Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No gate or roses, but lot's of Phrik! (OotBR v OS/Allies)

[member="Lord Mythos"] / @Darth Erebus / [member=Nomkneer] / [member="Darth Rapax"] / @Vilaz Muunin /[member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]

Krayzen had with him a heavy blaster pistol, a Sil-50 sonic pistol, and a lightsaber. As he wore his armor inside the Star Destroyer, he so his superior, Konrad von Grimelshausen speak, the Anzat keenly observing him. The Major of the OS Army knew of the rumors surrounding his superior; some called him the rising star of the OS. It would be interesting for the arrogant Anzat to serve under Konrad, and he wondered how Konrad would react to his arrogance, if he ever even revealed it.

The 200 year old humanoid was in the hangar, looking over his battalion, a battalion that he was planning on making sure rose to prominence. The battalion had a large number of recruits, a few veterans, and some people that were in the in-between between being called a veteran, and a recruit. His second in command, Captain Gregor stood next to him. "Tell General Grimmelshausen that my men are ready. Once we reach the planet's gravity well, the battle will begin." he stated. When he finished speaking, he observed a prototype for his armor[it has all of the functions]. After he finished observing his prototype, he meditated, getting ready to fight. Memories of his previous victories then came to mind, and that empowered him to make sure that his men survived this fight. They had trained for his, but a trained army at times could never match the real thing; for the Anzat, his mission was to make sure they could match the real thing today.

Krayzen was well aware of where they were going. He had been informed by General Konrad of whwhere they were going, and Krayzen knew that this was going to be an important battle. Phrik was an important metal, especially for his armor, since he had wanted phrik gauntlets, among other pieces of phrik in his armor. From his observation, phrik had the same resistant qualities that beskar had in terms of its resistance to lightsaber, and considering the fact that phrik was extremely light, compared to beskar, the dark-sider wanted the lighter, but still durable metal, and he would get it.

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