cause, and it was perhaps in this that he lost himself. It seemed the longer he was kept from the Force, the worse he got, and with each rotational prison cell he was kept in he would lose just a tad bit more sanity, a touch more of his being. Who he was faded with each passing hour, and his body seemed to understand this as well as he did.

Everyday it threatened to fail from cardiac arrest or complete organ failure, yet the finely paid doctors of the syndicate seemed hell bent on forcing him to live through each grueling second of his punishment. They were skilled in this, keeping him alive and halfway focused through the sentence he served, but it wouldn’t stop him from being as dissociated as he was. His mumbling and rants were nonsense, each a random string of words of various languages and unknown tongues that seemed to hold no intrinsic value, let alone any coherent thought.

But to him they did.

Each was a call for help. From [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Irajah Ven"], even [member="Cerbera"] and [member="Darth Imperia"]. Not to pull him down from the clutches of pain, but to kill him. End the suffering, let him finally sleep from the nearly infinite struggle that had become his life. He couldn’t take the fight for dominance over his existence any longer, and pleaded into the darkness for the sweet release of his being. All the words he spoke were for death, and yet death never came.

Another cruel joke The Universe chose to play on the boy, it would seem.

A shift change later, and a fresh torturer had come in to dish out the next wave of agony he was to face. With the first cut, his voice fell silent. With the second, the first tear in years fell down his cheek, wetting his skin in a salty layer of repressed existence. With the third, his dry-skinned lips cracked and bled as another cry for help was made through semi clenched teeth.

He had given up on help long ago, but the prayers he made to the void seemed to be the only thing grounding him anymore.
[member="The Slave"]

It was not a strange thing for Cerbera to be hunted.

For her knowledge, for her creations, for the objects in her possession and above all... the Dark Forge she guarded.

It was partially the reason why so few were allowed into her circle of trust. They were a liability when so many hungered for the things she made and this was not a different situation. Dorian was an interesting specimen, there was potential there, but as often was the case with those with potential it was squandered by their holders. Much like Kiber, a young man with a (relatively) bright mind and strong spirit, deciding to allow themselves to simply waste away instead of using the talents given to them.

It took the Sith Lord some time to track Dorian down.

But few people could successfully evade her for very long, especially when they had taken something that belonged to her. The Slave was hers and that meant only she was allowed to torment him - even if she believed that was an exercise in defeat.

Out of nowhere an alarm suddenly rang, klaxons and screams in the distance. The torturer's blade stilled itself, still pressed against Dorian's skin, but no longer cutting for now. Instead there was fresh hesitation underneath the impersonal mask that sheltered his identity and made this entire operation clinical and detached.

Whatever they needed to tell themselves to keep on going.

"I'd tell you not to run anywhere, but..." Broken teeth chortled behind the mask as he shook the chains, sheathed the blade in the hilt attached to his belt and then left the room.
The door shut with a solid metallic bang, a painful echo reverberating in the small world he’d come to know. It was only then things seemed to fall silent, despite the alarm that blared in the muffled distance and the idle machinations of floating chains. This torture chamber wasn’t like those of the rich and empowered, what with their energy harnesses and voltage regulators for prolonged torture. No, this was far more impoverished, more rudimentary and savage. Durasteel chains, rusted pipes closed shuts for who knows how long; every detail seemed to point to dilapidation and the idle reminder that he was so very far from the regular comforts of the known galaxy.

It’d be a long year of constant strain. To hold in the information he knew in the beginning was hard enough, but to maintain even a portion of his sanity in the end became the only thing that mattered eventually. The toughest challenge he would face was just that, not losing himself to the savage nature that dealt itself deep inside every sentient being; to revert back to nothing more than a mindless animal, even if those who tortured him now would see him as nothing more.

Still, in the need to hold onto even a sliver of rational thought, came too the downside of knowing all that transpired.

Either due to blood loss or some unknown injury at the time, The Slave could not see. His eyes were crusted shut with blood, a few too many punches to the face forcing them to swell and cede vision to inflammation. Still, his ears worked as well as they ever had, and the soft unlatching of the door and rusted screech of it opening only forced from his lips a rare and saddening sight;

A plea.

I-I don’t want to be a slave anymore… Please…”, he attempted to choke up. His words were hard to understand from the dehydration and broken teeth. Still, the emotion in his voice was obvious enough to whoever it was that came to see him.

He didn’t finish his sentence, but he mouthed the words.

A plea for death.

│ @Cerbera │
[member="The Slave"]

It was silent.

The room seemingly empty, but maybe it had been the wind that blew open the door.

One thing that the Slave would have heard when the door opened briefly... screams, agonizing screams echoing from room to room, from wall to wall, drifting up on the currents and making their home in any place that truly wanted them. But then a nail, sharp, kind, brushed cheek and did nothing to prevent sniping away at open wounds and cuts. "Oh, Dorian, darling, you look like a proper mess." Tongue clicked inside her mouth in a moderate form of distress.

"Ah, well, at least I preserved some of them for later perusal."

Something would tell Dorian that she was mostly talking to herself, instead of to him. Which was fine... that was how it usually went with them, with everyone except a bare few that interacted with the green-skinned Sith Lord.

"Now, let's see about getting all this crap off of you and clean you up, yes?"
The Slave groaned as the hooks were taken from his skin and he was lowered into her embrace. He did not struggle, nor did he respond to her touch. Infact, he barely responded to her voice.

Despite his requests for death, there was something inside The Slave that kept on fighting no matter the insurmountable odds. It was what kept him alive his years of enslavement, his tenure on the cross on Bastion, and even now from torture chamber to torture chamber. It was an unnatural resilience to his surroundings that overtook the average person ten fold, and perhaps his greatest strength.

Not that it meant anything to him now. If it were up to him, he’d be dead.

The wounds that covered him were numerous, from incisions where sharp metal had been inserted and left, to salted cuts and broken bones; his body was a husk of what it once was, but visually it appeared only lithe. It had always been covered in scars, so while many of his wounds and bloodied areas were unfortunate, they did little to make his skin seem any worse.

With eyes paled over, and dry lips forever wording some unknown prayers, The Slave was fully in Cerbera’s grasp once more.


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