Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Your Usual Mandalorian [Lady Kay and Viathae Qarmast]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Lady Kay"]

This was true. Viathae always thought that people could be untrustworthy because of these reasons. She never really was so much of a person who would easily trust someone because of how the Mandalorians were to her eyes, and how they usually would lead down the wrong path. But now, Viathae thinks she could have a bit more trust and faith in other people.

"Well, let's hope they won't betray the trust I give them. Because if they do, then who else can I turn to to even trust anymore?" she said to Kay. "Don't get me wrong, your majesty. I know you can be a trustworthy person. My question is, will you not backstab me if I do actually achieve my goal? We both persue peace and prosperity for our people. You for Commenor, and me for the Mandalorians. This is a tough decision for all of us to decide. This galaxy is rife with distrust and disorganization. You can't even trust your own friends without them trying to stab you in the back. This is a time of Chaos. And during Chaos, no one is anyone's friend. But, I know you can help me disprove this fact. You're a kind, benevolent soul. And together, I know we can put aside those wounds."

Viathae was quite confident that Kay would not go back on her word. The fact that she is queen of such a prominent planet and controlling such an important trade location, while at the same time being benevolent from what she had seen, with such prosperity blossoming around them, she knew that Kay was someone that would be there for her when she desperately needs it. She never would feel trust around leaders of factions usually, as they turn out to be just as bad as any other, for their own selfish personal ambitions, but there was something about this one that made her stand out from the others.

"And don't worry. I would never betray you. Should Commenor come in danger, you can rely on this Mandalorian to be there to defend it. I won't let down on my promises."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay furrowed her brows as [member="Viathae Qarmast"] even suggested that she would backstab her. And all for getting what she wants? That was absurd. Perhaps if Viathae had approached her after she returned from her abduction, than maybe. But Kay was a different person then, far Darker than now, feeling threatened from every angle. Now she was closer to her old self, and certainly not the type to betray someone for being able to accomplish their goals.

She listened to Viathae explain further, sharing her fears but also her hopes. As well as a promise for aid. "I would never betray you or others. That just isn't my way. It doesn't matter if that's how the rest of the Galaxy operates. I just won't do it. Let them crumble. We'll remain strong. And thank you for promising help. We could have used that months ago when I was abducted. Our allies were....well, nowhere to be seen. Such a thing opened up my eyes. Allies or not, I cannot count on any of them should we get attacked or invaded. So we've been making moves to protect ourselves, both through diplomatic matters and by increasing our forces. Hopefully nothing will happen in my lifetime....And should the Mandalorians come after you or exile you, you've always got a place here. This can be your home away from home."

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Lady Kay"]

Viathae never felt more honoured in her life. She smiled and glanced at the eyes of Kay. "Vor'a." she said in the Waylandian dialect of Mando'a. She felt rather comfortable and trusted that such a person would support her in this type of majour thing that sounded hilariously outlandish. But the Mandalorian believed in hope, and knew that hope will guide her to her goals and dreams some day. Perhaps not now, but eventually. "Mandalorians are harsh creatures, but I have confidence knowing that the support of my friends, anything is possible. Peace will be achieved, and we will rejoice and laugh at the past."

Well... she already now felt at home in Commenor since she said this home can be away from her home in Wayland. She gave a laugh. "It's sure better than Wayland, I'll tell ya that. Even if it's a bit cooler than home, it's still at least not full of vine snakes, kremlins and what not. But I'm sure deep in these urban jungles lies the deadliest of criminals. Not to be offensive, but a bit blunt." she said. "But I'm sure it's not as bad as other planets in the Inner and Mid Rims. I mean, there's no such thing as a planet with no crime, even in a galaxy at peace." She's pretty sure that there's probably low crime in Commenor, so she would probably feel quite safe around here. Kay seems to have a good grasp on the planet itself.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow slightly at the word [member="Viathae Qarmast"] spoke in another tongue. She didn't know a lot when it came to other languages, only Basic, which was the most common language spoken on Commenor. But she had a guess that it meant 'thank you'.

She nodded a bit to her point on Mandalorians. "Not all of them are harsh. Some hold honour above other aspects, while some could care less and thrive on the adrenalin that war gives them. But....the same could be said about many other cultures and species. Everyone has their own way of acting out thier ambitions."

