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Approved Species Mearas, the Longstriders

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  • Name: Mearas.
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient.
  • Origins: Nessantico.
  • Average Lifespan: Maximum lifespan of 400 years old.
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: A powerful, fast, and reliable breed of steeds that are highly regarded as strong, wild, and intelligent. So intelligent that they are easily said of outsmarting a human brain while being strong enough to easily carry a male wookie, with its kick considered strong enough to kill an adult dashade and yet this is not considered its greatest strength. With thick hides able to disperse energy distress, such as those found on most weaponry around the galaxy, the species can grow tough scales and sometimes blushy manes, when raised in the wild can be highly aggressive, its teeth are its greatest weapon, capable of tearing apart hardened flesh like butter, with its outstanding horn, made from the same material not wanting any cutting edge polisher to maintain its sharpness, that with the use of brute force proves capable of even piercing durasteel.
  • Breathes: Type I & Type II.
  • Average Height of Adults: Up to 2.75 inches tall (210.19 cm, 82.75 in)
  • Average Length of Adults: Up to 8 feet 2 inches (2.49 m)
  • Skin color: Various shades.
  • Hair color: Various shades.
  • Distinctions: Compared to ordinary denominations such as those fitting of the word 'horse'. The Mearas fall in very distinct traits from such common sense despite its obvious higher intelligence, the first one immediately perceived by those that touch a member of the species would be its skin, for the Mearas have its skin much harder than that of a horse, oily to the touch and with a strong scent compared to powdered cumin while carrying long and lustrous manes that are highly sought for its sturdy composition, best suited for ropes and even clothing. The species have common reptilian glowing eyes best suited for its low-light lifestyle in the endless nightfall in their homeland in Nessantico, however, its olfactory senses are what most considered its real sight, for its flair is so sensitive that a Mearas can be blinded and carry out most of its tasks simply by using its smell instead of its sight. Males are considered much larger than females, while its mares release strong intoxicating pheromones to the air, easily smelled by most creatures. The sharp horns that grow on the foreheads of these animals are that of the same material as that of its bone structure, capable of piercing through durasteel, and sharpened by the Mearas themselves on the rocks found on their planet, but what few xenobiologists have lived long enough to discover was the dangerous grip caused by this creature's jaw, where four large, pointed canines reside, with enough power to rip a male wookie's arm apart.
  • Races: Not Applicable. The Mearas carry no genetic diversity from one another.
  • Force Sensitivity: High.
  • Tough Hides - Feeling oily to the touch, this steed's hide is known to growing so thick that is presumably genetic ancestral is that of a reptile genome. Layering itself on its full maturity, the hide becomes hard to cut as it grows, becoming resilient in the face of many sorts of external damage, such as heat-based weaponry as laser infliction of blasters and even being able to spare a glancing blow inflicted by a lightsaber.
  • Greater Stamina - With strong, and solid bone structures, the Mearas is a being capable of being found surviving on nearly any sort of environment on its herds. While some say that the animal carries enough stamina to run for twenty days and twenty nights without having little need for stopping and refreshing itself.
  • Harder Exoskeleton - Species is notable for having a more durable skeletal structure that goes growing outside its skull forming a horn-like ornament on its forehead, known for its harder quality that when slowly sharpened over the years, can become quite the dangerous offensive tool, usable on even piercing through durasteel at ease when applied handled with enough force. This same structure surrounds their sharp hooves, which can kill an adult dashade if hit by a precise kick.
  • Deadly Biting - His jaw is almost as dangerous as its horn. Formed of a similar material as its bone structure, this steed's teeth are sharp and made for carving out meat, while its jaw possesses can carry enough strength to ripping a wookie's arm off.
  • Stomachal Regurgitation - A peculiar detail regarding the Mearas would be their stomach fluid. Formed of an acid bright goo-ish fluid that exists in abundance inside their stomach sacks, that the steed can regurgitate as a defensive mechanism under distress, this fluid when in contact with organic material can have almost the exact sensation as acid burning through the skin, a process that theoretically it can a while longer than what it sounds like. This sensation can be quite vexing and painful to most organic life.
  • Sensitive Snouts - While using their olfactory senses to their advantage, this can also serve as their greatest weakness. For instance, very strong scents such as those of a smelly bog or certain types of grenades can easily incapacitate their snouts and confuse them.
  • Poor Vision - Accustomed to seeing clearly in the dark, Mearas have a very weak vision regarding daytime, resorting entirely on their snouts to finding their way as they moved. The steed is considered able to only seeing moving objects for telling the difference if they are indeed alive, otherwise, they will not be able of seeing their mark.
  • Fragile Joints - The joints between their legs are considered the weakest link on their bodies, as they are not surrounded by the same tough hide that involves their entire bodies. A glancing blow of a plasma blade is more than enough to completely severing their legs.
  • Wild Beasts - Very hard to train when caught in the wild, the Mearas represent difficulties not only for being non-intelligent, far from it, the steed is highly intelligent and is considered very willful and resentful toward others.
  • Old Age Issues - An ordinary problem found on the Mearas species is that when very advanced in age, the steed can slowly grow mad due to its wild and harsh living conditions, causing it to go on a rampage and trying maiming and killing nearly everything and everyone in its path.
  • Prone to Savagery - Due to possessing a higher rate of force-sensitive members, the species can be corrupted and led to commit savage acts of cruelty and barbarism against themselves and others.
  • Frailties - No matter how tough their hides are, the Mearas have very peculiar and easily spot weaknesses such as maser weaponry, and not being able to withstand the cruel volleys unleashed by weaponry such as the heavy blaster, and the direct hit of lightsabers.
  • Diet: Omnivore. Due to its acidic stomach fluid, the Mearas is known for being able to digest nearly any sort of organic tissue, inorganic flower and vegetable, and even digesting other bones if the situation calls for it.
  • Communication: The species is known to produce a hissing neigh-like sound that is presumed as a means of communication between themselves, however, interpreting its meaning is somewhat impossible and only known to Nessantico's natives.
  • Technology level: Not Applicable due to lack of evolutionary sociological position.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Not Applicable due to lack of evolutionary sociological position. However, the species has shown to carry genetically imprinted memories of the resting place of their dead and has demonstrated empathy towards their fallen.
  • General behavior: Mass agglomerations of Mearas are called herds. Composing of a primitive clan-based semi-autonomous society. The Mearas drifts around the land on these herds in the endless search for nourishment and protection, be it on frozen tundras, deep forests, and mountainous valleys, the Mearas proceeds its endless search for nourishment, with few occasions during the year where mating occurs, forcing the Mearas to live a fierce existence across the planet, and yet keep a functionable existence for the herd such as procurring food or shelter. Even still, when properly domesticated, the Mearas become a very loyal, brave, and fearful beast, being properly integrated in most levels of society if properly educated. The Mearas can be taught complicated commands.

