Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No gate or roses, but lot's of Phrik! (OotBR v OS/Allies)

Demonsgate, a world far from the reach of the One Sith yet not gone from it's wrath by any means... the time had come for the Sith to reap vengeance against those who would seek to betray them. Lord Mythos was tasked with this campaign by the orders of the Dark Lord himself and granted the tools necessary to annihilate anything that stood in his way...however Warforged Inc. the corporate backing of this excursion had bets to play and funding to procure. Agents of warforged special operations unit were heading down in civilian transports setting up a weapons test with the officers of the Adiministratum Militarie under the command of [member="Arabella Darkhold"] who was in charge of the weapon testing.

Mythos was in the command bridge of the single biggest vessel he had ever stepped aboard, The Savan Class Planetary Assault Carrier made it's way out of Hyperspace jump and headed directly into the surface of Demons gate armed with nothing more than an obscene amount of Atrisian construction personnel and slaves shipped from the Hutt cartel. The colossal ship was also boarded with an armored division of Sith Troopers supported by tartoros class walkers ready to be deployed. Mythos looked to his command center around the assault carrier expecting company, [member="Raoh Logarius"] was delegated to him as an apprentice coming with the highest recommendation possible for a soldier of his ranking... Mythos was slightly impressed.

Beside the titanic vessel two Gula-Class fleet carriers packing their full extent of firepower on blade fighters and bomberdiers to engage any naval threat presented against the planetary assault carrier. Yet both ships would have been truly defenseless, had the Yovshin 2.0 Frigate defensive contingency not been there to escort them to the surface.

"Lord Mythos, we are ready to begin initial assault"
The commanding officer on the deck voiced, his stance in attention and his race was what was preferred by Mythos, Atrisian. "Have the carriers scramble fighters to scout out any resistance then have the contingency of blades escort the bombardiers to hit vital locations detected by the scouts"
"Yes My Lord"

His words had hardly left his mouth and the chain of command began taking it's intended course, the fleet carriers to his flank began to drop from hyperspace and relay command to send blades to scout and report. The naval defenses of the black rose had been a mystery if they even existed to Mythos until now, he would see them, meet them and crush them.

Suddenly he felt the presence of someone who he was expecting...
On board the Sith Drop Ship Arabella seem to walk in circles, she wore a bit of armor as her briefing said something about a launcher that was really really really big wwith a hell of a kick. She perhaps had an itchy trigger finger that needed something to do, something to destroy. Her mind wandered from place to place she knew within her the darkness even though settled and calm now would in time need to be used, need to feel domination, and hear the cries of those who refused to step into line with the Sith.

Handling weapons gave Arabella a feeling of power, a feeling of some control, as fleeting as the emotion could be but still a few pleasureable moments added together could become quite tempting. She would go and meet with the maker of such weapons of delight and pain, as the ship dropped down and settled into place Arabella knew the troops were already in position.

The dark haired cobalt blue eyed daughter of Togashi Yokuni knew the wages of war, the art of war, and most of all the expense of war. Perhaps today she would she would learn something else
| [member="Lord Mythos"]
Neck deepin a warzone and well dressed to boot, Galicus seemed to mind as much as those who were with him. They awaited a special envoy of his nephew one, Miss Darkhold, he kept speaking about and she was the one who would be in charge of the weapon testing. Beside Galicus was the set box of the weapon @Utimatum and [member="Darth Kentarch"] had designed along with Mr. Solarie. It was a launcher, not as big of a weapon as Arabella would think but as for the kick she would not be surprised to find it very powerful indeed. The weapon fired a special round of powerful penetrating power that could make short work of most vehicles.

