Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of Justice and War

With a simple nod, the daughter of Eodred dismissed their polemic in its entirety. She had no intention of justifying her viewpoints to these two men, let alone explain the deep roots of Stormguard's allegiance to the crown. The gatekeepers of Tháinbroek and wardens of Odiir's temples were not the quarreling kind, but silent protectors of everything Valkyri. Astrid could almost feel Warscream's thirst for power, the passion pouring out of his every pore; unlike Máni who had every intention to serve the Gods, Einarr assumed he was to lead, not to follow.

That ambition, in the eyes of the Valkyri nobles, was daringly ambivalent. Some of them even secretly supported him, at least those war-mongering among them. Astrid would not tell him he had sympathizers in court, merely not to encourage him further. The real danger was - letting Warscream instill his idea into many men. Aspiration for greatness had a natural appeal to the Valkyri, to prove one's worth in the eyes of the gods.

"Then drink..." she retorted mystically and scooped up a pitcher, filling the chalice Einarr held with mead to the very rim. Astrid then filled Máni's cup as well, making sure both men had their fill of the divine liquid.

"Drink in my honor." the blonde added, beckoning them both to enjoy the beverage like a true Valkyri by drinking it in one go. She smiled lightly, encouraging them with an affirmative nod. Her gaze was then liften above the fire, her blond brow furrowing upon seeing who just rode into the camp. A band of heavily armored Valkyri dismounted near the central fire, bearing the sigil of Longarm clan, stout supporters of the High King. Among them was Eirik, the son of the chieftain, a renowned wielder of the warmace. They rode in from the north, on their way to the capital.

Eirik Longarm was a dark man, with pitch black mane and thick beard, a set of deeply set steel gray eyes lurking underneath the shadow cast by his protruded brow. He was exceptionally large, judging even by standards of his race, the mace in his hand appearing as if it was a mere toy of a child at best. There was a tremour in the ground when his thick boots landed onto the thin layer of snow. His blood stained cape trailed ominously behind him, leaving red stains on the ground. Clearly, he fought the Vinterbound.

"You father told me you could be here." Eirik spoke in a deep, thunderlike voice as he approached the fire where Astrid stood, who was still shocked how he managed to find her. Surely, Eodred spoke nothing of the whereabouts of his daughter to this man-beast. Longarm was one of many suitors who had their eye on Astrid, with Eirik being exceptionally pushy. Astrid was a good fighter in her own right, but she couldn't last a moment against Longarm's deadly blows. Unease became evident on Stormguard's face.

"My father is in Warsung." she replied dryly, indicating there was no way Longarm could've reached him.
"He told me to bring you home." Longarm insisted upon closing the distance between them, completely ignoring the company Astrid found herself in.
"I'm staying right here, Eirik. You may ride on, but my place is here." she said defiantly. Just as she was preparing to take a step back, Longarm grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, ready to take her away by force if need be.
"Ow...let go of me!" Astrid protested and tried to wiggle her hand out of his grip.

[member="Máni"] [member="Einarr Warscream"]
Máni kept a steady gaze on his two companions as a silence fell between them for a few brief moments before the Lady [member=Astrid Stormguard] scooped up a pitcher of mead and poured the contents in [member=Einarr Warscream]'s cup before turning on him and pouring some in his as well. She then proceeded to command them to drink deeply and fully as Valkyr tradition would demand when drinking to a noble. It was at this that Máni cocked an eyebrow and sent a swift look towards Einarr before looking down into his cup briefly. Nodding to himself as if he were satisfied with some inner analysis, he drank deeply, not pulling the cup away from his lips until the liquid was drained completely after which he held his cup up in a salute and stated simply.

"To you!" his glacial gaze falling on Astrid once more in what could only be described as a mixture of contempt and amusement. It was at this point that he noticed the look upon her face and turned in the direction that she was facing to find a band of Valkyr warriors dismounting, looking rather pointedly at the Lady Stormguard. He nimbly stepped out of the way as they barged through the three of them and towards Astrid. Máni twitched in annoyance, as it was a personal insult that he was ignored as if he didn't exist, which shouldn't have been a surprise as Astrid said the name of the larger man.

He would have likely remained silent throughout the exchange had the larger man, Eirik, chosen to not layed a hand on the Lady Stormguard. However, the moment that the larger man gripped the woman even as she demanded that he let go of her, Máni found it hard to control his words. He stepped forwards, clearing his throat and his voice took on a velvety tone of condescension. "One would think that a son of the Longarm clan would know far better than to forcefully grasp the daughter of Lord Stormguard in such a way. Odiir would not be pleased to see you handling his temple guards in such a manner, and honor demands that you release her at once and apologize for your affront."

His stature was nearly half of what Eirik Longarm's was, but Máni would not step back from the man. It was a matter of honor and Helm demanded justice in the current situation. Honor demanded it.
Einarr was absolutely happy with what the noble Valkyr had ordered them to do - drink, bottoms up. He'd been tired from the long battles with the dreadful Vinterbound and having had to argue with the priest of a boy and Stormguard's daughter, one of the other had exhausted him even more. He had finished his chalice a few seconds before Máni and happily licked his lips. Stormguards' mead was good, the blacksmith would give them that. Enjoying the lasting taste of it in his mouth, Einarr had forgotten that he had to raise his chalice as Máni just did.

