Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nerd alert!

I'm going to set up a little roleplay for my character that anyone can join in on. What ever faction Evan gets taken into, I do not have a preferance. They all sound super cool :p Almost done with my character, then ill set up a roleplay thread so y'all can fight over me
[member="Akio Kahoshi"]

/accepts tea

/drinks tea

"There isn't any sugar in this..."


Also, another question. How do y'all use those little title things off on the side? Like...
? Do you earn them by doing things?
[member="Cryax Bane"]

Just out of curiosity, do a lot of people play Chiss? According to the timeline, their empire was pretty destroyed. My guess is most who remain fell into the many hives of scum and villainy, as Kenobi calls it, around the galaxy?

There are a few of us around, and there used to be a semi-active Chiss Ascendancy faction. That was before joined the boards so I don't have all the details about it.

My character is indeed a criminal who grew up in the Outer Rim, but there are some on the boards who play Csillan-born Chiss who would like their empire to return.

Sugar? In tea? Heathen! (Irony is I live in the south, home of sweet tea)

Not as many chiss as there used to be. There has been a couple Chiss Ascendancy factions. One was part of the Atrisian Empire when AE was a major faction, one that was similarly inactivate a bit later than that, and currently nothing that I know of. Most chiss seem to be rogue agents these days.

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