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Approved Planet Miningworld-3063; Designation: Denalia

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Baroness Magrath

Location Designation
..:: Denalia ::..

..:: Astrographical Information ::..

Region: Wild Space
Sector: Not Applicable
System: Avidonian

Suns: Trinary Star System
  • ​Avidos
  • Donian
  • Sethal

  • None

Grid Coordinates:
  • R-3 [Estimated]

Chaos Map Location:
  • Tigel Arm: Between Lorrd and Morellia​

Orbital Position: Second Orbit; Habitable Zone
Orbital Period: 164 Local Days
Rotational Period: 12 Local Hours

System Features:
  • Avidon - Terrestrial; Third Orbit; Habitable
  • Edenia - Terrestrial; Fourth Orbit; Habitable

Stellar Objects:
  • Space Debris - Failed worlds, Abandoned vessels, Rogue Asteroids, etc etc
  • Asteroid Fields - Inner System Ring; Outer System Ring

..:: Physical Information ::..

Class: Terrestrial
Gravity: Standard

Atmosphere: Type I Breathable

  • Arid
    ​Long, Hot Summers
  • Short, Cold and Dry Winters

Primary Terrain:
  • Deserts
  • Badlands
  • Mountains
  • Buttes
  • Mesas
  • Steppes
  • Savannah

..:: Points of Interest ::..

  • Dresha Starport
  • Farstation Foreman's Office
  • Klethdau Foreman's Office
  • Elemental Extracts Office

Geographical Landmarks:
  • The Eastern Steppes
  • Mount Sradihq
  • The Sradihq Range
  • Klethdau Mine
  • Farstation Quarry

..:: Biological Information ::..

Native Flora:
  • Shharrad
  • Thicklethorn
  • Sarrgava

Native Fauna:
  • Rockwyrm
  • Varanus
  • Callithrix

..:: Societal Information ::..

Native Species:
  • Not Applicable

Immigrated Species:
  • Humans
  • Twi'leks
  • Wookies
  • Other Slave Species

Primary Language(s):
  • Galactic Basic Standard
  • Huttesse
  • Bocce

  • Colonial Viceroyalty

Population: 500,000
Demonym: Denalians

Major Imports:
  • Slaves
  • Technology
  • Mining Equipment

Major Exports:
  • Metals
  • Ores
  • Minerals
  • Crystals
  • Stone
  • Marble

  • Neutral

..:: Major Population Center(s) ::..

  • Dresha - Capital

Mining Outposts:
  • Farstation
  • Klethdau
  • Numerous uncharted minor mining operations

..:: Culture ::..

..:: Religion ::..

For those that find themselves upon Denalia; many are there for life, what left of their existence being spent toiling in the quarries and mines upon the world. Those few that are free beings whom strike out on their own also work much of their lives, with only a few rare finding that strike, that vein of ore that permits them to retire and live out the rest of their lives in luxury. To this end; for those beings that work hard, a religion has developed and formed over the countless generations of miners and stonemasons.

The dichotomy that is Drogaluch, the being that represents hard work, and thus is named justly as the 'God of Toil'; and that of Lazreffe, the being that represents sloth, and rightfully holds the mantle as the 'God of Lethargy'. The religion is simple; as religions come. Those that may not find their riches in this life shall find them in the afterlife, for their hard work and toiling will be rewarded by Drogaluch himself, and those that worked hard can finally rest; with a few being granted such an honor as to work in Drogaluch's workshop along side the great deity.

In comparison, it is said that those who are lazy, or who seek dreams and that which is out of their hands have been touched at birth by Lazreffe. Those that fall upon this path are said to suffer for their sloth; as those slaves who follow the religion believe that their punishment for lack of work is Drogaluch showing his displeasure with them, and that it is Lazreffe tempting them.

This religion though also has a view upon those that have struck it rich and never need to work or toil again. They view this as the ultimate test; a sign that Drogaluch is testing them to see if they would remain worthy to enter his realm in the afterlife; or if they shall fall into the darkness that is Lazreffe's domain.

..:: Government ::..

Treated more as a Colonial venture; rather than an established and settled world. Denalia is overseen by a Viceroyalty, the Viceroy of which is appointed directly by the Magrath Barony on Avidon. In terms of power, the Viceroy is more or less a glorified accountant; and is charged with the overseeing of the various mining operations on the surface of the planet.

The Viceroy has additional powers, though these are regulated by the Avidonian Barony; the most prominent of which however, is the Viceroy's Manor, located in the capital Dresha. These additional powers also include the capability to muster and form a militia to supplement the defense of the world. Even though the Viceroy is also responsible for the application and execution of the Law, this is often left in the hands of the foremen and other individuals on the world; with the Militia stepping in only when needed.

