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Moravian Zambrano - The Demon's Daughter


FULL NAME: Moravian Zambrano
RANK: Sith Apprentice
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 3 (Accelerated growth approx 17)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 11”
WEIGHT: 167 lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

[member="Darth Carnifex"] - Father
[member="Invicta Zambrano"] - Mother
[member="Vivienne Zambrano"] - Sister
[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] - Sister
[member="Enoch Zambrano"] - Brother
[member="Vaulkhar"] - Brother
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] - Revered Great Uncle

Moravian has had very little exposure to natural sunlight, leaving her with flawless alabaster skin. She is most certainly her mother's child, long limbed and elegantly curvaceous. Her black hair hangs in a thick straight curtain to her waistline and typically obscures her facial features due to her forward slouching posture. When she isn't forced to wear otherwise she is most often seen wearing loose black cargo pants, a white tank top under a black hooded jacket, and red cloth shoes.

Deep in the shadows of Coruscant resides a hidden genetics laboratory. It's sole purpose, to create and grow living weapons for The One Sith. It was in this laboratory that genetic material from powerful Sith Lords, such as Kaine Zambrano and his wife Invicta, were cultivated and quickly grown into deadly warriors and assassins. The first specimen to emerge in a "perfect" state is The Daughter of The Demon, Moravian.

This newly grown assassin has undergone extensive combat training in nearly every killing art. In the early months of her life, Moravian studied exclusively in hand to hand combat, learning a variety of martial arts techniques focused around strikes and throws. It quickly became apparent that her genetically altered physiology left her ill suited to training with typical instructors, having hospitalized multiple troopers. As she advanced through a multitude of weapon systems, from basic knives to blaster rifles and eventually her iconic Twin Shoto Sabers, Moravian's instructors steadily distanced themselves, becoming little more than observers. A vast spectrum of droid opponents were used to continue the girl's training in nearly every capacity, with the exception of her limited Force training.

The genetics laboratory has spent three years and countless credits training Moravian into something worthy of her parentage but, they have neared the limits of their abilities. Within the limited conditions of the facility and the restrictions that naturally occur in droid programming, the scientists and instructors of Moravian's birthplace are incapable of advancing the girl's talents any further. There is nothing left for her in the Coruscant facility. So the doors have been unsealed allowing Moravian to join the galaxy at large, giving her the opportunity to become something splendid.

Genetic Excellence
Genetically engineered to be the perfect example of her race Moravian's body operates on an above average level. Wounds heal without leaving scars. Her reflexes are impeccable. Her muscle density is beyond the norm.

Epicanthix Mind
Genetically engineered perhaps but, Moravian is still an Epicanthix. She is immune to mental influencing via Force abilities.

Jar'Kai Master
Moravian has trained in saber combat since she had enough muscle control to walk. Her expertise with two saber combat rivals that of knights with years of experience over her.

Brutal Offense
Moravian doesn't properly understand the concept of self preservation. She presses every advantage and tests every opening, relying on her genetically altered strength and reflexes to overwhelm any opposition.

Familial Bonds
Moravian lives and breathes for her bloodline. She obeys her parents commands without hesitation. Her siblings can convince her to do almost anything with little effort. Using her family against her (in the right way) is an easy way to manipulate her.

Only a Child
Despite her physical growth, Moravian is still only a child. She lacks social graces, has poor manners and a very limited understanding of how the galaxy works. She can not pilot a star ship or speeder. She doesn't understand how to use most modern technology. Her general lack of knowledge is likely her greatest flaw.

Addicted to the Knife
From self harm to major surgery, Moravian has an unhealthy addiction to watching her own blood flow. Whether this manifests as cutting herself or having pieces of her anatomy replaced, it's safe to assume that Moravian has a fresh wound somewhere on her person.

Scaled 1-6; 1 minimal, 6 mastered
¤ Force Listen: 1
¤ Force Sense: 2
¤ Precognition: 1
-Battle Precognition: 1
--Phycometry: 1
---Farsight: 1

¤ Art of Movement: 2
¤ Force Body: 2
¤ Force Jump: 2
¤ Force Speed: 2
¤ Force Stealth: 1

¤ Crucitorn: 1
¤ Force Push/Pull: 2
-Force Throw: 2
¤ Force Wound: 1
¤ Sith Alchemy: 1

Scale 0-6; 0: none, 1: minimal, 6: mastered
Form I, Shii-Cho ; 2
Form II, Makashi ; 1
Form III, Soresu ; 1
Form IV, Ataru ; 2
Form V, Shien ; 1 (Reflect Tactic)
Form VI, Niman ; 3 (Jar'Kai Tactic)
Form VII, Vapid ; 0
Moravian Zambrano said:
Only a Child Despite her physical growth, Moravian is still only a child. She lacks social graces, has poor manners and a very limited understanding of how the galaxy works. She can not pilot a star ship or speeder. She doesn't understand how to use most modern technology. Her general lack of knowledge is likely her greatest flaw.
If Kaine's your pappa, you aren't an only child. :p
I love how Saevis is the forgotten Zambrano.... :p
[member="Moravian Zambrano"]
[member="Elani Zambrano"]
[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Teach meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............................. :p
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

#TheStruggleIsMetaphoricallyReal :p
[member="Elani Zambrano"]

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