"To you, my lady." The blacksmith's smirk on his face while his voice slightly lower than that of the cheerful priest.

The hooves galloping on the snow along with Astrid and Máni having their gaze towards the source of the hooves had Einarr turn his head at the same direction to see the large bearded figure of Eirik Longarm. The blacksmith had only heard about him as most of the Valkyri have - a fearsome warrior with a warmace and quite large, even for a Valkyr. He had dismounted from his horse and was ambitiously heading straight towards Astrid. In the end, what would that man want with two commoners such as the blacksmith and the younger Valkyr ?

Einarr, as all Valkyri, knew about the Longarm - fierce supporters of High King Dawnbringer, just like the Stormguards. Hence, they fell under the category of Valkyri that the blacksmith believed were at fault for limiting the Valkyri to reach their true potential. The Longarm clan were prevalent in Thainbroek, as Einarr had noticed their sigil numerous times while selling with his crew of raiders the loot from their pillaging raids.

The short conversation that took place between the large Valkyr and Astrid revealed to Einarr that the blonde did not quite have much sympathies for Eirik. That was further justified by her reaction to the man's use of force. The blacksmith's senses increased at the sudden change of scenario, yet Einarr was not stupid. He had no reason to strike the larger Valkyr. It was something between the two nobles to settle and as such Einarr simply observed.

On the other hand, Máni had immediately voiced his displeasure with what was happening. The blacksmith expected that from the younger Valkyr. The little he'd known about him was enough for Einarr to expect the Gods' devotee to express his opinion on the matter.


A word that had been the primary motive for Valkyri to rush their journey towards Beornskald. Einarr carefully observed the situation that was unfolding at hand and slightly moved his hand closer to his axe while remaining silent. One should always have caution, especially when the more brutish Longarms were involved.

[member="Máni"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
Eirik's murky eyes widened, a clear sign he was not used to people talking back to him. Longarms were infamous for their short attention spans and hit-first-ask-questions-later kind of mentality, the heir to the family name no exception. He was older than both Einarr and Máni; a man in his thirties, at the zenith of his strength. He had long courted Astrid, since he first saw her at the marketplace when she was barely fourteen. More than six years passed since then and Longarm's desire for her only grew; he waited like a hungry wolf for his opportunity to make her his wife. No tavern wench was able to quench that thirst, the longing for her pale, immaculate flesh. Deep down, Astrid was afraid of him, of that wild lustre in his ominous eyes. His patience grew thinner by the day, only a matter of time before his paws would grip her and never let go.

"I take what is mine, peasant." Eirik growled upon turning around to face whoever was contesting his claim on Astrid. He towered over the young man, the entirety of his being now in Longarm'd shadow. Coarse lips stretched into a thin line, the semblance of a wicked smile framed by a wiry, wild beard.

"One would think a nameless peasant would know better than to tell Longarm what to do." he growled, fist of his right hand clenching, while the other released Astrid's wrist - "Perhaps a lesson is in order."

"Please, Eirik." pleaded the daughter of Eodred when his intentions became clear. The matter would be settled with fists. Before she could even utter another word, Longarm's fist flew through the air, directly towards Máni's jawline.Surely, commoners had enough common sense not to meddle with nobles. Besides, Eirik was not the only Longarm around. Astrid reached out in an attempt to stop him, grabbing him by the shoulderpads of his armor.

"No, let him go!" was all she managed to say before Longarm slapped her across the face with the back of his hand, the sheer force of the blow sending her face-down into the snow. His abusive nature surfaced, a short glimpse of what awaited her if she was to marry this man. Astrid felt the metallic taste of blood on her lower lip, the blow he delivered bruising the corner of her mouth. She winced, hand instinctively wiping the blood. The linen cloth of her sleeve was now stained red, with her own blood.

[member="Máni"] [member="Einarr Warscream"]
Máni had listened to the man prattle on and even had been willingly to accept the blow that was heading towards him by the son of the Lord Longarm, but when Astrid stepped in on his behalf and in turn Eirik turned on her, hitting her and throwing her to the ground with the force of the blow, Máni's features darkened and his eyes flashed with the full fury of a winter storm. His normally glacier eyes solidifying into that of a icy stalagmite and his normally cheerful air abruptly freezing and becoming much darker and dangerous. It was not only the slap that set him off, but also the insinuation that his parents were nothing more than peasants, which was far from the case. They had been a prominent family in Reykjaa and they had died defending their home.

"You have as much claim to Lady Stormguard as I do of Eár herself. And, now you have hit a noblewoman whom does not belong to you. You lack honor." his words were pointed and icy, a barely contained rage festering deep within the undertones of each syllable. "My name is Máni, son of Eárin Shield-arm, and you have insulted the dead as well as the honor of the Lady." Shield-arm was his surname, though he had sworn it away when he devoted himself to Helm. The Shield-arm's were not a noble family, but long had they defended the Northern villages from the beasts and other forsaken creatures that roamed the northernmost lands west of the Falls of Crystal. They had earned their reputation for their stalwart defense of the land, even before the building of Tháinbroek itself. They were a warrior family through and through, which would likely explain Máni's outlook on many things in life and his sense of honor.

