Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master of the Outer rim

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Gray Raxis"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Ruby Wilded"] @Jynx[member="Ruby Wilded"][member="Lord Misao"][member="Solan Charr"]@Akio Diachi[member="Filius Stellarum"]

Hello hello,

Great to see the interest! :)
This thing is on hold due to too much unexpected things popping up on my chaos plate of late. I will tag you again once I am set to launch it.
With Sempra resigning from Chaos I have taken it upon myself to look after this. I don't know if anyone is still looking forward to it but I need to order some stuff up and figure out how this works yada yada yada. BUT! Before I make preparations for this I need to check if anyone is still interested.

So if you wouldn't mind all the lovely people I am about to tag please respond if you are still interested or if you ain't just ignore it and go about your normal Hectic lives here on Chaos.
[member="Julian Valentine"] [member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Ruby Wilded"]
[member="Jynx"] (Dunno if ya wanted to Participate. But thought it was a maybe.)
[member="Fos Misao"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Akio Diachi "][member="Filius Stellarum"]
[member="Lady Kay"]

Now, don't think anything has changed, more like tweaked. Because I don't really spend credits and have an overabundance as well as a flare for the theatrics, I am raising the Cash Prize! It has jumped a staggering amount, from 500,000 Credits to a whopping Five Million Credits! I would also offer you stuff from the Hutt Cartel Armory but since I am not the Owner that right remains to Vinskk and since he is inactive I can't access a damn thing as much as I hate seeing it all gathering dust.

Of course requesting assistance for something in the future is not possible from the Hutt Cartel. Instead, you will receive the only member left, in short you Get Thraxis to help you with anything. Whether it is moving house or it is you versus twelve People by yourself you can always hope on that phone and dial in a kamikaze Strike from Thraxis. Though I know this is not as titillating as the Cash Prize I thought it was worth a mention. Also rise in prestige with the Cartel is now pretty worthless, considering there is literally no one left but me.
[member="Varik Ryjin"] [member="Jericho"]
No, it is not to late as of yet though with these mentions of time I suppose it would be a good idea to set a date. When the clock strikes twelve April 5th Eastern Standard time will be the set date.
[member="Cadoc Raal"]
With Sempra gone it is officially dead. I am the only active member left, I have no access to Admin Status and Vinskk Revamp is the Owner and with his absence everything is out of my control since I do not feel fit to lead the Cartel. Though I rant on, it has been fully recalled and returned to a Minor Faction.

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