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Approved Planet Nenet

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Name: Nenet
Region: Outer
System: Huvsgul System

Suns: One yellow dwarf star, Tsaatan
Orbital Position: 164,000,000km from the sun
Moons: Nenet has two moons, one large one which appears white with a roguhly 4,000km diameter and a smaller one which appears brownish of about 2,500km
System Features: There is a substantial asteroid belt that makes reaching Nenet difficult though not impossible, as well as one unnamed gas giant orbiting further out from the sun
Coordinates: One up, 7 over.
In the hex on the outlying spiral arm two to the right of Crystalsong and one to the left of Knojour
Rotational Period: 28 hours
Orbital Period: 422
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 13,458 km
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate, ice caps extend further than earth norm, reducing but not eliminating arable land. Winter is longer and harsher than earth norm.
Gravity: Standard

Primary Terrain: Multiple, many instances of tundra, grasslands and arid regions, some mountainous regions, very few major forests, small scattered seas, instances of marshland, many rivers and lakes
Native Species analogous to and called for sake of convenience;
Large burrowing Worms, Tundra and Desert varieties
Immigrated Species: Humans, far enough in the past that they believe they have always been there
Primary Languages: Basic, peppered with Nenetian
expansion; the people of Nenet do not have an entirely separate dialect from Basic, but over the centuries words specific to the planet have developed.
Government: Tribal. Each nomadic group has it's own leader
Population: 35 Million
Demonym: Nenetian
Major Imports: None
Major Exports: None
Affiliation: None
Nenetians fall into three major groups, those that live primarily on the Tundra, the Grasslands, or the Desert. Within these, there are any number of small tribes and clans ranging from a single family to upwards of a hundred individuals. They are in almost all cases nomadic. Each group holds a gathering roughly once every three years, though this can be changed if there happens to be a major event that would make it difficult, such as a particularly bad season. It is at these Gatherings that most individuals find their future mates, they are also used as a time for friendly competition and trade, both of physical good as well as skills and to apprentice under a craftsman with a skill not present in their existing tribe. Very rarely, a tribe from one group might attend the gathering of another if they are in the region and have friendly ties.

The Nenetians of the Tundra are extremely codependent on their herds of caribou. Their life largely consists of migrating with their herds between areas capable of supporting them. The caribou are used for food both by being milked, and by being slaughtered for their meat. The hides are used to construct such things as clothes and shelter. The bones and antlers are used to make tools, decorative items and as building materials. The caribou are often trained to bear a rider or pull a sledge, as thus also act as a beast of burden. These Nenetians are a hardy and stoic people, used to a harsh life. They believe strongly in preparation and family.

The Nenetians of the Grasslands have a similar though less intense relationship with the eagles of their biome. They are used for hunting and scouting, their keen eyes more easily able to pick out the movement of prey within the long grass to provide the protein the tribes need, with the eagles getting a protected nesting place in return, as their young are otherwise very exposed taking into account the lack of trees. Survival rate for an eagle chick hatched within one of the tribes more than doubles. These Nenetians tend to have more free time, and thus might be more curious or artistic, and are more prone to individuality.

The Nenetians of the Deserts depend largely upon their camels, using them to travel between oasis'. They are also used for milk and meat, much like the caribou of the Tundra. They have developed particularly vibration sensitive feet to help detect the tunnelling of the desert worms and act as the first and often last detection system the Desert tribes have. A tribe without camels, or who have settled for too long in one place, are often considered to be already dead. The Nenetians of the Desert, having the fewest resources are often considered brutal, being more apt to put an elder or injured tribemember out to die than to support them at the cost of their group. They know the world is a harsh place, and one must often make harsh decisions to survive.

Nenetians have a higher than average rate of force sensitivity. With this intense codependency upon animals in place, it is no surprise then that their force sensitivity generally manifests itself through Animal Kinship, a limited form of Force Bond, rather than any of the flashier abilities. For the few to whom this is present in a discernible degree, they have the option of training to become a Shaman. Shaman is a high prestige position, standing on equal and often higher footing than the Chief or other leading body. It also comes with a fair amount of responsibility however, as disasters are often attributed to a shamans lack of luck. Blue is considered a holy colour, and is generally only worn by shamans, or in trinkets given by shamans. The majority of force users however, are unaware that they are, and are only seen as particularly talented animal handlers. They still need to work with the animals, they can simply do it quicker and easier than most. it is also important to note that some Shamans are not in fact force users.