"You are a disgrace to the Valkyr son of Longarm. May Odiir himself bar you entrance to Beornskald." While it was true that Máni wished to avoid a fight, he knew that with the Longarm, it would not be possible. And, even less so now that he had gone so far as to curse the man's spirit to forever be barred from Beornskald. It was inevitable that a fight was coming. But, honor was held in high regard by the young Valkyri warrior, and the chieftains son had disgraced both his dead families honor and the honor of the Lady Stormguard.

[member="Einarr Warscream"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
Einarr observed the situation unfold and escalate while he analysed the people around him. The bear looking Valkyr of clan Longarm had turned his attention to Máni's valiance to speak up against the noble's action upon Astrid. The arrogance was clearly emanating from Eirik Longarm judging by his words towards the younger Valkyr. Einarr's gaze locked at what the Longarms' heir would do and when he went for a punch towards the young Valkyr, the blacksmith's body language changed in preparation of the upcoming fight. His fingers itched for his axe but at his current position he might not be able to withdraw his weapon without being hindered by Eirik who was too close for comfort.


What happened next surprised even Einarr but also pleased him. He was surprised of the sudden soft persona that the blonde daughter of Eodred demonstrated by stopping the large Valkyr in his tracks taking his attention along with a slap from him which resulted in blood splattering on the ground coming from Astrid's pretty face. What pleased the blacksmith was that it gave enough time for him to move slightly towards the back of Eirik, along with giving him the green light on using his weapon on a noble eventually. Longarm's lack of thought in his actions which resulted in him hitting another noble would be enough of a reason for Einarr not to get too much heat on himself of whatever the outcome of this situation was. Consequences would not be as fatal as it would've been if there had been no reason for Einarr to engage in a fight.

He shifted his eyes at the slowly approaching men of the Longarm clan who had previously arrived on their horses with Eirik, their hands on the hilts of their swords as slowly a crowd was gathering to see what was all the commotion. Most openly defied what Eirik had done, which in Einarr's opinion was unbelievably stupid. The blacksmith observed the situation with readiness as Máni brought forth his upbrininging in more detail than before. Shield-arm was the family he belonged to, he'd only known that they were from the north and quite old. Nothing more. Yet, Máni's honor was directly attacked by Longarm's insult and he knew the younger Valkyr was not going to back off at all now.

Máni said:
"You are a disgrace to the Valkyr son of Longarm. May Odiir himself bar you entrance to Beornskald."

What Máni had just said literally meant a fight was going to happen and Einarr certainly knew that he did not want to be on the losing side. With Longarm's strike on Astrid, he'd been freed from the burden of worrying of direct consequences by all Valkyrian nobles upon him. The blacksmith took out his axe and heard swords being unsheathed from the quickly approaching men of Longarm clan. He did not think twice before he went into an attempt to hack Eirik's sword arm.

Blood calls for blood.

[member="Máni"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
The rest of the crowd in the camp was reluctant in taking sides; instead, they just spread out from around the fire, leaving those who wish to test their allegiances enough space to fight. The notoreity of the Longarms was known far and wide, their bloodlust and ruthlessness often deciding outcomes of entire battles. Keeping that particular clan happy was, among a few other things, the only way for a regent to keep their paw on the throne of Midvinter. For a commoner, picking a fight with a Longarm meant one had a certain deathwish. Alternatively, Longarms would more or less simply get what they wanted, without much effort, so asking nicely was not a part of their everday vocabulary. Máni's words fell to deaf ears.

"Bind her!" Eirik shouted as he half-turned towards his men, commanding them to use the ropes to tie Astrid down and toss her over his horse. His attention only briefly turned to son of Shield-arm as he felt a whiff of air coming from behind him. He lifted his arm diagonally, the metallic bracer now directly colliding with the blade of Einarr's axe. The edge of it cut directly through the steel, then got stuck when it reached the radius bone. There was virtually no sign of pain on Eirik's face, just the expression of a complete madman and sadist. The manuever seemed completely illogical, but it opened Einarr's midsection to a blow coming from the other direction, the warmace in Eirik's left arm slamming against the chestplate of Warscream who had incorrectly assumed the arm he was attacking was the one Longarm even cared about. Apparently, the bane of Midvinter was left-handed.

Two of Longarm's men lifted Astrid from the ground and up to her feet, with the woman squirming and kicking to escape them, albeit without much success. They grabbed her by the neck and pushed her hands against the small of her back, while using the rope to tie her wrists together. Astrid screamed curses in Runian, hoping to elicit some sort of reaction from the rest of the folk. An elderly man wanted to intervene, only to be stopped by his wife with a palm pressed against his chest. Longarm's younger brother Knut, of equally mammoth stature, wrapped his arm around Astrid's neck from behind her back and then slid his hand between her legs, firmly gripping her groin.

