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Approved Tech MT-1 Repulsor pack

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Intent: To create a Jetpack alternative for Mandalorian workers and troops.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: MandalTech
Model: MT-1 Repulsor pack
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: No
Production: Major
Material: Durasteel

The MT-1 is a MandalTech-designed personal Armour mounted propulsion system. In contrast with the more common and popular jetpacks, MT-1 is a repulsor pack. Lightweight and sturdy, the MT-1 provides a number of advantages for both Mandalorian workers and warriors.

Essentially a powerful repulsorlift engine with multiple micro-ports along latitudinal proximity, the MT-1 is a spinal unit designed to be integrated into the central coulomb of the back of a Mandalorian’s beskar'gam. Once uplinked to the armour, the MT-1 performs as a fully functional repulsor pack, allowing sustained flight and levitation, so long as a gravity well, either natural or artificial, is present. Because it can only use ambient gravitons and thus inverting them into anti-gravitons, the MT-1 cannot be utilized in the vacuum of space, nor in certain space stations, should artificial gravity be too low, if present at all.

Role: Personal Jet Pack

Height: 35cm
Length: 10cm
Width: 6cm
Weight: 6.5kg
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Propulsion: Repulsorlift
Top Speed: 90km/h
Armaments: none

Passenger Capacity: none
Cargo Capacity: Only wearer up to 200kg

Misc. Equipment: Fuel monitor readout
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