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Martin Mcdonafray

Martin Mcdonafray


NAME: Martin Mcdonafray
FACTION: The Red Ravens, Multiverse News!
RANK: HoloNet Broadcast Host
SPECIES: Human, from Antecedant.
AGE: 56
HEIGHT: 174 cm or 5ft 8.5in tall
WEIGHT: 65 kg
EYES: Light blue-grey.
HAIR: Light brown, sprinkles of white seen in it.
SKIN: Pale complexion


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[+] Natural Talker: Martin had a tendency to talk for hours without end during his youth. He have later in his life used this to his advantage during business meetings, but especially on his HoloNet Broadcasts.

[+] Ear for Sounds: Martin has the weird ability to learn languages very quickly, this probably comes from his love for music in all shapes and forms.

[+] Resistant: Martin have in one way or another throughout his life hardened his resistance against illness and poison, to a certain degree at least.

[+/-] Pretentious: Martin have the bad habit of saying things that aren't true inorder to better the image of himself. This follows his way of life a lot as he, even when he have few credits, buys expensive clothes to keep his self-image intact.

[-] Drawn to the Pipe: Martin is addicted to cigarettes and have a hard time breathing when out of breath, simple as that.

[-] Non-Force User: Not being force sensitive puts and have put Martin at a disadvantage during confrontations in the past.


Martin Mcdonafray is a man nearing the older ages of a Humans life, being of average fitness and bodytype. Martin always makes sure to dress in a manner he deems fit, that being expensive. Being it suits, coats or dressshirts. Or perhaps everything combined. Yes, Martin Mcdonafray considers himself a man of style and goes to great lengths to nurture this image.

His hair is greying and he sports a well-trimmed moustache. He appears to be in general a very easily approached man, often smiling broadly and carrying himself with confidence.


Martin was born in a economically relative stable home on the edge of the galaxy, that being on the world of Antecedant. He grew up in the hands of two strict partners in life, tradtional father and mother who had through many hardships bonded together to climb the ladder of the society and upon the birth of Martin they had achieved their goal, living in a nice apartment in one of the many skyscrapers that adorned the beautiful high society on Antecendant, the Central.

Martin's Father was born in the poorest layers of society and had by young age been branded as an "Invisible" which was the traditional punishment for crimes on this far away world. And being completely ignored, as the punishment contains, is as a Child is not one of the nicest of experiences. Due to this Martin's Father was suffering from multiple mental disorders, such as schizophrenia throughout the entirety of his life and as a providing fore-figure in Martin's life it meant that he suffered from mistreatment. A father which could in one instant appear as a caring father and business man and the next an alcoholic psychopath wasn't really what Martin wanted from life.

Due to this conflict Martin always sought up and treasured compliments from his father whenever such were possible to get, mostly to reassure himself that once his Father got drunk he knew that all the horrible things he said wasn't all true.

One of these things which Martin's Father respected was certainly money, progress and fancy things. Titles, etc. And being a poor student in the usual disciplines children now face in school, Martin wasn't one to get a pat on the back due to his grades. He often bragged and tried to argue with other children in order to get the final say. At the early age of 15 Martin sold his first own adaption of a product, orange sunglasses, which resulted in much pride from his father. Continuing to work to earn both money and recognition from his father, Martin started to seek out business men who could give him experience.

One night Martin was holding a business meeting with one of these men and after a terribly long speech the man agreed to let him in on his project with 1% of the total income. This was probably mostly to shut up Martin, but to be fair he HAD made a lot of contributions to the project. This very same evening Martin was involved in a shoot out on the Tantorenium Plaza and was miraculously able to fend off BOTH of the rivaling gangs, and according to the Media saving a few innocent lives in the process.

This story went hot on Antecedant the weeks following and Martin was suddenly a sensation in the media. He was on talkshows and in the news for weeks. A thing that he absolutely loved. And as if luck hadn't already treated him well enough it turned out that the FSAGZ project, also called the Food-Stall-Along-Ground-Zero project, the one he had a 1% ownership of, became unexpectedly popular and sold extremely well. Giving the young man which at this point was 20 years old a smaller fortune. His father died when he became 32.

For years to come Martin survived on these money and his like in the public media which he had managed to continue to stay on long after the initial story was long forgotten. He appeared in various reality shows, competitions and even managed to get a part in a HoloNet series. As Martin continued to grow older he slowly began to get into more illegal business in order to continue his luxurious lifestyle. Such as giving peoples personal information to clients for money. Mainly it was from those he worked with with, for example in the series, where Martin was often seen casually looking through other peoples Datapads during breaks. Not something people at the time raised question marks at.

The perfect opportunity for getting the best of both worlds arised not long ago when the newly arrived Crime Syndicate, The Red Ravens offered him a paid position on their newly, and secretly acquired, HoloNet Broadcast Station. The Multiverse News!

This is where we find Martin at the start of his adventure, working as a tv host, trying to get his fair deal of media attention and money.


The 5-Core Module Bike, made by Cycle Utopia.
Even though Martin is a man of fashion and extravagance he for one reason or another rides a bike.





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