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Approved Tech NADIR E-SERIES Hunter helmet

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  • Classification: Multipurpose

  • Weight: 0.75 kg

  • Quality: 9

  • EMP/Ion: The NT-1 has been hardened in a process similar to that of Duraplast, providing mild protection from EMP and Ion attacks.

  • Walk it off: Provides excellent protection against energy damage from blasters. It also fares well against small arms thanks to the impact gel. Stronger weaponry will still cause plenty of damage, especially weapons that deliver high kinetic energy on impact. Long story short: don't block shots with your head.

  • Force resistant: The glistaweb keeps enemy Force users from meddling with your mind through tricks such as mentalism, illusions, fear, and other deceptive business. It also protects from more direct attacks with telekinesis, such as the fan-favorite Force Choke.

  • Boom and Bewm: Weak against kinetic energy, powerful blasters, and (obviously) lightsabers. The impact gel can only handle one solid hit – get shot twice in the same place, and your brain is gonna be bouncing around in that metal bucket. You’re not going to like it.

  • Hot stuff: Classic downside of the NT-1. While the myoflex does its job, everything stops at some point. Flash-heat like that of a grenade is – perhaps counter-intuitively – less dangerous than the continuous barrage of a fully-automatic blaster rifle. While the material is rated to withstand those kinds of temperatures and maintain integrity, your head isn’t.

  • 360 is a schutta: The usage of the pineal eye sensor requires adjustment and acclimatization, as no humanoid sentients are used to having such an expansive range of vision. This can lead to nausea, headaches, and even loss of consciousness, if you use the sensor too abruptly or for too long.

  • Force resistant: Due to the glistaweb lining, you won’t be able to benefit from the effects of Battle Meditation and similar advantageous Force powers. If you’re a Force User yourself, you will also find your connection to the Force dimmed, with Sense abilities being twice as affected.

  • Deep fried: More than one EMP/Ion attack – or shots fired close-quarters, or from unusually powerful sources – will easily overwhelm the reinforcement, disabling much of the helmet's advanced systems. These will require a reboot or, in a worst-case scenario, total replacement.
Building on the base design of the P-series Combat helmet, the E-series takes it further still. As the star component, the glistaweb lining provides a fantastic advantage to the aspiring Forcer hunter – protection from illusions, mind tricks, and underhanded telekinesis. Next time a space-mage tries to pull a fast one on you, they’ll be the one choking – on a bullet.

The helmet is designed for the hardiest of fethers: the mercs, bounty hunters, and enforcers who wade into the deep shet of urban warfare with every intention of coming out on the other side. Fights like that are nasty. There’s explosives aplenty; everyone and their mother has a sniper on the roof; even kids’ll be allowed into the fray with a rifle in their hands, raining full-auto fire with a vengeance.

Knowing this, Nadir has made the E-series as sturdy as possible while also maintaining the light load that is crucial for mobility in the ever-ebbing flow of combat. You’ll be thanking every shaved-off kilogram of armor after mere minutes, and praising your prudence for buying Nadir when the Hunter helmet stops that killing blow.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Aver Brand said:
Aver Brand said:
Force resistant: The glistaweb keeps enemy Force users from meddling with your mind through tricks such as mentalism, illusions, fear, and other deceptive business. It also protects from more direct attacks with telekinesis, such as the fan-favorite Force Choke.
The hyperlink of Glistaweb makes no mention of being able to protect from telekinetics or any force based abilities.

[member="Aver Brand"]
[member="Haytham Kaze"]

From the Yuuzhan Vong technology article:
All Yuuzhan Vong technology, whether it be starships, weapons, or simple everyday objects, was entirely biological.
From the Voxyn article:
Voxyn were unlike the rest of Yuuzhan Vong–created organisms in their ability to sense the Force, as members of the Yuuzhan Vong species and their other creations were completely devoid of the Force and could not touch it in any way.
Right now this helmet is good against EMP, Ion, Energy, Melee, Small Arms, low-grade explosives and immune against direct force manipulation. With it comes a host of special equipment integrated into it.

In return, it can't handle high kinetic energy and heat.

The other two weaknesses, e.g. the 360 degree thing and the fact that they can't be bolstered by battle meditation are flavor for the most part. The first is mostly fluff and few people will actually incorporate that into their writing, the latter is an edge case that doesn't actually give a solid weakness in an average fight.

Something needs to give here, because it's far too effective right now. Balance has to be adhered to.

Take another look at the concept of your helmet, make some edits and get back to me, when you are ready for me to take another stab at it.

[member="Aver Brand"]
[member="Darth Saarai"]

I'd argue against the 'special' equipment designation. Aside from the pineal eye sensor, that stuff can be found in 90% helmets.

The Force Resistance weakness isn't 'only for Battle meditation'. Any Force user using this will have a weakened connection to the Force:

Aver Brand said:
If you’re a Force User yourself, you will also find your connection to the Force dimmed, with Sense abilities being twice as affected.
At any rate, did some balancing, hope it works better now.
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