Kay listened as Viathae described the differences to both of their worlds. In some ways she was right, but in others, she wasn't. "Oh we have our own deadly creatures in the wilds. The Twin Canyons are full of them, as well as the forests. Then there's the environment. The Valley of the Storm is a beautiful place to visit, but the lightning strikes are so unpredictable and powerful, one has to keep an eye on the flowers to know just where they might strike. But in the cities, it's relatively safe. The Underground is basically non-existant. And as there is very little poverty, if any, there is no need for people to resort to such ways of life. Having a livable wage is very important for that. It helps to get people to live more comfortable lives. And as we have no enemies, there isn't the stress of war. That too gives people a peace of mind."

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Lady Kay"]

"What is their sense of honour? Killing others for credits? Raiding other planets and slaughtering innocents for glory? If these Mandalorians consider themselves the "True" ones, then I would not dare affiliate with such barbarians." Even if there were ones that were like Viathae, she can't hardly believe such a Mandalorian with honour and is for the people exists. She has yet to see a Mandalorian who would carry such values, and would never be so cowardly to do so. "Even if their culture dictates that, it should not be that way. Look what happened as a result to these... "people" who think they had achieved dominance with their warrior-like cultures. Who wins in the end? Nobody. And thus, they get destroyed as a result. Whereas people who are defensive and pacifist, remains for thousands of years. As a Mandalorian, I tell you this now, our ideals are killing us. Soon, we'll be remembered as a culture of war, and that shall be our legacy."

Commenor appears to be quite neutral from the rest of the systems. Even her order had beef with others, but it's pretty good to hear that Commenor is pretty much not at war with anyone. "But surely someone might be after your head out there?" she said to her. "Yet again, I can pretty much confirm that this would be an ideal place to go to should things go bad for myself. I do not seek any harm of doing so. However, my only concern is for your safety. I know you are a strong woman, but you and I share a common goal, and as such, I can't afford to loose you. You're a vital part of my plan for my... no, our vision to see this Chaos end. Without you, who else do I turn to? How can I know that the others are trustworthy as you are? I mean, your husband sounds ideal, but who knows? All I'm saying is, I just can't have you dead on moment notice. Not until we achieve peace."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"I mean the honour that people like you and I have. We're not that way. Though I suppose that we'd be considered the most un-Mandalorian of Mandalorians." There wasn't much that she could say on the topic, outside of what she already had. Kay had been a pacifist for most of her life. Veiere had tried to urge her onto the path of being a Jedi and helping him with his Order, but that would mean leaving politics behind, and leaving Commenor and their allied worlds to be in someone elses' hands. Right now there was no suitable replacement and she had no heirs that could take up the reigns.

She shook her head in regards to someone wanting her head. "No one is after me, as far as I'm aware. I have no bounties and Commenor has no enemies. Veiere is a trustworthy person. As are my friends Ultimatum and Ghorua. I trust them above all others with what I try to do around here. But Veiere doesn't want anything to do with politics. So I try to keep him out of it as much as I can. He only takes the mantle of King out of courtesy."

[member="Viathae Qarmast"]

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Lady Kay"]

Viathae rose her brow as she said "we" when referencing about the Mandalorians. "You're Mandalorian? I never thought you would be. Either way." she listened to her as she heard that they have no enemies and look out the balcony as she stopped walking. "Well my friend, perhaps in time we'll be able to help set things right." she said. Hopefully, the two will probably find a way to end the Chaos and discord, but how would she do so? "Commenor from what I understand could be a great base to help start the grand plan. But I don't know if it would be ideal to start it now or later. Given the situation, to start slowly would be quite nice. Perhaps reforming the Confederation of Neutral Systems, and having planets at peace so no one can attempt to attack them." It's a start at least. But as long as Commoner has friends, we should be fine. For now at least."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay gave [member="Viathae Qarmast"] a small shrug of her shoulders when asked about her being a Mandalorian. "Post traumatic stress from my abduction caused some memories to disappear, but yes, I'm technically a Mandalorian. From what I've read and have been told, I joined Clan Raxis in order to keep Commenor safe during the Crusades. It obviously worked. They have their own Embassy here and nothing has been asked of me. So I ask nothing of them either. Veiere insists that they are my people, but I'm sure that isn't the case. And besides, I know so little about them. I'm sure that they jumped at any chance to disown me or just forget about me."

She looked to the path ahead as she continued to walk. "Veiere also has me creating a Senate. We already have worlds under our care, so it makes sense. It's almost...almost a new Republic. Though I'd be afraid of it growing too big too quickly. It has to be manageable."

