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Approved Planet Miasma

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Name: Miasma

Region: Unknown Regions
System: Mortis
Suns: Singular 'M' class Star
Orbital Position: Habitable Zone
Moons: 2
Coordinates: E8 (Roughly)
Rotational Period: 36 Local Hours
Orbital Period: 568 Local Days

Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type II Breath Mask Advised
Climate: Temperate with frequent Ash storms and Dust storms with minimal rain fall
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:
  • Mountains
  • Badlands
  • Crags
  • Caves
  • Petrified Forests
  • Ruins

Points of Interest:
The Dark Temple
The Dark Temple is an ancient complex that was carved from a mountain. For Thousands of years the ancient Ti'Xal came to this place to worship their deities while preaching about the end that was to come at the hands of their chief deity, 'The Great Old One.' This massive temple complex is one of the last surviving remnants of the ancient Ti'Xal species, however many years of disuse since their extinction and exposure to the elements have begun to cause it to crumble and break apart.
The Dark Prison
Built between a long narrow canyon in which very little sunlight ever was shown, the Dark Prison is a hell. Hot and humid due to its close proximity to volcanic vents, the landscape near the prison is covered with ancient mines in which many prisoners died. Hot wind blew through the pass, and those unlucky enough to be forced into an older cell often fell into the darkness below when the floor caved in. Even after the Ti'Xal extinction the screams of many prisoners can be heard coming from within. A place of hatred, misery and anguish, it is strong in the Dark Side of the Force.

Ti'Xal Ruins
Countless ruins litter Miasma, all of them from the Ti'Xal. This proud race built temples, compounds, fortresses and monasteries across their world. Each one from a time long before a single unified religious source, each one home to an ancient order or sect that soon fell or joined the Ti'Xal Church of the Old One. These ruins range from single buildings to massive towns, all having formerly been religious centers in one age or another. All that remains are the crumbling buildings, the many statues to an ancient deity and few precious texts, artifacts and relics remain.

Native species:
  • Ti'Xal - Extinct

Immigrated species:
  • Humans
  • Bpfasshi

Primary languages:
  • Xalish - Historical
  • Galactic Basic Standard

  • Theocracy - Historical
  • None

  • 8 Billion - Historical
  • Undetermined

  • Ti'Xalish - Historical
  • Miasmian

Major cities:
  • Xalta - Former Capital - Ruins

Major imports:
  • None

Major exports:
  • None

Affiliation: Independent

Originally the Ti'Xal were a species of many hundreds if not thousands of belief systems, all of which had hundreds of thousands of followers to their names, each believing in their own deities. For thousands of years this polyreligious system thrived, until a new religion rose up. Worshiping a deity called 'The Great Old One' the Ti'Xal were forced into a cultural shift. By the end of a brutal civil war that lasted nearly five thousand years, all that remained was the Church of the Old One.

This force cultural shift brought on the destruction of previous deities that were all reclassified as heathen deities. New temples, and strongholds built and consecrated in the name of the Great Old One were constructed and even the government, a former Republic was abolished in favor of a Theocracy. From that day the culture of the Ti'Xal changed to a singular focus on The Great Old One.

Culture shifted to the belief in the Great Old One, and that it was through this deities hands that the galaxy took shape and form. It was also through those hands that life and death were weighed and kept in balance. However the Church of the Old One had its own prophecy that the Great Old One would come to be displeased with the Galaxy and would wipe it clean, and that only those whom were worthy and loyal, acting upon the Great Old One's word, would be permitted into their blissful afterlife. While this prophecy of a great cleansing could be remarked as being the event that was the 'Gulag Plague' the Ti'Xal were extinct many thousands of years before then, when their sun went Supernova and destroyed all life on Miasma.

Daily life revolved around the veneration of their Deities, with many sects and orders holding their own special events and prayers before the rise of the Church of the Old One. Likewise many of the Ti'Xal were focused on living a life according to what ever scripture that they were following at the time. Thus for a long period of time their culture was one of a myriad of beliefs that affect every day life. Many Ti'Xal maintained a culture of simplicity and poverty, in which one did not own a singular item as all things were shared.