He lifted her up in the air, ready to toss her over Eirik's saddle. There was sick satisfaction evident on young Longarm's face upon burying his thick fingers between Astrid's thighs, knowing that his brother would share the spoils of war with him. It was not uncommon for Longarm men to lend their women to next of kin, for they were nothing short of cattle in their eyes.

"You think she is worth dying for?" Eirik questioned, hissing through his teeth, as he plucked Warscream's axe out of his bracer and flesh, his own blood now meandering down his hand.
"Think again, peasant." he added, before swinging the mace in a wide angle, aiming at both Einarr and Máni.

[member="Máni"] [member="Einarr Warscream"]
As expected, the fight came swiftly. Ever had the Longarms been a clan of arrogance and superiority despite their loyalty to the High King, it had earned them quite the number of enemies, though no one was brave enough to stand up to their arrogance. Máni himself wouldn't have been had they not insulted his dead parents by insinuating that he was nothing more than a peasant; while that was true to some degree, it was meant as an affront to his family honor and that was something that the young Valkyri would not abide. His dark gaze turned on Eirik and briefly snapped to [member=Einarr Warscream] as he caught the motion of his axe coming down on the mammoth-like Valkyr's sword-arm.

The blow, however, did little more than annoy the larger Valkyri and seemed to strengthen his resolve on his intended path. There would be blood staining the ground of Midvinter, though Máni was determined to ensure that it wouldn't be his or any of his companions. His gaze turned to [member=Astrid Stormguard] as he heard her cry out again and he noticed another large Valkyr binding her. A dark rage built within his chest and he could practically feel the power radiating off of him as if it were an aura. It was not often that Máni fell prey to the battle rage that his family carried in their blood, but the sight of the brutish Longarms doing as they pleased seem to awaken it with relative ease. Máni was a devotee of the Gods, but even he was subject to flaws of mortals, namely Anger and Vengeance

"Enough!" his words were powerful and commanding, a layer of Force power resonating with each syllable, his words shattered his control over his battle rage and he sprang into action. He was keenly aware of the swing of Eirik's mace as it was positioned to attempt to his both him and Einarr in one mighty sweep, but time seemed to favor the young Valkyr as the larger man's motions slowed and the servant of the Gods moved with a rather unnatural swiftness and delivered a power kick to the back of the larger mans knee, hearing a satisfying crack as the knee buckled from the blow and brought the larger man down to his knees.

Máni did not relent from there, instead delivering another kick to the mans face that sent him to the snow-packed earth with a cushioned thud. Even still, it was not enough as the young Valkyr leaped upon the beast of a man and began deliver heavy precision punches to the mans face. His arms settling into a pattern of rhythm that spoke of Máni's intention to kill the larger man.

Blood calls for blood.

His own thoughts unknowingly echoing what Warscream's had only moments ago.

"You." punch. "Are." punch. "Honor-less." delivering another final punch and getting off of the taller man, not caring if he stood or not. He gripped the mace of the son of Longarm in his hand and raised darkened eyes to meet Einarr's and then in turn to the sky where he raised the mace and spoke to the elements and Gods alike, "I claim the weapon of Eirik Longarm as my own. He who will never reach Beornskald. May Helm grant my justice." his arm fell to his side with the mace gripped tightly in his hand before he returned his gaze to Warscream again.

"Do you wish to contest my right to claim his weapon?" his words were soft and measured indicating that his battle rage was failing as quickly as it had come, also indicative of how little he practiced the art. He was offering the weapon to Einarr if he so chose to take it, as it was Einarr who landed the first blow that distracted Eirik and gave Máni the chance to access his battle-rage and to bring down the larger man.
Einarr's axe cut right through the huge man's bracer and went through into his flesh reaching his bone, yet he underestimated Eirik's madness as the larger Valkyr lunged his warmace with such fearsome strength that Einarr had to leave his axe on the man. The warmace came in with such power behind it that the blacksmith could hear it whistling dreadfully through the air as it connected with Einarr's chestplate - his only defence. The blacksmith's evasion was not fast enough but quick enough for him to stagger back from the kinetic force that the war mace delivered to him. He was glad that it had went at his chest plate rather than at any other part of him which was only covered with leather clothes. Commoners of the Valkyri rarely were donned in full armor like Eirik, relying mostly on their movements and bravery.

He barely had time to notice that Longarm's men taking Astrid away bound as a package, as the large Valkyr was swinging his warmace in another attempt to strike Einarr and Mani. The blacksmith sidestepped the blow and what came after surprised Einarr. The young priest went into complete fury as he went straight for Eirik with bare hands. Eirik seemed not to expect such a reaction as well. Despite their bloodthirst, Longarms were known for their arrogance which as it would turn out would lead to Eirik's downfall at the hands of Mani.

Máni said:
"I claim the weapon of Eirik Longarm as my own. He who will never reach Beornskald. May Helm grant my justice."
Einarr's wolfish smirk recreated itself on his face when his eyes locked with the priest's. The blacksmith shifted his look towards where Astrid had been taken to and saw the men halting right in their tracks at the scene of what had just occurred to their leader. Bringing his look back to the young Valkyr, he saw Mani offering the warmace that had belonged to the large bearded Valkyr to Einarr. The blacksmith, despite his smirk, was slightly displeased that the priest was the one that had mainly played the role in defeating Longarm's heir. Yet, Einarr would not leave empty handed from this opportunity that had arisen out of nowhere.

