Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Hundred Young Gods (GA Dominion of Mustafar)

[SIZE=12pt]Arabella could only listen, and watch again until that subtle motion, “I am Arabella Darkhold, sent by [member="Lord Mythos"] to ensure your safe removal from Mustafar and to bring you to him on Atrisia.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled then giving a little curtsy, “We can help you remove whatever you wish to take with you, but time is of the essence we should be leaving” Course now in the back of Arabella’s mind she was taking in the fact that Mythos had sent her after [member="Ultimatum"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was beginning to have question but knew now would not be the time to ask them perhaps enroute. She arched a brow as she took in how he moved and spoke.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She wanted to be sure he got no scratches, that was one of the conditions of her task.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hopefully she would be useful enough that Lord Mythos would grant her this one thing.[/SIZE]
Ultimatum frowned at the Sith, of course Lord Mythos would send someone to save him. It was an unexpected move, but not completely unpredictable. The advanced droid was unsure as to why the Sith Lord would send resources to extract a simple ally. He had no true strategic value, not to what the Sith no doubt had planned.

The droid shook his head before saying, "There is no need to worry about the projects. Legion can facilitate their moving, most of them were computer based anyways and will come safely with me. Let's go, would now want to keep Malgus worrying too long. Lead the way."

Ultimatum nodded to Legion, who then turned and began moving about with the mission that he had been given. It had been slow recently for Ultimatum, not many physical expansions on the electronic work had been accomplished so there were few things that would need to be moved. Then he would have to work on setting the droids that would stay behind in standby mode. The base would disappear once they all left, no transmissions, no heat signatures, even scanners were unlikely to find it because of the high metal content in the ground around it.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

"This way then, my Lord I"m sure is waiting" She would not say concerned they were Sith should they be concerned? She knew her family carried that gene, the concern, and compassion gene.

She did not smile, but she would lead the way, in order to protect the precious cargo that was now part of her entourage, she was grateful that there were other to see to his projects, not knowing what he was doing, such uncertainty she did not want to blow up the ship.

They would walk out and meet the squadron of troopers waiting for their return, and then if the goddess was willing they'd make the ship and depart.
Ultimatum followed without waiting or worrying overly much. He was somewhat happy to be leaving, if only for his own safety. He was more concerned with safety of Mustafar facilities. Damage sustained to any of them could possibly push back his efforts months if not years. That was when he realized that the orbital shipyard's weaponry systems had been activated. He had not realized this earlier due to the fact that he had shut down his connection, only reinitialized moments ago.

Now he knew, he sent override codes to Foresight, shutting down all weapons systems. The message comms aboard would state an apology while locking all controls. He did not want to bring more harm to the invaders and therefore create anger towards locals and hostility. He had to avoid that.

"You said that Mythos sent you. Did he seem concerned? Did he threaten to do something if you did not bring me in?"

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

"Yes he said if you got one scratch he'd end my life, a girl a favor don't get scratched" She smiled. "As for his concern..." she kept walking but she considered how to answer, "his concern was that you were retrieved safely. Or perhaps concern that you'd be captured, of that I cannot be certain I do not know Lord Mythos well enough to gauge his moods."

She had never seen him lose it and wondered what it would take for him to. That was the devil in her speaking, the Sith however wanted to know the extent of his power.

"I would consider that his sending someone to personally escort you away from Mustafar means you have value to him, in whatever form that is" That wasn't a bad answer she gave, she felt. She glanced over at Ultimatum to see how he responded to that.
So, Animus did not want a scratch on Ultimatum's body. While that was somewhat comforting, it was also concerning. Ultimatum was uncertain how sane the Sith was, but then again to be a Sith showed a certain amount of mental instability. He was concerned that perhaps the Sith's judgment was clouded by the perceived importance of business partners compared to the infinite value of a life. Of course... Ultimatum had to remind himself that he was dealing with a certain level of Sith arrogance and pride that created certain oversights in judgment.

"Very... diplomatic answer. I would say that there were many places where you could have used your skills. Not trying to dissuade you from your current calling of course. I will try to remain in pristine condition on the way. You were there when he gave the order yes? Did he speak of anything else?" He needed to learn more about this organic, without calling on the being himself. Something he had found was that organics rarely could speak objectively about themselves, this meant that one had to go to multiple outside sources to learn more about the single person. Hence he spoke with [member="Arabella Darkhold"], hoping to find some more about this Sith Lord.
"Secure a parameter around the foresight, move the ships in." As Mythos spoke his officers on the command deck in his ship began relaying orders as he looked over the proceedings personally and stood in the front of the command bridge gazing through the transparisteel. He knew he did not have enough firepower to halt the oncoming invasion that was to follow... but he believed control over the foresight and the aid of Ultimatum could provide him with a visible threat in the planet even under the control of the Galactic Alliance. The sheer amount of firepower of the shipyard alone was formidable and with a steady logistic supply he could hold a siege for months. That is exactly what he planned to do, however he was not going to risk his larger ships in the encounters upon the retrieval of Ultimatum the star destroyers would make a hasty retreat, already needing the shields to recover and a few repairs on the hull needing to be done be the sound of the relayed orders and shouts between officers and the alarm lights flaring on and off creating a tense atmosphere even if it was barely a skirmish.

The red blaze of the planet bathed the massive ship as it blasted to the side of the shipyard with the other in flank through the oncoming blaze of zigzagging blaster lights from the battlefield. Pacing carefully an Atrisian fighter officer stood below the steps in the overlooking command port dressed in full old empire regalia and gave his traditional salute as he awaited orders, he was part of a special brigade of six fighters charged with a single mission; conduct a massive reconnaissance scout through the military and defensive positions of the planet core and make it back to the shipyard alive. The starfighters ready in hangar for use were the last of the original naginata class starfighters known to exist in the Atrisian System, flown by the last surviving crew of the old Atrisian navy that had flown in combat with the fighter that prepared in formation in the dock of the Decimus. None were young men,all way past their prime yet they had come to fight for the Sith under the flag of their own nation, for glory, once more.

