Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meet the Templars [Open to anyone on Roon]

Uther's shuttle dropped out from hyperspace near Roon's equator, making planet fall by repulsor-lift. As the shuttle descended, he peered out through one of the narrow cab windows to take in his surroundings below. It was a garden planet of lush temperate forest speckled with mountains and waterways. He felt none of the familiar frenetic energy of teeming masses of sentients, as Roon had been largely untouched by civilization, but the gentle ebb and flow of a natural ecosystem, having existed in perfect harmony for eons before his arrival.

Through the greens of the forest, he was eventually able to make out unnaturally light speck out of a circle of mountains. As the shuttle came nearer, the speck grew larger and more defined, until he was able to make out a fortress. The Sanctum, the stronghold of the Confederacy's resident Templar Knights. He had come to them today to examine their order and see if they could help him. Even now within the safety of their planet, he still felt the dark tendrils Lamia buried deep into his his spirit, never leaving him with a chance to ever truly rest for fear of his mind being consumed by the specter for good.

As the shuttle neared the Sanctum, it gradually slowed to a crawl as it aimed to land in the large courtyard that made up Roon's only space port. Uther could now make out people walking throughout the Sanctum ground, some pausing to gander at the uncommon sight of shuttle. When the shuttle finally touched down, he made a quick check of his thigh-holstered blaster and folding vibro as he waited for the bay door to open. While he was sure that all the Templars were good people, it never hurt to come prepared for the worst. While he had hinted at his Siith origins during his chat with some of the Templars over the Holonet, he hadn't dared to fill them in on the full details of his abduction. It was terrible enough having to live with the memories of all the atrocities that had been committed against him...and the ones that he had perpetrated himself as a Sith, but he couldn't bring himself to speak about it to others. The Templars seemed like a much more forgiving bunch than the Jedi, but he still didn't want to risk revealing his past. Those memories would be something he would take to the grave if he could.

[member="Ishly Verd"]
[member="[COLOR=rgb(213,213,213)]Marionn L'sa"][/COLOR]
As one of the few that glanced skyward at the dull roar of the shuttle, Marionn found a sense of excitement rising in her chest; shuttles brought visitors from all over, and there were three in particular that she had thought to expect; her parents, and the Knight from her childhood. In their correspondences, Marionn's parents had expressed their condolences, and promised to visit whenever time allowed. It had been a couple months since she had seen her mother, and some time more since she had seen her father, but she didn't feel too disheartened by that. Despite what she had first thought, she had nurtured a number of tentative friendships during her time at the sanctum, friendships that had greatly accelerated her healing, and allowed her to come to the realization that if she was to atone for her mistake (even cheaters didn't deserve to die, after all), she would have to make sure such a thing could never happen again by harnessing what she'd possessed since she was a child. The Knight, however, she'd heard nothing from; perhaps a tad worrying, but she was sure that he was just busy.

Clutching her display tablet a little closer to her chest, she hopped from her perch upon the raised stone near the southern-most exit from the training yard before hurrying down the hall. She nearly bumped into a couple Knights, who she paused to apologize profusely to with a familiar smile before rushing onwards. Who did she most hope for it to be? She knew for certain that an Echani face would be most welcome. While her father seemed like a distant memory, she still remembered a great deal of him. She smiled as she recalled the corny Dad tricks that he would use to make her giggle as a little girl; the galaxy could advance for thousands of years, but dads would always be dads.

The memory sustained Marionn for the time it took her to reach the makeshift spaceport in the courtyard, but she slowed her pace before she came into view. She knew all too well that the visitor(s?) might not be for her, and she didn't want her disappointment to be apparent. By bundling up her excitement tightly, she hoped to be able to sate her curiosity without any adverse effects.

Mere moments after the shuttle touched down, she held her breath as the door sprung open with a soft hiss. It was a bit darker within the craft than she was used to, considering the current noonday sun, but she did pick up a pale face disembarking, coupled with locks approaching the shade of her own. Her eyes widened as she maneuvered to get a closer look... but was quickly disappointed. This was not the Echani she was looking for.