Beside Galicus was the representative of the Administratum Militarie along with a probe droid to follow her while they were kept within the safety of the volcanic rock outskirts. The place they had set up was a molten wasteland by the shadow of a great volcanic mountain sorrounded by lava and One Sith troopers that had set up a perimeter around them. When Galicus saw the conventional civilian ship he knew Miss Darkhold would be arriving with her contingency of special operation commandos. Galicus had Warforged agents set up a command post here where they could track Arbella through her entry into the enemy compund with the weapon and gauge the damage and power the launcher could provide.
The members of the Administratum Militarie that were not phisically present, were in the command center via hologram from Atrisia, a position Mythos suggested for Galicus yet the old Muun would not see the research and weapon testing be overseen by someone other than himself and the head of weapons development of DDA.

When the dock of the ship opened Galicus smled and extended his greetings. "Welcome to the hotzone Miss darkhold, we have your tools over in the command post."
[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Arabella nodded her greeting, "my tools you say, I'm very intrigued at what you have for me to test" She walked over to where [member="Galicus Sagious "]stood, "Do I get a peek at it now?" the commandos were already antsy and ready to move out.

"What all do you need from me?" She knew that this test was important not only to [member="Lord Mythos"] but Warforge itself everyone needed to see the weapon tested out, her very presence would wind through the force and Mythos would know she had made it to the planet.

Each time she did as he bade brought her one step closer to asking her favor, but then again the offer from @Ultimatium still hung in her mind, she could ask him too. But now with Mythos' woman breeding it gave her more time to whisper in his ear of things that could be done. He had a mind of his own though, and it grew difficult to sway him.
Galicus smiled and nodded in concordance. "Yes, as a matter of fact you do"

Two sith troopers walked from the command post each holding the briefcase that held the prototype in each side before laying it before her feet and turning back shouldering their rifles as they did so. "Your mission is simple Miss Darkhold" Galicus began, his voice calm and assuring even through the roaring of molten lava and the rush of weapon clanking. He gestured to his side as the small probe droid floated to his side and moved beside Arabella. "This little fellow will be following you as you proceed with the weapon and we will test it's efficiency gauging by your experience and handling." Galicus clicked on his wrist and a holographic image of the launcher that was being unboxed was presented to her. It was presented to her revealing all it's inner workings and components in a holographic image that detailed even the loading and dismantling procedure.

"It is a single shot, anti armor launcher that fires this" His presented her with a large bullet projectile that looked by no means high tech. "This is the first of the WF-102 shield nullifying round, you simply shift the projectile into the chamber, fire, then repeat." Galicus flicked on his comunicator and synchronized it with her as well did the fellow members of the Administratum that were present. "We will all be in communication during the live fire exercise, your mission is to find an enemy target suitable for testing and eliminate it, the S.O.R.I. commandos will be with you in your mission, any questions?"

As if answering Galicus looked up to see a soaring blade fighter doing their scout, it brought him a sense of security knowing that now the blades had picked up on their location and Mythos would not doubt see the area secured. The Sith troopers around their perimeter began setting up high bases of fire and arranging sniper nests in the craggy mountains... it would be an interesting operation to say the very least.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Arabella studied the weapon before her an easy weapon, intricately designed, meant for creating damage. She nodded to the "little guy" her very own probe droid to follow her around, she should have worn the skirt.

She carefully took the round from him, heavy in her hand the armor piercing round would, or should do the job perfectly. Arabella looked up, "yes we have lots of company to ensure this test goes on without interference" She smiled, war or no war.

She set the projectile down, "ok. How many rounds do I get two? three? Can I get the launcher wet and it still operate within design parameters?" She wanted to be sure she knew about any limitations it could have before she got out there. It was easy to carry, and could easily be mistaken for any other rifle carried but infinitely more damaging she could do this.

[member="Galicus Sagious "]
Nomkneer was aboard the planetary carrier as Mythos would lay orders to the men inside, anywhere that Atrisia would lay hands is where its general will be with his hands on his two lightsabers, ready to defend the honor of Atrisia and the Dark Lord. Upon the moment the ship was near for combat, the kaleesh knew that there was something only he could do in this mission, destruction was his favorite pass time. The proud general of Atrisia took a dog fighter and landed upon the planet to cause a little pre-devastation before [member="Lord Mythos"] would have his way.

