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Approved Species Elzeri, the Star Children

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  • Name: Elzeri.
  • Other Names: The People, Children of the Word, Star Children.
  • Popular Names: Elfs, Pointy-Ears, Snobs, Demons.
  • Designation: Sentient.
  • Origins: Valythor
  • Average Lifespan: Can live up to 1.000 years.
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: Creatures of extraordinary beauty, the Elzeri are a long-lived species. Agile, slender and cunning. They are an old people with ancient wisdom from times lost, socially they are a recluse people with little appreciation for life outside their space in the galaxy. The elzeri are unlike the elfish humanoids found outside their cluster, whom they ancestry and claim that themselves are the original species that started their evolutionary run in taking their place in the galaxy. A highly religious people, the Star Children live by the mandates of their deities, expressed through the Church of the Word, their monarchs are selected by their religious body and are worshipped by the people as if they are themselves divine.
  • Breathes: Oxygen.
  • Average Height of Adults: 1,7 up to 2,0 m.
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Caucasian, milky white up to a dark tan.
  • Hair color: Variable. (Tones between white, silver, golden, pinkish, auburn, brown, black, navy.)
  • Distinctions: The elzeri were one of the few near-human races who had differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. In fact, calling a elzeri human can be considered a great offense for them. They possessed five biological traits of note. The first is that they all produce potent pheromones through their bodies, similar to that of species like the Zeltron and the exotic Falleen species, those pheromones enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. The second is a high number of midichlorians found within this species, almost to the point where eighty percent of the species population can be force sensitive. The third one, is the impressive slow aging process that the Elzeri carry in their genes, they only start showing off their age about few years before natural death finds them. Remaining vigorous until their natural departures. The forth one is noted that the Elzeri are beings especially charismatic; a quality that was by and large the product of their enhanced vocal range, allowing them to modulate and tailor their speech to please the ear. Described as incredibly soothing and hypnotic, a Elzeri could use their voice to influence other sentient beings - provided their voice could be heard, and their words understood. The fifth trait would be their ears, those could be small like those of a human, but the most noble of their species have showed ears as large as a sephi, those ears are very powerful and their hearing and even more sensitive to touch. Another difference between Elzeri and Humans was the presence of a second liver, which allowed Elzeri to enjoy a larger number of alcoholic beverages than other humanoids. Most Elzeri are in excellent physical shape, and their incredible metabolisms allowed them to eat even the richest of foods, but there are cases of weaker metabolisms and fatter examples of their species in both male and females. Those being due to former miscegenation between their species with others, or even those of less noble 'lineages'.
  • Races: Due to flotillas still considered lost after the Elzeri Reconquista and due to their divisions among themselves, social culture may differ from one house to another, and this are its most different sub-’groups’ such as the Avaeri: The elzeri born and breed outside the doctrines of the Church of the Word, they are easily identified by the absence of tattoo marks on their bodies. They are often despised by other elzeri, if not expelled to leave their presence and from the company of others. Some, if not most, are even shorter than the average elzeri. Halfelz: They are those whose father or mother, grandmother or grandfather are of a species other than elzeri. It is very common for miscegenation to cause genetic anomalies, such as blue-skinned elzeris because they have Panthorans or Chiss parents, or perhaps red-skinned elzeri due to their grandmother being a Zeltron, or a green elzeri because their father is a Tof, and more cases strangers of mammalian mix like a gamorrean father and an elzeri mother giving birth to a green girl with small fangs. This rarely happens in the noblest houses among the elzeri nobility, Halfelzs are usually seem like heretics and corrupted creatures, they are treated with a little respected if compared to the Avaeri. Quadroon: A fact that only seems to show interest in the nobler strains of the elzeri society, where blood is considered everything. Analyzing through DNA tests, Quadrons are considered to be those whose fathers and mothers for three generations ago are not members of the elzeri. In their laws it is that quadroons cannot ascend to the throne.
  • Force Sensitivity: High.
  • Pheromones: The high amount of pheromones produced by their bodies created a culture highly influenced by sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure in a general aspect of their lives. Most of their art and literature was devoted to the subject, producing some of the raciest pieces in the galaxy. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. The elzeri can be considered lascivious on the eyes of galactic society, they have strong urges for breeding. And bigger urges for having doing things they considered as fun, even so if they can convince someone else to join. The concept of seeing another member of their species completely alone can be considered a terrifying idea for most elzeri, that in their own words have a saying for what they call 'Millennial Loner' as: "A thousand years alone is dying a thousand times." The elzeri also have a similar saying for not taking pets.
  • High-Sensitivity: With a margin of eighty percent of the species' members being sensitive, elzeri are one of the highest species of sensitive creatures in the entire galaxy.
  • Swift: Possessing lightning fast reflexes, due to their hearing and light bone structure, the Elzeri are known for their speed and agility in and out of combat, with much of their clothing being tailored around their natural dexterity and to enhance its physique.
  • Hearing: Their hearing is very sensitive and keen. They can hear tiny noises made by mouses through walls, their hearing is so sensitive that most members of the species can always be found with devices inside their ears to filter the sound and decrease the amount heard.
  • Perceptual: Perhaps due to their high longevity, the elzeri have more 'slow' views of everything around them. The older they are, the more calmly they see everything moving around them, not to the point of being noticed as a slow motion movement, but just more 'calm' and fluid is the way they perceive everything around them.
  • Ears: The Elzeri hearing is very sensitive. Very loud screams are painful to them, Force screaming, roaring and sonic weaponry can be lethal to them. Easily damaging their eardrums, causing them to passing out and in some extreme cases, causing seizures and death.
  • Naive: Despite being creatures prone suspicious of strangers outside their planet, the Elzeri are very naive in their own world. They easily believe lies, half-truths told to them, promises and oaths, however false. They may be unjustly motivated to do things that go beyond their honor and moral codes.
  • Weaker: The elzeri, despite having a lighter bone structure than an ordinary human being, are also famous for being physically weaker than a human being. Causing them to have been abused and mistreated by humans in the past, creating deep grudges between the two species.
  • Can be easily corrupted: Due to the high rate of force sensitives, many elzeri are easily influenced by environments such as force nexus and practitioners on the dark side. Corrupting an elzeri to the dark side is easier than it is to most species, and most members of the species have experienced insanity as they became touched by the dark side of the Force.
  • Prone to Insanity: Due to having longer lifespans alongside higher rates of force sensitivity, those factors can contribute to a elzeri being driven mad due to old age and external influence.
  • Are called lascivious: With their culture based on the pursuit of personal pleasure, with a good deal of personal enrichment and happiness, elzeri often enter ways of seeking suitable partners for their breeding rituals. The idea of siring offspring is embedded in their minds from a young age, adding the possibility of being able to satisfy their carnal pleasures, making them seen as lustful creatures and those traits being used against them. To be castrated for a elzeri is worse than death.
