Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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March of the Imperials [Imperial Remnant Dominion of Kothlis and Krant]

Theodosia gracefully exited the shuttle as a crowd cheered on the arrival of the Imperials. It was not sincere, not in the slightest, but many of the billions of the inhabitants on this planet knew that even hoaxed adulation would ensure the transition from independence to Imperial rule was much easier than it need be. Flanked to either side of the Moff was a long line of Stomtroopers, she walked straight up, carrying an air of confidence, trying to emulate the stereotypical Imperial. Theodosia did not respond to the crowd, but on the inside she did enjoy it, one of the many amenities of being a person in power. Finally, off the landing pad, she sat in a land speeder, escorted by two Z-6 attack speeders, to take her to the temporary operating command center, where she would not command, but spectate the occupation of the planet.

At the TOCC she was met by a General Fours, a balding man with a thin mustache, "Moff Naphrite, I am honored to make your acquaintance, please, come with me to the war room." he greeted. Theodosia spoke as they strode towards the building, "Thank you General, when I was in transit I half thought you and your soldiers would protest a civilian like me being in the loop.' The general scoffed, "You humor me, there is no reason for the military to protest a Moff no less to oversee our operation, besides, we could use the company. The bore of military protocol can be too much to bear at times." As they moved subordinate personnel stood at attention until they passed, no doubt noticing both of their ranks. The door to the war room slid open to reveal three other officers, two army colonels, and a navy captain, upon their entrance, the three stood at attention, General Fours spoke first, "At ease," The general gestured towards the Moff, "This is Moff Naphrite, she will be spectating our operation, she is our superior first and foremost and any orders given by her are to be followed, now lets begin." With that out of the way, a hologram of the planet illuminated before them, the captain began his brief, "Our Naval assets have quickly secured orbit, and customs checkpoints are being set up above every shipping center across the planet, despite some brief attempts of escape by a few vessels, we have complete control of all traffic going in and out of the planet." Next one of the colonels spoke, "In addition to the preliminary invasion force, our units have begun-"

Theodosia perked up at the mention of an earlier group, "Preliminary force? What preliminary force?" The colonel faced the Moff, "The Emperor and a private entourage of Imperial Knights infiltrated the world to root out local rebel elements," Theodosia's face paled with fear, taking a step back in surprise, "The Emperor is here?!" The colonel nodded. Theodosia rubbed her temple, "General, I'm exhausted from the journey, I think I'll retreat to my quarters for now." The general sputtered, "Oh, of course, feel free to join us when you are refreshed and ready for action." With that, Theodosia sped back to the landspeeder to take her to the hotel she had been given shelter at. The Emperor being planetside would require Theodosia to prepare, this man could make or break her career if she ever hoped of becoming a Grand Moff. The sovereign of the Remnant could kill the Grand Admiral and no one would bat an eye, she needed to look her finest, and to have any answers he might require of her, memorized. She would not be caught on prepared in front of the stately [member="Tanomas Graf"].

Travis Caalgen

"Commence Primary Ignition" One of the gunners announced throughout the ship, approaching the proton cannon control panel. In an almost perfect synchronization, the gunnery crew flipped switches, pressed groups of button, and pulled levers in a symphony of mechanical sounds. Activating the primary firing sequence of the weapon, they waited.

And waited.

The Silencer sat dead silent in the middle of space near the edge of an asteroid field. The director's eyes shut themselves as he perceived the inevitable that was about to happen, a chain reaction starting from the concave dish that would move from the center of the ship to the bridge and destroy them all. But that did not come either, instead, the miraculous happened.

In the entire network of tributary beam shafts, technicians and gunners alike shielded their fragile eyes with their arms as the beams pulsated down them, eight shafts merged into one shaft, and eight of those shafts became an even larger one, until finally the concave dish lit up in a spectacle, eight large proton beams meeting at one point, guided by an invisible shield, into one bright, brighter than ever seen before, proton beam more powerful than any the Silencer had fired before.

