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N.O Mercy [New Order Dominion of Telos IV]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Location: "The Malevolent Spirit" Xo'Xaan-class Heavy Cruiser

Position: Edge of the Telos System

Goal: "Wipe this pathetic planet off the face of the galaxy"


Weakness, a disease that spawned from the lesser races of the galaxy and infected everything it touched. Everything from the small insect to the largest planet was prone to sub-coming to weakness, at least in the eyes of the Dark Lord. He wished to make a perfect galaxy, one that would be ruled by the only people he deemed strong enough to rule. The Sith's New Order and the Graug Hordes therein, everything else would be but slaves and brainwashed peasants.

Not all beings were worthy of even slavery though, some were so weak and pathetic that the only cure for their vileness was utter destruction. The rebellious peasants on Telos were one such people. So afraid were they of being destroyed by the Repbulic and Mandalorian fleets that they rebelled against the Sith Empire. They thought that this would save them destruction after they saw what happened to Dromund Kaas, but it would soon become apparent that the planet would face utter destruction for their betrayal.

The Dark Lord stood on the bridge of his ship, a sulfuric eye burning holes into the planet through sight alone. This would be the day that the New Order showed its might, showed that it would not be pushed around as the Sith Empire was. They were the ultimate power in the galaxy and nothing could stop their judgment. The planet would die, its inhabitants slaughtered and it resources harvested for the NEw Order war machine.

"Prepare our weapons, Captain" the beast growled coldly as he stared across the dark void and at the planet, "I wish to see this planet burn"
Djonas could feel the death of millions coming. It's almost as if their screams prematurely reached his ears in a symphony of death and destruction. Once, he sought to protect people such as this. Now? He wanted to watch them fail at defending themselves. No one would save them this day or the next nor the days the come. The Sith would show them where feebleness and weakness would lead them.

From the command deck of a Xo'Xaan starship, Djonas looked out in the vast darkness of space and his eyes met the view of Telos IV. "Captain, do me a favor and tell Vulcanus that I'll be on the ground as soon as he makes a hole." Djonas commanded of the flight captain. The message was relayed to [member="Darth Vulcanus"] and Djonas continued to stare at the planet. Watching and waiting for his mission to begin.
Ferus moved beside his master, bowing his head once. With a soft voice the Darth spoke, his eyes scanning over the planet below. "None of them will be able to last against our assault. They will be wiped out." There was no tone of concern, but enjoyment. Darth Ferus was ready for this invasion, ready to slay. A single hand rested on the hilt of his blade Deus, noth the blade and himself ready and wanting to kill.

"Once the defenses are gone, I shall lead the ground forces at take the cities not destroyed."
He walked onto the bridge right after [member="Darth Ferus"] and he stopped right behind him. He stood there watching the two Dark Lords, he remained silent and then he placed both of his hands behind his back while he waited for them to take notice of him.

When he had decided it had been enough time, he said, "My lord, I shall accompany you." He spoke to Ferus. He still didn't know his name...It wasn't a priority.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Djonas Vile"] [member="Darth Ferus"]

As the Malevolent Spirit's guns charged up in preparation, the captain of the ship came up to him and bowed his head after giving the traditional salute of the New Order "Mi'lord, Lord Vile will be landing with the strike teams as soon as our fleet opens up an avenue in the enemy's defenses"

"Perfect, Captain, are the weapons ready to fire?" the beast of the Darkside asked, his eyes still glued to the planet that he wished to see burn in an unholy blaze.

"Aye, mi'lord, weapons are prepared to fire. All we need is for confirmation of the first target" the captain said yet another bow of his head

"All weapons on the first orbital platform, captain and then bring us in over Thani."

It was about that time that Ferus and Aeon approached and both received answers from the Dark Lord, "Yes, kill all resisters and be sure to capture the mines before they are destroyed." As the two walked away, Vulcanus looked back out into the void of space and watched the red laser zip through the darkness. Plasmatic heat emanated from the hull of the first orbital cannon as it was ripped apart by turbo laser fire, offering the chance Djonas needed to get through to the planet.
Ferus nodded once before turning on a heel. Without so much as a glance to [member="Aeon Caedus"] the Darth would call up on his own troopers. The Iridonian trained soldiers would meet him at the hangar. He would leave the room, even as the boy asked his master a question. To the hangar he went, already checking his blade, being sure it's edge was ready to kill.
The Sith Predator looked to his Master, giving a slow and full nod before averting his gaze to Ferus, a powerful ally and a respectable Sith from what Pathollex understood of the Zabrak. "I will join Darth Ferus on the ground, can't let him have all the glory, now can I?" His blackened durasteel skull helmet pulsated with the typical crimson glow of electronics and the power of the Dark Side, he shifted his right gauntlet to balance on the pommel of his lightsaber as he awaited further information.

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Djonas Vile"] [member="Aeon Caedus"]
"Black Hand check in." Logan spoke roughly over the roar of the gunship that half of the Hand was occupying. They had been separated into two fire teams for this mission, one was to locate and annihilate HVTs of the planetary defense force that Intel had ID'd a few weeks back. The other was to track down the civilian leadership and do the same. The order had been given, none would survive the coming holocaust. A fitting end for traitors.