Said to have been born from the gallant steeds brought by the first Elzeri that settled on Nessantico. The species repopulated Nessantico and spread across the galaxy due to its loyalty, willfulness, and intelligence, those being characteristics highly sought by poachers and hunters, in which Guilds and the elite members of society often would waste small fortunes buying these animals on the black market or from its breeders on the Land of Endless Night from the Mornedhel themselves. The Mornedhel themselves believe these animals were gifts of their god, Lestat, while heraldry remembers it differently, saying the species was genetically mutated by the first Mornedhel to suit their every need as they spread themselves throughout the lands of Nessantico. There is a small tale regarding the most famous of the Mearas, it tells the tale of Scadufax, the most powerful and mightiest of the steeds, for his fame and glory, he was sought by Prince Tavros Andronicus, eldest son of High-King Utheraw Andronicus, on which he struggled a dangerous quest on his attempt to capture the beast. After doing it so on the depths of Tolfalas and losing half his party, Prince Tavros brought the beast home and showed his father that as he had conquered Scadufax, the Mighestiest of Rides, he would also conquer the greatest fame of all the Mornedhel.

He decided to tame his ride in front of all and rose it on his back, only to be brought down by Scadufax, tossed away on which he bashed his head on a rock and broke his neck. Enranged, King Utheraw demanded the mearas to be passed through the sword, for blood demanded blood and life demanded death. However, as his soldiers approached the beast, a voice cut through the crowd and Utheraw demanded to know what he said, and as the young Artorious the Bastard, only child of Prince Tavros came forward, he demanded a chance to do what his father had failed, by approaching Scadufax and declaring in a loud tone.

"You now leave me fatherless, for he was a male that I loved above all things. Now, blood must be paid with blood, and instead of claiming your life, I call upon your honour and demand you to bow down for your new master.", it was then that the Mornedhel discovered that the Mearas understood their language, for the beast bowed down to Artorious and allowed him to ride on his back and accept him as his master. Never would Scadufax be ridden by another and Utheraw Andronicus became satisfied with this. For Tavros spoke the truth, and he became the most famous Andronicus of his time as his son ascended the throne and became its greatest High-King.


Breed for riding, for food, for hard labour. The Mearas remain a mysterious sight well-kept in the darkness of Nessantico, slowly creeping out of their system into galactical acknowledgment, this mighty species rides forever free in the green pastures and tall mountains, deep among the stars.
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