This beam launched across the void of space as the others had done before it, impacting upon the targeted enemy cruiser. But instead of only the surface of the vessel being affected or the shields just repelling the beam, it pierced the shields all together and bored through the hull until a massive explosion filled space and caused Director Caalgen to shield his eyes, the bridge of the star destroyer blinded by the white light.

When the fire cleared, the ship was gone, with thousands of fragments of debris shooting offwards into many directions. The first full powered test of the Conqueror-class was a resounding success.

The Imperials truly had a weapon capable of destroying fleets.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Lora Onone"]
The flames chased Des and the pursuing ARC wing out of the chamber as they made their frantic escape. The ARC fighter fired a salvo of plasma at Des, but the Chiss fighter evaded the barrage with a series of weaves and dodges. The asteroid began to collapse as the flames ignited other fuel pockets until finally it imploded. The shock wave crippled the arc fighter and Des’s vessel shook vehemently. The lone Imperial surveyed his immediate surroundings and found himself in the midst of enemy territory. He bobbed and weaved as chunks of asteroid flew past him. A particularly large rock had just passed his canopy when he spotted the behemoth that lie before him.

A giant Mc40a began to fire it's point defenses at Des. The Chiss radioed for squadron support, but they were tied up defending the silencer. Des decided to go for the kill. He hit the acceleration and his TIE sped forward at max speed. Plasma raced past him as charged forth. He reached the aft of the flagship and switched his weapon systems to proton torpedoes. He fired his guns directly into the gullet of the beast and its shields flickered once, twice, thrice, then dissipated. Des made a beeline straight for the bridge. Turbo laser fire racked his ship as it exploded danger close, but still the chiss flew on. He targeted the bridge, 400 meters, 300, 200, Missiles away! The bridge exploded in a furious light and all fire stopped as orders failed to send. The MC40A was a sitting duck.
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Theodosia Naphrite "]| [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]

As the battle began in earnest she watched the fighters twirl about on her holo map. Circling and spinning to try and gain position. She then watched the frigates and cruisers come in to try and strike back. “Focus fire on the mon cal cruisers they are the only great threat to us.” As they fired into another she watched as the newest weapon of the Empire blasted ships to pieces. As the turbo lasers pounded into the enemy ship slowly draining it’s shields it fired back as well causing some minor damage eventually to her cruiser. “Repair crews to deck four get on it!” She ordered as her engineers worked to reset the shields. Once through it’s shields she had the ship begin maneuvers. “alright come about and focus all fire onto that cruisers main reactor.” As it came about it’s shields came up and it let loose a barrage that blasted it’s reactor apart before more shots blasted some of it’s engines offline. From there the frigates became easier pickings. Still she wondered to what end this new weapon of theirs woudl be of use.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Mahan quickly took the holo-display, towards the aft of the bridge, a glass screen without frame atop a rectangular prism, its sides covered in buttons. It was illuminated blue as two dimensional representations of the fleets appeared before him. He could not have the luxury of casually giving orders from the fore of the bridge, this fleet represented a real threat, one from which his fleet might not survive, but he'd do the damn well best he could. He began pressing his blue finger pads against the screen, giving orders to the officers present in person or via hologram. He dragged his hand from the position of the transport craft and the escape pods of the Subjugator, "Have all remaining escape craft retreat to the surface of the planet, whatever areas we already control will be enough of a haven for them to recover whilst he fight the enemy up here." Most of the attendees of the meeting remained silent, a Lieutenant Commander spoke up after a few seconds of silence, "Sir, the Sekellian Navy has informed us they are retrieving the remainders of the Subjugator's crew." He pulled a code cylinder from his breast pocket, "Their gunship landed aboard our hangar and what we have identified as their queen from former holo transmissions, gave this to some of the troopers, it is the identification codes of their craft." Mahan boiled with rage, if he had the time, he would have thrown a rage induced tantrum, but he could not waste a moment, "Their insolence and disregard for protocol has lasted long enough. Use the I.D. codes to target their vessels and disable them via Ion Cannons, use our tractor beams to seize their vessels and detain their crew and passengers. Target the gunship that boarded us first, bring it aboard our vessel, it is time I talk to the queen." A few of the officers saluted and returned to their stations. Mahan continued, holding his chin, "Now men, back to the enemy at hand. A swift Base Alpha Niner engagement structure will cover our retreating allies, once they are safely in orbit we shall begin firing solutions on their perimeter vessels, to ensure we avoid a swarm attack at close proximity."