He took the warmace from Mani's hands and looked around the crowd that gathered while also pulling his axe back from Eirik's flesh.

It was time to be known...

It was time for greatness...

"Those that prefer to hurt their brothers and sisters rather than their true enemies have no place among us. Neither do they have place among those feasting with Odiir in Beornskald." His voice boomed through the crowd while looking at their frozen reactions. They knew what was to happen. Mani might have verbally forbidden Eirik's journey to Beornskald but Einarr would do it with action. The blacksmith dropped the mace on the snow ground and put his axe back on his belt while unsheathing his sword from its sheath. It was Einarr's time. The opportunity to get closer to his goal was presented in front of him like a gift. It was time to clutch it. Time to be known more. Time to forge a name of power.

"I, Einarr Warscream!!" Einarr said to the gathered crowd, emphasizing on the I, taking a look at both Mani and Astrid as well before he continued boldly with his wolfish grin on his face.

"Deny Eirik Longarm entry to Beornskald!!!"

His blade aimed straight at Eirik's armor's weak spot, the connection between the neck and the chest...

...The bearded head rolled on the white ground painting it red...

[member="Máni"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
When the head of Longarm rolled towards the fire, leaving a bloody trail in the snow, the crowd encircling them almost simultaneousy drew in a deep breath, gasping in utter disbelief. They simply couldn't believe the events unfolding before their very eyes; Warscream just beheaded one of the most malevolent warriors among the Valkyri kind. Undoubtedly, there would be retaliation against the usurper, once the venerable Longarm chieftain learned Einarr had just robbed him of a rightful heir.

Yet, Longarm had two sons, not one, with the younger already mounting Astrid atop of a horse when Einarr's blade befell his brother. Safely cradeled between the saddle and steed's broad neck, Astrid looked up towards the fire and Einarr who stood triumphantly with sword raised high above his head.

The moment seemed to last an eternity, with people beginning to spontaneously cheer once they realized that the brute was dead. Perhaps the most powerful thing a person could do was to release others from their fears, to liberate them from a tyrant. Eirik had harassed her as long as she could remember and not even the High King dared to deny him of the object of his desire. Such was the infamy of the Longarm clan. And was gone. Above all, Einarr had liberated the daughter of Eodred from a life of misery that awaited her when she would eventually succumb to Eirik's unrelenting pressure. Yet, it was far too early to celebrate just yet...

"Einarrrrr!" the blonde yelped as Knut mounted his late brother's horse, intending to salvage what he could. If he was to reach the capital first and present his side of the story to the High King, there was a fair chance Warscream would be prosecuted as a murderer. He thus tugged the reigns of Eirik's black warhorse and the animal darted into the forest with formidable speed, with the daughter of Stormguard in tow.

Astrid was taken aback by the surreality of the circumstances she found herself in; in one moment she was delivering mead to the survivors of Vinterbound attack, only to be Longarm's prey in the next. One never knew what gods had in store for them, how destiny would weave the tapestry of life. As Knut rode through the forest towards the east, one of his hands pressed against her back so she wouldn't fall off the horse, Astrid remembered the first time she met his brother. She was barely a teenager whom her father had sent to the marketplace for groceries, where she witnessed Longarm's brutality firsthand.

Eirik's steed had been startled by two children who were playing catch in the street, with him falling of the horse as it rose on its hind feet. If Astrid hadn't boldly stood between him and the children, Eirik would've slain them in cold blood. For him killing had been second nature, something he enjoyed with no remorse. Very few men were born this way, with inherent liking of brutality, with thirst for blood so deeply carved into their genes and in Eirik's case, with no will or effort being made to control it. Come to think of it, Warscream did right when he rid the land of such a presence, despite his selfish intentions. He was as useful to the situation as the situations was useful to him.

Knut never reaching the capital was now of prime importance, the blonde had realized, and began to rock back an dforth in attempt to destabilize herself and fall off the horse. She managed to push her feet against the side of the horse and use Knut's inability to hold both the reigns and her in place to slip off the racing stallion and head-first into a drift of snow. Eirik's brother momentarily stopped the horse and dismounted, ominously grunting like an enraged bear. He closed the distance between them swiftly, leaving her no time to move, let alone undo the ropes that bound her.

Ocean blue eyes looked up from the forest floor and into the air, a broad-chested figure looming over her like a scavanger hungry for carrion. Astrid was short of breath, the fall from a galloping horse not exactly painless.

"I always wondered what made you so special, when he could take any woman he wanted." said Knut in a low, foreboding voice - "It's about time I find out."
He then unclipped his chestplate and removed it, leaving him in nothing but a coarse wollen tunic worn over a pair of leather trousers.

