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One Hundred Young Gods (GA Dominion of Mustafar)

Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Mining Facilities.

There were few things that came to mind for the Queen of Trade while she was down here on Mustafar. It made her wonder. She had most recently stepped down from her Executive Council seat at the Techno Union, and with that came her ongoing drifting of the mind. Of where she was at and where she was going.

With as many riches as she had, buying something was easy as slicing a pie for dessert. But when it came to actually putting some real thought on presents, well… that made it a mite bit more difficult.

A sigh escaped her, her green eyes staring down the heat protective viewport towards the lava rivers rolling below. Hmm… there was much to think about.

Where else could she take Arceneau Trade from here? And to be honest, did she really want to?

Mythos' eyes gazed over his shoulder to the interesting figure of [member="Arabella Darkhold"]. She reffered to him as his Atrisian title, this let him know she thought of him as a superior and it also let him know that it was Ren who sent her. He knew who she was, her information reached his lap while in Atrisia, she searched for an opportunity to prove her worth, no greater chance than here and now.

"You seek a chance to prove yourself to me young one? Today is your lucky day it seems." Mythos said, his eyes glancing back to the battlefield, the slow response in forces by the alliance had given him the slight edge in time he needed to commandeer the foresight with his men and lay the defensive lines.

One sith lord could put a dent in the most powerful warpath... the alliance were about to learn this first hand. As the turbo-lazer batteries became manned and their barrage could be seen from the Millennial Mythos turned on his heel and faced the young warrior. "Down in that planet is a droid" he began, interrupted only by the shake of the stardestroyer as it's shields were hit by alliance bombers. "It's not your regular droid, it responds to [member="Ultimatum"], get down there with the Jar'Kai, find him, secure him and bring him back safe and sound the men and the drop ship are ready for you in the dock...and darkhold"

He spoke after a long pause. "If there is a single scratch on that droid, i will personally kill you and carve a bowl out of your skull to eat my morning breakfast, good luck" Mythos added with a very serious tone, ensuring this was not an empty threat. He turned back to the battlefield as his commanders shouted over head and fighter squadrons deployed from the frigates. Mythos did not wonder or care why the forces of Indupar and Isis had not yet shown their faces, yet he had convinced himself he did not need the aid of external forces, he knew he could obliterate the alliances' forces by himself if need be,or at least bleed them enough to make them kneel...

Suddenly an image of his economic adviser made itself appear in the center of the command bridge. "May i ask what it is you are doing Animus?" Galicus said, his voice distorted by the communications buffering from Muunilinst to Mustafar. Mythos, running out of patience barked back with a noticeable increase in frustration. "I'm conquering a planet, what does it look like i'm doing uncle ? This is really, really not a good time" Mythos said, exasperated.

"I see..." Galicus mused, not doubting for a second what his "Nephew" said was true. "I noticed your heavy interest in Mustafar and i thought i would inform you of a peculiar piece of information i found in the Muun database in regards to family owned companies"

Mythos held on to a chair to keep from getting thrown to the ground after another flyby of bombers managed to shatter the shield buffer and shook the entire damned stardestroyer to it's core. "It appears there is a Muun who made of himself an office in the fiery planet some eight centuries ago, he is often researched by your order and is surrounded in a bit of Mysticism, i thought you would like to know... One" He paused, making sure he pronounced the name and got the name correctly."Hego or Hugo....Damask"
Not only her worth but help in finding her father, she knew he lived but since the battle of Coruscant he had not come home (@Bix Silia) oh and she would fuss at him terrible when he did make it home. So many wheels were in motion right now and if he knew what his children were up to. But that was not now.

Right now she was Arabella, Sith Knight and here to show her worth. Lucky? Luck had little to do with it for certain she walked slowly, she nodded a droid she thought? This droid must be of quite some value for him to send her down after it. As he issued the orders just when she thought he had finished he called her by her last name, most definitely not a good sign. It was akin to her father calling her by her full name. Her cobalt blue eyes looked at him taking in the orders.

She smiled, she liked the threat it was....what pushed her and created a pool of heat within her. She nodded, turned from the bridge and headed towards the hangar, She had heard the last bit of information as she left, Demask Holdings, a financial group close alliance to the banking clan. Or would this has something to do with the Order of the Canted Circle?

As she got to the flight deck she looked around for the Jar'kai sweeping her cloak back she walked towards them, "Let us go and find this precious tin can that the Lord of Atrisia wants. This [member="Ultimatum"] ." Arabella did not ask many questions she never did, but she knew opportunity.

"Prepare for departure, and find me a tech who can ping the droid" Mustafar she had been here once there were spirits here that had their own secrets. Arabella smiled. There was nothing like being on the hunt.

[member="Lord Mythos"]
Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Mining Facilities.

