Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Melissa Corek

OOC: Thought it would be fun to create a new character and since I already had a NPC I decided to make her a PC

NAME: Melissa Anne Corek
FACTION: N/A (Though her father is loyal to the Protectorate)
RANK: Citizen
SPECIES: Human (2/4 Lorridaan, 1/4 Courscanti and 1/4 Dromund Kaas)
AGE: 13
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 137 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes but doesn't know


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Loyal: Just like her father, when Melissa gets behind a cause, she really gets behind it, getting behind it enough to be willing to fight for the cause or person that she believes in
+Big for her Age: Just like her father she is of abnormal height, being a wopping five foot eight inches at only thirteen years old, that and the fact that she is also a girl makes for a pretty strong person
Good Pilot: Unlike her father though, Melissa has shown a strong aptitude when it comes to piloting, whether it be a speeder or a flight sim, she is good
+Markswoman: Just like her father Melissa is a natural marksman, being able to score bullseye after bulleyes, this came after a bet she made with her father, in which he lost, something that hadn't happened in years
-Stubborn: Even though she only found out who her true father was a few months ago, she is more like him than she knows, one of those being the fact that she is stubborn and basically unmovable when she wants something
-Over Emotional: Again like her father, Melissa has a tendency to over react in personal situations
Not a Killer: Unlike her father, Melissa has never entertained the thought of killing someone and finds the though sickening, she sometimes wonders how her father is able to do it, wondering if he is a monster

Melissa is, unlike most girls her age, very physically fit. A heart shaped face is framed by light brown hair, a pair of vibrant green eyes and a pair of lips that almost never seem to frown, even in the most dire of situations.

Melissa Anne Corek was born to Linna Florain Corek and Noah Corek thirteen years ago. Though unlike what her father and the two people she thought were her parents before had told her, her infancy was not a happy circumstance. Born when her mother Linna was a Republic Navy Commando and her father a Army Commando, her parents realized that if they didn't want any harm to come to their daughter, they had to change their professions. So they did, they both took early retirement, Noah becoming a history teacher at a military high school on Anaxes and Linna became a nurse, due to having medical training from being a combat medic. Though the peace was short lived, nearly six months after her birth, her parents past caught up with them, a crime lord they had helped bust had put a hit out on them and when Noah came home from class, he found Linna dead, though a assassin with a heart had hid Melissa away from the others. Noah, grief stricken, did the only thing he could, he packed up all his belongings, took Melissa and fled to Coruscant. Noah was approached by his old commander who ran the black ops team Noah had been a part of and promised him one thing, revenge if he re-enlisted, Noah mulled the idea over and decided to re-enlist, though this meant he would have to give his daughter away, something he felt was necessary, deeming his life style too dangerous to raise a child in, he gave her up to family friends. After this, Melissa grew up like any other normal child, that was until one day she found out her father wasn't her true father, determined to find her real father, Melissa took a DNA test and a brought it to her aunt, a Republic Intel agent, who searched through the Republic database and found her true father. After this her aunt realized she couldn't stop her and decided to help her instead, giving her a first-class ticket to Fondor, five hundred credits and her fathers old blaster rifle and pistol. After that, the rest they say is history.

Whatever her father has




Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Silara Vantai"]
Thirteen and if you get withing a parsec of my daughter I'll cut your arms off.

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
In my defense I gave her up when she was six months old. That came out wrong...

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