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Lady Kay"]

Interesting. So she was Mandalorian by technicallity. She never would of thought that she was, due to how different of a culture she appeared to be in. She scratched her chin and heard that she had post traumatic stress. Hm. She heard that she joined Clan Raxis and such... Hmm... "Is Clan Raxis... peaceful? Or are they simply exactly like the other Mandalorians who are dishonourable cowards?" she didn't really understood nor heard of Clan Raxis, so she didn't had any image about them until she begun to ask what they might be like. "Well... they sound like bad people if they forgot about you. No Mandalorian should ever forget their people, ever. A true Mandalorian always knows their brothers and sisters. Therefore, they probably are not the Mandalorians you might then they were."

She heard that she had created a Senate and pretty much made a new Republic. She shook her head. "Even if... I feel it might not be enough. The Republic died from discontent and weakness. I also can see it growing too quickly. Having something being too big, might jeopardize your position on the throne and ruin the plan. Forgive me for being blunt, but I suggest you should keep a watchful eye on other members. This might sound like censorship and despotism, but this is a galaxy in chaos. You have to watch yourself." Even if this sounds wrong, if her plan was to succeed, Kay has to survive. There was no way that she can't loose her... otherwise, she'll loose probably one of the only supporters that is a ruler who supports her ideas.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Idon't remember a lot about them. I know that they offered me protection, and kept the Crusades away from Commenor. Whether or not they fought within them, I don't know. Yet most Mandalorians keeps away from here, as do most others. This is a quiet corner of space that doesn't see hostilities. And thankfully so. It's allowed us to grow in peace."

Kay shrugged her shoulders a bit as she looked to [member="Viathae Qarmast"] . "I don't think that I was forgotten...Moreso that they could all just be busy. It isn't as though I've requested for their help for anything. I haven't needed it."

She laughed though as Viathae warned her about losing her throne. "The Senate has no control over my role as Queen of Commenor. All that they can do is vote me out of being the Senate's Chancellor. Yet I'd still hold power. And politics is very cutthroat. I always have to be on my guard. That'll never stop."

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[member="Lady Kay"]

"As long as they had not harmed civilians in the past, then they should be fine." she said. "We Mandalorians are not petty, and we do not condone killing others in a dishonourable fashion. All Mandalorians desire their own personal goals, their own ambitions. But they do not seek to be hated nor portrayed as lunatics."

Viathae agreed. The senate shouldn't really hold much power over her. "As long as it doesn't turn into a large corrupt mess, you should be fine maintaining the Senate. You are their queen after all, and your word is under universal right. Even though democracy is more preferable, a leader who can stand up and be a strong, steeled leader is destined to lead this era of Chaos out of the scene." But even after hearing her about the Mandalorian part, a question stirred up in statements about the Mandalorians... especially about herself.

"But hold it..." she said going back to the topic of the Mandalorians. "It's quite peculiar that you said that Mandalorians are driven away from this planet, yet I'm still here... why is it that you allow me around your presence if Mandalorians are such a threat to the people of Commoner? Especially when the Crusaders attacked? I would of thought you'd apprehend me with your guards the moment I had stepped onto this planet with the Silvers. Additionally, I'm quite surprised that you'd accept my offer to speak to me alone about matters that would seem outlandish towards any Mandalorian, yet, you speak to me as if I was a regular person of the galaxy. It's not that I am honoured by this respect, but a question of curiosity? Is there something that sets me apart from the others or something to you?"

This question, honed a very interesting point of what they had conversed so far, especially when she had come to think about it.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
All Mandalorians don't condone killing in a dishonourable fashion? If only that were true. That could be the way for some, but not all. Sure it would be nice if they were all that way, but she had as much hope for that as she did for the good guys to always do the right thing. Still, she couldn't paint everyone with the same brush, especially as so many of her memories were gone.

Kay shook her head a bit as [member="Viathae Qarmast"] referred to her as being the Queen of everyone in the Senate. "I am the Queen of Commenor only. I don't rule over the other planets. I only have authority over the Senate, and that it only so long as I am Chancellor. I can be voted out and then just be a Senator. It'll happen eventually."

Again she shook her head as Viathae mentioned Mandalorians being chased out. "Clan Raxis has an embassy here, and by extension, so do the other Mandalorians. The Crusades didn't hit this planet, just others in the sector. I wouldn't kick people out that I don't know or don't have reason to do so. I treat everyone equally as anyone that's neutral does. You haven't tried to harm me in any way, so I've no reason to treat you in any bad way."

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