"M'lord, im on my way to phrik mines avoiding contact and sight with all near defensive bases. They aren't heavily equipped but that doesn't mean they wont try to make it hard for us to raid"

Nomkneers dog fighter was flying low grounds, going through lava mountains avoiding being seen from anything close. This was the first time the general dared to lay hands behind the wheel of a ship but he was not doing too bad for the first time. The kaleesh didn't trust vehicles like this as with his knowledge and un-experience, he could crash. A burst of lava came upon the fighter while Nomkneer was getting closer to the mines, the fighter was melting due to the immense heat coming from the lava. He pressed the emergency escape button, the fighters window fell out and the kaleesh jumped down.

The heat was too much, he started running towards the mines in search of higher grounds and less proximity from the heat. As he entered through the mines, workers were startled from seeing him.

"what are you doing here? This is restricted acc..."

Nomkneer hopped forward and cut his head in half, leaving nothing but his lower teeth and his tongue visible on his head. The rest of the workers stayed still.

"Mine that phrik! what are you looking at, i'm your new boss for the day and if i see any of you slow down your pace you will meet the same consequences as him."

The kaleesh screamed and ordered while in his mind laughing and making them work while he searched for guards and anyone who was needed to be taken out. Suddenly a guard came in from the entrance due to the noise made from inside.

"Whats going on, you! you are not authorized to be in her..."

Nomkneer took a solid chunk of phrik, and used telekinesis to toss it at sufficient speed to tear his face off from the toss of the phrik. He fell against his back and was suffocating from the blood accumulating inside his throat.

"how dare you speak up to your boss that way..."

Everyone got insanely scared at the kaleesh and worked at a faster rate. The kaleesh was just having fun and games with them, while at the same time mining as much phrik possible to take back to the One sith.
Galicus gestured to his side to show her the durasteel box beside him containing the rounds, about two dozen rounds in the ration and not a single round extra. The round was a prototype as well, a simple slug similar to the slugthrower classics but twice in size and packed with detonite cartridges inside that by factory handle were good for over one hundred shots. Once the detonite was extinguished inside the launcher it could be easily be replaced by just refilling the inside of the weapon and sealing it back. No detonite refill was available at this time, Arabella would have to use the detonite already inside the rifle for this operation.

Galicus smiled at her last question, one in the minds of most of the officers inside the Administratum Militarie. Would the weapon fare well in the realm of reliability like the smaller slugthrowers do in comparison to blasters? "That is what you are here to find out miss darkhold, you are here to test this new weapon to it's limit to we can have a look at what we have crated in Warforged." Galicus smiled and took a bow. "Good luck"

He turned to leave to the center of the command post, the heat making his old body weary with every moment he spent outside the cool and comfortable makeshift observation center that he was now heading to. As soon as he would arrive he would make contact with his Nephew and the General [member="Nomkneer"] informing him of his status and asking for a rapport.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]


Rapax was with @Nomkneer on a different un touched vein of phrik observing the mineing process he was not interfiering with [member="Lord Mythos"]'s vein or anyone elses this was his own rich vein and he had plans for it ... he remembered coming here helping the covenant them selves in saving a village from a volcanos wrath ....he got quite the amount of lingran ore from this world ....he sent a small team to go back to where the ship rested to collect the rest of the cargo there it may not be much but crystals are a useful device.. he was ready incase the covenant decided to offer some resistance to this mineing operation
Erebos arrived through a short jump through hyperspace, his ship was accompanied by two Vanguard-class heavy cruisers with a full compliment of drop-ships filled to the brim with troops. With a smile on his lips he looked through half a mask, half of the left upper part was gone, as he wore a black standardized infantry armor with robes over them as his previous armor had been destroyed. "Lord Mythos, This is Darth Erebos coming in with the requested reinforcements." He said into the message that was sent to [member="Lord Mythos"]'s ship and then looked towards Captain Pelarious. "Tell me what do you think of our chances to get as much as we can grab from this world?" This he said with a slight smirk.
The captain simply smiled and stood at attention. "IF your plan works then the four Jita-class freighters you have on stand by should be capable of being filled to capacity. Let's just hope those Labor droids can work as fast as the tech boy's said they could." The captain replied with good humor, making Erebos chuckle a little. "Isn't that the question." He said with a smile and watched as the Doppelgangers lament, flanked by the two vanguard-class cruisers came into the atmosphere of the planet and headed towards were Mythos was.

