Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Stuff

Lira Dajenn

“Its not the Bounty Hunters that worry me.” Lira said quietly to herself. Hunters weren't the only ones that could collect those bounties, those Rodian Mercenaries could too. Of course the Jedi were more than capable of defending themselves from most threats, but even they could be outnumbered and outmaneuvered.

Still, she was more than glad when she reached their destination.

Her eyes began to shift around, and for a moment she forgot about the fear of running into anything unsavory.

Stacks and stacks of ships were positioned all around them. Large starfighrers, ancient y-wing and x-wing fore runners, Stealth X's. Dozens of different types of ships each one with their unique designs and curved lines. Lira stumbled over to a few of them, inspecting them and tracing fingers across their hull. Each time she found herself connected to the vessels.

She caught flashes of their ailments.

Torn fuel lines, broken reactor core, cracked engine pod. Each time she lay her palm on one the force gave a small hint at what it was that had ended this ship in the scrapyard. Her fingers deftly found their way across a stack of old Jedi Interceptors, Aethersprites mostly. Then suddenly, her palm stopped. Her head turned, and something caught her attention, caught beneath the broken wing of an ARC-170.

Lira's eyes focused, and she quickly checked to make sure the wing didn't support anything else that might cause a chain reaction. Closing her eyes, the young woman began to focus. She drew upon the force, clutching the wing with invisible tendrils of power. Slowly she pulled it away, revealing an ancient Eta-2 Interceptor.
With her suit unhooked and her mind back in the game Kana watched Lira as she continued taking the lead. This was after all her expedition. As the padawan voiced her concern Kana simply nodded. It was a valid concern and it was understandable. Jedi were indeed sought after and had bounties on them, but they were still a big group and their guide’s point was valid as well.

With eyes set on checking the area around them Kana continued along with the others on the path towards the wrecked fighters. It all seemed safe enough, but then again, that was on the list of famous last words. Now that if anything was a scary thought. As the man told her to keep an eye out she nodded in agreement.

“That’s what I’m here for.” Kana kept a watchful eyes on every ridge she could spot. “To make sure it all goes as planned and nobody gets hurt too bad. That’s how the Order likes it.”

Lira spoke up and Kana’s attention temporarily shifted between keeping a lookout and the expedition leader. The threat of being overwhelmed was certainly greater than bounty hunters finding them, but even then Kana saw little reason for anyone to overwhelm them unless they had been told of who the jedi were. Call it naivete on her part.

“As long as we have me and Mister Gideon here on watch then we should be fine. He’s most likely survived on Raxus with good reason.” Kana went back to keeping an eye out.. “Everything seems calm so far but I’ll continue keeping an eye out.”

[ [member="Lira Dajenn"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Jaryn Rhane"] ]
Jaryn was alone now, silently skulking along the edges of the Imperial ship. Star Destroyers, ancient ships of old once used by a tyrannical empire that lived well before any of the living in the modern day. Jaryn could feel the rusted plates of steel and various metals beneath his feet churning as he moved across the ship. He was following the signature of a group of rodians he had spotted flying past in their small junkyard traversing speeders.

Whilst the young Master was working on his own, he kept within telepathic sensory area of his fellow companions. However, Jaryn was traversing the dunes of acid and wreckage through elevated jumps and leaps, instead of in ventilation suits. It was soon, that from watching from above jaryn found results.

Leaping down, Jaryn landed firmly in the center of the platform of the junkyard speeder. Three rodians in total, and a single jawa pilot. Two sabers at his hip if needed and one powerful right hook. They were slow to react, two of which carrying miniguns and blaster in heavy eroded armour. A third with a force pike and a small vibrodagger on his hip. The two with the heavy weaponry were the first to react, but the slowest. The jawa pilot kept flying the ship and the skinny captain turned and swung at Jaryn. Jaryn bent his legs at the joint, pushing his body backwards and quickly dodging the swing. Then, Jaryn used the force to augment his speed and dashed forward, landing a precise hit on the neck captain before spinning around him to his back, wrapping a firm grip around his throat and placing his free hand on the force pike.

Jaryn used the force to augment his strength and ripped the captain by his shirt from the force pike and threw him overboard, down into the acid lake beneath them. He allowed the force pike to slide down in his hands, giving him a greater length. Using the end of the force pike to slap one of the two rodians blasters out of his way, he then moved forward and leaped over said rodian. Causing confusion and misdirection for both, then Jaryn proceeded to throw the force pike directly into the chest of his opponent, the pike pierced his armour and sent his stumbling backward. He then used an augmented force kick to knock the blaster out of the rodian he was standing beside grasp, then leaped slightly to the right to land a sudden punch to the rodian's face before telekinetically gripping the force pike and ripping it from the fallen rodians chest and throwing it at missile speed into his second opponent, which at that point sent him head first off the transport. The last rodian was one his feet, ready to throw a punch. Which Jaryn proceeded to dodge, and landed a knee into the rodians stomach and then followed up by slamming the rodians head into the railings of the ship.

The jawa pilot looked on, terrified. -Take me to the others, now-
[member="Lira Dajenn"][member="Kana Truden"][member="Jaryn Rhane"]

"Eta-two Actis. Very nice. Decent condition, for a thousand years of acid rain. Must have had a couple centuries of shelter." Cybernetic eyes kept up a continuous scan of their surroundings. "It's Cap'n Gideon, ma'am; I'm no master of anything but myself and my ship."