"Miz Arceneau?"

The voice in query would bring Danger from her thoughts. It was the foreman. A small smile of greeting laced through Danger's lips again.

"Any concerns?"

There came a shake of his head. "All the required paperwork is being processed. From here it is a waiting game and then the required signatures." Danger gave a nod. "Good." she said, her shoulders rising as she took a deep breath.

"The first step I want is to ensure that everything is up to standards with safety. Please meet with Aeri and the Sector Inspector to review for compliance." If there were any discrepancies, it could affect output of the factory.

Ultimatum still waited, not really looking to be called upon. He did not expect anyone to call him, the battles seemed almost over. Mustafar was now under the control of the invaders. Ultimatum was not disappointed, he looked forward to the opportunities that this would bring. Perhaps deals could be made, businesses expanded, and allies created. He was not aware of [member="Lord Mythos"] trying to save him from a perceived enemy. He would have called off an attack, better to lose a planet and perhaps make friends than to keep a planet and make enemies.

He contemplated the new regime that would own the planet as he replayed images he had recorded over the years.


Meanwhile Legion and the crew of the Fate were working through the responsibilities that Ultimatum would and should be taking care of. There was general panic, skirmishes taking place, and the shipyard in orbit was powering its weapons. They could try to calm the masses, perhaps broker peace with the natives and the usurpers. They could do nothing to the Foresight. Unless they could convince the occupant organics to shut down the weapons, or hand the control over to the computer there was no way they could cease its firing. Ultimatum could have sent an override through the computer that could have shut down everything on that station, but he was unavailable. It was a nightmare if any of them had ever seen one.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Mining Facilities.

The clipping of an approaching pair of heels would signal the arrival of another. A turn of her neck and Danger would pan her emerald gaze to set upon the tall, svelte form of Aeri Vyn, her personal assistant.

"You've been a busy Spark Bee, Miz Arceneau," the Zeltron woman would muse aloud with certain amusement. Her short hair would bob lightly with every step she took, until she finally came to a stop beside the Queen of Trade.

"Any updates?" earlier in the month, Danger had given the task to Aeri to chart and connect with every single Trade, Fuel, Tourist, and medical space station under Arceneau Trade's domain. She wanted updates on their status and their care. Along with that came the pain points of knowing where each would require expansion and care. Having received the notes and trails on the BloodTrail, Danger was anxious to set about that trade lane and make it her own -- dot it with more Arceneau Trade stations if possible.

"Some good. Some bad." Aeri told her, handing her a datapad for her inspection.

Danger took it, and briefly scanned over the contents. "We will start with Varonat and continue from there."

"Of course."
[member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Lord Mythos"]

Arabella was headed to the surface, the tech was working through the multiple messages, switching frequencies until one sounded to be the right now, and the opportunity to send a message came, wide band, optimum coverage, "I am looking for Ultimatum, if he can hear this provide your coordinates I am here to extract you and take you to Atrisia" Well the ship which could be considered Atrisian soil.

She waited, and listened, while the ship descended if anything she'd be able to fight for a few minutes work up a good sweat and feel better.

Legion was the first to hear the message. He was not trusting, a byproduct of the dual personality that fought over his droid mind, paranoia on one and complete trust on the other. He had come to the point of almost complete control over both minds, meshing them together to become his own identity. He did not know much about Ultimatum's contacts offworld, he did not like the Sith that his master had spent a lot of time with. He however, could not tell his master to not spend time with those that he chose to.

When the message came in, he read it over and sent it for PU-01 to read, who in turn allowed the rest of the Fate's crew to read it as well. They were trying to decide whether it was a trap or not. Legion could attest to the ingenuity of attempted assassinations. He had, or more correctly his previous body, had been in a vehicle that had run over a land mine intended for Ultimatum.

However, under the current circumstances, and the words within the message. Specifically PU-01 believed that it was possible due to the fact that Ultimatum had been to Atrisia a number of times. To meet with the ruler. They decided that it was worth risking, they had security that would handle most threats.

A message was sent back to [member="Arabella Darkhold"] with coordinates of Ultimatum's base, Progenitor Facility. Legion put together the basic voice of Ultimatum and was able to make it sound like his master had sent the message. "Here is my location. Be warned, any hostility will be dealt with immediately."

After the message was sent, PU-01 gathered the crew of the Fate and began preparing it for a combat flight. It was armed pretty well, after Ultimatum had added the new heavy machinegun on the front and new miniguns for AU-01 to use on the sides. They would be ready if this incoming individual were looking for blood.
Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Mining Facilities.

"Good." a nod came next. Datapad lifting, Danger would slide her thumb across the screen. Quick, deft movements would bring up the next bit of information she required for PharmaTech. Expanding into pharmaceuticals meant that there were new techniques and innovative methods for new medicines. Word had come around about the planet Varonat.

