Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Merji Tave Jena'tes

​It took time.

​As the saying goes "You cant rush perfection" and for this particular project everything had to be just right. They spent time painting on the runes with steady hands a double layer here, a piece of refinement there. They had slightly different style variations that ultimately could be chalked up to cultural and learning differences but they didn't cause issues and he understood the methods of [member="Taeli Raaf"] and they met his approval as well. It was work to concentrate on both the Siqsa and the runes at the same time but not nearly as much as it could've been. The weight was much less taxing due to outside influences and couple that with his exceptional mental fortitude and he had no issue.

In the meanwhile the Siqsa stood within the binding runes it wasn't bound to mortal needs and simply stood motionless.

When they had finally finished it was a true masterpiece interwoven through each piece connecting beautifully, and seamlessly from one to the next. It was a process that continued with each part being double checked by each master. Both of their lives could be endangered if the spells or runes had any mistake and now was not the time for arrogance. But at the end everything was perfect. They were one step closer to unleashing the monster they were creating.

"It's perfect. I do believe we have finished Lady Raaf." He said clasping his hands together his face pulled into a murderous grin. "We are ready for the next stage." The Shadow Hand added, walking towards the Siqsa locked within its binding circle, it was firmly bound to his will now and there was no more need for it to remain within the circle for the next part. The binding circle faded with a flourish of his hand and the demon stepped out but still remained waiting for orders.
With a final finishing flourish, she completed the last, but probably the most important, part of the runes they had been painting. It was something of her own design, but would be immensely helpful for the Shadow Hand. She had no illusions about this soon to be new being serving her. The circle of runes, placed inside the helm right where the forehead would be for anyone wearing the helmet, had a small open space. All it would take would be a drop of the Shadow Hand's blood, and the new Siqsa would be eternally loyal to him.

"I do believe you are correct, my Lord," she replied, stepping away as he freed the Smoke Demon from the binding circle. "A single drop of blood should suffice to bind your subject here to your service for perpetuity, without him drawing upon your concentration. All that remains is binding him to his new home... and whether or not the enhancements woven into our runes will be sufficient to make him the commander you desire."

She produced the small knife for [member="Darth Prazutis"], offering it to him and then taking her place on the other side of the armor. It was almost time to enact their spell.

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