The Nenetians are a generally non-warlike people, being too busy surviving in a harsh environment to hate people without very good reason. The few clashes are generally over resources, and usually only occur in groups without a Shaman. As a general rule, the tribes within each of the three groups get along with each other and can be counted on to pull together in a crisis. Their relationship with each other varies from group to group. The Tundra and Desert groups tend to be too different to really understand each other, though curiosity had prompted a few to travel between the two. Both Tundra and Desert tend to feel that the Grasslands have it easier and are as such softer and view them with some contempt. Aggression and competitive urges are usually expressed through hunt or sports. Most sports can be boiled down to skills necessary for survival. Races, wrestling, spear throwing, strength competitions, riding competitions etc

The Nenetians are not a particularly artistic people, but do spend some of their downtime on activities such as carving, weaving, beading and sewing. Story-telling is also a very popular and highly thought of activity.

Technology: Primitive

History: Thousands of years in the past, humans came to Nenet. The reasons for this, and even the fact that it happened have been lost in time. They could have been a crashed ship, but if so it seems likely given the genetic diversity that it would have been a ship bound to settle some distant planet in any case, as current testing would not reveal an unduly small pool of genetics. There is no physical evidence of this, no crashed ship, no ruins, there is only the planet and nature.

The Nenetians have made no major technological leaps, still working flint rather than smelting, and using only what Nenet provides for them.

Because they are so incredibly isolated, are semi-protected by their asteroid field and have no space travel of their own, Nenetians were unaffected and unaware of both the Gulag Plague and the 400 year darkness.

The tribes are currently in disarray as they try to cope with the sudden disappearances (Netherworld Event) they've undergone. These are not only psychologically damaging, but for the smaller groups in the harsher environments, the loss of manpower and skill may spell death.

Notable PCs: None Yet! Planet first.
Intent: To make a unique and interesting culture and planet to house it on order to tell good stories. Also I want to ride a reindeer, not going to lie.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

This seems like a very interesting submission, there are a few things that need to be worked out, however.

Chiasa Kritivaas said:
Large burrowing Wyrms, Tundra and Desert varieties

Dragons, wyrms, and like creatures tend to be a controversial topic. I personally don't see a problem but if you're referring to this It's such a vague reference that I personally feel it'd be best to create a species submission for this wyrm before being roleplayed. Mostly to prevent abuse and such.

Chiasa Kritivaas said:
The rate of force sensitivity is higher on this planet than others, at around 1/100, however the rate of strong force users is significantly lower, with perhaps 2 or 3 of any potential being alive at one time.
This is kind of nitpicky. You're saying that 1 out of 100 people on the planet are force-sensitive? If so that'd have to be edited out or a substantial dev thread would be needed to elaborate on that. Otherwise this could be used to make an army of force-users.

Last but not least, I'd like for you to expand on history. at least two full paragraphs and you need to mention something about how the Gulag Plague/400 Years' Darkness affected the world or mention that it was isolated and thus not affected.
Anja Aj'Rou said:
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

This is kind of nitpicky. You're saying that 1 out of 100 people on the planet are force-sensitive? If so that'd have to be edited out or a substantial dev thread would be needed to elaborate on that. Otherwise this could be used to make an army of force-users.

Last but not least, I'd like for you to expand on history. at least two full paragraphs and you need to mention something about how the Gulag Plague/400 Years' Darkness affected the world or mention that it was isolated and thus not affected.
"With this intense codependency upon animals in place, it is no surprise then that their force sensitivity generally manifests itself through Animal Kinship rather than any of the flashier abilities. For the few to whom this is present in a discernible degree, they have the option of training to become a Shaman."