It was around that time that she realized she was the only other person in the courtyard just then. Great. Did it fall upon her to be the welcoming party? Seemed like it. Inwardly drawing up her composure again, she cleared her throat and straightened her back to appear as close to the classic picture of the Echani female she assumed he was used to. Hugging the display tablet to her body with just one arm, she moved to approach, thinking to at least be helpful enough to guide the man to someone that could help him out. After all, she had been here for nearly a year now, and knew just about everyone who regularly made the Sanctum their home. She paused near the end of the ramp, keen blue eyes watching what seemed to be her male counterpart.
Uther stepped down the ramp to find a single female waiting for him. He instantly recognized her as a fellow Echani, there was just something about her pale features that he instinctively picked up on. There was a running joke about the Echani, that they all looked alike. Likely a consequence of their origins from humans that underwent similar genetic modifications. While he remained stone faced as he gave her a quick once over, a loose sky blue dress over a well toned form. He could see the black spiral patterns of tattoos over her exposed left flank. While he found her appearance to be pleasing, he also found it odd. Not the sort of garb he had expected to see a Templar Knight wearing. There would be no complaints from him on the matter though.

"Uther Weiss," he announced as he gave her small bow.

((Current Outfit))
In return, she returned the slight bow, the way that she would greet an equal. It was likely that he would pick up on this, and it was something she was counting on. She didn't mean to carry on like she was a Knight of the Templar, considering she hadn't so much as underwent training as an apprentice yet.

"Marionn L'sa. Can I help you get someplace?" She asked, raising her keen blue eyes to study him carefully. Questions about the duration of his stay, reason for visit, and his origins sprang to her mind, but she held her tongue. It wasn't her place to ask such things, considering, again, that she wasn't even an apprentice. While it hadn't bothered her much until then, Marionn was beginning to recognize that she wasn't much good to anyone if she stayed the way she was, little more than leech in the grand scheme of things. She knew she was better... so it was time to take charge! After she helped the new arrival and satisfied her curiosity, she would definitely approach every knight she could to request them to take her on for an apprentice. Her eyes momentarily fell to his pistol, but she brushed it off as nothing special, considering it wasn't uncommon for people to walk around armed even within the Sanctum. Still, it added another layer of mystery. Was he already a trained warrior? Perhaps a Knight himself? But if so, why had he bowed to her at all? Perhaps his upbringing as an Echani? That certainly was a far-fetched theory, considering males did not literally bow to Echani females... At least, in her experience.

[[Current outfit]]
"I'm here to see Isley Verd."

When he had contacted the Templars for a meeting, he had been directed to arrive to Roon to seek out Isley Verd. Initially, he had assumed that Marionn had been present to collect him, but her line of questioning suggested she had no idea about his purpose here.

"Is he here?"
She had to think on that one for a moment, considering that she had only ever heard of the Master. Oh, bother, maybe she wasn't as helpful as she thought she could be. Even still, she motioned for him to follow her as she began to pace back the way she came, of a mind to lead him back toward the most likely place Isley Verd would be, the living quarters. She figured that she could ask the Knights around there where he was, if anything.

"Is he expecting you?"

@[member='Isley Verd'].
"No, I just decided to quit my high-paying job, and travel halfway across the galaxy for a surprise visit," Uther snarked, delivering the line while remaining completely deadpan.

He couldn't figure out if Marionn was truly ignorant, or just toying with him, but in either case, she was starting to tick him off. He glanced passed her, looking for any sign of Verd, or at least someone more helpful.
"I'm sorry, was I supposed to know that about a man I've never met before?"