"What your brother wanted..." Astrid replied defiantly, squirming like a snake as she tried to pull her hands out of the ropes binding them together - "...can only be given freely. And I would rather die than lay with a beast."
Knut then knelt down and pushed her knees open, his hands grabbing the robe of her tunic and ripping it apart with full force. He sneered at the sight of her bare skin, his filthy paws grappling her flesh with unseen carnality.
As she began running out of options, Astrid spat right into his face and propelled her head forwards, aiming to hit her forehead against his nose.

She half-succeeded, with Knut punching her back in the face and almost knocking her uncounscious. Just as he was about to fulfill his atrocious deed, the ground tremoured with sound of horse's hooves approaching. Astrid bobbed her head backwards, trying to see if it was the rest of Longarm entourage that followed their master, but Knut's forceful blow had broken her arcade, with blood now flowing into her eyes and obscuring her vision. Nevertheless, she screamed as loud as she could muster, hoping that someone would eventually hear her...

[member="Máni"] [member="Einarr Warscream"]
The grave silence that followed after the execution of the Longarm heir made Einarr's blood boil. He felt as if in a trance, a trance when someone felt absolute power. Such a gift from the Gods meant only one thing - he was on the right track. Eventually, he would come for Dawnbringer and his family. They have long limited the Valkyri from taking what is theirs. Clans fightin one another continuously and for what ? A damn title. No. The galaxy would soon tremble before the name of the Valkyri.

Not now, but soon...

His trance was cut short when the gallop of hooves were heard and his name yelled by the blonde noble being taken away by the dead Longarm's brother. Einarr simply looked at her being taken away, he had no intention to pursue them. It was not his business.

Wait a second.

The blacksmith's eyes widened at what could possibly happen if he let the Longarm's brother reach the capital before him. They'd always take a noble's word before that of Einarr. Especially with the recent negative name he was making for himself, it would mean that his plans would be cut short.

Odiir, guide me.

Einarr did not even glance at the young priest who had beaten completely the now-dead Eirik Longarm. The blacksmith only wondered for a moment if Máni realized what it meant for both of them if they let the Longarm tell his story first to the court. Priest or no priest, it meant the same when a heir of a very recognized noble had been executed and given a story that is to the Longarm's liking first, both were going to have their heads removed.

Mounting a nearby horse, he kicked its ribs to gallop after the fading figure of the Longarm brother. Einarr was surprised at the horse's enthusiasm and speed to catch the Longarm brother before he reached his intended target, as if the blacksmith's feelings were channeled into the horse's soul and the animal felt the urgency to capture the kidnapper.

Through the forest they had entered, Einarr followed the tracks of Longarm's horse. What they lead him to was the obnoxious scene filled with blood stained snow, bare female flesh and a large figure on top of it. The blacksmith thought of hurling his axe towards the man but he risked injuring Astrid. He couldn't risk killing another noble.

Dismounting from his horse, he rushed towards Eirik's brother with such ferocity that could be felt in the air. His sword in hand, Einarr knew that this was to be a fight to the death. The Longarm had to die and Astrid had to live. The blacksmith the immense opportunity of achieving unbelievable reputation and garner more influence. Slaughtering both heirs to one of the most fearsome clans in one day. It was something that would remain throughout the history of the Valkyri.

Adrenaline rushed through his body as he went for a fierce slash at the other Valkyr.

Einarr Warscream...Longarm Slayer.

[member="Máni"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
Einarr had been the first to leap into action after he had beheaded the eldest of the Longarm heirs, a fact to which Máni made note of to later bring up to the man. He did not approve of the way that things had ended, he had been perfectly satisfied cursing the man verbally, but Einarr had removed the Eirik's head; ensuring that he would never reach Beornskald. He had taken Justice of the Gods into his own hands and molded for his benefit. It should not have surprised the younger Valkyr of the two, but it did. He certainly did not approve of Warscream's actions and he would make this known when they both had the time to do so. As it was now, they were to give chase to the second-born heir to the Longarm chief. He had foolishly taken the daughter of Stormguard and proceeded east towards the capital of Midvinter, Tháinbroek.

He watched in silence as Einarr mounted his own horse and darted after the last son of Longarm, and in a matter of minutes, the younger Valkyr followed on a horse of is own. The icy wind was sharp and cold against his body, the majority of it being repelled by the thick furs that were draped around him once again. It seemed that the Gods had deemed today to be full of trials for him and his companions. He kept his eyes forward and his head low as the horse raced through the woods and he steadied the creature as they arrived on scene to see Einarr charging towards a mass of snow clad furs. It only took moments to realize that the mass of furs was the youngest son of Longarm atop the Lady Stormguard, a fact to which the younger Valkyr's eyes flashed dangerously.

He leaped from his horse and moved with a practiced swiftness and grace, attempting to reach Einarr before he killed the last son of Longarm. However, Eár seemed to favor Einarr more so than the young Máni because the older of the two Valkyr was moving far faster than he was. In an act of desperation and determination, the young Valkyr threw his hands open in a roar of power and the Force exuded from him in an explosive force that parted the snow around him and threw every soul within five feet of him into the air, including Astrid, Einarr, and the youngest son of Longarm.

