Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never to Late for a Pirate BBQ. (Open to All)

The young Knight awoke just as the "Borrowed" Modified YT-2000 passed into the Varonat system. He was sure that [member="Kaster Sane"] wouldn't miss his Blackheart too much, Hell that cannibal scum was probably face deep in a pile of spice and cantina skanks by now....He'd have plenty of time to return the ship to the darksider once he finished.
As he exited the bed his body ached from his wounds, His robed Beskar'Gam had saved his hide but not by much as he'd been hit in the left shoulder and had a laser burn on the left ribs from a lucky shot... He'd get it repaired soon enough. As the radar warned of an upcoming ship the young Knight smiled feeling the presence of his "Brother from a furry mother" [member="Ryn'Dhal"] and his friends [member="Solan Charr"] and tiny Kira.

Once in the cockpit, Which still reeked of burnt ozone from where he'd used Mechu Macture to fry Sane's pet battledroid , The odd Togruta would key up the comms system and begin hailing the massive Skyfall ..... "Skyfall comms this is Jedi Knight Tal'verda requesting landing sequence and docking permission..... And tell Solan I made it... With that he cut the comms and made his way towards the ship commanded by his old friend..... This was sure to be fun.
[member="James Justice"] was who had caught his eyes next along with the form that was @stardust. Both who he looked at with a raised brow and moved to stare for a few seconds as the words of the man met his ears. It would not bee long for his eyes to find that of the console though, hearing the arrival of three more. He had to admit there were a wider group of people than he thought would come at first but as he heard each new voice he was all the more happy with the results. "Actually Captain justice, i do have a plan but i think we should wait for the remaining few to arrive so that i need not have to repeat it over again. Patience is the key to this working after all as... well the Pirates have a few more ships than we do." In actuality that was sugar coating it. The Pirate's fleet was a very dangerous thing for those who had come. Sure he was half hoping someone would have brought the aid of their respective backers but Solan's plan would still work as long as everyone did their part.

The main problem was although the sizes of the enemy vessels were smaller than the ship they all stood on, the numbers were five to one... the enemy having an assortment of carrick classed ships along with dreadnoughts, hammerheads, and even some reject interceptor class frigates... it was hard to create an effective strategy from that but he had an idea on how to handle this. And it all revolved around the enemy command ship of these little pirates. That was only part one though as the main base was still on the ground and from there things would get far worse...

While he worked further on thinking over the efforts of those around him his eyes came to look now at the console again as he awaited the forms of [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"], and [member="The Talatheen Amalgam"] as well as any other late arrivals... the soldiers would bring the straight to the bridge after all so it should not take much longer for everyone to on this bridge with him.

The Talatheen Amalgam

Lord Cross; Laodicean Brothers Eternal
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Onna Sunrider"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="stardust"] [member="DV8-420"] [member="Djark Slove"]

A response came and went, along with the activation of the tractor beam and the subsequent events that lead to a very, very dull parking procedure - one in which he nearly slammed the vessel into the walls of the hangar. Deus has sent him mainly as a joke - just like his initiation as Aegis One; the following members of the squadron were nonexistent. As fear of a preemptive strike erupted throughout the landing, he parked and departed, astromech unit in tow - utterly regarding his embarrassment and fear of the crew. "What's- no, what is your... name again?" he asks to the droid; it replied: "Name = Artoo Elsix//Working with = pleasure." Hitherto the Amalgam had been nodding in absolute enthrallment with the flood of incoming knowledge (sarcastically, he was just making conversation to satiate his restless boredom as he wandered about, directed by vague clues departed by rushing passersby, running to inspect the damage to the hangar). The droid, unwisely, began to indulge in its increasing comfort with its new master, and hurried to join his side - and begin making crude remarks of his piloting skills, due to his asinine personality.

"Talatheen flying = trash//R2-L6 preference = would rather fly with tauntaun pilot."

Talatheen's ears twitched in unison, though hidden behind the durasteel helmet; his eyes glazing over the outstretching corridor to eye his companion: "Don't- Do not... call my ability into question!"

