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Marr Zianti

(Under Construction)

Marr Zianti

NAME: Marr Zianti
FACTION: None at the moment
RANK: (Soon to be) Sith Acolyte
AGE: 19 years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet 2 inches
WEIGHT: 104 pounds
Eyes: Steel Gray
HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Fair skinned



+ Physically Fit
Though Marr is tall and skinny like most Sephi, he is also strong and has a fair amount of endurance due to the amount of hours that he trains himself.

+ Weapon Savvy
Marr has worked with many types of weapons, including a bo staff, various blasters, a bow (which he did not enjoy,) and a lightsaber that he stole from one of his customers who also happened to be a Jedi (he only had it for a few minutes and was punished harshly afterwards.)

+ Mentally... Stable?
Marr doesn't let problems bother him, and he doesn't bury them inside of himself. To keep his mind clear, he will instead tackle the problem head on... Usually by tackling a person that is bothering him head on...

- Headstrong and Rash
Marr doesn't like others telling him what to do, especially others that are the same age or younger than him. While he may occasionally listen to his superiors, he would much rather take orders from one that is powerful... One that can also teach him to be powerful.

- "The Force isn't very strong with this one..."
Is what some people may say about Marr. In reality, he is actually connected strongly to the Force, and is able to use it to a great extent, though he would much rather try and solve the problem without its' use. If he is immersed in a fight, he would much rather use fists than the Force. He is not completely against using the Force in tough situations, though.



Marr was born and raised on Thustra to a wealthy lifestyle and unprepared parents. His father was a well known merchant of weapons and small spacecrafts while his mother was a scholar, but usually helped around the shop instead.

Their little shop sold as many legitimate weapons as it did illegal, stolen, or acquired by trade. All the spacecrafts had to be legal, though, as they were too big to hide properly. An odd droid or two also passed through their shop.

When Marr was 5, his parents introduced him to his first weapon, a small wooden bo staff. His father started to give him lessons on how to use his tiny little weapon, and Marr was enthusiastic about learning. He became adept at using the staff, and his father gave him a power pistol as a reward.

Over the course of seven years, Marr was introduced to weapon after weapon: Blasters, knives, grenades, rifles, swords, and even a lightsaber for about 5 minutes when he "borrowed" it from a customer. He learned how to polish, fix, test, and even fly several types of spacecrafts, along with family's two HWK-290 light freighters.

Both parents went on short trips to different planets to haggle, and sometimes steal different types of weapons that would fetch a nice price in the store. They would also go out in search of a certain specification of a weapon for interested buyers. Marr would usually run the shop in their absence or close it down until they returned.

Marr loved his father dearly, and did everything he said without complaint. After all, his father was the one who continued to supply him with intriguing new weapons, and looked upon the young Sephi fondly. However, his mother did not interest him, and while he sometimes exchanged terse words with her, he never had the same, loving bond with her.

When Marr was 15, his parents informed him that they would be going on a short trip to Hoth, for about two weeks. Marr, of course, did not question as to why his father (or mother in this case) would be going to such a cold and desolate planet, but wished them well and told them he would take good care of the shop until they returned.

A week passed, then two. Then a month. Then a year.

Marr ran the shop efficiently and never once doubted that his father would return. He kept the store open until closing time, then would take a few of his weapons out back to practice. The customers, especially ones who were regular traders, would ask where his parents were, and when they would get back. His response was always "Soon." And then showed them to his newest refurbished or acquired weapon.

Marr has been running the shop for four years now, and all customers treat him as the owner of the shop. Though he usually can't get the deals to be quite in his favor as his father, he still is able to do well, and has more than enough credits to get by.

Little does he know what is in store for him in the not-so-distant-future...

A black HWK-290 light freighter

It has shielding and navigation systems, along with Hyperdrive and a high Maneuverability rating.

It is a standard 29 meters long.

None at the moment

None at the moment


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