Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Netherworld Request: Dark Fabula

So. Fabula is going to have an interesting storyline when the Netherworld plot hits. I'd like to be ready for that. I have two requests.

1) I would appreciate an avatar version of this image flavored for someone who has lived attuned to the Dark Side for an unnatural period of time. Yellow eyes, pallid face, whatever makes her look Sith like whoa.

2) A new sig made from this image. It should savage and angry, to match the Sith face above. Obviously open to artist interpretation, and if that image doesn't speak to you, then I have a couple more that might work out just as well. Here's another that looks pretty cool.

I'm putting this request up a week in advance, so there's no rush. Thanks for your time.
Well-Known Member
[member="Fabula Cavataio"] Possibly hate the sith so much she slowly begins to hate everything with a fiery passion? Or perhaps she foolishly put on one of those ensnarement rings lying around created by the One Sith, that convert you to the darkside whether you want to or not? Some sort of sith poison restricting her to the darkside that screws with her head to the point she accepts it? She found the cookie jar?
"Possibly" as in "I have plot ideas, you'll see it later." :p

Right now it's still in development. I'd just like to get the request out there that I'd like some Dark Side images for Fabula to rock when she's evil.


Well-Known Member

Here's the avi. :)

This is the whole manip, if you want something changed gimme a poke, I still have the .psd. :)

[member="Fabula Cavataio"]



And the sig. :p Do tell me if I went overboard with the savage and angry thing, I was trying out some new brushes. xD


Well-Known Member
[member="Fabula Cavataio"]

Mais oui. :)

It is, after all, part of my master plan to spread my sigs across the site, then activate their mind-controlling power and rise from R'lyeh once more!

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