Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master of the Outer rim

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Varik Ryjin"]

I see that missiles can be long-ranged, I can have em removed/disabled. However, your statement about the tournament only being melee, I do disagree with that. As far as I can tell it never said that anywhere. If you chose to duel like that based off interpretation, then I am sorry.

How about this: I bring another set of armor. No rockets. Just my sword, rifle, and a few toys.
I already said I'd be fine with one of the Titan armors, but I think Solan should get first crack at it.

As for the rest, depends on the toys. If all you're going to do is bring more PG stuff, then no thanks.

[member="The Banshee"]
[member="The Banshee"]

Fully up to you, never intended on winning to be honest, this was meant to get back into the groove for dueling. Though unless we void the last fight, solan has no ic reason to entertain a round 2. He's kinda lost the drive after the whole honor element was thrown down the drain.
[member="Solan Charr"]

My intent would be to void our last duel and sort of have a redo. If you want to, cool. If not, then I'll continue with my power armor and face Simon. Seeing as how I have zero preference as to which one I do, you can choose bro :)

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