Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Faces.

Veino slung his bag over his shoulder again and placed his hat on the head as he received the message. What was this about now? Only way to find out was to go see. He strode from his chamber and up to the garden nexus, relaxing as he entered its field of energy. Then he paused, and walked over to a barrel of rainwater and dipped out water in a nearby jug. Droplets trailed down his hand and back into the barrel.

The tree was looking a little wilted. It probably wasn't used to this kind of humidity and temperatures. Veino hurried over and gently tipped the water out to splash gently around the roots of the tree, where it quickly vanished into the soil. That was better.
[member="Veino Garn"] [member="Maleus"] [member="William Seraven"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Krest"] [member="Kale Xeros"]

Tipau stood in an empty part of the temple, juggling fire balls.

There was no reason for it, not really. It had no militaristic value, and it was highly unlikely to be useful in combat or in a diplomatic situation. But hey, it was fun. And Tipau was bored.

Granted, she probably should have been somewhere else, doing something important, but her wanderlust had taken a hold of her again, and so here she was.

In the midst of her juggling, her mind was invaded by another's voice, requesting her presence in the Garden. The Ruferalahuin let out a squawk, all but one ball -- which had landed unnoticed on her tail -- vanishing as she became distracted.

She took off, running through the halls and making her way outside. I hope I'm not in trouble, she thought. Tipau quickly made her way to the Garden, still oblivious to the fire burning inconspicuously on her tail. Not that it hurt -- her fur was flame-retardant. It was most likely feeding off of the various plant matter that always seemed to be in her fur.

The tall Ruferalahuin saw that she was not the first in the Garden -- there was, of course, Master Alex (Tipau had already forgotten her last name), Krest, a young man standing next to Krest, and a couple other people she didn't know but had seen here and there.

As usual, the female towered over everyone, though there were a couple who came close to her height.

Ears twitching, she proclaimed, "If anything had been set on fire that wasn't supposed to be, it wasn't me -- I promise. I keep my fire under strict control." Tipau stuck a hand out for anyone to shake, adding, "I'm Tipau, by the way, though Krest and Master Alex know me already."


The One Horned Demon
Cain had made his way to the rock named Yavin 4. Shortly after landing, he was interrogated by the locals, and after he told them that he was with the order they let him go. He then took a long walk through the city and out into the country to wind up where he stood now. Cain was looking up at the walls of the temple in which The Order presided. He entered the temple, and slowly made his way up to the top, making sure to look at everything on his way. The place was almost empty, but it still had a sense of elegance to it. Once he made it to the garden, Cain saw the group already congregated. He decided to join them.

Saryana Lynae

New Beginnings Are Found In The Strangest Places
Saryana had arrived alone with Will, her hand clutching his as the walked into the garden. She smiled brightly, but chose to let Will do the talking, her own shyness taking over. She stood slightly behind her Zorren boyfriend, trying to hide from view. She would do anything to avoid having to speak to anyone. [member="William Seraven"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
The Tall Inthorian joined everyone with a slight smile, as of late he had been busy thinking and he had his times when he did not feel like grouping with everyone to chat but this occasion seemed to interest him some so he walked in the Garden and took in a deep breath inhaling the air. It was similar Ithor a planet he was born and raised on and how he missed it so.

" Whats going on?" He asked as he felt a Flower and examined its details.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Cain Laatl"]
@ To Many People
Javik was previously in the Garden, It was a place he often spent most of his time. He lumbered about in the place but took care of it as well, He grew up on Dathomir and was adapted to Nature and its aspects. He also was used to the dark, this also showed in his presence he was grey both dark and light. Born in darkness and seeking the light was a interesting concept if you spoke to him but that was for another time.

Turning around he observed the gathering and awhile ago his hearing picked up the voice of [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"], also known as Master Alex. The other was voice he knew was [member="Krafurk Maris"]'s he had spent some time with javik before and the both had the common ground of liking nature. The large De'Nochsax did not speak yet but only lumbered over by everyone else and waited.