..:: Law Enforcement ::..

Denalia; in terms of its laws, is more akin in nature to Tatooine, than Naboo. Meaning that while the Viceroy can enact laws; and is thus intended to carry those laws out; this is often not the case. Rather the Viceroy has given such duty over to the Foremen, with the Viceroy only overseeing the word of law in the capital city Dresha. All other places, the law; or rather the enforcement of that, is left in the hands of the above aforementioned.

This means that things like theft, are not a simple matter; as it can be considered stealing from the company that owns the mine or facility. Many infractions committed are thus harshly punished; though such punishments as maiming (the taking of an individual's hand for theft) or even the death penalty are held for only the most serious of cases.

..:: Architectural Design ::..

Even for a remote colonial mining world; its architectural design is seen as a culture. Mirroring similar aesthetics as moisture farming on Tatooine; houses are designed with the bulk of the structure beneath ground. This design deals with the otherwise blistering head of the day; keeping the dwelling cool during day light hours, while also retaining heat during the otherwise cold desert nights. This system shows its use during the long, hot summers, and equally colder winters (though those of much shorter).

This means that much of the cities and few towns on the world are mainly constructed below ground; with only the domed structures of some dwellings above the ground. While other dwellings have large open air courtyards. The Viceroy's manor being the largest of these such underground dwellings. Those who do have money, and who remain on Denalia for whatever reason, often have elaborate and extensive complexes dug out below ground; which often include personal starports and vehicle garages as well as gardens and other extravagant amenities.

Technological Level:
  • Galactic Standard

..:: Historical Record ::..

The history of Denalia is one not shaped by the world itself; as much as it is and has been shaped by the Magrath family of Avidon. For much of its existence, the world Denalia was toxic world, incapable of supporting life on a grand scale. While there were native fauna, suited for the low oxygen world and capable of eking out a barely existence; the world itself was inhospitable to other life. So much so that up until the last few hundred years, any oxygen breathing individual was required to utilize a breath mask in order to breath on the world.

This meant that very few, if any, individuals ever set foot on the world before its eventual terraforming; an event which happened sometime during the Pre-Gulag Plague Era. Utilizing their wealth, the Magrath family saw to the world Denalia and established a terraforming venture, which ensured that the atmospheric makeup was such to permit individuals to breath on the world without the need for a breathmask; which in turn saw a boom in native fauna reproduction.

The rapid reproduction was due in part to the rising oxygen levels, and the rapid acclamation of the native fauna; or at least those seen today are those that were capable of acclimating to the changing world. The terraforming process was not without fault, as a large majority of native fauna went extinct, as their biological makeup was incapable of evolving to handle the higher oxygen in the atmosphere.

An additional upside to the terraforming process was the rapid growth of native flora; what few species there were, were capable of rapidly spreading across much of the world where they were capable of doing so. Small patches of shrubgrass quickly became vast savannnahs that overtook larger deserts. This rapid flora growth also aided in the increased numbers of native fauna.

What history remains of the world was seen to unfold during the time of the Gulag plague; though much like the inner system of the Avidonian System, Denalia was spared much of devastation that the plague was causing on other worlds. This was in part to its remote location, the high heat of the world, and the quarantine of the Outer System preventing vessels from entering the Inner System and contaminating those worlds.

With the galaxy coming to repair itself; and the Avidonian System slowly opening itself once more as signs of the plague were showing that it had subsided, Denalia found itself being utilized as a credit world. That being that the Magrath Family tapped into its otherwise untapped resources to back their own wealth; as well as the development of a handful of minor mining operations. Much of Denalia is untouched; and while it does export ores and other valuable minerals, its most valuable resources is the Marble dug from vast quarries in the Sradihq Range. Much of the marble quarried here finds itself being exported towards the Core Worlds and into the possession of those wealthy enough to afford actual marble rather than the cheaper alternative of Duracrete.

The world; which minimally populated, did take a hit in its production due to the Netherworld event; and while that population was quickly recovered due to the relocation of thousands of slaves, the world itself is still recovering at a slower rate than other worlds in the system.

..:: Closing Information ::..

Notable PC(s):
  • Baroness Magrath


The reasoning for the submission of the above is to further expand upon and flesh out the background and lore of the Avidonian System; which will play a major role in the character development and future threads involving the Baroness Magrath; and those individuals that decide to join with House Magrath. This is due in part to the Avidonian system being designed as a focal point for the Magrath family.

Additionally, the intention is to provide for additional stories and threads to develop, by offering the site a rich location for characters to develop. The design of the System, its "archaic" and "aristocratical" design invites the potential of conflict between the perceived aristocrats and upper echelon of society and those that are seen as the down trodden.

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