This was meant to suggest that other than 2-3/35 million, literally the only way the force sensitivity manifest itself is through the Animal Kinship, and even then that the majority of the 1/100 are not doing tricks with it, they're just better animal handlers than usual, but I can edit to clarify if you reckon it's not clear enough. I know since planets are open for anyone to play on/as from sometimes you do need to be super clear :)

For the Wyrms, I'll look, there was one I saw that had a decent entry, just need to sift through and find it :)

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Were what I was thinking of, but if you'd require me to sub a tundra variety (it is pretty cannon to have adapted species for each biome, nerf, wampa etc) I could also swap to
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

I'm normally someone who prefers intention over trying to be hyper-realism but force-sensitivity is something I'm anal retentive about.

The galaxy roughly houses 100 quadrillion beings (and that's only a source taken from census stats of the empire!) , at the peak of the Jedi Order they had about 10,000 Jedi. Now, the Jedi were considered to have had a pretty good idea of how many force-sensitive beings existed in the galaxy (sentient ones at least), and thus those they felt had enough potential were recruited into the order. With that in mind I'd give a really high estimate between 500,000-1,000,000 people with force-user potential lived at any one time across all the stars. That amounts for roughly 0.0000000001% of the population. So having a 1% chance out of onel planet seems very high to me (That's roughly 350,000 force sensitives). That's a very dense population... The reason why humans tended to have a high rate of force-sensitivity was due to their sheer numbers. Very few worlds in star wars canon went without a strong human presence. It was the reason the Galactic Empire was pro-human.

I'd be fine if you wrote that the planet had a higher than normal amount of force-sensitives without a dev thread just because worse things could be abused and don't require dev threads. However, I'd like that to encompass a very small amount of the population, in the low hundreds at most but preferably a few dozen at the least.

With that aside, how does animal kinship work? I assumed that was in relations to controlling animals with the force.

Edit: Those worms are fine.
I'll take out the numbers and just be vague shall I? Seems easier, if that's acceptable.

Yeah basically, but it's.. (keeping in mind this is my interpretation!) rather than straight out dominance, it's bonding with an animal. So it's more like a partnership than straight up ordering them around, and when played correctly (again, my version! Being an elitist jerk here) has some interesting drawbacks, like maybe you start being a little more primitive or taking on characteristics of your partner. Are you playing with a predator or prey animal? Are they aggressive? Defensive? Family-oriented? If you bonded too deeply with just one animal, you might be affected by their injuries, or since most animals have a much shorter lifespan than humans have a significant backlash if/when they die.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Edited out initial paragraph, changed section reads;

Nenetians have a higher than average rate of force sensitivity. With this intense codependency upon animals in place, it is no surprise then that their force sensitivity generally manifests itself through Animal Kinship rather than any of the flashier abilities. For the few to whom this is present in a discernible degree, they have the option of training to become a Shaman. Shaman is a high prestige position, standing on equal and often higher footing than the Chief or other leading body. It also comes with a fair amount of responsibility however, as disasters are often attributed to a shamans lack of luck. Blue is considered a holy colour, and is generally only worn by shamans, or in trinkets given by shamans. The majority of force users however, are unaware that they are, and are only seen as particularly talented animal handlers. They still need to work with the animals, they can simply do it quicker and easier than most. it is also important to note that some Shamans are not in fact force users.

Also re Worms as I may have edited it in after you'd already read my prior post

Were what I was thinking of, but if you'd require me to sub a tundra variety (it is pretty cannon to have adapted species for each biome, nerf, wampa etc) I could also swap to
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

So pretty much a force-bond then? I suggest linking the wyrms with one of those worms like the sand burrower. Otherwise the force-bond/kinship is fine by me.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Added in the link, and edited the following for clarity,
their force sensitivity generally manifests itself through Animal Kinship, a limited form of Force Bond, rather than any of the flashier abilities.
Anja Aj'Rou said:
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Derp, was so caught up in those other changes that I forgot you still didn't do the history edits :p (my bad)
Me too >.> Edited!

Because they are so incredibly isolated, are semi-protected by their asteroid field and have no space travel of their own, Nenetians were unaffected and unaware of both the Gulag Plague and the 400 year darkness.

The tribes are currently in disarray as they try to cope with the sudden disappearances (Netherworld Event) they've undergone. These are not only psychologically damaging, but for the smaller groups in the harsher environments, the loss of manpower and skill may spell death.
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