  • Racists: Due to their religious beliefs and wandering past, the elzeri carry deep scars when the subject is regarded to alien species. Zabraks and Devaronians are seen as cowards and demons by them, wookie as little but more than animals, elvish humanoids are seen as heretics and have to be shunned by believers of their religion by law, Hutts are seen with respect due to having survived the catastrophic event in their planet Varl and the same goes for the Vahla, but the deepest hatred within their hearts are directed to humans. A species the elzeri view as little but scum, short-lived and corrupted.
  • Diet: Omnivores
  • Communication: Although they can easily speak most of the galaxies most spoken tongues such as galactic standard, binary and huttese, the Elzeri are known for possessing two different verbal languages; Elzar and High Elzar, two written forms are also known, Elzar and the ancient runic writing of Mer, the species also possess a secretive gesture language called Adûnaic, for them to use among themselves in silence. Although that language is rarely taught to them for outsiders, even among themselves the use of Adûnaic is rarely seen.
  • Technology level: Due to being one of the oldest species in the galaxy, the Elzeri are believed to be quite technologically advanced.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Every Elzeri is a ‘Believer’, a member of the Church of the Word. A religion that revolves around its own existences, referring from the days of its creation. The cultivation of worship revolves around Astrals the New Gods, those being nine deities with their own forms, names, teachings and moral codes. Each deity represents an aspect of the elzeri character and represents its history and society. A religion in which their deities speak to the elzeri through something called the Eneagon of Infinity, their enormous holographic forms express their wishes after each generation (or when it suits them), the voice of the gods is also interpreted by the Church's Hierarch, spiritual leader and counselor. With each new cycle, he sets out to commune with the gods and listen to their wishes and will, returning only to declare which of their deities (and their respective House) will rule the elzeri in what are called the Ages. The passage of their time measured through this manner, each era or age, counting back to number 1 again. The Church gained even more presence both in society and in its nobility during the exile of the elzeri in the darkness of space after the Doom. A religion revolving around an ruling energy called Atar, the Living Power, or as nowadays are called 'the Living Force', and popularly known by the species as 'Destiny', is the primordial energy that created everything in the universe before the 'Great Theme'. This force made every planet in the galaxy, filled them with beings and gave those beings meaning and will, his will is interpreted as the will of Destiny, for its his design that you must follow to remain true to the path and achieve true immortality and eternal glory in the life after this one in the Beyond. They believe this physical realm is guarded by deities that understand the will of Destiny and rule through it, their deities are divided into two pantheons, the Old Gods and the New Gods, all members of the Astrals. The cultivation of worshiping of the Old God is rarely maintained, celebrated only on certain occasions as a mere formality. The elzerish deities are nine deities of distinct shapes and different commands and roles, called the Astrals, Lords of Aer. Beliefs dictate that if you serve the living gods you follow the will of Destiny to accomplish all your material purposes, for your deeds to be measured by them in the hereafter, where it can be decided whether it is possible to join with Atar in eternal glory and immortality, on the Valley Beyond or be launched in the deep darkness of the void between the galaxy for the Unlight, what is recognized by them as Hell. The idea of getting too close to a black hole are a thing that can make an elzeri shiver because of their beliefs.
  • General behavior: Aimed at the pursuit of pleasure and enrichment, the elzeri live a life where the search for glory is everything. Serving their gods and monarchs becomes more than an objective but it starts to show a duty, where breaking it is punishable by dishonor for you and your family. A dishonor that only death, usually by those hurt by their actions, can pay, with only one act of true grit worthy of the gods can redeem the person involved. To the poor it is customary to find a partner for life, but they aren’t strange for polygamy, while the wealthy are known for taking more than one partner. But all of their offspring are taught at the academies, taught by the Church of the Word itself where they are inspired to learn how to express themselves to express themselves individually and intellectually, because it was going through the search for glory that their lives would have purpose and fulfillment. They are taught to be humble about life around them, hunting is a non-lethal sport, while they learn to love nature and all life forms in their land. Everything that is artistic in the modern universe thrives around these people. Lovers of the starlight while respectful to the sun. Elzeri characters have a distinct naming convention different from those in the galaxy. They consist of a given name, a 'secret' middle name given by the Church shared only with loved ones and family, and the surname taken from their families. But, they also have preposition at the middle of their names denoting rank and social status, an example being Lunafreya Nabaat van Solidor who is both a heir to her father's duchy (van) and a Judge Majestrix (quo), the highest rank (van) takes precedence. The middle 'preposition' being more of a title than a name, being changed or removed if necessary.
  • Elzeri Prepositions:
    • zos: Refered to the one holding the ruler of the elzeri species.
    • yae: Elzeri of the royal family in the line of succession, the Primarch's wife, and the Primarch's children.
    • zi: Reserved to the heads of the Nine Royeaux families with no claim to the throne and their spouses.
    • van: Reserved to the children of the heads of the Nine Royeaux families.
    • lux: Reserved to the Marquesses of the Elzeri Species.
    • von: Reserved to the Barons of the Elzeri species.
    • el: Reserved to the Viscount of the Protectorate.
    • sas: Reserved to the Dames of the Elzeri species.
    • rui: Reserved to the Cavaliers of the Elzeri Species.
    • vi: Reserved to the bastard children of the heads of the Nine Royeaux families.
    • mal: Reserved to the Castellans of the Elzeri Nobles.
    • dus: Reserved to the Household of the Nobles of the Elzeri Species.
  • Military/Navy:
    • tol: Reserved to the highest members of their military service. Rank equal to that of General.
    • rem: Reserved to the highest members of their military service. Rank equal to that Major General.
    • quo: Reserved to the members of their military service. Rank equal to that of Colonel.
    • pyr: Reserved to the members of their military service. Rank equal to that of Major.
    • oen: Reserved to the members of their military service. Rank equal to that of Captain.
    • nan: Reserved to the members of their military service. Rank equal to that of Sergeant.
    • jen: Reserved to the highest members of their navy service. Rank equal to that of Admiral.
    • kir: Reserved to the highest members of their navy service. Rank equal to that of Commodores.
    • iyl: Reserved to the members of their navy service. Rank equal to that of Commander.
    • het: Reserved to the members of their navy service. Rank equal to that of Captain.
  • Citizens:
    • fae: Reserved to the mayors of the Elzeri Species.
    • eir: Reserved to the bourgeoisie of the Elzeri Species.
    • dus: Reserved to the Household of the bourgeoisie of the Elzeri Species.
    • cen: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the god Cénzi.
    • mel: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the goddess Mel.
    • baa: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the god Baal.
    • nul: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the goddess Nulla.
    • elb: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the god Elbereth.
    • gar: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the goddess Garuda.
    • ast: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the god Astaldo.
    • zer: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the god Zeromus.
    • tal: Reserved to the common folk devoted to the god Talos.
    • bas: Reserved to the merchant profession of the Elzeri Species.
    • aan: Reserved to the non-elzeri species that are not devoted to the Word. To outcasts, former criminals, and prisioners. Citizenship may be granted for a display of exceptional skill or serving in the military for 20 years or more.
      • Preposition Idea for an inspiration came from the Garlemald Nation naming bases of the videogame franchise of Final Fantasy XIV.