@ Everyone Else

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"] [member="Krafurk Maris"] [member="Saryana Lynae"] [member="Cain Laatl"] [member="Tipau"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Maleus"] [member="William Seraven"] [member="Krest"] [member="Kale Xeros"] [member="Abygail Ericson"]

Alexandra smiled at everyone that had shown so far, it wasn't everyone she had wanted but to let this many show up without thanks would be simply wrong. With that she spoke in a soft and controlled voice, her eyes brightened as she saw her two new students having arrived to, the denial love birds it seems. "Well, its a pleasure to see that all of you are here, and i can't say how happy i am that things are still tied together... I have two announcements for everyone gathered here, so if you would all sit down i need to make things very clear and i also would like anyone new to the Temple to be sure to introduce yourself to the Council members... which brings me to the first announcement."

"In light of minna's temporary leave from the order for person reasons, Krest will be taking her place on the council run, if he succeeds in a way that betters the order, then he will be given a full seat... Furthermore i have another announcement. Due to our position in mandalorian space, i have come to discuss several things with all of you. Those who can fight, i ask that you aid the Mandalorians in their war with the Sith, this is not the only thing though, as i have been in contact with the queen of naboo. I myself and if anyone else decides, will be going there to set up an enclave and allow for our order a wider influence and the ability to more easily recruit people from that region of the galaxy..." She crossed her hands and would let them all take in the information and what she said.

Yuuthayn Di'cantos

The Perfect Hiding Place is in Plain Sight
I was late. Fashionably late, but still. I hated it when that happened. I was always meticulous when it came to timing. I walked in just as an Echani woman was speaking about new developments. I was taking a big risk showing up with no disguise to speak of. I stood there in my ridged, scaly deep blue skin, nothing covering my body (my usual preference). I scanned the small gathering, taking in the faces and memorizing them. "Oh, I'm sorry. Being late isn't a habit of mine, I promise..." I said calmly, taking a seat behind a red Zabrak.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Cain Laatl"]
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Saryana Lynae"]
[member="Krafurk Maris"]
Aid the Mandalorians in their war against the Sith? What did they think he'd been doing the past several months? Playing cards? He'd been fighting with the Republic, and was about to begin fighting with the Protectorate as well. How was he supposed to assist three different government entities? He might be able to show up here and there and toss a few things with his mind. It was what he was good at, and about the only thing he could bring of value to the Mandalorians. He was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a tide turning warrior. Or a great warrior. Or really even that much use on a battlefield except for daring rescues of padawans who participate in attempted liberations without even bringing a lightsaber.

But now was not the time for that. He would wait and see how others responded first.

William Seraven

I listened to the announcements, my tail flicking behind me. There was no way in hell they'd get me to go out and actively fight. Oh I could do the cloak and dagger stuff just fine. But charging out along side the mandos? I'd just get myself turned into a zorren fur scarf. But that other thing she was talking about... "Will you need people with you when you go to Naboo?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Tipau looked at the other members congregated around her as she listened to Master Alex speak. Fighting with the Mandalorians sounded intriguing, but for all of her wanderings the Ruferalahuin had never been to Naboo.

Once the other tailed being spoke, Tipau raised her hand. "If you do, and we go to Naboo, can we still wander? Away, I mean." The thought of having to actually stay (and thus be eligible for more responsibility) made her fur begin to stand up. Besides, she'd never liked staying in one place for long -- then her wanderlust flailed up and began to drive her insane.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] Javik Quar-Kai Krafurk Maris Saryana Lynae Cain Laatl Tipau Veino Garn Maleus William Seraven Krest Kale Xeros Abygail Ericson [member="William Seraven"]

The Zabrak was next to speak, setting his hands behind his back. Glancing out to the group, he would nod to each of them. "The Grey are not a military group, but I will ask for those willing and able to fight the One Sith alongside the Mandalorians to do so. I cannot stress this enough however. If they ask you to do something you do not agree to, do not do it. They cannot force the Grey to do anything, and if they do we will leave for a new home."

Simple words from a fighter such as Krest. The announcement was to many, and he himself would see the response of the rest. Especially the response of Veino.

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