[member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Galicus Sagious "] [member="Nomkneer"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Arabella got her new fancy toy slung it over her shoulder like she would any weapon, so she looked around, "Ok, let's go blow some things up" She smiled as she said it.

What waited out there, ooo she was ready to find out. "LET:S GO" She ordered and out the door, she walked as her team moved towards the battle field. [member="Lord Mythos"] was surely somewhere watching them all perform, and work. Out she moved looking ahead, she needed to find something to shoot just to see how this worked, not mountains they crumbled, she needed metal, stationary and moving.

The teams spread out moving in the traditional look, then move pattern. She on the other hand could not help but invite someone, to send a blaster round her way.

@Galicus Sagious
Nomkneer had all the right angles done, all he needed was a crew to help him keep the speed of the workers at maximum. He took a communicator and called the atrisian fleets.

"This is Nomkneer, i need a squad of fifty atrisian soldiers armed and ready to reinfoce the security of these mines."
"This is Kinshoku, heard loud and clear general. The squad is on the way!"

The atrisian general had success in ordering the troops but after walking to the middle of the entire mining routes, Nomkneer had seen a well sized amount of Phrik and Durasteel. A pathway of hard dirt and rocks laid away towards the metals. Workers were already setting their tools, drilling out these metals and taking them up out of the mine. Nomkneer had seen about enough to start calling new shots.

He started going towards one of the head mining inspectors and as he searched for the main manager of the mining employees he got to who he wanted. At the moment the atrisian squad had already infiltrated the mines, killed many of the guards on shift and were enforcing the miners their task. As Nomkneer grabbed the main manager by his neck.

"Listen to me, i got men everywhere around this mind taking care of the speed of things. Your job, acumulate that phrik and durasteel on that gap to the right of the exit."
"O-oh, ok!"

The manager agreed frightened beyond words at the acts of the kaleesh, there after he decided to go to his soldiers knowing that everything was going swell. The metal was being gathered in front of the mines and everything was getting ready for when the ships would come and pick this up.

[member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Darth Erebos"] @Galicus Sagious
That familiar presence... reminded him of Korriban.

What Mythos was in command of dwarfed anything else in orbit, the sheer size of the ship he commanded made the flight and drop into the surface of the planet seem like it would never end. The massive roar of the colossal ship gradually shifted as finally they started to collide with the outer atmosphere of Demonsgate. By this time Mythos was preoccupied handling the bombing runs of military defenses and creating a holographic recreation of the landscape with the reports of the initial scout patrols, Mythos sent these coordinates and locations to the commanding officers of each frigate and carrier. When he received the familiar voice of Darth Erebos through the communications system, Mythos narrowed his eyes at the execution of his plans next phase. With a flick of the command deck prompt menu he sent the doppelgangers lament the readouts and intelligence from the scout patrols and the location of [member="Nomkneer"] and [member="Darth Rapax"]. "Erebos I need the setup of the extraction at that location, however i doubt your freighters will be needed, we have enough space in the Savan class to fit the materials of half the planet... but... "

Mythos shrugged, realizing that with his men and the soldiers that would need transport back he might need the extra space after all and gazing at the streaks of blue and red flame envelop the carrier as it slowly entered the orbit.. the Sith Lord narrowed his eyes and let a smile play across his lips. "Keep them around, you never do know what you will expect in this part of the galaxy... Glad to have you on board for the operation old friend. See you topside"

When he ended the transmission the savan class erupted into the planet entry. It was to the people in the ground as if something would have blotted out the sun for two kilometers. Ensuring that the Savan made it down to surface safely were the top squadrons of blades behind the entry of the savan and already in it's drop location zipping through the burning remnants of the bombardiers runs. The damage done by the fighter escort bombers was nothing short of sophisticated destruction, Warforged agents already made their way through the wreckage of the bombing runs taking notes of weapon calibers and defenses as well as resources and survivors. "Lord Mythos we are now at surface altitude." The young pilot officer reported, Mythos could not help but wonder what was it like to fly something this big.

