Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mixing Elements

[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

Geonosis was a little more lively with Golbah City, a fairly new city built by the CIS. This had become a place Akabane ventured though frequently. He also came here for basic needs like food and shelter. Living inside a ship daily got boring so he purchased a living space inside the city. The only reason he ever stayed at it was for sleep. Other than that he traveled during the day doing his work as well as training.

Today, Akabane was free from his usual work. He took advantage of that and explored the city since he didn't have much free time. The one feeling he felt when passing through Golbah City was admiration. Each and every building crafted for their own purpose. This made him wonder what his purpose in life was. He started down the path of a sith to get stronger, for personal gain. I'm forgetting something...

Akabane found a nearby bench and sat down while thinking about what he was forgetting.
Aevan used to being at the high end society had been brought low with her exile. Her clothes were still fine and she walked like a noble would, but she carried her own belongings. People rarely argued with her and that worked with her personality. Maybe it was that which made arguing fruitless. Either way, she had accomplished the goal of her shopping.

She was still new here and not known by too many people. As the woman walked across the street, she saw one of the familiar faces sitting on a bench. They had only met in passing and never really introduced themselves. This normally wouldn't bother her, but she felt drawn to him. As if something within him reminded her of home.

Walking over to him, she didn't exactly smile, but instead of having a mean look it was slightly more friendly. Growing up, she hadn't had many friends, but had many acquaintances. That was how she saw this man, an acquaintance.

"May I sit? I am called Aevan Kitaki."

Her face would show she was curious to what his name is, but she didn't give voice to the question.

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

Akabane was still thinking deeply in his mind when the girl approached him. The thoughts were about remembering back when he was a child, but he had none. It was common that people weren't so good on remembering their early years. This bothered him even knowing that. He felt so lost for the first time in his life, like he was desperate to know what he couldn't remember. He gave up eventually trying not to let it bother him anymore.

Still in another place mentally, he jumped when a voice came out of nowhere. The voice actually came from a lady who looked to be walking by. She asked him if sitting down on the bench would be okay. He nodded. "Suit yourself. Kitaki was it?" he said which might have sounded rude. After Aevan asked to sit, he felt that she wanted more than just an answer to her question. Akabane inhaled and exhaled.

"You can call me Akabane Jarvik." he let out his last name without thinking. Due to the events in his past enemies from other clans probably existed on other worlds than Kro Var. Being careful would be wise, instead of revealing his name. He assumed this lady wasn't in the great city of Golbah to assassinate him. Though he would still be cautious around her not knowing much on her background.
When Aevan started Akabane out of his musing, she did not appoligize for it and took the seat next to him on the bench when he answered.

She looked at him from head to toe and wondered what about him reminded her of home. He repeted her clan name, double checking on it. Giving him a nod in answer, her head tipped to the side when he gave him name.

Her eyes narrowed slightly and then grew marginally wider than normal.

"Akabane of the clan Jarvik?"

Her own name had been stated, but there was only threat of danger if she tried to return home. That she wasn't going to do that though. Aevan had more intelligence than to even think about it for more than a second or two. Her people would kill her.

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

"Clan Jarvik..." he said to himself quietly. A smile formed on his face without him knowing. Remembering his clan made him laugh, they were wiped out by other clans with easy. Well, of course it took many clans to remove them from the planet. He lost the smile and looked at Aevan.

The hair was interesting, white. His clan had various people with unique traits but white hair didn't exist in his clan. Rare even on the planet. "I won't lie to you. I was once apart of that clan, however they are no more as of late." he said with a grin. Thinking like this about his friends was wrong but he couldn't help himself.

Since his identity was revealed to Aevan and hers made known to him, he would ask honestly. "So Kitaki, are you here to kill me? I'm not surprised if that's the case. In fact I wouldn't mind." he said this calmly, not making visual contact with her. Looking straight ahead instead. Jarvik wasn't his real family to begin with but he didn't know and would fight under that name.

