Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not Like Old Times


He was off in the Galaxy as his own man, making his way in it. Like everyone else.

Lok had tried to make the very man that adopted him from the slums of Coruscant proud as a way to thank him for giving him an opportunity of life he never tasted. He thought he'd get the life he always dreamed about when living in the underbelly of Galaxy's heart and hustling every alleyway for the cartels.

But what kind of life was it that he wanted? He felt...void and empty. Filling it with credits, spice, and liquor somewhat helped, but it was never enough.

Vilaz showed him the ways of the Mandalorian Culture and tried to shape him in a mighty warrior, but he never felt Mandalorian ever. Sure, the training helped him to know how to defend himself and kill efficiently but he never belonged to the warrior culture. The man tried his best to assimilate with the rest; the history, customs, even the language to which he spoke was a bit off.

The results were something he wasn't happy with. Lok tried to make his adoptive father proud, tried to repay his kindness. All that time he noticed he wasn't happy with himself. Not even content. So he branched off and made his own path, he was tired of the life that he was living and had to be his own master without trying to make someone proud, or become something that he was too uncomfortable with.

Which is why he was here on Zygerria. A planet and a people that built a prosperous empire by enslaving. He had no interest in doing so, but the Zygerrians needed mercenaries as they lacked a proper military. Thanks to the Silver Jedi, the Zygerrians were humbled and when the Order left many took advantage of the situation and established their own holdings. Competition was tensed and violent which is why the need of mercenaries and paramilitary companies were at a high.

He was here for the money and that was all.

[member="Runi Verin"]

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
The ice in her drink had long since melted by the time Korkie found her. The former Mandalorian salvager lost in her thoughts as she sat at one of the tables overlooking a sunbaked arena, her expression one of growing distaste as she watched yet another bloodsoaked event playout on the sands below. The crowd roaring as the lopsided fight ended with spectacular predictability. Not even the prodigious heat of the day was enough to stem their love for their latest champion. The four, by her reckoning, in the some two hours since she’d been waiting for her co-pilot to return.

She raised her glass in a salute salute to the Herglic as he approached, the distinctive footfalls enough to tell her who it was without even looking. Nakai ‘Korkie’ Korkuda may have been the quintessential gentle soul, but there was little grace to be found in the mountainous pillar of muscle he presented as to the galaxy as large. Even by his species already prodigious size, he was impressive bordering on the grotesque. Still, as gigantic muscle-laden pacifists went, there were none Runi would rather have watching her back. Especially on this forceforsaken planet, the sooner they left the better. Speaking of which…

About time. You set the meet with Urdox?” The salvager inquired as another contender took to the sands, no longer taking the time nor the effort to learn their names anymore. They were all depressingly interchangeable in the end. “For someone so eager to move his cargo, he’s got a funny way of gettin’ business done.

There was a grunt akin to the disapproving rumble of thunder from the gods above. “I told you, Verin. I do not like this. I have known many men like Urdox in my time. None I would trust further than I… You… could throw them.

Good man, wetter blanket.

Don’t need to trust the man, Korkie. Just his credits.

>Hauum!< Korkie cleared his blowhole noisily, “We do not need his credits. Plenty of other, more respectable men looking to move cargo off world.

But none able to give us introductions to Yacobi,” Runi countered with a dismissive swirl of her glass in return, favoring the Herglic with the luxury of a side glance. “Who would be more than willin’ to introduce us to the Western Trade syndicate when we show him what we can do.

You still aim for us to make deals with those cutthroats and thieves?

Says the man that spent the better past of the last decade in Kessel’s spice mines.” “She muttered a little too loudly and spitefully, covering the accompanying grimace at her own poor taste with a slug of the cheap Mandalorian rotgut they tried to pass off as tihar in these parts. She wasn’t made at Korkie – the herglic just had the poor fortune to be in her immediate sphere at this particular juncture. Truth was, she hated dealing with folks like Urdox, Yacobi and the syndicates as much as she hated this gorram planet and its slaving ilk. Sad fact of it was, the rim was becoming awfully crowded and decent jobs becoming few and far between.