"Artoo = wonders what ability."

The final straw; reaching out with his cybernetic arm, he grabbed the droid by the joint of its leg and, with incredible strength, heaved; his body shifting its weight, with all of its might, to the alternate direction, and threw the droid against the wall. He was monstrous, in both stature and strength - the droid slammed into the wall and fractured its frame, sparks shooting out in blinding fashion as its smaller parts, like gore-ridden giblets, spilled to the floor. Its head caved in, the duraglass shattered; it was effectively dead, or so Talatheen thought as he continued walking, without so much as breaking his stride. Then the droid released a sigh, a sad, pain-riddled sigh that almost tugged at the man's cords of empathy, should such a thing exist for the mechanical. His hand outstretched behind him, reaching into the throes of the Force; the room filled with a dull hum, at least to him, as the physical and ethereal blurred, and invisible waves folded over the small, helpless, and crippled droid - then he swung his arm, and with it the droid flew into the adjacent wall, shattering and permanently silencing him. With agitation satiated, he quickly navigated the appropriate turbolifts and transportation ilk until he found himself in the presence of his peers.

Stepping onto the deck, with both hands folded behind his back, he lurked among those present with head hung low; his voice, riddled with false apology and shame: "I- I am sorry- sorry for the mess. Necessity; it was necessary, I assure you- all of you. Yes, all-of-you, I assure; I am also here. A sole bastion of support; promise- I promise to see this... mission? Yes, mission through to its completion with- with the utmost success." He was of the shy brood, much to the contrast of his previous bloodlust, driven by a sense of misplaced superiority; however, in the presence of those of equal stature, he was reduced to stumbling over his words, and subsequently stuttering helplessly. Though, this did little to reduce the strong, dark auras that radiated him; a strong clue, to those who nurtured their capability in the Force, to his true nature. Two beings observed from the shrouded figure, one clearly fidgeting before them, and another, one far stronger, and much more intelligent, observing beyond the sight of the eyes. "Talatheen- Ah, yes, my name: Talatheen."
Stardust smiled as [member="James Justice"] leaned on her, she patted his back gentky"hehehe can fly a cruiser through a blockade but can't stand drunk"she teased him

She then looked to [member="Solan Charr"] smiling"so do we know the size we're up against?odds don't matter just gotta know

She said and smiled as she pushed James back to his feet
[member="Solan Charr"]

The bulky old freighter's landing gear gave a whining hiss as it settled onto the durasteel deck plating of the Skyfall , The young knight had finally arrived. The roar of the engines declined dramatically and then shut off completely as the hooded masked figure strolled down the ships loading ramp, His force signature remained hidden to all those except the ones who knew him best...Its how he liked it, It made his job easier. Once on his way to the bridge the loading g ramp would slowly close behind him to bar access to anyone bit himself....or the ships owner.

He wasn't sure which way the bridge was so he simply focused through the force and felt out for [member="Solan Charr"] and once he found his friends force signature he followed it down the hall to an elevator, Which he took then to the bridge.
James shot Stardust a look frowned.

"I am not as think as you drunk I am," he muttered, wagging his finger in reproach.

The spacer took a long puff off his cigarette and relented to not lean on his grand admiral's shoulder. He wobbled slightly, trying to remain standing and having to lean on her just a moment to stay standing. Alright, so perhaps he had one more than he had counted on, but it honestly made him a better pilot and fighter.

Of all the times he had fought, the moments he was drunk were the ones he had fought the best. He didn't know it but his alcohol problem allowed the force to flow through him with fewer hindrances. Without his conscious strong enough to prevent himself from tapping into and releasing into the living Force, James was able to do things he had previously never been able to. It enhanced his senses and reflexes--especially for a drunk. All his subconscious needed was a reason to immerse the spacer in the mystery known as the Force.

"Whatever you be thinking, mate, ye are the boss here," James said agreeably with one of his winning grins.

[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="The Talatheen Amalgam"]
[member="Solan Charr"]

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