He talked in a serious tone. "Killing a wind shaper from clan Jarvik might be difficult for you though. I remained on top of my class for years, well partly because wind shapers don't pop up often. Just be careful." he explained to the possible challenger. Akabane somehow felt bad talking to a woman this way, especially with her prestigious overall look.
Her question brought a smile to his face, but Aevan couldn't share in it. While her memories weren't entirely unpleasant, those of the past few months were. Her trial and banishment, needing to figure out how to live in the greater world than what she knew. She was still adjusting to the change.

Shaking her head before speaking, "no, I have no intention of killing you. Haven't ever done that to anybody."

He wasn't looking at her as he spoke and when he admitted he was also a shaper, that did make her smile.

"I wonder which would win- wind or fire?"

It wasn't asked with any hostility, but with genuine curiosity.

"Would you care to dance?"

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

When Aevan said her reason for being here wasn't to kill him, he was a disappointed. What she said after that made him even more disappointed and he thought it was strange. "That's a shame. But if you're here you will have to eventually take a life." he said speaking honestly.

The next thing Aevan said caught his interest. It seemed she wanted to test his abilities, or display her own. He stood up and walked a few steps out from the bench. His eyes quickly locked on to Aevan. "I don't mind having a duel with you." he said looking away for a moment. His eyes returned. "Something bugs me though. Do you have any experience in combat? I understand this is a battle of the elements, but I'm a trained fighter and don't want to kill a civilian." he said this while smirking. I hope my arrogance doesn't lead to my demise..
"Why would I be required to take a life here?"

Not that she was opposed to it, but it would certainly be new to her. In a way, she enjoyed causing a bit of suffering on those weaker than her and even got more satisfaction when she did it to those with more power. In the end, that had backfired and she was caught when she lashed out at the servant girl.

Aevan watched as he got up from the bench and moved a few steps away. Akabain turned, but wasn't looking at her for a moment and then locked eyes with her. He asked if she had knowledge of combat, but that this would be a battle of elements. He was a trained fighter, she was not.

Shaking her head before standing up to look up at him, she wore a half smile as she spoke.

"No, sir I am not. I'm quite a dancer though."

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

Aevan asked why she would have to take a life here. He wore a confused face. "This city was built by the CIS. I assumed you were a member of it since you are here. And I also figured you were sith." he said explaining himself. Akabane thought it was strange that she hadn't killed anyone but this was even more strange. Killing was natural to him, of course he didn't do it everyday. Maybe there was more to this girl than he seen.

The answer he received... he expected it. Aevan didn't look like much of a fighter to him, he wouldn't go ahead and presume her to be weak however. Fire was an element he never enjoyed dealing with. It is easier to defend against. His opponents usually didn't let up though, leaving no room to attack. Akabane didn't feel like they'd be dueling so he walked over to the bench and sat down again.

He laughed when she praised her own dancing capabilities. "Is that what you meant by asking me to dance?" he looked at her for a moment. "I must decline your offer.. mostly because dancing in the middle of the street would be abnormal." he said shaking his head.
"I am part of the CIS, but still very new. Unsure of what is required of me."

Aevan had started to prepare to duel by removing a few of her extra clothes. She hadn't gotten far in the process when Akabane sat down on the bench again. His laugh at her words was a little off putting and she frowned at him. He then declined the offer to duel on the reason it would be odd to do it in the middle of the street. She had to give him credit in that detail.

"Yes, it might be odd for these people to see such a display. Later then."

Buttoning her top back up, she looked over at her fellow kin.

"I wonder..."

Letting the thought trail off and not elaborating on it, she changed it to a different question.

"What is done here?"

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

Akabane understood her situation a little more after she mentioned her time in the CIS hadn't been long. He tilted his head back while sitting on the bench, gazing at the sky above. Listening to Aevan and closing his eyes, he felt relieved in a way. It may have been arrogance getting to him but he really didn't like fighting anyone without combat experience. Those with it could defend themselves from most fatal strikes. He wasn't confident that she could. Calling off the duel delayed the inevitable.

The following thing Aevan said made Akabane grin. "Our duel could have possibly caused some disorder but I'm sure geonosians take pleasure in witnessing a tussle." he said before losing the grin. He could see that she still wanted an answer to who would win, fire or wind. Akabane thought for some time. Thinking would get them nowhere though, he hoped they would find out one day even if it meant fighting one another.