Aye! And I learnt from my mistakes, which is what you seem loath to do!

Look, I don’t like them any more than you do, but the Southern Trade Syndicate would just be a means to an end. They have the resources we will need if we want more than… Well…” Se nodded his head at his surroundings, a familiar figure catching her eye and almost breaking her concentration, causing the last two words to drift out without any real conviction behind them. “…All this...


Go back to the ship, Korkie.” She muttered distractedly, staring directly across the arena. Free hand dipping reflexively towards the akaa’gai strapped to her thigh. [member="Lok Munin"]. She hadn’t seen him during the battle of Utapau, but his clan was present by all accounts. Shedding blood and claiming lives without remorse as they fought against their friends and former allies within the Coalition. First slavers, now traitors. The sooner this planet was eating her hyperspace dust the better. “See that we’re prepped for Urdox’s cargo the moment we reach an agreement.

And you?

I’m going to go make reintroduce myself to an old friend.

The mirthless quality to her smile and the stress on that last word left little interpretation to the nature of that reunion, the salvager already moving off before her co-pilot could even begin to voice his thoughts on the matter. Simply left holding the now empty glass tumbler she’d thrust into his hands as another roar rocked the stadium.

Blood was in the air.
The arena reminded him the one's on Mandalore, but obviously those on said planet were elegantly designed and big. They enjoyed to fight and spectate them. Lok, however, wasn't a big fan of gladiator fights and being in the limelight in an arena such as this. Mostly, and perhaps the entire reason why, was because of his childhood that took place in the Underworld of Coruscant. He was the unluckiest one in the cartel and would sometimes be forced in pit fights. They were humiliating and greatly upset him. Sometimes if he had the upper hand and was winning, he would be dog piled so that they could save the pride of their friend.

Of course, they all died by his hand with the help of a Sith Lady. A happy day of his life.

Though he did learn somethings from the cartel, knowledge that would serve him in life. There are no rules to life or war. Everything is fair. He was never bound to honor. It was for fools. What good did that served him? He was the kind of guys that fought dirty in any scenario of combat. Even in training sessions. It was him or them, and he was always going for the former.

As he continued his job in the arena, which was to protect some figure that was important to the rising of the Zygerrian Empire, he couldn't help but notice someone he knew. Someone that he, admittedly to himself, like yet couldn't get somewhere with.

Ru Ru
He thought to himself.
They were friends and did a lot back then when they helped the Underground. Later on, he would leave the rebel cell as it wasn't worth his time as he didn't get paid or found some currency to profit from. Explains why he was big on mercenary work. His scattergun was in hand along with other equipment he used on the daily and walked towards her. The way he saw her face was nothing ill intent. Tensions rose between the Mandalorians and the Coalition, yet he wasn't part of that. He had no love or interest in crusading, only in profiteering from work like this.

She did promised him she'd kill him one day for calling her Ru Ru; he wondered if that was the day today.

[member="Runi Verin"]

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Perhaps it was the thundercloud expression on her face that brokered trouble, or maybe even the akaa’gai warhawk that had somehow found itself sliding into her awaiting palm as she crossed the distance, but none of the Zygerrians or their flesh peddling toadies sought to bar her advance. Scattering around her like fish before some Nabooian predator. The tomahawk spun in her hand, fingers adjusting around the grip as the force swirled up within her. Her growing anger, misplaced as it might have been, almost palpable in the air.

[member="Lok Munin"].
There were no opening words. No battlecries or ululation. No witty rejoinders. She’d slung such insults and barbs at Highpoint Station out of necessity, distracting Ronan and his clansmen to buy the civilians a scant few minutes of time to continue their escape. A sea of bloodstained, battered faces of those she’d failed to save shifting through her mind’s eye with every heavy footfall.

Her knees bent as the last obstacle turned, wide eyed and slack jawed and hurried out of her way. Leaving her with nothing but a clear shot between her and her intended target. Highpoint had been about protection. Defending the innocent. She had no such requirement here. This wasn’t about saving lives, this was simply about taking them. Removing a blight.

Her teeth gritted.

The weapon raised.

Her legs uncoiled.

The blade sung.

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