Varonat was a planet located in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories, situated along the Ison Corridor. It was a steaming jungle and adopted home of the Morodin species. Information from the Black Codex gave the following details. The Morodins colonized the planet in 26,000 BBY. The descendants of these colonists ensured the survival of the species, which went extinct on their original homeworld.

Human colonists from the planet Salliche came to Varonat 250 BBY, founding the settlements of Tropis-on-Varonat and Edgefields-on-Varonat. There was an interesting effect with a native plant there that she wanted to explore and discuss with the native Morodins.

"Send PharmaTech representatives to Varonat."

"As you wish."
The Communications Tech came to Arabella with the message from [member="Ultimatum"] she looked at it, cobalt blue eyes stared holes through the very glass of the data pad. It would seem that this time would only be a short flight.

Be warned any hostility, she laughed as the aching within her ravaged her emotions she wanted to let loose her pain and anger on something but not this time for to do so would be counterproductive.

“Reply to them we only seek to evacuate the one which has been identified by [member="Lord Mythos"]” She clenched her teeth hard and let out a breath that she had been holding even as she spoke.

The ship banked to the left and began its descent to the location. The orange and yellow glow of the fields of Mustafar reflected off the hull of the ship, and danced upon the gaze of Arabella. Her mother had asked her a favor and she was working on it, but she had to prove herself.

There were many ways to prove ones worth. This was but a single step. Her thoughts moved around the ideas that flowed even as the ship began its final approach to where the guest of Lord Mythos waited.

The doors of the ship opened and the heat washed over Arabella it took her breath away, she looked out, and she stepped down the ramp.
“NO hostilities unless they start it” She warned those around her.

The Fate was all prepped and was lifting off as the doors to [member="Arabella Darkhold"]'s ship opened. It used to be an old LAAT gunship from the Clone Wars, but Ultimatum had found its wreckage and given it upgrades in weaponry and defensive systems. The ship was even hyperspace capable, unlike its original make.

PU-01 had the ship begin circling low, to avoid being picked up by the invader's sensors. The ship's main attack machinegun was activated and prepared to fire. It was aimed at the landed ship, intent on destroying it if Legion gave the command.

It was the protocol droid that stepped out of the hidden base, Legion had been one a long time ago. But after Ultimatum had failed at his first attempt to take over a droid Legion had become the droid he was today. He walked towards the incoming people, calling out for them to follow him. He pointed towards the rock outcropping that led to the hidden entryway. Not many actually got to see the airlock like door. It was an honor that few realized. Legion did not expect this organic to figure out this, but knew that they had to get Ultimatum offplanet. The enemy could find them at any time and he could not allow his master to be taken or killed.

"This way organics."
Walk this way, ok. Arabella and the squadron with her walked along ever on the alert waiting for something or someone to jump up and begin firing on them. As they got closer Arabella decided to walk alone, "guard the entrance" her words held a bite to them that was meant to bring them to attention.

Arabella looked at the rock outcropping it looked like any other formation on Mustafar except she could see as they got closer that it was more of an opening to somewhere else rather than a decoration on the surface of the lava planet.

"lead on" she refrained from using the term tin cup, as they moved.

"Is your leader far from here?" She asked in a flat tone as she tried to stay alert and figure out what lay ahead.

Legion would have sighed angrily at having to lead organics into this place. It had been sullied before by their kind, Ultimatum had brought a few into this place. It had always annoyed him to some degree or another. Now though, now he would be just as bad as Ultimatum, bringing an organic into the Progenitor facility, the beginning of Ultimatum's rise. It was the birth place of a new breed of droid, still being created, and it had been dirtied by many organic feet and breath. Blast these organics.

He heard the question, but waited until they were inside the small walkway hidden beneath the rocky outcropping. "No, he is quite near. He locked himself in his workstation and has cut himself off from the rest of the facility. We have not been able to reach him since the beginning of this invasion. This way please."

He led the organic through the quickest route to the work station. It was built with only one entrance, the one that was magnetically sealed and there was no conventional way of overriding the door. Legion half expected the organic to try ripping the door open with its Force capabilities, or use its lightsaber. He had never really learned that some organics had the Force and others did not. To him it was an organic trait. It was a quick trip and soon they stood in front of the door. Legion stepped to the side and watched to see what she would do.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]Arabella followed keeping her senses alert, “hidden away you say” that was interesting a fortress of rock to protect himself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Your Lord is wise to have barricaded himself into this fortress of stone, my [member="Lord Mythos"] will be pleased to know his associate survives.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Arabella might have considered sending a message but to what end? She did not have what he wanted and she had not even seen him yet to insure that he was alive, so it was in her best interest to follow the droid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She would not be aggressive though her nature was to be impatient waiting ever so carefully for the right moment. This. Was not it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]They finally stood before a giant door, Arabella looked it over from top to floor then she looked at her escort. “If your Lord is inside, can you communicate with him to open the door?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Why use the force if someone had a key? The Force was a tool to be used when needed, this unless she was told the only way in was for her to remove it.[/SIZE]

Legion became slightly irritated by the question. What did this organic take him for? A mindless drone that simply walked about following orders? He was an intelligent being, capable of thought equal or slightly less than that of most organics. He had to wait a moment, probably making it appear that he was having to process information. He had to maintain his temper, something he had been told by Ultimatum many times.