Aevan asked what went down in Golbah City, or perhaps she meant the CIS faction. "Everything from diplomacy to the production of our military force... that's if my memory is correct." he had a lot on his mind and questioned his own memory.
"Is there a place to practice?"

It was a question out of the blue and came out on its own. Aevan wasn't too familiar yet with their grounds and had to find a place where she could be herself and dance like she missed doing. To feel the element and go with the natural flow of it or to shape it and make music.

"I really do like to dance though and I don't mean in the form of a spar."

An almost thoughtful look came across her face, but that faded as she listened to his answer. With a small nod, she still didn't see where in those two things he mentioned that she would fit. Time would tell in that.

"What do you do here?"

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

She wanted to know if there was a place to practice, Akabane grinned. "Oh?" he said teasing her. "Outside the city maybe. The geonosian deserts might be the perfect spot actually." he said proposing that she go there if she wishes to practice. The desert is where he used to spend his time on this planet. Showing her the way would be no problem.

Then, Aevan stated her desire to have a dance. He thought about taking back his answer earlier. Akabane forgot one thing about this girl. For one, she dressed like that of the wealthy. He felt like the clothing had designs from something he had seen before meeting her. "If you are from Kro Var with that clothing...." he stopped in thought for a short moment. Akabane couldn't remember. "No, nevermind."

Akabane leaned back on the bench, arms resting on the back piece with his eyes closed. Aevan was curious about what he did in Golbah City. He didn't mind saying but still hesitated. "I'm currently training to become a sith." he said wondering if mentioning Metus would be okay. In the end, he decided not to do so. "It's not that exciting. I will eventually become stronger though. That will be the day we will duel, I hope you will be stronger as well."
He answered that areas for practice would be out in the desert outside of the city and she nodded. Something she would have to remember to go looking for sometime or maybe have him show her where he went.

For the second time since their conversation started, it seem Akabane wanted to say something, the stopped himself. This time Aevan wasn't going to let it pass unnoticed.

"What do you have on your mind?"

He said he was training to be sith and that it wasn't actually very exciting, but some things never were. Like school classes, they were so boring. While she never totally finished schooling, she had been so close before getting banished.

"I haven't learned much of anything since I got here."

He mentioned getting stronger and she looked at him curiously.

"Are there other shapers here to teach us?"

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

Akabane exhaled while glancing over at Aevan. The question would probably be a bother but since she insisted on him saying it, he let it out. "You're royalty aren't you?" he asked regretting every word he let out. Kro Var was a cruel place, he knew that. The fact that she didn't stay on Kro Var in whatever position she held with those clothes and ability... he tried to stop thinking about it. He could have been wrong anyways.

Aevan told him she hadn't learned much in her short time in the CIS. He smiled as he say there and listened. A few words came out on there own. "What's there to learn?" the remark was rude if taken the wrong way. Once he realized this he corrected himself. "I.. I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm just thinking that we're all tools basically. Especially if you're the infantry." he noticed what he said still didn't clear up the misunderstanding, if there was one. Akabane sighed and finally explained it. "All that aside I'm sure your family taught you more than you could ever learn in battle."

A curious Aevan looked at Akabane. She asked about other shapers in the CIS. That was something he didn't know, it made him think. He shook off the thought and gave an answer. "Probably not. I build onto my wind shaping power by self training though. I'm sure you're capable of that as well." solo training wasn't for everybody and he didn't think about that until moments after. "Just look around. You might find a guy who is a master of fire and is willing to teach you."
He let out a sigh and almost appeared hesitant to state of ask what was on his mind. When he did ask, Aevan tilted her head to the side slightly with a small look of confusion.

"Well, yes. All Shapers are considered royalty there. Which means you are as well. Even if you choose not to look the part."

However, her fate had fallen that she was an outcast now and while still dressing the same way as much as she could, she couldn't really say she was anymore. While what he said next wasn't entirely clear to her, some of it made sense.

"My biological family weren't Shapers, so they didn't teach me anything. Besides, I can't return home."

The look on her face hardened a little, indicating she didn't want to talk about why she couldn't return home.

"Yes, I am capable of training myself, but I'm sure there is more to learn. I just don't know how to go about doing it if I have no clue to or even what more there is. e could work together. Like when we meet to spar. We will learn."