The Elzeri story is bathed in myth and fantasy. In such a way that it is almost impossible to discern what is real from what is feasible, or even from scientifically explainable events. As everything in their lives is related to spirituality, in their oldest texts, dating back to two hundred thousand years ago, provided by the religion of their people, the Church of the Word, they say that the elzeri were brought into this plane of existence as spirits born directly from Atar the Living Force, or the Living Power. An energy that came to being long before anything existed in the universe, it created everythere there ever was through the Grand Theme, by filling the emptiness of space with musical themes, creating stars and planets, filling them with deities and life, Atar gave those creatures meaning in their existences and spoke with them by touching by speaking to their souls, all were Atar and Atar was all, his will was known as the will of Destiny, for he was their birthplace and it was their inevitable fate. And its said to this day that to ignore the will of Destiny is to aspect the worst of this life, for chaos will come. But in those days, the elzeri were not bound by this, for they were the same as Atar, beings of energy, but with wills of their own, and as spirits of the Force, they filled the stars with their essence, lighting their icy cores, bringing life to deserted places in the galaxy as they searched for a place to call home, they were given dominion under the forces of light and darkness alike, its existence was immortal, beyond good and evil. To guide the elzeri in their role, Atar manifested his willpower in the form of what they call the Old Gods. To keep them at bay, the ancient texts say, forever bound to do their bidding and forever at their side.