Mythos gave the nod over his shoulder and turned his gaze back to the view of the transparisteel overlook in the port of the command center. Not much passed before he caught sight of the whizzing starfighters in bound for their mission. He turned to face the holoprojection and watched as the image of what the starfighters scouted was projected in the command station to his right. Mythos smiled as he was now in position to make the first real opportunity to land in the feet of the Dark Lord.

"Officer Janta, see if you can forward this feed back to Corsucant, directly to eyes.... of the Wrath" The order turned more than a few heads but not for a fragment of a second. "Right away my Lord" The communications officer said never turning her eyes from her post and establishing a multi-linked feed from the capital of the empire and back to the stardestroyer and hopefully establish communications between the Will and the Wrath.
"And get me a report on Darkhold, i want to know how she is doing. Forward it to me as soon as you can"
@Reverence @Ultimatum @Arabella Darkhold
Did he speak of anything else she tried to recall the other parts of the conversation, "using my skull for a bowl" She shrugged her shoulders "it is the way of the Sith fear and pain, though some are more about power. I have need of [member="Lord Mythos"] I need a favor from him so for now I do his bidding and protect his female." They were now on the transport heading towards the ship to meet Lord Mythos.

She could hear the communications officer giving details on their mission and their arrival, "He's calling asking about an update. They will tell him that you are here." She nodded again, "I appreciate your cooperation, I prefer to be subtle to roaring. My skills are still developing."

She had heard finally through communications from around the galaxy that her brother had been seen. She had not seen him in some time, she hoped he was alright. She missed him, they had spent many hours together. [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

"I would say Lord Mythos is dedicated to the development of the Sith, if you can help him with that you are valuable to him" She had not seen how he was tender with others, so she would not know about that portion of his personality. But she would admit that Mythos took care of his female quite well.
Ultimatum took the information in and tried to decide what to think. He was fairly certain that there was no need to be worried, he assumed that [member="Lord Mythos"] was simply concerned for the safety of an ally. He doubted that any harm was intended. He looked forward to meeting the Sith again, if only to speak with him about some future ideas he had.

"Thank you. And what is the plan for you once you take me to Mythos? Will you be joining an attack force, or are you uncertain?"

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

"I had not thought about it. I do not tend to make future plans until the outcome of my current tasking is complete. For all I knew your Legion could have or may have killed me the moment I stepped near your location"

What was she to do, then she thought of something, "Do you require assistance?" Her cobalt blue eyes looked over at him they would soon be docking with [member="Lord Mythos"]' ship. Making friends on her own would not hurt her, or her family in time perhaps it would help.
That was an intelligent way of doing things, there was a fine line between living in the present and planning ahead. Ultimatum was still trying to perfect his position, he found that more often than not he thought far too much of the future and did not give enough thought to the present. Such as now, he was thinking ahead to seeing [member="Lord Mythos"], instead of planning for the current situation. He was still in danger, there was the possibility that this was a trick and that there would be an attack on him. But then again he was safe from a physical attack. It would only destroy his body, not his mind.

The organic was polite, he would give her that. "Thank you, I think I will be alright. Granted that Mythos doesn't decide to rip me to shreds when we meet." He finished with a smile and a momentary laugh. "How about you? Do you need assistance with anything?"

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

For a frozen moment she could only look at him. "I do not believe you have anything to fear from him. If he wanted your demise he would have left you there, not sent me" She contemplated whether sharing what she needed help with.

Could he help? Would he? If he did, she would owe a debt. Her father always cautioned on such actions, course he cautioned on many actions. She smiled at the memory of him explaining family history, and who her mother was. She had wanted to know for so long, so long that it had eaten away at her. Now she knew, and now...

She could not tell him here, not among so many ears listening. If they knew the weakness she had they would and could easily exploit it and use it to further take whatever power she had. So perhaps she looked around no one seemed to listen, "perhaps" she whispered. "This is not a time for me to think of what I need, I must ensure your safe arrival."

And with that the shuttle would be landing, it was time to meet [member="Lord Mythos"]
He watched the minor conflict within the organic's eyes. He did not know exactly what she was thinking, but he got the feeling that she was weighing the options. The answer came quickly. So there was something, that was normally what organics meant when they said perhaps. He wondered what she could need help with. Gaining power? Perhaps creating a powerbase to eventually overthrow Animus? He had heard that some Sith did that, though he had no experience in the regard. Maybe something more personal? That struck him as both intriguing and somewhat strange.

It was then that he felt the shuttle slow and landing procedures began. "Thank you for the safe conducting to Mythos. I will make certain to commend to him your efficiency and loyalty. Thank you for collecting me, probably would still be there." With that, Ultimatum prepared to move out to greet the Sith that had ordered his being brought here. An old friend, if he could call an organic a friend. He would be perhaps the closest Sith friend.

[member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"]
"You're welcome" yes she had been taught manners she was afterall an Atrisian Noblewoman. She then stepped back so that [member="Ultimatum"] could walk out with the guards and taken to meet [member="Lord Mythos"].

She followed along at the back content that she had completed her task, and now wondering should she ask him for help, did his resources out number those of Mythos? Was there a cost, always the question, what cost came with asking a favor.

She made sure she was watchful, she still did not believe Mythos would harm him, but just in case.

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