His strength faltered for a moment and he sagged under the weight that came crashing down over him, threatening to submerge him into unconsciousness. But, he resisted, forcing himself to keep standing tall, his footing carefully measured as the three bodies fell to the ground with varying degrees of impact. He was careful to watch the youngest Longarm while kneeling next to Astrid to ensure that she was okay, keeping his gaze from her near naked form.

"You are okay, Lady Stormguard." his words were a statement and not a question. His tone hardening slightly as his eyes found their way to Einarr Warscream, and he spoke again with a sharp tone. "No more death Einarr Warscream, lest you too be cursed by the Gods. Your quest for glory will be your downfall. Let it be known that you will not lay another finger on the youngest son of Longarm. The penalty for a Valkyr ending another's bloodline is far worse than death, you know this to be true. I cannot allow you to kill him." though he attempted to force his words to be strong, they were strained and heavy with weakness. Nevertheless, the look in his eyes would tell any who gazed into them that he meant what he said. He would find a way to fight Einarr, even if he succumbed to the blackness that hovered over him invitingly.

[member="Einarr Warscream"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
Survival instincts were the strongest while in state of total shock. While Einarr and Máni clashed with their conflicting philosophies, the younger Longarm's sole intent was to consume and devour Astrid like she was a piece of roast. Warscream could barely pass the opportunity of extinguishing an entire bloodline, regardless of the penalty prescribed by divine laws of Valkyri people; his action was justified. Unfortunately, Máni had underestimated the resolve of the Longarms and the fact that they could not be persuaded by words, even if they were uttered by the High King. Knut might have landed on his knees, but his hand made its way to his belt, unclipping a throwing axe which was flung towards Einarr, aiming for his mid-section.

"Warscream???" grunted the younger Longarm as he sprung to his feet, with sword in his right hand - "I'll ride with your head on a spike through the city gates!"

Younger Longarm was a formidable swordsman; while his brother relied more on sheer strength, Knut was dexterous and had fine footwork. His sword was not of standard breadth, but rather sharpened at the tip so a jab in the right place would quickly end most fights. Surely, the odds were in their favour, three to one, with daughter of Stormguard having no reason to interfere, yet something inside her moved, like a dam that gave in to a gust of water. Astrid could not let Knut do the thing he attempted to another woman, she couldn't let another being experience the fear and pain he intended to inflict her. What terrified her was not the foul deed she would partake in, but the prospect of another if he was left to live. If not towards Astrid, then towards some other defenseless woman.

Her hand grabbed through the snow, finally finding the smaller dagger that had fallen out of her boot when Máni's magic propelled them into the air. The ropes that bound her wrists together were cut swiftly, freeing her so she could act. The blonde then rose to her feet and darted towards Knut, jumping on top of his back like a lynx onto an unsuspecting chamois and rammed the dagger right into his neck with full force, causing both of them to fall backwards, with Knut landing on top of her. She grabbed him by his jaw and twisted the blade in the wound which effectivelly ripped arteries and veins in his neck, blood spurting out of his mouth like a fountain.

Her legs wrapped around his waist from behind, in an attempt to prevent him from squirming as the last of air left his now torn larynx. As Knut choked on his blood, Astrid clenched her teeth together, extending her deathgrip long enough to make sure he was dead. Once he had stopped moving, the daughter of Stormguard just lay there, heavily breating under Longarm's dead body. Her face and chest was fully soaked in his blood, its metallic scent now completely permeating the chilly air around them.

[member="Máni"] [member="Einarr Warscream"]
The shockwave that sent him flying to the side and away from his target - Eirik Longarm's brother had him land hard into the snow, his eyes burning with rage at the priest's interference. He was becoming more of an obstacle than anything else but Einarr could not let this get too much into his head due to the Longarm standing on his feet already, Einarr soon followed only to dead weight back to the ground as the large Valkyr had thrown an axe at him. The weapon swooshed over his head and landed right into the tree behind him, carving the trunk deeply.

Bloodthirst filled him and his eyes could only see the large figure of the Longarm coming towards him. Einarr cared now only to slaughter him, his smirk had gone replaced with a killing look. His fingers itched on his hilt as he prepared for what was to come. The blacksmith's thoughts had become full only with the intent to slaughter the larger Valkyr and end the Longarm's bloodline.

Yet, it would not be his honor to do that...

Half naked, Astrid had stalked the Longarm from behind and had lunged on top of his back delivering deadly stabs with a knife. Every hole she pierced drew enough blood to make an average person feel disgusted. As if that did not kill him, the blonde had clutched on his back suffocating the large Valkyr. His bloodlust was slowly fading away at the sight of what was happening, slowly regaining composure the closer the Longarm was to dying.

The blacksmith felt pain in his left leg as he limped a few more steps forward towards the body of the Longarm. Einarr realized just now after the adrenaline rush had faded that the rough landing from Mani's use of the Force. With the fading of the adrenaline, he caught himself slightly panting. It had been a long day.

Stabbing the snow with his sword and putting his arms on it to lean, he spoke with a dry threatening tone:

"Do not ever do this again, priest."