The Old Gods gave them permission to wander the stars and nebulas, but never too far. They could visit empty planets but could not interfere when meeting sentient creatures, they were forbidden of going to planets without the Old Gods and their blessing.

Hence, those sacred texts speak of Three Sins.

On one occasion, they stopped in the most beautiful planet ever saw by them yet and decided to investigate, the Old Gods stayed behind following their trail and protecting them from being followed and harassed by other creatures. Because of that, they were not there to guide the elzeri, and after a while, they started to grow restless and anxious to see the new planet, one of them decided to go by himself to explore, even without the Old Gods and their protection . Warned by his comrades, he who was called Imin entered the planet alone. To explore the planet by himself made him feel free for the first time in his existence. Going further than he went with his deities, Imin named the nameless hills and dells, he drank from yet untasted wells, he then stopped and looked into a valley, where he found a creature alone drinking from its waters. Curious, Imin went against his impulses and he approached the creature to see her better, when she turned around, the creature was astonished with the elzeri beauty. He jumped back and almost fell inside the deep lake when Imin reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him from falling into the lake. The creature, the Taung, showed him a lot about the planet, he showed things that Imin would never have seen had he been there with his people over there.

After a while he said goodbye to the creature and left, Imin returned to his people in the hope of having returned before the gods noticed his absence. He was wrong. The Old Gods noticed his absence and questioned him of his motives.

“Why did you interfere? By saving him from falling into the lake you saved him from drowning. You interfered with the will of Atar and therefore interfered with a plan of existence which you are not part.”
“I did what I felt was right.”, Imin replied.
“And therefore decided your fate.”, the Old Gods declared.

They exiled Imin to be bound in flesh and bone on that same planet he saved that alien. This, was considered the Primal Sin, the Sin of Pride, the act that made the elzeri lose their amorphous figures to be bound on flesh like any other creature. Thanks to telling tales about his discoveries, Imin was not alone in his exile and many of those who heard him joined him and chose to be bound in flesh like he was.They exiled Imin to be bound in flesh and bone on that same planet he saved that alien. This, was considered the Primal Sin, the Sin of Pride, the act that made the elzeri lose their amorphous figures to be bound on flesh like any other creature. Thanks to telling tales about his discoveries, Imin was not alone in his exile and many of those who heard him joined him and chose to be bound in flesh like he was.

The Old Gods left to resume their journey, but did not abandoned their children made of flesh. These people were given the name of elzeri, meaning People of the Gods, or in some translations, the Star Children. Their gods have always remained vigilant in their progress, for although they took away their forms of light from them, they maintained their other gifts and let them go after what they dreamed of.

The world they chose to inhabit became known as Valythor, Creché of the Gods.

They say it took thousands of years until the Second Sin be committed by the elzeri. Tata was Imin's son, he went to traveling with his wife through unexplored lands to him on the west side of the planet. Tata and his wife had been married for the blessing of the gods for hundreds of years, both were devout and made their offerings accordingly. Perhaps for decision of the reigns of fate, both were attacked by a wild animal one day, the creature was killed by Tata but not before he bit off his wife and due to the venom in his teeth, his wife withered away and died.

Tata never saw death. None in the planet had died of causes so violent before, some might have due to accidents, but nothing like that ever happened to him. So, Tata took his beloved's body to the temple and bowed down before the Old Gods and their statues, he begged them for mercy and begged them to bring his wife back. And to his surprise, the Old Gods answered him.

“What happened to you was unfortunate, but that is the will of Atar as they always have been. What you ask is unnatural. Why should we bring the one you love back from the dead? Hadn’t you enough time spent with her? Centuries over centuries for both to love and cry?”
“She was mine and I was hers. Aren’t you gods? Can’t you feel sorry for one of your worshipers and give me my happiness back?”
“For a plentiful harvest we can give you our blessing, but for that we fall in silence. Rejoice, Tata, for your wife has joined Atar in the Beyond, it is his will and it is his design. Such is the way of the life and death alike, in this life is due to immortality given to you that you cannot rejoin her, not by us.”
“Than I will have none of that!”
Tata defied the Old Gods openly. He started to preach for his kin and friends about his woes, he talked about how unhappy he was and how the Old Gods lied to them and this life was but a way for them to serve. Along his way he gathered followers, for the fools are the first to join the desperates, they burned down the temple. In response for his actions, the Old Gods came to him once again and declared that this was the end for such insolence.

