
Name: Nuhlrokka
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Selvaris
Language: None
Average height of adults: 5 m height, 3 m across
Skin color: An even mix of red, orange, and brown. Colors can vary widely.
Hair color: More accurately considered Seta, but no specific coloring (transparent)
Breathes: Type 1
[+] Strong Chitin Armor: Armor is considerably tough, though not nearly comparable to the armor found on Fire-Breathers. This is due to the reduction in size, it is essentially equivalent to armor of the Vonduun Skerr Kyrric.
[+] Fire breathing: Just like their evolutionary sibling, Fire-breathers, Nuhlrokka can convert biologically formulated chemicals to spew jets of gelatinous napalm from their mandibles. Effective jet distance is 20 meters.
[+] Fast flying: The speed of a Nuhlrokka is equivalent to a typical speeder, topping out at 450km/hr
[+]Anti-Laser: Similar to firebreathers, the Nuhlrokka emit an anti-laser aerosol from their spiracles, similar to how species release co2 during exhalation.
[+]Clingy: Along its legs, the Nuhlrokka have sharp conical spikes capable of piecing most substances. Their grip is strengthened to allow clasping to common surfaces, such as walls or trees.
[+]Strong: Capable of lifting the weight of 3 typical sentient creatures for a short distance. Sustained flight can only occur with one single passenger.
[-] Allergy: Inherited susceptibility to sparkbee honey. Surface application can produce an allergic reaction ranging from hives to severe/fatal anaphylaxis. This, of course, depends entirely on proportion of application and attempts to remove. However, needless to say that successful application of sparkbee honey removes the insects will to fly, exhausting the beast.
[-]Fire: Seta along the legs and wings are, much like tufts of grass, extremely flammable. This produces an ironic and fatal result should enemies turn used weaponry back on the nuhlrokka. While it may not directly kill the animal, damage to legs and wings renders it useless and thus, will be euthanized upon loss of flight.
[-] Limited weaponry: Besides the ability to breath fire, the Nuhlrokka has no other offensive capabilities, beyond the ability to pick things up and drop them.
[-] Can't leave atmosphere: Despite the ability to fly, the species is incapable of surviving in space. As such, it either needs to be delivered to a planet by Yorik-trema or by other carrier craft.
[-] Not silent but violent: Because of the speed at which these fly and the organic material of the wings, they aren't ones to sneak up on people. When traveling in a swarm, which is often rare, the sound is comparable to a starfighter engine.
[-] Wings: Because of the weight distribution, substantial damage to the wings can compromise flight. If a single one is destroyed, the capacity to fly can be fully compromised or unbalanced and turbulent. However, these are armored similar to crab armor.
-Chewing Mandibles that can spew gelatinous jets of flame/napalm
-Spiracles capable of nullifying blaster fire
-Flesh, chitin coated wings
-Chitin coated exoskeleton (thorax, abdomen, head, legs, etc)
-6 Legs (2 of which function as arms)
-Clinging spikes along legs and arms
-Looks like a moth kind of
Average Lifespan: 4 Standard Years
Races: None known, as of yet. They do naturally delineate into worker and drone classes, but this isn't a race as much as a job.
Estimated Population: ~ 1 million.
Diet: Similar to Yorik-et, the insect species consumes rocks and debris and stellar particulates for sustenance. The species can consume said objects through either their chomping mandibles or through segmented spiracles along the abdomen. In this way, they were constantly feeding, which actually substantially improves the quality of air around it. Their diet can be supplemented with organic material such as bark, leaves, or detritus.
Communication: Pheremones, sound, touch, and body movement. However, Nuhlrokka headed for war can be shaped with Tall-yor (cognition hood), allowing direct communication between the species and the rider.
Culture: In natural conditions, the insect species follows primarily a hivemind mentality. In natural conditions, the species form into worker and drone systems, with sporadic queen populations. However, due to the shaping process, this specialization is often interrupted.
Technology level: None
General behavior: The Nuhlrokka is typically a species of swarming mentality and work ethic. Not a thing built for luxury, they tend to maintain safe distance from urban sprawls and build large underground hives upon arid deserts and desolate mountain ranges. However, because of their veracity for swarming, they make an excellent mount for more air prone combatants of the Vong nation, which are few and far between. While naturally very wild, the insects have the capacity to be trained quite easily, due to the relatively low intellect. This lends itself well to the Tall-yor and the capacity of the rider to overcome the consciousness of the Nuhlrokka, wielding the insect as if it was merely an extension of themselves.
History: The Nuhlrokka is a distant evolutionary cousin to the more capable and far more dangerous Fire-Breather. However, because of the capacity to be trained and easily shaped with a cognition hood, the Vong have found better purpose through the use as a war mount. While the species is originally from outer Vong regions, it was moved to Yuuzhan'tar for breeding and then to Alderaan for further breeding. It was during this time period, after much experimentation and shaping, that the process for cognitive hood formation was appropriately discovered for said species. It was a relatively short process, from cradle to grave, due to the simple mind of the creature.
The population of the species is relatively stable, despite its use for war efforts that cancels out the relatively quick reproductive rates. This has to due with the naturally short life cycle and potential for population booms in appropriate conditions. Due to the beasts simplicity, cognitive hoods are capable of accepting non-vong, though extra training is needed, as it allows essentially mental melding between the species. Such an experience can be jarring for the rider.
Notable Player-Characters: None, non-sentient
Intent: To provide a militarized mount for Reverance. Along with this, the species would be similarly used as a war-beast for One Sith/Hrosha-gal invasions and for personalized mounts for PC characters.