All seemed to stand silent at the mayhem that had just happened. The blood painted daughter of Eodred Stormguard slaying the spare son of the Longarms would cause a great ruckus, Máni and Einarr's execution of the heir was already too much. Midvinter would soon be rocked once again by strife.

An opportunity to consolidate power...

[member="Astrid Stormguard"] [member="Máni"]
Máni's eyes narrowed at the older Warscream, but he refrained from speaking for the moment. The situation would first need to calm and their rage would need to subside before words could again be spoken between the two of them. Warscream had effectively been denied the self professed glory of ending a bloodline, instead the Lady Stormguard having gained such a cursed honor. The younger Valkyr could only watch helplessly as the events unfolded around him, his thoughts wild and erratic as he tried to process what exactly just happened. Einarr had killed the eldest of the Longarm children and Astrid had killed the youngest of them. He looked at the two of them with a broken gaze, unsure of what to think about the two of them. He knew the viciousness that Einarr possessed, but he had not expected to see it from the noble woman, a daughter of the prestigious and sometimes entitled Stormguard lineage.

He breathed in softly before he carefully chose his words, speaking as though his voice would shatter an already thin glass, "We have murdered the Longarm sons, and there are many who have witnessed the death of the oldest. We must leave this place, head for safety and establish a plan of action." He was careful to avoid the gaze of both of them as he stood and made his way back to his own horse and mounted the powerful creature. The snow caking in his hair as he looked towards their direction, but not directly at the two of them. This was not the justice that he had prayed for. It was the work of Velkar.

He turned his gaze to the sky as he awaited his companions and softly whispered to Beornskald and the Gods themselves, "What have we done?" that question in itself shedding light on what the younger Valkyr was feeling inside himself.

[member="Einarr Warscream"] [member="Astrid Stormguard"]
"You haven't done anything, Máni Shield-arm. No punishment awaits you." retorted the blonde coldly as she rolled Knut's dead body to the side. Her entire front side was covered in blood, her long hair drenched in Longarm's sanguine fluids and adhering to her bare chest, remnants of her ripped tunic hanging from her shoulders. Astrid then rose to her feet and pulled the dagger out of Knut's neck, wiping the curved blade with the seam of his cloak. Snowflakes descended through the thick pinetree canopy, landing atop the corpse in a thin layer. In the matter of hours, the body would be frozen, virtually undetectible until first rays of sun in early spring.

"I couldn't let him do that to anyone else." she said quietly, raising her gaze towards Máni who sat on his horse - "The gods know how many good women have already suffered this fate worse than death. No more."

Ocean-blue irises turned to Warscream, who had virtually executed Eirik in front of a handful of villagers. News of his untimely death would spread like wildfire across Midvinter. Without a doubt, the High King would issue a bounty on his head, despite probably being intimately relieved the Longarm clan was now extinguished and their favor no longer needed to be won.

"Thank you." Astrid stated plainly upon crossing arms over her chest - "But I couldn't let you kill Knut. You know the punishment for extinguishing a line of heirs - the blood eagle. Life of Knut and Eirik were not worthy of such a sacrifice."

Daughter of Eodred tugged the reins of Einarr's horse and mounted it, sitting between the saddle and steed's thick neck. The semi-draft horse was powerful enough to carry two adult riders.
"My hunting hut is a half an hour ride towards the north-east." Astrid said to both men whilst leading the horse towards Einarr's side - "Nobody but my father and several of his most loyal men know how to find it. We'll be safe there."

"Are you with us?" - Lady Stormguard extended her hand down towards Warscream, merely to help him to mount the horse and sit behind her, perchance even drape his cloak over Astrid to prevent her from freezing when they ride towards the hut.

[member="Einarr Warscream"] [member="Máni"]
Einarr continued gazing into the distance, his mind elsewhere, while the priest was saying how wrong everything here was. Astrid on the other hand was trying to argue that she had done what she had done from a morale perspective. The blacksmith simply ignored their rabble, he was daydreaming of the future. His exhaustion from probably the longest day in his life was painted on his face. His muslces ached and he simply wanted to lay down and rest. The two other Valkyri were making that pretty hard for him.

"Would you both shut it ?"

He shook his head and caught Astrid's eyes observing him thoroughly, Einarr looked away back into the distance. His exhaustion made him think only about what could sooth him - food, booze and the future. The future that he had laid more solid foundations for today.

Astrid Stormguard said:
"Thank you. But I couldn't let you kill Knut. You know the punishment for extinguishing a line of heirs - the blood eagle. Life of Knut and Eirik were not worthy of such a sacrifice."

Einarr did not bother to answer to that statement, he simply yawned at what she said. What she offered next was something that really took his interest. A battleworn Valkyr needed a warm place and some food. He'd take her on that offer. Einarr glanced at Máni as he made his way towards the blonde who had already hijacked his own horse.

"Alright, m'lady. You got me here." The blacksmith mounted behind her. Despite what she had just experienced, Astrid still smelled of sweet aroma. Out of common sense, Einarr smirked as he put his cloak over her. She was half-naked and it was damn freezing.

Taking one last look at the priest, Einarr knew that the younger Valkyr would not join.

Someday they would meet again, surely.

[member="Astrid Stormguard"]

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