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

The reply she gave him about her status made him laugh. "That's funny." he said while quietly laughing still. "While I would have loved to be a King, that was not the case." he paused switching to a serious tone. "Your clothes appear to be well made and suited for you. That's not casual wear to me." Akabane didn't mean to be rude but he felt like she was just avoiding the discussion.

Akabane listened as she informed him of her current situation. Aevan looked as if talking about it would disturb her. He couldn't just leave it at that however. A grin made its way onto his face. "It's okay princess. You don't have to keep it all to yourself. You have a fight with your boyfriend?" he asked jokingly. As he thought about it though, he realized that a couple's fight wouldn't end in one leaving their home planet. He got serious again. "You murder him?" his tone might have seemed like he was preparing to prosecute someone.

"Huh? Fire wants to join forces with Wind?" he paused. "Fine. I, Akabane of Clan Jarvik, pledge my undying loyalty to Princess Kitaki." he said teasing her.
"You mean you didn't know that?"

There was real shock on her face about how he appeared not know the opinion of the general populace of Kro Var about Shapers. They may not have kings like he was talking about, but they did have chieftains and leaders of the tribes.

"Can you return home?"

When he spoke next he called her princess and asked if she had a fight with her boyfriend and if she had murdered him. Aevan crossed her arms under her chest and just gave him a very dirty look before speaking.

"I don't have a boyfriend and never have. If you really want to know, I got mad at a servant and almost did kill her. Since she didn't die, they banished me. If she had died, then I would have as well."

While he may have been speaking in a humorous tone, hers wasn't. It was not quite angry, but more irritated. They were two different people and their personalities were almost opposite. Not sure if she should take him seriously, her eyes narrowed at him when he spoke his pledge.

"I would gladly join forces with you, Prince Akabane Jarvik. If it actually meant something, I would suggest more. Alas, I can offer you nothing in return for your pledge. If you really meant it."

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Aevan Kitaki"]

"Negative. My clan was in no way considered to be any type of royalty. The master shaper of my village wore nice traditional clothes but nothing like a noble." he said explaining the lack of knowledge that he possessed. That was the case for those memories but the lost one's were different. Akabane lived a care free life as a prince and went to a better school than the one in his village. In it's defense, he learned plenty of important things there including combat.

He was then asked about if returning to Kro Var is possible for him. Eyes looking straight ahead again while he spoke, a lazy expression came over him. "I can. That won't happen though, there's nothing left there for me." he said this emotionlessly. For some reason he never felt all that sad that his village was wiped out, just angry. Almost like the act was stolen from him.

Aevan informed him on why she couldn't return back home. He didn't understand how injuring a servant would make someone banish their family member from home. "Forgive me for prying... but don't you find it strange that you were banished for hurting a servant? Aren't they expendable?" this thought made him think more and more about Aevan's banishment.

The pledge was supposed to be a joke. Akabane found himself enjoying the situation too much however. "A prince?" he raised up from the bench and looked at Aevan preparing for the next step. Akabane smiled and leaned forward towards her in one quick motion, he turned his head slightly and stole a kiss. He stood up after with a smile still on his face. "Sorry. My princess didn't look like she believed me." at this point he had to turn around and attempt to hide his laugh. He hoped Miss Fire didn't roast him.
"You are mistaken, my dear Akabane."

Aevan shook her head and had a small chuckle. Not everybody could Shape and those that did were royalty, how come he didn't seem to understand this? Nodding at his answer on returning to Kro Var, she didn't say anything more about it. At least until he asked about the servant incident.

"Well, no, they might be expendable to others, but not really. She was carrying my stuff, tripped and ruined everything that had just been bought. Getting mad at her, I beat her to almost death. They didn't like that and banished me. If I return home, they would kill me. So while you may not have a reason to go back, I can't."

Shrugging her shoulders slightly, she shook her head.

"It might be strange, but they did it any way."

In a fast motion, Akabane was standing and leaned over to kiss her. It caught her totally by surprise and when he pulled away there was a bit of color to her face and a gleam in her eyes.

"Do you really mean it?"

Maybe she was tempting him to do that again.

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]

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