Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Not "Silver". Not "New". "Jedi" (SJC Council)

Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Silver Rest Starport to the Council Chambers

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music", "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan (pops in and out of posts)
Tag: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Jairdain Jairdain Zorah Cinsilo Zorah Cinsilo Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok

"Unity starts with you. If not you then who?" - Anonymous

"Confirmed, Starlight Sentinel cleared to land in bay 19b bearing 0289er. Welcome home, Master Vanagor."

As the ship settled, he waited by the loading ramp. Caltin was bruised, battered, bloodied, and downright filthy. He had not changed out of his clothes or gear since leaving Coruscant. He wanted them to see what was going on, what happened, why the New Jedi Order was asking for help to begin with. He was mad, mad about the whole thing, how he was all but ridiculed for his offer for help when Romi Jade Romi Jade brought this very matter to them. However, there was no malice in his approach...

… justice, not vengeance.

Getting off the ship, he made very much the point of walking with purpose. Anyone in his path or vicinity would know to stay out of his way. This was the “Boulder” that you did not want to stand downhill from, the Vanagor that many a rumor had been made. He called the emergency meeting on his way back, it was to give those on planet time to get to the chambers, and those that were off-world the time to get in front of a holonet.

Making it to the training grounds, he had seen several who just pointed in shock and awe. Normally he was well kept and structured, like an instructor in the military, all to keep the professional image of one who needed to set the example for others. Not right now though, and as he wiped the blood from a freshly opened scar, Caltin let them see the realities of what could happen out there. There were several Padawans who openly questioned the need for “restraint” and if the rumors of the Darkside were really true. They had all of the views that they could ask for at the moment.

Making it into the Silver Rest, he simply walked right by and past other Jedi and on to the turbolifts. There was conversing and only passing acknowledgments, not to be rude, but to get to where he was going. The big guy was going over in his mind what he was going to say and how it was going to come off. Would he sound like an ass? Would he come off as aggressive? Did it really matter? Right now what was going to be said was simple.

Coruscant was in need of help. The New Jedi Order was in need of their support. For all of the anger and past grudges, there was the kinship of each of them fighting side by side and the one simple fact that binds them together. They are Jedi. He was going to ask them on behalf of Bernard Bernard , on behalf of Auteme Auteme , of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , of Black Mynock Black Mynock , of all of them for the help that they would need. It did not matter to him about any potential political ramifications because this was good for the galaxy, not just for some treaty that was signed and could be changed at the whim of the people.

The Jedi serve the people, but they must also be able to serve each other because if they do not, then where does that leave the people that they serve?

You stand together, or you fall separately.

Walking into the Council Chambers, he had pretty much seen all chairs, but his, full, be it physically or by holo-image. Caltin did not take his own chair, he wanted them all to see him, see his appearance. They needed to understand just what happened. That this was not a matter of personal hygiene, it was a matter of the Sith and their actions. He was already decided, but it was their own decision to debate on moving forward, and it would be respected regardless. However, they all needed all of the information and perspective that he could give them.

There was a personal motive for all of this, all of that has been, and will be again documented.

I’ve returned from Coruscant. The Sith have sacked it, again, it was said that Darth Solipsis had infiltrated the Senate, and “A Senator for Naboo” had initiated the measure to restrict the New Jedi Order to the Temple. The Sith were behind it all. Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok , you know this. You were there as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, I come to you all in telling you that the entire planet burns as World Devastators laid waste to the planet itself.

Looking around and letting it all sink in he let them all speak up after one last point.

The New Jedi Order has officially asked me to come to you and ask for their help. I am a messenger, but I am not their representative.


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Upon returning to the Silver Rest, Nimdok was immediately greeted by his daughter, Miri. The Padawan girl swept him into a hug and pestered him with questions. Was the Jedi Temple on Coruscant really gone? And the Senate Building, too? Had he really fought the Dark Lord of the Maw himself, Darth Solipsis, in a duel?

Miri, now’s not the time,” Nimdok told her as he received a ping. A Silver Council meeting had been called. He’d expected it, but the news made him heave a sigh of exhaustion nonetheless. “I’ll talk to you in a little while, I promise.

Proceeding immediately to the Council Chamber, he entered just as Caltin was uttering the phrase “The Sith were behind it all”. Master Vanagor addressed his arrival, pointing out that he was there to witness the events on Coruscant. Boy, was Nimdok there to see it.

Caltin was still battered, bloody, and filthy from battle. Nimdok on the other hand was clean and clad, oddly enough, in a suit of armor. Paranoia, or perhaps an attempt at symbolism? Nothing so dramatic. He'd been caught unawares in only a tweed suit during the duel with Solipsis. The suit (his favorite suit) was now nothing but rags, and he had few other items of formal clothing available aboard his ship.

I apologize for the delay,” Nimdok said once Caltin had finished. “I would’ve been here sooner, but I stayed a while longer in an attempt to gather intel.

Given his reputation as a knowledgeable man, this should have come as no surprise to the other masters. Nimdok held up a datachip.

Everything I discovered is detailed in this report.” He looked around the room, then sheepishly added, “Uh, just tell me which slot to put it in, and I’ll share it with you.

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