Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The ramp of the Corellian Bolt touched the steel floor of the hangar and the lone smuggler sauntered down. A convention of people awaited him as if he was the Emperor of the galaxy.

"Didn't expect a welcoming committee right from the hangar." Zef muttered glancing at the guards and back at the Harch. "You don't plan on shoving this cruiser in Mandalorian space, do you?"

The old scoundrel had seen his fair share of stupid moves, he'd done some himself but now he was too damn old for someone to pull a stupid move that could cost him his live.

"We waitin' on anyone else?"

[member="Kanta Tumoa"] [member="Kalba Vhett"]
[member="Kanta Tumoa"] | [member="Zef Halo"]​

Not long after the arrival of Zef Halo, another vessel came by to Kanta's ship. A black Firespray-class ship, marked with subtle Black Sun imagery. It was hailing the Harch's ship.

"Black Dawn to Hive. This is Vhett. I'm expected." A gruff voice came over the comms, a tinge of a Concordian accent coming through his dialect.

It took a couple of moments, but the Black Dawn was allowed to dock within the bowels of the ship. The Firespray hissed as it depressurized, opening itself. A man walked out, clad in gunmetal-colored durasteel, fashioned in the style of Mandalorian armor. A brown cloak was slung over his left shoulder, and a black blaster carbine over the right. His T-visor scanned his surrounds before seeing two individuals off in the distance. He calmly walked himself over to them, regarding the human with something of a glance.

"You must be Tumoa." He regarded the Harch, "Apologies for my timing. I had to attend to over on Stygeon Prime."

He looked over to the other man, a small grimace seeming to form in the posture of his helm.

"You.....You I know." He said with the slightest bitterness, "I'm surprised you're still alive, old man."

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