"What was freely given, can easily be taken back."
For the Second Sin, the Sin of Impenitence, the elzeri lost their immortality and were made mortal. And even with long lives, they were subject to disease, to being sick and being attacked by animals, as if the very land around them became even wilder for their defiance.

Roughly about a hundred thousand years after that, the holy texts speak about the Third Sin.

Ten generations after that of Tata, came a elzeri calling himself Enel. During those days, the elzeri were all but divided, there were the Believers, those that prayed constantly for the Old Gods, and the Free, people who openly defied the will of the Old Gods and questioned their power. For in those days, their planet had faced civil wars, plagues and hunger, Enel was one of them, he had lost both his family and land, and in his bitterness he sought out for a priest. The priest said the gods wanted his humility in repentance for his sins. But instead, he rallied his people into committing acts of violence, he killed many of his kind in his search for vengeance and despite how many times the Believers asked, the Old Gods never intervened, they remained silenced and allowed him to proceed with his actions, and is said that Enel had to strike a mighty blow against the Old Gods before his chance of accusing them. And when opportunity came, Enel went on calling them their jailors and burned their temples to the ground. With those doings the Old Gods broke their silence and came once again to speak with their kin.

“Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Gods will fence against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over to our ears. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. Ye have spilled the blood of your kindred unrighteously and have stained this land. For blood ye shall render blood, and beyond the planet ye shall dwell in Death's shadow. The Gods have spoken.”

After those words, came the Dark Years. The elzeri began to grow savage, their knowledge and peaceful ways served only in a senseless quest for power, divided into clans and those clans into houses, the People began to fight over dominance over their own planet, appointing kings and princes to rule over small countries as they tried to unify the planet. It took them nearly ten thousand years of darkness to finally achieve on their way to be redemption quest, unifying the land through strength, they summarized their worshiping of the Old Gods but the deities didn’t spoke to them again. Afterwards the elzeri finally discovered ways to channel the force sensitivity in their species to use beyond that of magic and started to learn about the ways of the Force, but they never organized to form an appropriate order and many scholars on the subject came and went through life as the time that has passed.

It was perhaps this abundance of members with sensitive potential that brought the attention of the Infinite Empire, scourge of the galaxy and conquerors of Rakata Prime. Many attributes could be said about the elzeri, but they were not conquerors, at first, they welcomed the Rakatans and the Rakatans showed them technology about traveling the stars and harnessing its force powers to achieve more than they ever dreamed. The elzeri foolishly believed in the Rakatans and soon found themselves betrayed, the Infinite Empire launched an invasion against their planet, killing their kings and enslaving its people, their pride was gone and they were alone, it wasn't for at least two thousand years of slavery and depredations that the elzeri rose once again. As a chant of hope spreaded between them, an ancient prayer, crying out for better days and honoring the Ancient Gods.

Shadows fall, and hope has fled
Steel your heart, the dawn will come
The night is long, and the path is dark
Look to the sky, for one day soon
The dawn will come
The shepherds are lost, and their home is far
Keep to the stars, the dawn will come
The night is long, and the path is dark
Look to the sky, for one day soon
The dawn will come
Bare your blade, and raise it high
Stand your ground, the dawn will come
The night is long, and the path is dark
Look to the sky, for one day soon

The dawn will come

- Written By Trevor Morris for the Dragon Age Inquisition Soundtrack

The Church says that it was only when this pray was spoke by every single enslaved tongue in Valythor that the Old Gods answered them. The stars ablaze themselves in fire and light as the Old Gods came to war, a war that took the full the might of the Infinite Empire to be fought. A war that lasted for many years. This ‘revolt’ sparked many more in the thousand planets controlled by the rakatans, and it was only when Ramuh the Great, leader of the Old Gods perished that a deadly plague spreaded across the rakatans, leading to the downfall of their empire. Some say that it was the blood of the god Ramuh that started this plague, others say that it was a curse casted by the elzeri against their slave masters.

Free, but broken. The elzeri were alone, their cities were in ruins, their gods were mostly dead, and the three that remained were exhausted from the battling. The Old Gods thanked their children for having found faith once again, they said that the end of the Infinite Empire was just the beginning and another calamity would come as the Outer Ones would come and bring war to their planet once again.
“To whom we shall turn? Without your light we shall be lost.”, the leader of the elzeri asked.
“To the stars, children.”, the Old Gods said, “Endure your woes. From Atar we came, to Atar we will return. Part of the land we shall become and from our ashes New Gods will arise. Watch for the nine angels and the nine demons, beware of the celestial fire and you shall tame the stars. For you are my children and you will never be alone.”
Legend says that the Old Gods perished soon after, their spirits joined the Living Force as their bodies joined the land, coming into shape in three living monuments in the elzeri planet. A tree, a mountain and a lake. Those three, Balrion, Meraxes and Viranax, became holy sites for their species, their words became known as the Doom of the Old Gods.

