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Mirdirmorut and NSC


King of Pumpkins
[member="Lady Kay"]

From Tom Taff current head of mirdirmorut. The items could be labelled as most dangerous and potentially aiding his father with his missions. Especially the rakghoul droids.

-Genesis mirdirourt's AI and secretary of Tom Taff


King of Pumpkins
Due to Rex Taff going missing and returning as a rather evil creature the company has elected to make me the new CEO. Any deals or contracts will remain the same. Thank you for you patience


Well-Known Member
> incoming message
>Error: IP metadata not found. Anonymous user detected
> Retrying...
>Error: IP metadata not found. Anonymous user detected
>Message received:
>"Greetings, [member="Tom Taff"]! Your droids are quite impressive. Could I place an order for one Defence Package, please? Delivery details enclosed. Thank you, x"
>End of transmission



King of Pumpkins

"How mysterious, I am surprised my AI couldn't track you. Consider it done, they shall be delivered to the required location. Pleasure doing business with you"

Tom Taff, Head of Mirdirmorut.
The Golden Dragon/The Executioner
I would like to purchase

6 Crates of Noverskaa Steel, DION fibreand Limestone spray.

4 Droid Brains

1 small crate of Hidden Datapads

2 crates of the Rolly-Polly Droids

2 Crates of the Trio Death Bots

2 Crates of The Explosive Buddy

2 Crates of the C3 Drone droid.

1 Medium crate of N4 Probe Droids

2 Attack Remote crates.

4x 2M Surgical droids.

6x SG-11's

6x BG-2's

x6 of each Vehicle in the store.

x1 Medium Crate of G-11 Shield gauntlets.

x1 Small Crate of T-7-Vibro Brace

x2 Medium Crates of e7-Acid-Mines

x2 Medium Crates of the PR20 Railgun.

x3 Medium crates of the SM-2s

x2 Large crates of the PC-12

x2 Large Crates of the PD-20

x2 Medium crates of the Coyote Sniper Rifle.

x2 Medium Crates of the Werewolf Machine Gun.

x1 Medium crate of the Morrt-Class Paraside droid MK2

x4 Rakhoul Droids

x2 No Boxes

x4 Void Harness's

x4 Tank Killers

x2 Slicer Virus Probe Droid crates(Small)

x2 Foundry Droids

x5 RT-01-Basilisk's

x2 N-12 Virus droid crates.

and one Defence Package please.

Youll find I pay exteremely well for this rather large order
[member="Tom Taff"]


King of Pumpkins
[member="Jade Isara"]

Approved all the items that aren't special.

How many uses do you wish of the DION Fibre and Noverskaa Steel? 6 crates doesn't tell me much about how many times you want to use it.

The morrut droids you can have a small crate of them as they are a very dangerous product.

Be careful with the rakghoul droids they have been know to attack allies.

You can have 2 No Boxs, They have a large enough radius unless your making a palace in which case you can have 3.

The foundry droids are highly dangerous given they can create any products on our catalogue, if I found out you are using them to sell more of our droids off to people, I will take them back by any means necessary.

To make up for any losses you view within this order, I will add 2 more uses of the defence package for your use.

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