Petty Officer Trigit sat in his weapon's operating chair, awaiting orders to engage. From his position he could even see the Rebel fleet enclosing. He very much so wished to fire his Ion cannon against his enemies, but awaited his orders, he was still a disciplined soldier. Finally, a miniaturized hologram of his superior officer, Lieutenant Greesh, appeared before him, he spoke briefly, "Your orders are to fire upon designated vessels, whose identification codes will be transmitted to your targeting system, they are to be disabled for tractor beam to our fleet, do not oversaturate your beam." Trigit responded, "Yes sir," and the hologram disappeared from his console. Inside the black visor of his helmet several ID tags illuminated over numerous vessels, all of which coming from the aft of the fleet, not the bow. Nevertheless, Trigit took aim, muttering under his helmet, "Gotcha," as he squeezed the controller's trigger.


Inside the cockpit of a TIE fighter, Lieutenant Commander Grigori coordinated her fighter squadron, Saber Squadron. Simultaneously she piloted her TIE, one hand on the stick the other flicking switches, ensuring her fighter was ready for combat. Her squadron among others was approaching the Rebel fleet also on the prowl. Its own X-wing fighters incoming at similar speeds towards the Imperial fleet. Her own fighter was slightly depleted of its laser canons, and her fuel was not infinite, but she was ready to engage. As her targeting sensors began to pick up the enemy signatures, she announced on her squadron's comms channel, "Weapons release, weapon release, Saber Squadron engage at will." The TIEs around her lit up with green lasers as they fired towards the X-wings, Grigori herself waiting until she had a locked target. Quickly the X-wings began to grow in size from her helmet, but she still waited, then she heard the unmistakable beep of a target lock and she let loose the cannons of her TIE.

The green lines quickly caught up with the cockpit of the X-wing, exploding in a climatic fashion. As the enemy fire grew towards her own fighter she pulled up to prepare another attack run on their fighters. But her sensors picked something up, an X-wing in pursuit, amongst the chatter she remarked, "I've got a bogey on my a tail, requesting wingman to scrape him off." Saber 7, a Lieutenant Bails, answered, "I gotcha commander, hold on one mo-" His voice turned to static. Grigori winced, but she could not falter in this situation. She began to take evasive maneuvers but the X-wing wouldn't break. Sweat tricked from her forehead as she pushed her fighter to the top speed. When the X-Wing began firing she screamed as her ship exploded, as if an extension of herself.


The lumbering hulks that were the Imperial fleet fired upon the much smaller and limber Rebel fleet. The artistically painted jet black Inquisitor Star Destroyer retreated at flank speed towards the two Imperial vessels, several kilometers further from the Rebel fleet. Their green plasma bolts fired across the aft of the Black Reach, disincentivizing the Rebel fleet from direct firing from its rear. But the Imperial II Star Destroyer still took most of the enemies' firing solutions, its deflector shields barely holding up. The identically colored Providence and Emperor's Wrath slowly approached, increasing their firing power to attract the Rebel's turbolaser canons. Then came the concussion missile barrages, most of their affect negated by the Black Reach's point defense canons and anti-missile octets, creating explosive firework shows just dozens of meters from the ship, rocking it ever so. But as it began to escape the encroaching Rebel fleet, the focused fire began to dissipate, spreading evenly across the Battlecruiser and Star Destroyer covering its retreat. They were saved, for now.