And maybe not even that anymore. The Gypsymoth had taken on a Sith capital ship over the capital city of Koros Major; at the conclusion of the fight, Jorus had faked his death and the Gypsymoth's destruction. But there hadn't been much to fake. The Gypsymoth was in drydock, undergoing repairs. In due course he'd send it to Q-27 to be Mara and Alna's home again. For now, he was flying some old Subach junker that didn't really suit his needs. That Defender-class back there, though...he didn't like the aesthetics, but there was no denying the ship had done the job. And Rendili had made an updated-

He forced himself to stay on the job, to not tinker.
Huff huff. Pant pant.


That was the sound of a large tech kit bag being set down on the sandy ground, followed by the grimace and a grunt of Padawan Choli Vyn. From under rose tinted goggles, she'd pan her gaze at her surroundings.

"Welp, what do?" she'd mutter, watching up ahead where the other folks she'd yet to pick up on names yet - [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Lira Dajenn"] - mulled about. Well save Captain Gideon now.

Her nose would scrunch up, wrinkle a bit just before a gloved hand would scrape against it. Again, she'd bent down and swing the backpack on, guess this means they were gonna get moving.

"An Actis eh?" her voice would pipe in from behind, a spark of interest and familiarity therein.

Catherine Romanov

An Eta 2. Interesting. And it looked mostly intact as well. Catherine was one of the few non-force users in the group. Sure, she was at an disadvantage compared to the force users, but Catherine was more than capable of holding her own in combat. Hearing about the bounties on the group of Jedi certainly did not do any favours to allay her nervousness.

While the guide, Gideon mentioned that these bounties usually amounted to nothing, she knew better. Credits was the way things worked here, and these Jedis were worth alot of credits. She had a gut feeling that something bad was about to happen, and she kept a hand on her blaster, just in case. Her instincts were usually right.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Lira Dajenn"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
“Oh. My apologies, Captain Gideon.” Kana bowed. “Do you see anything?”

She kept her eyes and mind on the immediate area. There was certainly something in the air though if that was the toxic rain or not was open for anyone’s guess. One could hope it was but hope and truth could often be two different things, could it not?

As the others talked of the ETA of something Kana couldn’t help feeling a bit lost. Where they expecting someone? She looked over at the padwans as they mired an old fighter and she tilted her head down and tried to think on where she had heard of it before. It didn’t take long before she began rolling her eyes at her stupidity. They were talking about the Eta-2, of course. Kana had to admit, she never were one for fighters as much as bigger ships, but to each their own or whatever.

“They seem to have found something to keep them occupied at least.” Kana turned to Gideon. “Getting it outta here might be a whole other problem though. If that is even the plan, I mean.”
[member="Kana Truden"]

"Oh, I'm definitely fuzzy on there being a plan, kid," 'Gideon' said sotto voce, "but I'm just the tour guide. And the shotgun, I guess. They want to strap repulsorjacks to a thousand-year-old hulk when I know for a fact there's a modern variant available to the Jedi, that's their business. Assuming they brought repulsorjacks. Not that I'll be offended," he said even more quietly, "if this is just sightseeing.

"Look, kid, you seem to have a head on your shoulders. If it ever gets too hot out" Surreptitiously, he passed her a square of flimsiplast with a set of coordinates scribbled. "Keep that as secret as you can. Jedi safe house. Not a soul knows about it."

In his head, he couldn't help tinkering, pondering the ways he could remake a ship to his needs. A ship was supposed to be freedom, and the Gypsymoth was too recognizable, too damaged, to let him help the Jedi and all the many, many others who had a claim on his aid.
Kana couldn’t help smirking at the man’s comment. She had to admit that there seemed to be a bit of a lack of plan, or at least a clear one. Her smirk faded promptly as she felt something sneak into the palm of her hand. She gave it a quick glance before giving ‘Gideon’ a curious look. Was this coordinates to something? Yes, it was, the man would confirm that.

Making sure the others weren’t looking she did a zipping motion in front of her mouth before giving the man a serious nod and thumbs up. It would have to do when it came to thank yous. The fact that a stranger held coordinates to a jedi safehouse was lost on her for the moment, but she added a mental note to ask about it later. If given the possibility, of course. In a sense it really felt like none of her business and quite possibly something she probably wouldn’t know the details as to the why of it.

“How are you guys doing over there?” Kana called over to the ‘kids’. “Anything you need help with?”

[ [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Catherine Maxwell"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Lira Dajenn"] ]

Lira Dajenn

While they had been standing watch and talking, Lira had begun to dig into the ship.

She didn't plan on taking the vessel anywhere, that would have been far too cumbersome and difficult, especially since they had scaled a cliff of some height to get here. Instead she had wormed her way inside the cockpit, which was still quite intact, albeit the seat had long since been worn away and most of the systems had been entirely destroyed.

Lira was tearing away at the consoles when Kana's voice broke her concentration. Frowning slightly the young padawan poked her head out of a broken piece of the Eta. “Fine.”

Retreating back into the ship Lira began to feel it out.

Sure the Republic had a modern variant of this vessel, heck it was even produced by the same corporation, but it was bigger, bulkier, and slower than the old ETA, though its designs were fairly similair. Lira had actually flown one before coming here. This ship, this ship felt different.
Well Choli wasn't about to sit around and wait, so she would follow [member="Lira Dajenn"] into the ship as well. "Coming behind ya," came her soft grunt, body half in and half out as she would look for handholds. One foot would come to rest upon an open shell of the air frame, those goggles panning to notice the wear of centuries worth on the vessel.

"Got some history to the old girl, doesn't she?" she'd comment, frowning as a hand would tug her gaiter down to her neck, her voice no longer muffled by the fabric.

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