Many years passed and many deeds became legend, the elzeri travelled throughout the stars thanks to the hyperdrive technology secrets left by their former masters. They made contact with many planets from their allies against the Infinite Empire and peace became their ways. The people on the planet reorganized itself to a solid state ruled by thirteen houses, their rule was equal and their knowledge was great. Many deeds were part of their history, such as becoming part of the Old Republic during the Expansionist Era, but choosing to keep their borders closed and their secrets well-guarded. The Thirteen Crowns united in war many times, one as such to stop a Killiks into their system.

They were one of the first species to meet the Duinuoguwin species, they established friendly terms with this ancient race. Viewing them as revered creatures, and around this same time the Word began to spread among the elzeri and their planet. Although it took another five hundred years before it was accepted as their official religion and their dogma.

Sith scouts from Ziost of the Old Sith found the elzeri of Valythor. They were received as friends in court by the Thirteen Crowns, the ways of their magic and alchemy became entwined in the elzeri society. Even a library was founded in Valythor thanks to their friendship and trade of resources with the Sith. Many artifacts and knowledge came into the possession of the elzeri and its nobles, some buried with them deep beneath their tombs.

The Thirteen Crowns formed an alliance with the Herglic Trade Empire that lasted for many centuries. This alliance saved Valythor during the Pius Dea Era of the Old Republic as they were targeted for their beliefs for the humanocentrism leadership of the republic. They defeated the republican forces twice, the later one thanks to the Herglic Empire.
The Thirteen Crowns repaid their debt by rallying up their forces and saving the Herglic during the Eleventh Pius Dea Crusade.

Xenophobia against humans began during this time, as the Followers of the Word, many focused on dark side activities thanks to their friendship with the Sith began to preach against humans. But the Thirteen Crowns do not renounce old alliances and form a new with the Twelve Kingdom in the Tapani Sector and become the staunch allies of the Dugs in Malastare.

The elzeri choose neutrality during the Tapani Wars, but do not hesitate on remaking bonds with the newly-formed Tapani Empire. And soon as Ajunta Pall took over the mantle of the Sith, the newly-formed Sith Empire breaks away their relations with the elzeri. At the same time a Exiled Dark Jedi from the Hundred-Year Darkness finds its way to Valythor, leading a small force against the Thirteen Crowns, his forces are defeated and the Dark Jedi is captured and disappears into the shadows of history.

The Year 5000 BBY comes, the Dark Lord Marka Ragnos dies and Naga Sadow takes its mantle. The Great Hyperspace War begins, the elzeri chose neutrality and hide their former alliances with the Sith from the rest of the galaxy during this troubled times. It was around the same time Naga Sadow used the supernova magic against his enemies that caused a disturbance in the Force felt by the people of Valythor, causing that supernova to be seen by those leading the Church as the sign told in the Doom of the Old Gods. The Thirteen Crowns rejected those rumors and stranded away from the Church, and the rumors of the Doom became a whisper among the peasants, like a secret coven, not spoken openly but still seen by all. The elzeri became obsessed with the Doom, their very existence became to watch for the signs and it wasn’t for another a thousand years for the Thirteen Crowns found themselves watching to the skies in worry as well.

A thousand years after those events, their system became stranded by a infestation of Starweirds to the point that trade fell immensely. Those events were seen as prophetic, the Doom was coming the Church said and for the first time the Crowns listened, because not long after the Hapes Consortium sealed ts borders from contact with the outside galaxy abandoning their allies as the Galactic War started embracing the whole galaxy, filling the position as one of the last signs for the prophecy of the Doom.

The Thirteen Crowns gathered in secret and decided that for precaution they would begin to create this self-sufficient project of huge world ships, in order to save their kind and leave their planet, if they had to. More than 30 of those ships were commended by them, only twenty were ever built.

And as they waited, the Doom actually came to their doors. A meteor fell from the sky, but this meteor was not a common rock, it was a construction, a strange ship, like no other they ever saw in their life. For years, scientists and archeologists tried to access its power, but they failed, until someday, it started to glow. Images, huge as those of giants arose, those of nine strange creatures speaking directly to them.

“Greetings, children, we are the Valma, the Astrals, the Ones. What you know as gods, we call it kin, eternal and watchful, our perfection and light bring heed paid in heavy woe. For we came here to save thy and all from great threat approaching from the void, hungry for skirmishing are the Astorotium, bringers of destruction for your world and many others. For many years relentlessly we fought to keep them at bay, but much like our fellow fallen brothers, we need your devotion.”, from the ship came what was promised and nine angels arose. “By showing you our word, we give you nine angels, for guidance and knowledge.”