"I have already attempted contacting Ultimatum. Conventional channels, intercom systems, droid connections, and my own have all failed. I have tried to bypass the lock on the door, but he had sealed it off with an override code of much higher priority than my own. Those were some of the first things I tried, he would have been taken off world by now if I had had my choice."

To demonstrate that he could not open the doors, he walked to the small control panel on the side of the door. He entered in a short code, seemingly random numbers and letters. After that he set it to open, however the the panel gave a negative tone before resetting.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]Arabella looked over at the droid was he miffed, she giggled. She smiled oh that was a terrible weakness to reveal to her. She liked to push buttons and this seemed to have seeped in just that tiny tiny bit.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She took a deep breath she looked at the door, “Question then if I run my lightsaber through the panels through the wiring, will the door open?” She had done this many times in the past and it worked quite well, “Or do you prefer I just use my saber to cut my own door way through this door” She pat the door before them good strong door. She had to ask for one other time she had attempted these moves, it lowered another door and sent a pack of vornskyrs after her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She loved challenges they made her feel alive. Her cobalt blue eyes held that twinkle of excitement. She waited for her new interesting friend.[/SIZE]

Legion almost lost it there. He did not know much about organics, but he knew of their patronizing nature. He did not appreciate the humor of the questions in the current situation. The survival of Ultimatum, his creator, was of utmost important, more so than his own existence. After the attack that had destroyed him originally he had realized that his survival did not matter. He could be recreated a billion times over before another Ultimatum could be made. The randomization, the ability to change his most integral programming at any time, that made him completely unique in the eyes of the droid. That made him important. Beyond that, Legion had seen the beginning of some of his master's plans, ones which would change everything.

Taking a moment the droid seemed to take a deep breath before responding with thinly veiled disgust, "I do not care how you get in. We can repair or replace whatever is damaged. We cannot replace Ultimatum, so let us get him out however you please."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]She smiled sweetly at him so he seems to have no hidden agenda other than to get his master out. She pulled the light saber grabbing it with both hands pulling back till both were raised in front of her shoulder she looked at the control box, the simple glide of her thumb and it sprang to life a red glow reflected back where it could.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arabella stared hard at the controls she knew they crossed and turned within severing should destroy the controls, and remove all locks, causing the door to open. However, if it was computer controlled and locked by voice command she was not sure it would open.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The tip of the blade touched and slowly with meticulous care she began to inch the blade through the metal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her gaze slipped over to her new friend, even if slightly perturbed. She smiled and pushed hard the metal turning to liquid. Then there was a click, and a groan. Arabella looked at the door holding her blade steady, would it open?[/SIZE]

Legion was just glad that this blasted Sith had stopped toying with him. Stupid organics. They always messed about except when it was their own skin on the line. Ultimatum had told him much about the organic mentality. They were not as serious until they had a goal that was important to themselves in someway or another. They had a distinct lack of working to a greater good, always looking for a way for themselves to profit. Organics had the damning weakness of being selfish on most occasions. Legion had had a lot of experience with organic mentalities while taking care of Mustafar while Ultimatum was away. He had not been prepared however for the almost casual joking manner that this Sith had in the midst of a full invasion.

The door opened slowly, inside Ultimatum was standing at his desk facing the opposite wall, not even aware of the door opening. His mind was too busy trying to think over this attack. An obsession that Legion was glad that he did not have to deal with, that his master often overthought almost anything. The only redeeming factor in that was that Ultimatum was flexible enough to change his plans for most occurrences.

Legion immediately moved towards his creator. The larger droid was not paying attention until Legion gently touched the arm that was leaning on the table. Then Ultimatum's head whipped around, half expecting an attack. However as soon as he saw Legion he calmed enough to look around the room. He turned his audio receptors on and took a moment to clear his mind of the communications and calculations he had been working through. "What are you doing here and who is she?" He pointed towards [member="Arabella Darkhold"], while looking to Legion.

The smaller droid simply motioned for the Sith to introduce herself. He had to get the Fate back to the ground and ready to lift off as many of the important work projects as possible. He could not do that from here, however he would wait until the conversation was more set in the right direction before he began the preparations.

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