The three Acclamator Assault ships landed only two kilometers across from each other over a clearing new the beaches of Kothlis. Rather than the normal, slow, awe inspiring march of the troops, the stormtrooper complement rushed out of the large hull door. As the Staunch hit hard on the sandy surface, and the gigantic hull door opened the cargo/passenger area up to the air of Kothlis, several hundred Stormtroopers ran out to create a perimeter as vehicles lurched out and other troopers carried cargo crates and pushed lorries. Many rushed out carrying the much needed logistics of the operation, others ran with their weapons at the ready, or guiding the vehicles. Several thousand troopers were aboard the ship, ready for deployment, and now they needed to get the hell out on the surface so that the three Assault Ships could reinforce the far outnumbered Imperial fleet.

A colonel in officer's armor stood at the bottom of the opened ramp, shouting orders at his troops. He knew the severity of the situation, being told by the captain of the vessel of the dire situation in orbit. Hundreds passed by him every few minutes, some coming back to acquire more supplies to bring down. Whilst they were running the supplies down, a Y-wing escorted by two T-47 airspeeders approached the landed Acclamator to the east of the Staunch. Gunfire from the infantry and several vehicles tried desperately to defend, but it was too late. The Y-wing released its package and the Acclamator lit up with explosions, its landing gear collapsing under it. The only air vessel hit was a T-47 clipped, forcing it down into the ocean nearby. Colonel remarked, trying to shout over the noise, "Where is our damned air support?! We won't last an hour without it!"

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Osto Rann"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Theodosia Naphrite "]| [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | @Count Morcus

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated

As the Black Reach escaped from the visceral bombardment of the newly arrived Rebel fleet, it quickly moved to retaliate with a vengeance. It's TIE Defender wings were redirected to engage the new arrivals head on, unleashing torrents of firepower at the enemy fighters, their shield generators giving them a sizeable tactical advantage, while the Inquisitor-manned TIE Advanced x1's dealt with the remaining defence fleet forces. The blackened Star Destroyed turn it's starboard side to face the enemy, unleashing a volley of turbolaser fire at the oncoming corvettes and other assorted rebel ships.

The Count did his best to assist the Grand Admiral on the bridge, coordinating with the command centre of the Black Reach via hologram. ''Grand Admiral, I advise we contact Director Caalgen and advise him to muster additional forces to assist in our efforts here. The Silencer would decimate these rebel scum with ease.....'', he said confidently. The galaxy needed a show of the Remnant's power, and what better way to accomplish such than testing their new ship further.

[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Osto Rann"]
[member="Victor Adraas"]
[member="Lora Onone"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
@Theodosia Naphrite
[member="Sergius Maro"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]
A grimace crossed the Mon Cal admiral's features when some of the smaller ships in his fleet fell to the Imperials. The crew of said vessels dying by the dozens to fight for the freedom of trillions of beings in the Galaxy, hopefully the Force would help them to rest in peace in the meantime. Admiral Rann's eyes flickered over the field of battle outside of the viewport, the Imperial Remnant had two Imperial II-class Star Destroyers and an Allegiance-class Heavy Star Destroyer.

B-Wings and A-Wings moved to intercept the newly appeared TIE/Defenders, while the X-Wings and Y-Wings worked in tandem with the CR90 Corvettes to screen against fighters. The frigates and cruisers were moving fast against the larger, but easier to hit Imperial Star Destroyers with great success, but their corvettes were dropping like flies due to their shields not being able to repel power of that magnitude for long periods of time.


In the midst of the battle, a squadron of Y-Wings flew between laser fire and other fighters on the way to its target. "This is Gold Squadron, we're beginning our attack run with Grey Squadron covered by Green Squadron, over." Gold Leader reported as a squadron of B-Wings and a squadron of A-Wings joined up with them, all three of them heading for the Black Reach.


