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Well-Known Member
I actually wonder this sort of. Has there ever been a set decision? For all we know, Han's bounty price was the equivalent too a thousand trillions!
sabrina said:
I just found out a trillion and a billion in the UK is different to what it is in the USA
erm which version does star wars use?
I could probably go out on a limb and say the American variation (also known as the French variation, because they're identical after a million) if not only because Star Wars was a movie trilogy done in the US, had novels written and published in the US, and had comics done here, too. So, if only out of habit and/or lack of knowledge of there even being a difference, likely the American/French version. I don't think I've heard of anyone using the british trillion/billion in international journals and such, either, so I'm going to assume (maybe wrongfully, too) that it's just Germany and the UK that follow the powers model (e.g, 1x1012 is billion, 1x1018 is trillion, etc) versus the actual meaning of the words being used (e.g, 1x1012 is trillion because it has three sets of 0's which follow 1,000 and tri = 3.)


Well-Known Member
[member="Braith Achlys"] I figured as much, as soon as found out there was more than one system.
Though seeing the sith are running the galaxy, and long scale version is an imperial version, it was worth an ask.
sabrina said:
[member="Braith Achlys"]

I just found this out today, and when you find something new, should study it.
Long Scale was old british imperial system
Though still used by a lot countries
See, the thing about long vs short scale is that many of the countries is the same situation with Metric vs Imperial in the US. We are taught metric, metric is our official method of measuring things per a law passed in the 20th century before I was even born, but it never caught on. Long Scale might be "official" in a country such as France (as of 1961) but few people actually go by long scale, because everyone else uses short scale. I can't speak for Spain, because I'm unfamiliar with counting over there (even though my grandparents moved to the US from Spain), but generally people are taught both methods in the countries where it is their official counting method but one method out of the two is preferred, like in France where people just never switched back to their original long scale.

Long scale = Numbers derived by powers (exponents). So Million is 1x106, Billion is 1x1012, Trillion is 1x1018 - Most English & Arabic countries do not follow this. Spain, France, and a few other countries, however, list this as their official numbering (even if some of them waited way too long to re-introduce it, like France, who switched to short scale in the 1800's and only recently switched back in 1961).

Short Scale = Numbers derived by word meaning. Let's make it super simple and say the llion or lion (depends on if you consider the first 'l' part of it) is the suffix and means "thousand" (or 1,000) and the prefix of the word, such as bi- and tri- define how many sets of zeros follow the initial 1,000. So Billion, which is 1x109, is 1,000 followed by 000,000 or two sets of 0's. Bi means two (such as biracial, bipedal, etc), so 1,000,000,000 is billion. Trillion means three sets of 0's after 1,000, so it would be 1,000,000,000,000 (or 1x1012)

The other way to identify the difference is the amount multiplied to reach the next order of magnitude. Short scale is *1,000 and Long Scale is *1,000,000

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