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Approved Location [MP] Tracyn Academy

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Intent: Worldbuilding a training base for the Mandalorian protectors outside Mandalore itself
  • Image Credit: Wookieepedia
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Military Base Name: Tracyn Academy
  • Classification: Military Academy/Fortress
  • Location: Tracyn, Mandalore System
  • Affiliation: House Rodarch, Mandalorian Protectors
  • Population: Heavy
    There are not many other places to live and work on Tracyn. There is a large faculty of instructors, and a student population of several thousand. In addition there are support staff from caterers to maintenance, as well as a droid contingent.

    To protect the above there is a strong garrison amounting to a division or so of troops, including armored and starfighter forces. Though not located within the base, the House Rodarch keeps fleet support on hand as part of the garrison.

  • Demographics: Mixed human and alien, no particular dominant demographic.
  • Accessibility: The only obvious habitation on the planet Tracyn at this time, it is heavily guarded and the approaches are monitored locally and by the garrison fleet elements. The base and said fleet maintain a starfighter presence and patrols. Intruders are not welcomed, with little reason to be in the area which is otherwise uninhabited.
  • Description: Constructed of obsidian-coloured metal, the fortress rises to the sky above the lava fields and flows of the fiery surface of Tracyn. The citadel commands the surrounding area and provides a secure military base for Clan Rodarch. The design itself is copied from an ore-duke palace on Shu-Torun, which the Mandalorians are unaware was a copy of Darth Vader's ancient castle on Mustafar.

    The base is home to thousands of the Clan's warriors, and houses their most elite training schools. The finest recruits are handpicked from all over the Mandalorian diaspora to come and train here. Many former students elect to come back and teach, passing on what they have learned to the next generation of elite warriors.


Academy - The academy is situated within a large military installation, which protects it well. The base and heights of the citadel are reinforced and shielded, with defensive and offensive systems all powered to a near unlimited degree by the wealth of geothermal power provided by the location. The training facilities, recreation areas and barracks are all state of the art. In addition the library and support staff are second to none.

Citadel - The base of the tower is made up of high sloping and sheer walls which combine ruggedness and make assault difficult. There are landing pads higher up to service the base, and a plethora of concealed and overt weapons turrets and missile batteries. The command centers and barracks are all separated from the hangars and ammunition magazines by shielded baffles, preventing secondary explosions from causing large casualties.

Palace - Though mostly unused, the base has recreated the executive quarters and suites at the tower's uppermost levels. This luxurious residential area is mostly kept sealed and abandoned, though it is listed for use by visiting VIPs if and when any choose to visit this out of the way place.



This is a military installation built for the purposes of protecting the military academy that it contains. It is a fortress which is equipped to protect itself with significant infantry, armored, and air power as well as nearby supporting fleets. In addition to all this, the nearby planet of Mandalore has historically taken a very dim view of intruders and will stand ready to support any attack on Tracyn.

Approximately 10,000 Infantry armed with regular weapons
Approximately 5,000 Infantry equipped with heavy weapons
Defensive emplacements including quad-laser and turbolaser turrets
Missile batteries
4 Squadrons of Interceptors
2 Squadrons of Starfighters
Approximately 10,000 students who can be armed as reserves.
Approximately 1,000 badass instructors who will command reserves.

At least one capital grade MP warship 2km or better in stationary orbit.


The base was established following the Battle of Sundari where the forces of Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel engaged the Sith of Darth Carnifex in the ruined city. During the battle, Clan Rodarch answered the call to arms, revealing its true numbers and riding to war.

With the need to train new generations of fighters, many different training programs were established on Mandalore. The most elite facility would be located offworld on the nearby planet of Tracyn, also within the Mandalore System.

First established as a colony, the rapid construction of the citadel allowed for the quick establishment of the academy for which the extensive military fortifications would secure. Rapid growth of the population established a simple and effective divide between garrison and academy duties, and the elite academy went into operation.

In a short time, the academy had established a positive reputation among some Mando'ade for training some of the best and brightest warriors of the Mandalorian Protectors. Word spread quickly, and the brutal but fair selection process continued to provide a wide range of applicants a chance to prove themselves. Wearing the Tracyn patch quickly became a badge of respect among the Mandalorians who were aware of its reputation for excellence.
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