She raised an eyebrow, pausing right there to cross her arms over her chest, with her chin very slightly raised. Even if she was quite a bit shorter than him, she found herself bristling in the way that only the spoken word could force her to do. Still, she sighed, determined to brush him off as she relaxed her stance and resumed her walk with a slightly hurried pace to keep one step ahead of him. Marionn wasn't about to fight a stranger when they both had places to be, and she was quickly finding that her curiosity would much better be served elsewhere, with less vexing subjects. It didn't take but a minute or two for her to find a Knight in the area to question him about Master Verd's whereabouts while she left Uther to his own devices; by all means, if he decided he'd be better off finding Isley on his own, good riddance.
Talia was led briskly to the courtyard of the Sanctum, the stronghold of the Templars. Wearing a newly acquired outfit (, she received many wary glances from the Templars roaming the corridors. Her staff was securely placed across her back, and her throwing knives were nicely arranged on her belt. Her hood made her blue eyes more piercing and brilliant than ever. The boy leading her turned to her when they reached the courtyard. "If you would kindly wait here, I'll go and see if Master Verd is available." Talia gave him a nod. "When you see him, tell him that the Dragon is here to discuss the arrangement." The boy nodded, then hurried down another corridor. Talia leaned up against one of the stone pillars on the edge of the grass-covered yard to wait. She could sense the uneasiness coming from the others that looked at her. She just smirked, and began levitating a small ball of fire slightly above her hand. If they thought she was some great warrior shrowded in mystery and shadow, she might as well look the part.
[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Marionn L'sa"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
Uther could feel her annoyance with him, mirroring his feelings toward her. He hadn't meant to be rude, but the long trip from the Republic left him irritable, and incompetency was a serious pet peeve of his. Still, he should at least try to get into the good graces of the only other Echani he had seen in weeks.

Just as he was about to apologize, a sudden brightness caught the corner of his eye, distracting him. He turned to look at its source, yet another scantily clad woman, juggling what looked like a fireball in her hand while looking amused about something. Other people around her, dressed in more tasteful garb, seemed to mostly look at her with both curiosity and disgust. It looked like she was new to the Sanctum like he was, but she seemed like a troublemaker. Definitely someone to avoid if he could help it; he was trying to get along with these people, despite his admittedly shaky first impression with Marionn.

"Thank you for your help so far," he told her as she finished speaking with another Templar. "I apologize about taking my frustration out on you, was unwarranted. Though it wasn't easy getting here, especially with an intergalactic war going on."

War between the Sith and Republic had meant a few days worth of self-smuggling and endless checkpoints. As a foreigner, he had been lucky to travel through the Confederacy with the light armaments he had. The CIS customs agents probably would collectively shat bricks if he had attempted to cross over with his usual load-out.
[member="Marionn L'sa"]
[member="Talia Mark"]
Turning back to Uther with a hint of surprise as the other Knight drifted away, Marionn felt her tense annoyance melt away. To start, he hadn't been altogether rude, though in stepping off that shuttle, he did seem a little travel-weary. While she wasn't entirely certain of the sort of security measures in place during wartime, she had to imagine that it would be much more exhausting on a traveler, even a neutral one, to navigate all those extra steps during these times. And traveling - what had he said? - halfway across the galaxy was sure to be a journey and a half in itself. The more she thought about it, he only seemed the sort of snappish that came from being tired.

"It's alright. I have good and bad news, the former being that Isley Verd hasn't returned from some mission or other just yet. But as for good news, I can help you get settled into a guest room until he arrives so you can have at least a few moments peace, if you'd like." She added a smile to the end of her statement, hoping to at least be helpful for once. Setting him up in a guest room and taking care of anything he needed for the short time before meeting the reason for his visit was well within her capabilities.
Talia glanced casually over to see an Eldorai with interesting tattoos looking at her. As the man turned away, the boy hurried back to her. "Um, I'm afraid Master Verd is currently on a mission and will be gone for a while. However, you're welcome to stay in a guest room until he returns." Talia closed her hand around the fireball, letting it vanish. She stood up straight and nodded. "Well, I've got nowhere to be. I guess I'll take the room." The boy smiled. "Very well. Please follow me." He said, leading her across the courtyard. As she passed the Eldorai, she tilted her head slightly so that he would see her blue eyes as she winked at him.
[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Marionn L'sa"]
((Uther is an Echani. No knife ears, sorry. :3))

It irked him that Verd wasn't even at the Sanctum, from what Marionn was telling him. However, after all his travels, it wasn't like he was going to bolt over a small offense. He supposed he should take it as a good sign that Verd was busy, rather than one that lounged around doing nothing.

"Thank you, I'll be happy to take a room," he replied with a nod.