"Black Hand 2."

"Black Hand 3."

"Black Hand 4."

"Black Hand 5."

The green acknowledgment lights flickered on the HUD's and Logan sent the signal to command that all was go for team one. The gunship was hovering high above the the planet in a holding pattern, waiting for the Empire's massive naval ships to bombard what AA targets they could. Logan felt strange as he double checked his gear. After the last invasion he always remembered that Twilek girl he'd ordered burned alive. Along with the score she held. A shame. Logan shook it off, now wasn't the time.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"][member="Djonas Vile"][member="Darth Ferus"]
Rafeesh stepped in preparation for battle. Still an apprentice, he would try to accompany the men to the surface. All sorts of challenges and opportunities awaited him. He was just outside the hangar, planning to enter after his master [member="Darth Ferus"] had. The old Zabrak felt that this would be a good and worthy challenge and more than likely would be rewarded very well. He would fight and destroy all he met, soon those on the ground would fear him. His power would be shown, the galaxy would remember him one day.
He nodded to Vulcanus and turned away from him, leaving the bridge as well. Everyone was going to go with [member="Darth Ferus"], apparently. He would go on his own if that was the case.

Aeon had done it before. He would do it again.

[member="Rafeesh"] - [member="IC-3471 Logan Harkins"] - [member="Lord Pathollex"] - [member="Darth Vulcanus"] - [member="Djonas Vile"]

(Should be pairing up, not all just going with one person. Goes faster that way.)
Location: Morellia system, the Obscurity
Objective: Base Delta Zero, Telos IV

Malus had his hands folded behind his back. The Chiss Commander had his crimson eyes on Morellia and had been stationed in the system for the past few weeks. He had participated in the Chiss Ascendancy's removal of pirate degenerates and now he was waiting for further orders from either his Chiss associates or the New Order, in which he now served. Averting his gaze away from the transparisteel screen to a nearby office, who explained to him that the call had come. The Malevolent Spirit had summoned her legions and the Obscurity happened to be one of them. "Alert the helmsmen to set a course for the Telos system. I will be on the bridge shortly," said Malus to the officer. Turning back to the transparisteel screen, he waited until the hyperspace window opened before turning back down the flight of stairs and away from the observational deck to the bridge.
The Sith Knight, known as Lord Phobos within the New Order walked through the corridors towards the hangar bay. There were some soldiers walking around the corridors and he beckoned them over to him.

"Mi'lord?" He heard the apparent sergeant said when they had approached.

"Prepare a shuttle for me." He said, and just as sergeant gave his orders and his five other squad mates had gone off, he grabbed his arm before he could go. "Do not fail me, Sergeant."

He wasn't speaking about getting a shuttle.
The Imperius zoomed up into existence, her escorts exiting hyperspace after a few seconds.

"Captain, take us into low orbit and into range of objective Omega." said her commander, a Sith named Melkaroth Tyrin, who now turned to his comms officer.

"Send a communicate to [member="Malus"], I want to know how far away he is." he continued. Objective Omega was quite unlike any objective the Imperius and her crew had targeted before--it was, in fact, a small continent, on which lay a collection of large cities. Nothing within this region was of value to the New Order--only millions and millions of lives.

"ETA Two minutes, Commadore."

Melkaroth nodded to the captain, then pressed a few buttons on his chair. The miniature holographic image of his master, [member="Darth Vulcanus"], appeared, hovering above the chair's left arm.

"Darth Vulcanus, we will be in position over Objective Omega shortly. Requesting permission to open fire."
He walked onto the shuttle once it had been prepared. He knew there were still bombardments upon the enemy, they still needed a hole in the enemy defenses, but he was still going to wait for that to happen.

"Prep the ship." He replied once there were two squads united under his command on the shuttle. Their entrance better be opened fast...

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Yoma was a pleasant city. The people were friendly, if not a bit jumpy, and the food was wonderful. Graxin found it to be a bit of a shame that such a planet was to be wiped clean of what his father viewed as filth. Then again, it wasn't his place to judge the morality of the situation. He knew it would seem wrong. The views of the Sith were cloudy to him anyway, and his objective superseded any desire to speak up to Krag. That just wouldn't work out.

Graxin had arrived a week or so earlier after terminating what would be called a leak in the intelligence community. He had quickly left the company of the spacer he had hired, it was for the best, and returned to Vulcanus's side. Infiltrating Telos hadn't been as easy as he had thought it would be, but, it worked out. Now, he stood in full combat armor; an ashen cloak shrouding his helmeted head. The eerie yellow lights that served as his visor were all the helped identify him in the small encampment within the sewer system of the city. Thankfully, the smell was blocked off by the helmet's filters.

He stared at his two companions; the dark skinned, huge Graug who went by Thurg, and the smaller, lighter toned Shlurk. The creatures had been transported in cargo bins and slipped down to make a camp below the city under the cover of night. Now, they were busy comparing whichever of their hands were bigger than the other. Thrug held up a thick skinned hand. "Oi! Look'a that! It's a biggin!"