"Understood, Gold Leader. All ships, we need to give our fighters and opening, concentrate all fire on that Imperial Star Destroyer!" Admiral Rann ordered. The Rebel Fleet maneuvered and began to focus fire once again on the black-colored Imperial Star Destroyer, tearing apart the deflector shields and causing the turbolaser blasts to begin impacting on the sleek durasteel hull of the Star Destroyer. Hopefully the inhabitants, whom were easily just doing their job, would escape in time before the thing went ablaze.

There was still the issue of the massive battlecruiser and its equally fearsome guardian. But the admiral had prepared for this inevitable scenario, recognizing a valuable tactic that the Rebellion had used in the Battle of Scarif eight hundred and forty nine years ago. "Contact the Rogue, tell them to initiate the plan." Osto told one of the bridge crew.


A hyperspace signature would be detected by both sides when a Hammerhead-class Corvette leaped out of hyperspace near the Emperor's Wrath, gliding through the void of space. Surprisingly, instead of joining the Rebel fleet or attacking the Imperials, it raced towards the star destroyer's side at a fast pace. It impacted, causing the inhabitants of both ships to rock. Inside the bridge of the corvette, the captain yelled one thing "Thrusters! Full Power!".

It took a few seconds, but the destroyer began to visibly arc towards the Providence, the dagger-shape of the star destroyer menacingly moving at the Providence like an over-sized knife.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Theodosia Naphrite "]| [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]

Location: Kant battle site
Post: 3/25

As she continued to monitor the battle being little more than fire support she noticed several enemy fighters moving for what seemed an odd position. "Those two squadrons of fighters, X-wing class send the Ties to intercept them but watch for traps. Continue firing on the Mon calamari vessels they are the main threat in this area." As her ship moved closer in it's turrets shifted and fired into the under belly of one of the MC40s, it's deflector shields were holding but barely as she focused fire on it. "Increase power to all batteries once it's shield drops target it's launch bays and reactor." As the shields went down the shots struck soon destroying a launch bay and striking one of it's reactors causing it to shift from the blast. Soon another blast rocked it as one of it's main batteries went forcing her victory class to move away and gain some distance. The Heavy Storm eventually moved to gain another good position to strike the main reactor.

"Concentrate all fire on the main reactor it should cripple it. From there it's Tie fighter bait." With that the first salvos of new strikes struck home eventually demolishing the ships main reactor tearing chunks from the ship. Additional battery salvos simply destroyed smaller sections until the ship was barely even recognizable beyond any other junked ship. meanwhile her interceptors were finishing off the enemy X wings that they had given chase to, but coming up to her force was another run of enemy craft B wings which flew in and fired into her ships shields before being fired back at killing one of them. Her ship however still could fire on other larger ships and went to work on another enemy Frigate trying to fly over to put up a fight. It's position gave it some cover from the blasted MC40 so she instead ordered her Victory to move back so once it came out it's position would be within easy sight of it's targeting sensors. Now she was able to fire into it from a position where it's own weapons were not able to focus as well on her ship.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Avedia Lacroix"] Ξ [member="Butch Mahan"] Ξ [member="Baron Morcus"] Ξ [member="Tari Prule"] Ξ [member="Travis Caalgen"] Ξ [member="Victor Adraas"] Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"] Ξ [member="Lora Onone"] Ξ [member="Osto Rann"]
(Post 6)
Allies: Imperial Rem
Enemy's: [member="Osto Rann"]
Gear -

S-1AN Hauler X3

Sekallien Runner x2

Blade wings X4

Reinforcements - en route

Udarnik assault frigates x3

X2 Blade wings
X1 vesparum intorceptor

Incurso-Class Star Destroyer (development)

Her ship flew close over the surface of the destroyer weaving around the weapons of the ship. The blade wings didn't fly as close as she did. "Sanya? The pods have just come in. We will have to delay the split wing support till we have pushed them out of the hanger." "Yep that no problem Asuna." Sanya said as they had cleared the end of the destroyer. "Lock S-foils in forty seconds." "Yes commander." Moments later alerts began to ring in the ship, her ears twitched at the sound and tail flicked at the end. "EVASIVE MANUVERS RETREAT BACK!" Sanya shouted down the com's as her ship began to be hit by fire. Everything shook about and almost threw her from her seat if she wasn't buckled in.