"Excellent. Descend the Savan." He said to the pilot captain then turned to the Atrisian officer behind him and locked his gaze upon him. "Prepare the Sith troopers and engage all the walkers, once we reach the surface you establish a parameter around the mines as the civilian and slave workforce is handed to General [member="Nomkneer"]"

The Atrisian officer said no retort and merely saluted with his fist upon his heart then turned heel and dashed to the main hangar some two hundred meters below. Mythos started preparing himself upon the command deck, adjusting his sheath, checking his belt and lightsabers, throwing up his hooded cloak and reaffirming the wound he suffered on Chazwa. Once he felt he felt he was ready and he attuned himself firmly to the darkside he started to walk to the main hangar docks and activated his short range communicator with the desire to reach Nomkneer.

"General, i expect success... the savan should be over your head at this time, i have the workforce ready for your command, we will speak again soon"

End transmission.

The Savan descended ever closer to the surface,Mythos paced his way through the durasteel halls of the titanic ship looking for something, awaiting the apprentice he expected...perhaps the man was already with the troops... perhaps he was down in the planet killing those who stood in the path of the One Sith. The latter would have been preferred by the Sith Lord, he needed warriors who would crush their enemies with no hesitation and seek the death of the enemies of the order no matter the cost. Every step he took garnered him closer to that moment, put Mythos closer to the inevitable goal unleashing the full on assault of his forces upon the unsuspecting world of demonsgate.

[member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Darth Rapax"]
-Beskar'gam w/jetpack and poncho
-Fett-Kal knife
-Two dual WESTAR 34 pistols
-Two flashbangs

Yet another insignificant faction that the One Sith were about to crush with resources that could be used against the likes of the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Alliance. Vilaz would voice his personal opinion to Sith Lords that belonged in the upper hierarchy of the One Sith government, but he felt the need not to. As long as he got paid with a fair amount of credits then he was fine with carrying out the orders of the Dark Lord and his subordinates. The Mandalorian would have no problem causing chaos here on Demonsgate. He did gave the One Sith some credit on exhausting some resources on a world that had deposits of phrik ore which would be sabotaged to hurt the little economy of the Black Rose and would give them some opportunity to steal some phrik from the mines.

"Just hurry up and get us on planetside, Mythos," the Mandalorian said to the Sith Lord leading the attack on Demonsgate, "I don't want to waste more of my time on a faction that is irrelevant to the Galaxy."

[member="Lord Mythos"], [member="Nomkneer"], [member="Arabella Darkhold"], [member="Darth Erebos"], [member="Darth Rapax"], @Galicus Sagious
[SIZE=12pt]A dozen commandos surrounded her moving out doing that picket fence move that kept them moving forward, she touched the new toy she had been entrusted with, and she needed only to test it out, one or two, well maybe three times.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She needed to put it through some paces to see if it would be durable enough for battle, couldn’t have it snapping in two at the slightest jolt.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She called the Sergeant over, “Can you tell me what lays out there, that area that seems to have no movement, no troops?” The Sargent referred back to the map he carried, “yes Mam, restricted area.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Bella looked at him, “Why is it restricted?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Sergeant, “There is some conjecture that it [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]a sink hole that they lost a division into”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arabella smiled, “Really…or are they hiding something in there that they don’t want us to know about”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked down at the “little fellow” who followed and recorded and grinned. “Well little one, I hope you can take the heat” Arabella motioned from them to move out. The SORI Commandos were quite impressive they took orders well and performed with peak efficiency, how nice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Sergeant paused, “Mam could also be something they are doing with their mining operations.” Arabella smiled broadly, “Well we could use a few minerals couldn’t we?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arabella nodded, “Let’s make for the restricted area[/SIZE]

