Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My pros and cons of Chaos, resectively.

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Perfection in human form.
- Amazing Staff, extremely friendly admins.
- Nice Overall Site.
- User-Friendly
- Nice users, friendly, helpful.
- Sense of Humour
- Just nice, overall site.

- Users who take their character way too seriously, e.g disliking users solely based on their characters actions.
- Ass kissers, everybody knows these people. The people who tend to get closer and more friendly with a character of higher status, just because of that fact. Who like everything their fantasy idol does because they have been on the site longer, have more posts, likes etc.
- The URL4 thing that keeps appearing when opening site.

These are the pros and cons of Chaos. This is not a rant, neither is it unnecessary hate for this site. These are just the pros and cons which hold Chaos back, in my opinion, from being better.

I know that the user thing is none of you guy's fault, but it does impact the way others see the site, respectively. Sith Lords who have been on here since 2013 have more ass kissers than the entire population of Britain have tea.

By no way is this everybody on this site, as said previously, this site is home to many nice users and generally awesome people, and by no way is this the majority.

Example posts from an ass-kisser (Not Real posts):

"My favourite person in the entire world is Darth Satan because they have a nifty founders color. Cool!"
- Franakin Skylander, Jedi Padawan.

"I love San Holo because his character is so original, who could have thought getting into debt with Habba the Jutt, who would have to dispatch Foba Bett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, and escape would be so cool." - Darth Crater, Sith Acolyte


Perfection in human form.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

I have an opinion. I have a mind. I can speak. I can hear. I have been here since 5th January, that is just over a month, so sit down, let the people express their opinion and crawl back to whatever corner of the Internet you came from, nobody cares.
Braith Achlys said:
Thank you for the feedback. :)

Cloudburner said:
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

I have an opinion. I have a mind. I can speak. I can hear. I have been here since 5th January, that is just over a month, so sit down, let the people express their opinion and crawl back to whatever corner of the Internet you came from, nobody cares.
Well, by law... You are free to have an opinion, nothing says about expressing it.


Lord Ghoul

Julius Sedaire said:
[member="Cloudburner"] - Because the guy who has been here barely a month knows the site so well enough to have an opinion, let alone give pros and cons....
This is not the first time I have seen this sort of completely uncalled for explicitly OOC rudeness toward a new member from you.

I think an apology is in order.
So I have been on the board about as long, and I have seen none of those cons you mentioned. It looks more like you are ranting about how there are people you don't get along with and just want to feel justified about it. The only real point you made was about that page loading bug, which really is something you should have put in a bug report thread.

I have seen the way you behave OOCly and I got to say that a lot of people have a reason not to like you so far. IC remains in IC from what I have seen around the board, but more often than not you bring up IC issues OOCly. You sort of just put a target on yourself and then when someone actually goes for it you say they are the one starting stuff. This is just what I have noticed about your behavior and it is why I know several people who use to interact with you before and won't now.
He is free to his opinion, of course! I encourage him to have it, as a matter of fact. I do question the validity of it when formed in such rapidity though. Such a large and absurdly active community can hardly be truly experienced in any sort of depth or such in a months time. I've been here just over a year or so, and am still ignorant about a lot of it. I admit that freely. I'd encourage him to take his time here and actually be a part of the community, before parading a very judgmental and condescending bit like this about. But that's about it for my feelings on the matter, really... I'll go to sleep in a few hours with hardly a toss or turn over this all, really.

What is he not not free from or of though? He is not free from the consequences of said opinion and how he delivers it. That is how being a human works. How social interaction and such things work. It sucks, yes, but it is the way of things. When people don't like what you do, they will react in ways they deem appropriate. Many, as in the OP's case, have acted with this particular member in a very polite, patient, and coaching manner which endeavored to 'show him the ropes' in the nicest possible way. That was met with much the same poor attitude as displayed in the first post of this thread. Which led me to dispense with such approaches in this case, as to be honest I am not the nicest person under the sun and such approaches appear to have been failures anyway.