Shlurk made a low grunting noise. "It is the only thing you have that is a...'biggin'."

Graxin sighed and shook his head. Graug were generally violent, unintelligent folk. these two knew their way around a weapon, and they weren't particularly driven by violence. They were, actually, less than adequate compared to other Graug. The only reason they had lived was because they were training dummies of a sort for the young man back in the day. They had bonded, and now, made up the oddest group of friends any human would ever see.
The Captain brought a hand up to his helmet, and clicked the comm system to life. "This is Charlie One to whoever the Commanding Officer is for this operation." He paused to make sure the comm encryption was working. Shlurk paused in his argument, and gave a meaty thumbs up to indicate that it was. "We're ready to begin whenever you boys are ready."

@Anyone with authority?
| [member="Melakoth Tyrin "]|

Malus lowered himself into the command seat, overlooking the bridge from his position. Hands on the arm rests, he lifted one to his chin and rested it upon the palm, elbow supporting his face as he watched his crew go about their work. The communications officer alerted him that the Imperius had hailed the Obscurity. "Patch me through," replied Malus.

Listening to Melakoth, Malus averted his gaze from the transmission to the helmsmen. "ETA until arrival?"
"One hour, forty two minutes, sir," they replied.
Malus turned his gaze back to the Sith Acolyte and said. "We'll be in the Telos system at approximately one hour, forty two minutes. Malus out." Cutting off the communication, he reclined in his seat and smoothed his arms out on it's arm rests, crimson eyes set on the transparisteel ahead.
| [member="Darth Vulcanus"] | [member="Christian Slade"] |​

Much like The Malevolent Spirit, Darth Ayra had her own quarters on board the Obscurity, since agreements were made between herself and it's commander, Malus. Currently, she found herself in the arms of [member="Christian Slade"]. They seemed to be inseparable, since their encounter in The White Diamond casino on Coruscant. The night was still very vivid for them him too, Ayra believed. She didn't mind; and found herself enjoying his company. Extremely. Turning around to face Christian, she rested her chin upon his chest and asked. "Are you known as a Darth, as well?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
The Iceni soon entered into orbit over Telos IV, and Bosch was rather clearly agitated. Though he was retired from active duty, the Iceni and the First Reserve Fleet under his immediate command. A communication was sent to him from someone, and as he had the highest naval rank, he moved to take command of the forces attacking Telos. "This is Admiral Bosch. I am taking command of the naval forces. Power up all ion cannons and prepare a barrage of military sites. We want to capture everything we possibly can put to use as a part of the New Order's armed forces."

Unlike [member="Darth Vulcanus"], he wasn't someone who supported wanton destruction of resources that could later be used on behalf of the faction.

[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Melakoth Tyrin "][member="Malus"] [member="IC-3471 Logan Harkins"]

[member="IC-3471 Logan Harkins"]

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"Never heard a' no Bosch. He a soft skin? Thurg inquired. The massive Graug and lifelong friend of the Dark Lord's favorite harbinger of chaos tilted his brutish head upward.

"No clue. I've heard bits and pieces, but I've never met him. Not that it matters--if we hear him, then he's got access to the channel." Graxin replied matter-of-factly. He pulled back the bolt on his rifle, and pushed in a fresh power pack. The Admiral had given orders, and he would follow until Krag told him otherwise. The Graug leader's orders overrode anyone else's for Graxin. He turned toward the left, and stared up at the hastily cut tunnel. It led farther east, and then upward just below primary powerplant on the edge of the city. Once they began; there would be no retreat. Everyone was likely readying for battle with the Sith above--they would not expect a fireteam to come from below.

"If he is a soft skin, then he can be eaten. What do humans taste like, anyway?" Shlurk added in rumbling agreement.

"Aye, what'da ya taste like pudgy?"

Graxin seemed to think on this for a long moment. He strolled over toward the tunnel, and motioned for the Graug to follow right behind him. Shlurk grumbled something unintelligible and stomped on the chem-lights around their temporary home. Everything was plunged into blackness. Graxin had a brief moment to try and rely on the force for sight. He caught shapes and hazy edges before the night-vision kicked in on his visor. That was better than last time. "Tangy. Like an Akk dog. I figure Sith humans are spicy, Jedi are fruity, and women are...That's enough."

"Women are what? Shlurk pressed.

"No clue. Shift it boys, there's a ruckus that needs starting." The Graug rumbled with quiet laughter and followed after Graxin as he pressed on into the tunnel. It would be a bit before they reached the plant. Graxin took it upon himself to shoot a message directly to this Admiral fellow. He opened his comm, and just before they left secure range; sent in a quick status report. "Admiral, Charlie One is Oscar Mike for target alpha. ETA twelve mikes. We'll be trying to cut Yoma's power. My team is under you jurisdiction until otherwise noted. Let me know if you need something down here taken care of."

[member="Aken Bosch"]

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