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Approved Tech NADIR E-SERIES Hand cannon

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  • Classification: Hand cannon

  • Size: Handheld

  • Length: 200 mm

  • Weight: 1 kg

  • Ammunition Type: Charric | Blaster

  • Ammunition Capacity:

    Charric: 15 power pack, 150 gas canister

  • Blaster: 30 power pack, 300 gas canister

Effective Range: Personal

Rate of Fire: Semi-automatic, Three-round burst


  • Gas canister slots (2) – a thumb selector defines which gas canister is being used to generate bolts. Nadir recommends mounting your tibanna canister of choice along with one of the several specialized blaster gasses manufactured by Nadir

  • Fire selector – the weapon can fire either charric or blaster bolts, depending on user preference

  • Easy disassembly – for smuggling your pistol past customs, scanners, and other checkpoints

  • Low recoil – the Autosteady gyro-gimbals and the integral recoil dampening system do their part

  • Rail-mounted iron sights (backup)

  • Rail-mounted reflex sight

  • Magnificent bastard: The weapon certainly looks intimidating, and packs the punch you’d expect from its grizzled, sturdy exterior. It burns through unprotected flesh, and even armor can't save an enemy – the E-series can break bones and rupture organs by the sheer kinetic energy of the impact. Where it utterly subverts expectations, however, is in its handling – the Hand cannon may tear through armor like wet paper, but it’s a tame beast in the grip of its owner.

  • Electricity: An unavoidable downside of using NT-1 in the construction of the weapon. Anyone targeted by electricity-based attacks while holding this weapon will have a bad time. As in, third-degree burns, muscle-spasming, tissue-necrosis kind of bad time.

  • Hot stuff: While myoflex does its job well, it has its limits. Using the weapon on the three-burst setting will begin to overload the dispersive capabilities of myoflex around the four-minute mark. If – for some absurd reason – the user persists with three-burst fire for more than five minutes, the myoflex will begin to melt, resulting in weapon failure and severe damage to the user. *


It’s what Nadir specializes in. Efficient, goal-oriented carnage, preferably executed in such a way that the perpetrator gets out alive, quick, and scot-free.

To this end, Nadir returned to their earlier P-series design, refined it, and made it even better at those things. Money brings in talent, and murder brings in money – they put their best and brightest together, and emerged with this:

The Elite-series Hand cannon.

With a sturdy frame and a mean look, just clipping this bastard to your belt will be enough to dissuade plenty of small-timers. And if you ever engage in a fight with actual threats, well… the Hand cannon is built to show them Nether, and then some.

The charric setting eats up ammo like a spicer with the munchies, but it’ll blow your enemies sky-high in thanks. Packing the scorching heat of a blaster bolt and the brutal kinetic impact of a high-velocity slug all in one, every shot from this bad boy will make your attackers regret it. Even when it doesn’t manage to pierce armor, the charric can leave bruises, break bones, and even rupture organs, if fired from close enough.

The blaster setting is there more as a backup option, as the charric is far more powerful in comparison. However, if you see you’re running low on ammo, switching to the blaster is the recommended course of action, as it essentially halves the gas and power consumption. It also allows you to utilize any secondary gas canisters you’ve brought along to mix up your tactics in a hairy situation.

In all, the Hand cannon is a versatile sidearm that bites more than it barks. It’s what you pull on a lying schutta when he tries to cheat you at Sabacc; it’s what you pull on the son of a twi’lek who double-crossed you on the merchandise; it’s what you pull when you simply want to relish the abject terror in eyes of your foe.

* Ignoring this warning voids any and all product warranty.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Howdy. I do love a good hand cannon, and there's a lot to love about this one. I'm especially a fan of the way it makes use of custom blaster gas cartridges. One minor spot of editing and you should be good to go.

Aver Brand said:
the E-series will break bones and rupture organs by the sheer kinetic energy of the impact.

Aver Brand said:
Even when it doesn’t manage to pierce armor, the charric will leave bruises, break bones, and even rupture organs, if fired from close enough.
Would you mind tweaking those bits to make things a little less absolute? It's a minor quibble, but the difference between "will break" and "can potentially break" might save all sorts of headaches down the road.

[member="Aver Brand"]
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