Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Species Template


I can guarantee that I will be using it at least 29 times once Mellaniphe is approved.
With the potential of multiple uses as I continue to flesh out the other worlds within Mellaniphe's system and its neighboring systems in Wild Space.
[member="Enoch Zambrano"]​


I'm hoping it will be widely used as it was / is intended to make it easier to submit Flora by cutting out many of the areas that weren't needed for non-sentient Flora.
[member="Enoch Zambrano"]​
*breathes a huge sigh of relief* Y'all had me worried there for a moment, thinking that the species template was changed. Which would have sucked for me, because I have...*counts on fingers* 3 or 4 species in various stages of completion, along with others that have been swimming in my brain.

In any case, definitely gonna use that template too.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Go ahead, but then I shall swarm-tag you in every codex sub I make! Evil has a name gentlemen, and its name is IBBY! Mwahahaha!
Excellent! I already have a submission in mind that this will work brilliantly for. :) I cannot like it enough!

[member="Enoch Zambrano"] - We've actually had a bunch of non-sentient plants come through since I came onto codex back in March. So I suspect it's going to get a fair bit of use across the board. :) And I know personally I have a few things that I'd like to run through that will use this particular template.

Much love for [member="Empress Pandorea"], Thanks for suggesting it for us and putting it together.


You're very welcome [member="Coryth Elaris"]
I was so excited, that even though I was wanting to wait until Mellaniphe and the Actaeanis were finished being reviewed, that I went ahead and used the new template for a submission. :3

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