[member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Lord Mythos"] | [member="Nomkneer"] |[member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Galicus Sagious "]| [member="Darth Rapax"]
After getting Mythos's reply Erebos commanded his ships to make for the location indicated on the map by Mythos and made sure his ships were ready to provide all the support for extraction that would be required. "Pelarious, make sure that the Freighters are en route now. Mythos might not like it but the faster we are minning this rock the faster we can leave it a charred husk as a reminder to these traitors." He commanded to his captain and then moved to sit down on his throne like command chair. Next to him, his Tuk'ata growled a little but was silent when Erebos placed his hand on his head.
"Easy now this will be quick and easy." He murrmurred as he placed his head against his other hand which he rested on the arm rest. For some reason he felt... bored.

[member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Galicus Sagious "] [member="Nomkneer"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Lord Mythos"]
Mythos chuckled under his breath at the statement of the Mandalorian, one of Galicus' friends he presumed. "They might be irrelevant, but a statement has to be made" Mythos said coldly, his smile dissipating as he turned back to the massive dock of the savan and the alarm of the assault carrier roared again and again.

Everywhere red lights glared and troopers rushed in formation to positions and walkers marched forward through the lines of slave workers and construction personnel by the hundreds. It was condensed and controlled chaos. Suddenly the massive landing gear began to engage and the repulsion for landing roared through the entire titanic vessel until it gradually and slowly made it's way to the ground with a massive thud at the end that shook the ground beneath them and the ship it'self.

For the mission the forward hatch of the savan class had been equipped for an exit ramp and the hatch began to open moments after the savan had landed. The massive durasteel hatch began to slowly rise rushing in instantly the smell of sulfur and the stench of fire that the planet sported with a vile gust of wind. The first wave of troopers that rushed outside the Savan were the scout troopers in the standard One Sith speeders to establish sniper perimeters and kill any armed opposition in small numbers that they may encounter. Their fast mounted formations began to circle the savan and establish scouting parties around with light armored infantry behind them on foot.

Next the tartorros walkers alongside the armored One Sith Troopers side by side in formation to establish the military presence in the planet. No less than five thousand troopers alongside walkers and armored infantry vehicles. The rushing military might of the One Sith poured forth from the savan class and made their way to the outside of the phrik mines followed closely by the construction material and at the very last the slave workers from Hutt space.

Mythos marched in the very front of the military formation by the red banner of the one sith held high by an Atrisian Jar'Kai warrior masked with the uniform of the Bulwark division and flanked his side close. At the head of the formation and with his eyes on the edge of the horizon he gave the order with his right hand to have the walkers move in to the base up ahead and clear out any survivors. The base he aimed at with his axe had been burnt to the ground by bombing runs yet scouts had reported survivors on the subsequent scout flybys leaving Mythos to beleive that there could still be some resistance.

"Have Exarch Company tail those walkers and clean out that base" Mythos said into his wrist communicator, beaming his orders to all One Sith commanders in ground level. "I want a unit from Kala and Xayn battalions to move ahead with the vehicles and meet General [member="Nomkneer"] at the mines, have them bring him some machinery with them as well."

Mythos had to stop speaking so he could be heard through the massive rumbling roar of what he had just ordered. Two sets of massive cranes and construction machinery rushed by, flanked by two armored infantry carriers that were no doubt the units from Kala and Xayn respectively.... things were moving fast.

When the machinery were out of earshot Mythos brought up his communicator once again while gesturing to a mound hill some seventy yards away with two fingers, a trooper took aim at the position and fired several rounds into the direction to pin what was a rouge sniper on the hill while Sith Troopers rushed the position to kill the rebel. Mythos had sensed him trying to get a shot with the darkside of the force...