The Pyro he had seen earlier passed him with a wink of a brilliant blue eye. He just glanced back at her, his stony expression remaining unchanged. He didn't know her, so a wink could mean anything, including nothing. She followed a boy across the courtyard like he followed Marionn now, so he confirmed at least she wasn't an inhabitant of the Sanctum, but her affiliations remained unknown.

[member="Marionn L'sa"]
[member="Talia Mark"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
"Great! It's just this way." Marionn smiled, momentarily cheered by the sudden shift in Uther's mood. Even if his face hadn't changed, his posture had marginally relaxed, even if he was still stiff with a hint of annoyance, though she could tell it was no longer directed toward her. As she led him through a number of simple, yet elegant hallways, the majority of which were lined with rather plain, uniform doors, she came to the conclusion that his frustration was due to Verd's absence; after all, he was supposed to be expecting him.

"Is your luggage still aboard the shuttle, or is everything in your pack?" She asked, coming to a stop near the end of a hallway. Light poured in through the slatted, but arched windows seated between the walls of the slightly narrow hallway. The door was open, and it opened into a room with a modest mattress, several wooden storage lockers, and a door that led to an en-suite bathroom. The decor was rather neutral, with a colour scheme of soft greens and beiges. Leaving the door open, Marionn instantly swept into the room for the closet, where neatly folded sheets were tucked away. A faintly pleasant scent accompanied them, of an exotic coast. She paused for a moment to look back at him.

"I'll make the bed for you. Just sit back at relax. The arm chairs are rather comfy," she informed him, tilting her head toward the single chair by the curtained window. Only the inner layer was drawn, tinting the natural sunlight a pale, but cheery, yellow. Setting the other sheets on the nightstand, she shook out the fitted one and began fitting the corners over the edges of the bare mattress.
"Everything I have is in this bag." He had packed lightly, his small pack only containing some electronics, spare clothes, and some rations to consume during his many flights. The rest of his things he had packed up in an undisclosed location in Republic space before he had left for Roon.

Uther took a seat , trying to look like he was checking out everything but her as she made the bed. Her dress left little to the imagination, especially when she was bent over the over the bed.

"So how long have you been with the Templars?"
"Just under a year." She crossed over to the side closer to him after finishing with the corners opposite, tucking the sheets into place with nimble fingers. While, yes, little was left to the imagination in the light and fabulously airy dress she sported, she was admittedly rather comfortable. The climate of Roon was very nearly tropical around this time of year, and to wear even light jackets like Uther would be nearly suicide for someone who enjoyed being outside. Marionn spent much of her time in the courtyards, whether putting herself through usual training exercises or reading something or other on her display tablet (which was now perched atop the sheets). Within the Sanctum was blissfully cool, however, so she doubted that Uther would be uncomfortable.

Within moments, she finished with the fitted sheet, smoothing away any stubborn creases with a swipe of her palm. Straightening, she paced around the bed to move her tablet from the pile and extract the topsheet from the pillow cases before throwing it lightly across the mattress. It didn't take her more than a minute or two to straighten the edges to line up with the mattress and tuck in the bottom neatly at the foot of the bed.

"Where are you from?" She was genuinely interested in what she thought would be a harmless question as she crossed back to the closet to extract two pillows which would eventually be stuffed into their cases and arranged neatly upon the bed. A light comforter came with them to be spread over the sheets, and a thin blanket to rest at the foot of the bed. Marionn flicked her gaze back to him before she began, however, suddenly struck with a certain feeling that she wasn't sure she could place. As if something was off. A chill crept down her spine, but she was already so pale that he couldn't see the color drain from her face, right? Shaking herself free, she dropped her eyes and resumed her task, albeit a tad hurriedly.
The Blue Krait, Roon Orbit

The world suspended in the midst of darkness was the definition of beautiful. From above, one could clearly see its vast oceans and it's towering mountains; a view only space could provide. This was the sight which greeted the Mandalorian as his vessel surged forth from the depths of hyperspace, disturbing the quiet of the darkness. It had been...weeks since Isley was able to enjoy the view; but such was the nature of his occupation. In these days of Galactic war, it fell upon his shoulders to conduct quite a few diplomatic ventures...on top of fighting off slavers, pirates, and whatever manner of other cretin that dared decide to trifle with the Confederacy. However, now that the mountain that a significant dent had been made in his mission log, it was time to return to his home away from home for some much-needed rest. As such, Isley looked across the Bridge of his vessel and gave a nod to the Helmsman: Captain Richard Ross, saying: "Captain, the ship is yours until I return. I'm heading down to the surface."