Another major cultural following was that of the ancient deity Xi'Cei, with such religious teachings affecting the followers in which their daily lives consisted of constant fighting (much like the Spartan Culture of Ancient Greece.) This sect of Ti'Xal were known for being warriors and fighters, with every member being as equal with no one such person above the other.

That is for thousands of years, their culture was their religion or specifically the religion that they followed. With the rise of the Church of the Old One, the attempted forced cultural shift brought on by this new sect saw thousands of years of myriads of cultures wiped out as each sect fell. The Qul'Xi whose culture and day to day lives were spent venerating the peaceful ways of their Goddess Qui'Shi as they worked on masterful works of art and music. With as many sects and religions there were that subtly changed and interacted with the followers, countless cultures were lost, each one as varied as the last.

By the time the Church of the Old One had total control, the culture of the Ti'Xal shifted dramatically. Going from a myriad of cultures to a singular belief forced upon many and held by those survivors that originally rose up. This new culture was one in which they believed all things needed to be balanced or else the Galaxy would be unbalanced. This culture turned an entire society upside down in such a way that every aspect of life became quickly dominated by a forced culture of balance. When one was born, when it was permitted, one was immediately given a job that they would be required to perform when they came of age.

Daily life in a sense became highly regimented and seemingly all emotions or sense of self freedom was purged by the Church of the Old One. It became so regimented and so focused upon balance that when one Ti'Xal died, only one couple was permitted to conceive a child to replace that being which passed.

Technology: Hyper Space Level - Generally on par with the Galaxy

For countless centuries since the evolution of the Ti'Xal species, there had been hundreds if not thousands of religious beliefs. For most of the worlds history these beliefs flourished. In terms of contact with the greater galaxy or even their neighbors at large, the Ti'Xal were a reclusive species with very little information known about them, much like the Chiss. Rather the Ti'Xal remained on Miasma their entire lives in search of a greater meaning to life and their eventual death. They didnt even bother to attempt the colonization of their moon, planets in their local star system or explore beyond it for that matter.

Mid way through the Ti'Xal historical timeline, a new religious belief had arisen. The Church of the Old One, a fanatical group that worshiped a deity simply called 'The Great Old One,' which is now believed to have been the aging star at the heart of the system, rose to power. For nearly five thousand years they waged a bloody civil war against rival sects and religions that they came to call heretical. By the end of this bloody civil war, the population had dropped down to nearly a quarter of the previous Eight Billion Ti'Xal that had inhabited the planet.

It was roughly five to one thousand years later (roughly around the time of the Jedi Civil War) did the sun at the heart of the system go super nova. This super nova wiped out all life in the system, leaving behind only ruins and charred remains of the Ti'Xal civilization as proof that it had once existed. For the next four thousand years the world had been recovering, with little intervention or interference from other species or the galaxy as a whole. However what little remains of the Ti'Xal species and their ancient Church of the Old One have been left untouched, buried in the countless religious buildings that dominated the world.

Notable PC's:
  • Marmora

The introduction of a world that is planned to play a role in the development and future roleplays of the character Marmora, including her rediscovery of the planet. This rediscovery would also include future plans for campaigns centered on the discovery and recovery of ancient Ti'Xal religious texts that managed to survive the Super Nova that destroyed all life in the system.

Looks interesting, but...
  • Change population from 'None' to 'Undetermined'. A person could easily move to the planet and the population would automatically change. Thus, 'none' is not valid.
  • Culture. At the moment, I can see only religious stuff. Please add more to it. I would love to see how the daily life was, for example. The primary cultural information should be talked about in the section, though.

I love how you included the Points of Interest section. Plus points for that. :)


Edited. I tried to expand the Culture as best I could, which was difficult considering their culture was more or less the myriad of religions that they once had.

[member="Maria Zambrano"]
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