The Thirteen Crowns received those nine angels and they gave them much honor among their own by listening to many of its advises, but still they refused to leave their planet. The angels took charge of constructing colony ships for them. It wasn’t for another century they were placed to the test and forced to decide when the Astorotium arrived at their borders launching a massive invasion to nearby planets and eventually to their own, to conquer their land and harvest their resources to fuel their wandering empire.

War came. The Thirteen Crowns first lost their navy, and when they were forced to retreat home defeated, their New Gods came in their rescue. Filling up the stars with their ships, they had no alternative but to escape or perish before the attackers, and to avoid that, the Thirteen Crowns turned once again to the floatillas, colony ships designed to support the ones they could save.

As the Unholy Invasion occurred the Thirteen Crowns saw no other chance of survival except of those colony ships built for them. And so, the elzeri saved all they could from their home, from wealth to animals, to food and water, and is said that more than half their population was left behind, only twenty million people boarded their floatillas, and not a single ruling member of the Thirteen Crowns was one of them. Their sons and wives, daughters and brothers joined the safety of those ships and fled with them. The angels took their roles as navigators and crested those ships as Arks, when the journey started and the elzeri fled from their home into space, Nineteen ships jumped to hyperspace, the twentieth ship was caught by enemy fire, destroyed in the atmosphere of Valythor carrying the only monarch who had escaped the destruction brought by the invaders.

It is said that the gods spoke once again with the elzeri as they were inside the safety of their ships, one last time before the Great Exile began.

“Fear not, Children of Valythor. We Astrals have chosen you, and you alone. This is but a setback in our path, but not the end, our war will linger for eons, and only when it is done and not before will you be able to return. Our words and deeds run through your veins, until a hero rises and becomes the source of our unyielding trust to call you from distant shores. In dreams we shall come, all roads lead back to Valythor. Dangerous your journey will be, the humes ever skew history’s weave, with haste they move through too-short lives, driven to error by base desire, toward waste and wasting on they run. Undying, we Astrals shall light the path forward for your son’s sons, oft we shall pass judgement on them so that your people might endure. Eternal, we are history’s stewards, to set the course and keep it true. This is the Word.”

From their computers, the navigation information's of Valythor was erased, done by deed of the Astrals so that they waited for their prophecy. Into hyperspace they jumped and when that ended, the elzeri found themselves tossed into the Unknown Regions of space. Alone and scared, the first thing done by them was trying to find a safe haven, but not before and nor after, they groomed among the stars, licking their wounds and counting their woes. In the nearest planet they could find, with the atmosphere was too dangerous for them. They remade their government and appointed thirteen leaders again to lead them on the journey. They found little rest in those days, this time of exile in space was the sole were much of the Elzeri culture was formed, many found jobs as mercenaries, slicers and assassins, while the crowns sold mass services to the galactic population to work as miners, farmers, farmers and warriors. All of this was created by Thirteen Crowns, where the profits went to keep their ships working and their population fed, while they continued their travels.

In the early centuries, they traveled together and were not easily broken or driven apart. But their floatillas, attracted by the various patrol ships around them, attracted others, and the species records say that they came into dispute with many creatures and their strange governments. If they talk about long clashes in the first centuries with the
Vagaari Empire, these caused the Thirteen Crowns to separate and cover more area, they talk about disputes with the Grysk Hegemony, disputes that lasted for almost half a millennium and that cost very expensive for the elzeri, starting territorial disputes between them and demonstrations of power. It is said that two Arks left the fleet to survive on their own and were never heard again.

For a long time half of the fleet was at the service of the
Crokes, as they had civil wars to be resolved and the Lugubraa to face, the Ebruchi were first hired to protect some Arks, but they were soon dismissed when the there were talks about being assimilated to their crews to become their own. Even Chiss Ascendancy records are kept and talk about respectful clashes between both governments where the elzeri were forced to leave the occupied space. For three thousand years, they drifted through space and many species became members of the floatillas, as the elzeri denied help to none and assimilated knowledge from many places.

Arks historians say that one housed survivors of the cult of Darth Phobos and were tempted by their offerings. Others say that members of the
Wharls joined one of the floatillas while Ithorians resolved agronomic crises and gave them a lot of knowledge. Some traveled for a long time with the Hemes Arbora, forming alliances that lasted for many years. They were one of the most involved with the Nagai and are said to have participated in many of their battles against the Tof. One of their floatillas is said to have been captured by the Ssi Ruuvi Imperium, although they have shredded and captured much more of the Ssi Ruuk. Over time, colonies of squibs have formed around another ship, while another of shi'idos has emerged, but it is the involvement of the elzeri with species like the niordi and the vahla that made them even more famous. No one knows the exact reason to this day, but it was the creed that brought these three peoples together to travel the galaxy in search of a home. They colonized other planets and one of its most distant colonies being that in the planet of Kaikielius. It was due to war among themselves that caused the Thirteen Crowns to split through space, for that would surely cause their extinction and only a small part fled in what used to be ‘the fleet’. Due to errors, silence took place for them from their angels for many years.