"All units are to follow protocol from here on out, com silence unless for construction and extraction purposes, establish perimeter and await further orders, kill anything out here that is not Sith... Specter out" The massive formation broke off almost instantly and Mythos smiled as he got to use his old codename after so long... it brought him memories. The troops had a little extra in terms of intelligence, thanks to the scouting job done by the blades they now had a readout of targets of interest along the area they were raiding, units daring enough or close to those areas could raid and scavenge on their own killing any survivors and retrieving any Intel they could.

[member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Nomkneer"] [member="Darth Rapax"]
Nomkneer had everything going smoothly as the materials were being accumulated outside the mines waiting for the ships to come and take them. As the general walked out of the mines he waited for the giant ship to arrive, he sees a giant shadow cast upon the sky, his eyes opened with the sight of the unbelievably large ship. He took a box of death sticks and lit one, a bad habit picked up from [member="Lord Mythos"] while doing a few missions in the past. As he lights it, the ship would get even closer and it was time to gather up some of the workers to prepare the machines for when they would prepare for loading.

"Well i need around two dozen men to handle the machines sitting on the outside to help load up the phrik and durasteel."

With one command they didn't hesitate, twelve random workers started running towards the machines as the planetary assault carrier would get closer in. It had finally landed and the mine workers rushed to get more alloy out of the mines and the others started to load them into it.

"All right i want it nice and easy, run slowly on the platform and load it, no rush but no slacking neither."

Everything was moving as precise as the gears of a clock, everyone working had to get everything loaded inside and as the kaleesh took a few more puffs of his death stick he took some of the current miners and laid down an order.

"After all machines load everything make sure to leave them on the carrier, we will need them for the next pull."

As he walked towards the carrier he was concerned about a few gadgets that were needed to be tested out, a few prototypes of weapons made by the company Warforged. He had some ideas but it would only work if Mythos would cooperate in this scheme.

"M'lord, i have an interesting thought. We needed guinea pigs for our new tech, why not take the opportunity we have here as i heard this planet was full of tribal wars and such."

The kaleesh knew that Mythos would perceive his plan but all he needed was the help of one more seductive mind to use the natives of the planet for the experimentation of the weaponry. Meanwhile the message was being sent the cargo was half way to loading, there were still miners taking out more alloy to place on the ship as they were preparing to board everything inside for the next haul.
While in the command post Galicus oversaw the entirety of the procedures with a front line view of the battlefield. Nervous officers around him sharing concerned glances around the small encased quarters of the sophisticated sphere before turning to Galicus to be re-assured. His calm expression and confident smirk brought a calm ease over the command post that was rewarded at the sight of the restricted access area of the location. "It appears we have contact, let us hope soon we can test the weapon soon"

The present officers nodded in agreement and moved their gaze back to the feed the probe droid fed into their holographic display panel. Around the command post special One Sith trooper operators took potshots at any suspects they saw within borders. They were not briefed to distinguish between civilians and covenant personnel so they shot at anything that got close. Their mission and priority was the protection of the V.I.P. in the command post at all costs. Galicus felt the rumble of a behemoth above his head, he knew his nephew had arrived as soon as he did, the titanic vessel blotted out the sky for a full two kilometers before landing a few miles south of his position. Galicus smiled and decided to grab a bite to eat while he oversaw the mission, if he was honest he would say this was..."fun"

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Demonsgate, located in the Outer Rim within Order the Black Rose controlled regions contained a valuable resource Konrad desired - phrik. Phrik was lightsaber resistant material that had many uses which sparked the Brigadier General’s interest in visiting the planet. As a man of the Army, mining was not his forte so he made a quick stop at one of many One Sith’s slave camps to pick out some slaves with experience in the area. Demonsgate was a volcanic planet so there was no need for slaves. Were any to disobey him, the man would simply unleash a Force push sending them into the lava.

You.” Konrad pointed at one and selected the slave out of the line-up that neatly stood before him. His method of choosing out of the line-up was simple – anyone who looked strong was singled out and brought to the ship to be taken on this trip. There would be no point in stopping at the slave camp if the slaves did not prove themselves useful to him in the gathering of this valuable material. With his mining crew prepared, the Sith Knight had the Stardestroyer set its course to Demonsgate.

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