Straightway, this was responded with an eager salute and the Mandalorian made his exodus from the Bridge. Long, confident strides bore the man garbed from head-to-toe in beskar to the hangar of the ship; where he was promptly greeted by thunderous thuds. Swiftly, these thuds grew in intensity until the hulking form of his Cin Bes'uliik rounded the corner and greeted it's master like an excited pup! Chuckling, Isley reached up and gave it's head a pat and addressed it in a light, almost doting tone. "Aww, you want to come with me? You want to scare some Aspirants? Awwww, okay, let's fly." he said. At the mention of the word fly, the War Droid eagerly dropped down so that its master could hop upon its back; which Isley promptly did with a single jump. He then reached back and slid the glasteel "cockpit" into place and gave the Beast a pat. <"Listen,"> he then said in flawless Mando'a, <"take me to the Roon Sanctum. Landing pad.">

At once, the War Droid obeyed and began to take enormous bounds across the hangar. With each step, it began the process of unfurling it's rearmost plates, revealing a pair of high-boost engines. These immediately roared to life the moment that the beast leapt out of the hangar, swiftly propelling them through the black of space. For Isley, there was no better sensation in the world than to be diving in from orbit over Roon; only here could one experience that view coupled with that immense of a rush. As they penetrated that atmosphere and lowered into the heavens above the Sanctum, Isley could not help but have an expression of utter glee plastered upon his face. It was hard not to, when this was the one thing that made the grown man just as giddy as a child on his Life Day.

After several moments of streaking across the sky, reminiscent of a comet to those watching below, the War Droid slowed its engines and made a prompt the middle of the Courtyard. THUD! If the racing in like a comet was not enough to draw the Templars' attention, the thunderous landing sure as heck was. What's more, Cin took it upon itself to then fill the air with a metallic roar; one which reverberated throughout the Sanctum and the surrounding mountains. Suffice it to say, Isley knew how to make an entrance. Sliding the glasteel "cockpit" back, the Mandalorian than uttered a single word in Mando'a: "Trattok'o." which signaled the War Droid to power down. (Couldn't have it roaming/rampaging about and all that joy.) Immediately, Cin lowered itself to the ground and stayed there, entering a state of dormancy until otherwise commanded by its master. From here, Isley disembarked and began to make his way forward, taking a moment to wave to those familiar faces scattered about.

Then, striding within the Sanctum itself, he saw a trio of unfamiliar faces; but they rounded the corner into the Dormitory Wing before he could say anything. As such, he quickened his pace in order to catch up to them so that proper introductions might be made. After all, if they were new to the Order, he could assist them in settling in, giving them the tour, and answer any questions they might have. For those three sensitive to the Force, his arrival into the corridor would not have been sounded by his footsteps upon the marble tile...but instead, something far more potent: an oddity, in fact. Isley, himself, did not have a pronounced signature in the Force; complements of the armor he perpetually wore...but the tomahawk and sword which hung from his person sure did. Both brimmed with the Dark Side of the Force quite brilliantly, as if they were sheer nexuses. This alone spoke volumes of the nature of the Templars, for many roaming the Courtyard were of the neutral or light persuasion...

The Templars were open to all and accepting of all. A fact the trio would come to know intimately as time went on. Coming to a halt, the Mandalorian then stood outside of the two bedrooms and introduced himself; his voice issuing forth with a metallic edge as it slid through his helm and visor. "Greetings to each and every one of you. I am Master Isley Verd. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances."