It was in the year 1000 BBY that the 'period of promises' arrived, from their planet they remembered little, their angels had been silent for many years and it was certain that hope was dead. Perhaps it was all of those woes and defeats around his people that attracted the attention of what many researchers have revealed to be a infamous Dark Jedi of those days called Azarain fae Lupis. Discovered after many diaries, the famous historical character is said to have come after the magical relics of the Force that he collected for years. But his involvement led him directly to activate the angels again, causing the 'lighthouse' left by the Gods to light the path for them again. The navigation computers of the floatillas were lit up with the information again of the planet of Valythor, the signal was emitted to the whole galaxy in search of the lost ships of their people.

Of the nineteen ships, only nine returned home. And on their return, they took back their place among the gods by activating the Immemorium once again, resuming their worshipping and finding their balance once again to restore their civilization.

By the time of the Galactic Empire ruled over the galaxy, their entire society was rebuilt. Nine Great Houses stood above all the elzeri, these sacred families re-established themselves as the Interstellar Protectorate, the elzeri became a theocratic feudal monarchy where they became governed by two political bodies, the Church of the Word and the Sanctum. Formed by nine families, there was a home for each of the nine gods of the elzeri, each lineage lived their lives and molded their mere existence in the creeds of that deity. They did not speak to their or even for the gods, but represented them in everything as they were ‘chosen’ by them to hold their titles, all nine houses govern the Interstellar Protectorate, the Sanctum is represented by the Primarch of the Protectorate. While the Church of the Word was represented by the Hierarch. Church and estate each had their part in the life of the elzeri, the Hierarch spoke the will of the Gods and the Primarch did the Gods work.

A society divided by a dangerous caste system, in elzeri society those at the top are the nine original heads of the Houses that left Valythor, one of them to be elected to occupy its throne, the Suncryst Throne, where the Primarch, or High King seats and is supported by its council formed by nobles (or commoners chosen by him) holding the noble rank of Marquis or Marchioness called Sanctum, they would be in charge of forming the government and the day-to-day affairs, the members of the Holy Families, or Nine Royeaux form the Esthar, each of the Esthar controls a hold of their own, they have no word on how to rule the Protectorate unless the Primarch allows it, but they do have a lot of influence with the one that hold the throne, their faith forbids the Royeaux of moving against the Primarch even if they disagree with something unless their Church (and deities) gives permission to do it so. Punishment for the nobles that disobey go from exile, ostracism and 'extinction', where a line must be completely wiped so that another ascends. Other titles of inferior nobility with political and economic influence, but without voice in their government are the Barons of the Protectorate. Below are those of low nobility, in eternal search for wealth and social elevation, such as their Cavaliers and Dames, and the Viscounts, non-elzeri members who received their titles for influence, wealth and services rendered.

The noble lineages of the elzeri people do not remain unpunished by the Church's judgment. During its history of recolonization to its planet, the Church can declare a House as a 'heretic' and remove from them the blessing of the god they call a patron and thus, Sanctum's judgment is its punishment, ranging from ostracism, social demotion and even even exile.

The Church decides who was to ascend for the Suncryst Throne, which sacred line was bound to take upon the crown and for how many generations through a ancient ritual called Ascending or Selection, that ritual has been their official way ever since they were exiled in space, where they chose one member of the Thirteen Crowns to represent them and decide the most important issues. The Crown was meant to decide all matters of the estate, supported by the Sanctum. The Church does not rule the estate but has a lot of influence over the ones that does it. The Elzeri were one of Palpatine's greatest supporters in power due to the imperial financial flow brought to their system, and by the time of his death in the Battle of Yavin, they had already repopulated eight other planets in their cluster and spread their economic strength across the galaxy.

By that time they had developed a very xenophobic society. Perhaps due to the harshness of space during their exile, the elzeri despise human society and human beliefs, they also have a lot of disgust for many alien species such as Humans, Sephi and even Panthorans. They are very suspicious about aliens and don’t trust them on their planets, neither do they welcome them with open arms.
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Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor

You did a lovely job with this rework. If I hadn't of known that something came before it - I never would have realized it. Just a couple of things...

1.) The Dragon Age Song - It's linked at the top, but, it has to be marked in the submission as well. You can put down beneath it "Written By Trevor Morris for the Dragon Age Inquisition Soundtrack" or something like that but we have to be able to see what you're referring to.

2.) The Prepositions - These are fine to use, but, did you make the lists below up yourself? If you did that's fine - If not, you'll have to credit those too.

Just give me a tag when you're ready.
Srina Talon Srina Talon

Thank you so much for your time.

I've add the information as requested, but on regarding the prepositions I'm still a little confuse on how to proceed, because although I took the idea for them from here. I've rewrote it to fit on this on this submission my own way, how should I proceed?
Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor

I would add a note just above the Elzeri Preposition listing that "Inspiration was taken from X X X" to show that's where the idea came from. You can't exactly 'mark' it as you did with the song because you did re-write it in your own words. But, I think the above would cover our bases just fine.
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