Free speech means you can say whatever you want, that is true and I am a big fan of that bit. Biiiiig fan actually. I would die pretty quickly without that particular right... It, however, doesn't mean other people can't react, or call you out for being less than intelligent when you exercise said right. Nor does it mean they have to be nice about their reaction towards how you express your opinion. Doesn't mean you are free from the consequences of your actions during said exercising either.

That applies to me as equally as him. And to everyone. I didn't have to be so harsh, no. But I have seen a plethora of people try to kindly, publicly, guide this particular person to be less abrasive and other issues pointed out to him. Apparently, kinder words and advice have fallen on deaf ears. So maybe less kind and more harsh words will get through. Maybe not. But when you put yourself on a public pedestal and wave your flag about, you should expect someone is going to take a few shots at it. To pretend to umbrage and offense is just poor form.

[member="Razor Shot"] - Not really concerned with the user in question that you mentioned, or their opinion of me, my attitudes, my actions, or even their opinion on the color of my socks or the stain from my ink pen on my right shirt pocket of my work uniform that I can't seem to get out no matter what kind of stain remover I use. But your concern is noted, thanks for it.


Perfection in human form.
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Take a look at the massive dump you just posted on my perfect thread, that will take months to clean off.

But realistically, I'm a normal dude OOC, I'm not God, neither do I claim to be. I claim to be a normal dude, sitting at my keyboard right now talking to you normally. I talk to those with respect, and the jokes I crack up in OOC and IC threads are there to be laughed at, not to be taken too seriously.

You haven't seen a lot of the things I see due to myself being in OOC threads mostly.

Does that clear your mind, young one?

So, let's see if I've got this straight. Your major gripe is that people who've been around a while get admired for characters that aren't terribly original? That people just jump on the bandwagon of fandom when there are more original and interesting characters around? If I'm understanding you, that's your main contention.

Well, yeah, of course it happens. Play-by-post is a form of entertainment. People gravitate to the entertainment they enjoy. Avengers and Age of Ultron made about three billion dollars together, but they're not exactly highbrow or stunningly original. They're popular because they're moderately witty, shiny, polished, oversized fun. I'd submit that most of what you're seeing doesn't come down to cliques or anything like that. It comes down to entertainment value.

Say I'm your average new member, which I used to be, on quite a few communities too. Say I bum around some threads until I get some idea of what I enjoy and what I don't. I see a deeply heartfelt storyline and maybe it works for me and maybe it doesn't. I see people trying all manner of artsy-fartsy literary writing and maybe it clicks and maybe it leaves me cold. But reliably, I see some people whose writing is just fun to read, sometimes with unoriginal character concepts. Those people tend to accumulate a following, because, just like with Avengers, it's all in the execution. It's all in what's fun.

Lemme give you an example. I seriously doubt she'll mind; if she does, she'll beat me up but still understand.

[member="Anaya Fen"] -- Insane Twi'lek Sith Lord businesswoman seductress. At first glance, you roll your eyes. You're like, man, that's such a cliché. But then you start actually reading more of what she writes, maybe even get in a thread with her, and you realize that there's a whole lot more going on. Anaya Fen, in big-picture concept, is absolutely unoriginal. Anaya Fen, in practice, is pretty much unique. There aren't many writers who can make all those over-the-top elements ring true in combination, though many have tried. It's Avengers: it's polished, professional entertainment, and it's successful. And so Anaya Fen winds up on people's must-read lists, while people who haven't really gotten into her work say 'pfft, it's just another insane Twi'lek Sith Lord businesswoman seductress. She must just be popular because she's been around since 2013 and people think her avatar is hot.'

And frankly, a lot of people probably DO just like her because she's been around since 2013 and her avatar is hot. A lot of people just like Avengers because it's the biggest name in town and Scarlett Johansson wears spandex and Iron Man is funny. But a lot more people like Avengers because it's what they went to the theatre to see. They wanted to have fun, and they got what they were after. Same deal here, same deal everywhere. The people who have followings usually have them because they've learned to deliver the goods to a specific niche of readers and/or RP partners.

That's my take on your main point, anyway.
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