[member="Uther Weiss"]
[member="Marionn L'sa"]
[member="Talia Mark"]
((OOC: [member="Uther Weiss"] Oh, darn! Ah well. Echani are always nice... ;) ))
Talia's room was quaint, to say the least. A twin bed, a dresser, and window, a chair, and a bathroom small enough to be considered a closet. Still, it was nice and clean and white-colored. She reclined onto the bed, pulling her hood down and placing her hands behind her head. Nice and soft... She jumped slightly when a voice came from the other side of the door. Isley Verd had arrived. Talia rose from the bed. Opening her door, she leaned out so that her upper half was in the corridor. "Hello there. The Lady Dragon at your service," She said in a slightly playful tone. Her short black hair fell slightly across her face.
[member="Isley Verd"]
[member="Marionn L'sa"]
It was then that rather sizable Dathormirian Hawk would could sweeping in before gently finding her home on Isley's armored shoulder. It would look like a typical Hawk for the most part but if one looked up close they would see a ring wrapped around it's leg. It nuzzled or at least attempted to nuzzle Isley affectionately before literally hoping off his shoulder. She had done it to lightly mess with Isley as she wasn't sure if he knew such things were possible with the right amount of magic. She scanned the room looking for a corner that she could focus in, upon finding it she flew over towards it as the hawk began to grow bigger and less bird like. When she was halfway through her transformation back is when finally her clothes began to reappear around her body wrapping her in it's embrace before finally her full Epicanthix body returned to her. She was no wearing her typical armor but instead wearing light greyish robes that flowed longer than her actual body length which made it horrible for her fighting style but she was not planning to battle today.

Despite the Templars being accepting of all alignments, Kiyala had actually been shifting closer to the light since she's join. Not enough to be effected by Isley's weapons in a negative sense but still enough to vividly feel their dark embrace.

Isley Verd
Marionn L'sa
Uther Weiss
[member="Talia Mark"]
"All over," he answered truthfully, though vaguely. "I was born to a pair of mercenaries, so I was always on the move with them when a new job came. Mostly within Republic space though. Even spent a few years on Eshan with some relatives. It was an interesting experience for a child of expats. They tried instilling Echani values on me, but that's quite a different thing from living immersed in the culture--"

Uther felt like continuing with some stories of his time on Eshan, but paused as he suddenly felt a dreadfully familiar feeling from Marionn: fear. He had seemed to be getting along with her quite well, so the only explanation he could come up with is that she had sensed the Sith specter tied to him. Normally it tried to hide in the presence of other Force Sensitives, so he was surprised that it had revealed itself to her. Or maybe she was good with perception - he had no control over hiding the presence of the spirit. As much as he wanted to ask her about it, he remained silent on the subject to not give himself away.

His ears perked up at the clank of metal, and his nose filled with the bloody odor of beskar. The combination of those two sensations usually meant bad news. He snapped up from the chair, strided over to the doorway on the balls of his feet, not leaving a single audible cue. He dared to peak his head out of the door, confirming his fears as he witnessed fully armored Mandalorian strolling down the hall towards his direction. There was no sense of hostility emanating from the Mandalorian, yet dark auras swirled around him. Tensing, he unsnapped his holster cover, fingering the grip of his heavy pistol. His mind went into overdrive as his eyes searched for chinks, but then the Mandalorian stopped as he greeted him. Uther was initially confused, but then was reminded that Ishey Verd was known to be Mandalorian. His hand slipped away from his grip as he felt embarrassed as he realized Marionn had been able to see him the whole time. Quickly, he snapped his holster cover back in place before leaving the room to meet Ishey.

"Uther Weiss," he greeted back, his hands stuffed his pockets to prevent an accident.

The appearance of Ishey in full armor wasn't the only surprise for Uther. A large raptor swooped into the hall, perching itself on Ishey's shoulder. Then it transformed into a woman garbed in loose robes... While it wasn't the first time he had seen transforming, he had never seen a such a radical transformation from a non-humanoid form.

"Marionn was kind enough to prepare a room while I awaited your arrival," he continued, regaining his composure. He tried keeping his eyes locked on Ishey's visor, but he couldn't help but glance once at his weapons when he realized the source of the dark auras originated from them. Weapons either imbued with the Force, and/or forged by alchemy, definitely something he had never expected to see here, much less on a Mandalorian. This experience was turning out to be very strange.

[member="Marionn L'sa"]
[member="Talia Mark"]
[member="Kiyala Demont"]

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