The gunship drifted for a little while before been pulled backwards. Another b-wing had been caught in the same fate. "Kark kark kark. Come on turn on." She pulled out her normal holocom that should still be working. Although she couldn't get singnal. Sanya knew this had to be timed. The S-14N haulers would have to fight over saving the pilot of the b-wing. As for sanya she could handle this. She hopes. Her ship was the first to pass the star destroyer. It confused her till she saw the damage the destroyer had taken by an old model rendili hammerhead. More escape pods littered the area going for the surface. 'Three two one' "Asuna get lieutenant Ree. I'll be fine." "Bu..." The signal went before the woman could finish the sentence. The b-wing slowed down before been pulled to the hauler. The gunship began to rumble and shake as it began entry into the atmosphere. As speed picked up the ship began to spin out of control. Sanay began titogether use the force. If she was to have a chance of surviving this the ship needed to be level. With grate resistance the gunship began to level out flames still surrounded the ship...

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Officers aboard the bridge of the Providence stood up from their seats, their faces in awe of the incoming Star Destroyer. They were helpless, No matter what firing solution the Allegiance Class Battlecruiser committed the Hammerhead Corvette would remain untouched, shielded by the Star Destroyer's own hull. They could try firing on the Emperor's Wrath itself, but it would have no affect. The Providence was finished.

Mahan watched in silence, the Rebel fleet's barrages diminishing the deflector shields, the sudden frantic rush of the deck crew and the officers as they ran to the nearest escape pods, and most climatically, the encroaching structure of the Emperor's Wrath nearing the midsection of the Providence. When the Star Destroyer broke through the armor and hull of the Providence, it shook the Battlecruiser so hard it knocked all its inhabitants off their feet. Causing Mahan to fall into the holoprojector in front of him. As the Star Destroyer drove into the heart of the Battlecruiser, cutting it in two like a piece of toast, the captain took to the intercomm on the ship, repeating the following order three times, "Abandon ship, I repeat, abandon ship." With that, he pressed a large red button on the terminal, transmitting a distress signal on any imperial frequency, he left the bridge, now occupied by Mahan and the few officers trying to coax him out. From the bridge you could even see the people and innards of the Battlecruiser being sucked out into space, scattering about like bugs under water.

Slowly, Mahan exited the bridge, moving towards the escape pods. He held a stern look as he traversed the long corridors of the super structure of the Battlecruiser. Although he may have acted calm, he was in a fury so large it was inexpressable, his once glorious victory had been turned into a disastrous defeat. No doubt his political enemies would hold this against him, especially the damned force wielding branches of the Imperial Remnant hierarchy. But, he had larger problems at hand, the ship's power wouldn't last for long, and when that failed, so would the life support. Taking a deep breath, he entered the level eighty seven starboard escape pod cell, only two remaining. Two lines of officers, Navy troopers, and deck crew waited outside each, all of whom hoping to get on an escape pod. The highest ranking officer besides Mahan, who was assigning men to their pods, recognized the Duro, one of only two aliens in the actual cell, standing at attention, he shouted, "Grand Admiral, on deck!" The whole cell fell quiet, each standing straight and still. The Grand Admiral replied, "At ease." Inclining most to return to their previous activity. The officer, a commander, brought Mahan to one of the escape pods, letting him bypass the line, "In here sir," Mahan was not a humble man, and took the preferential treatment gladly.

Once the escape pod filled, it launched from the Providence. In a small glassteel viewport in the aft, Mahan watched as his former flagship split into two, ending its illustrious career. It was saddening, but life went on.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Lora Onone"]
[member="Osto Rann"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Baron Morcus"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
@Theodosia Naphrite
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Travis Caalgen

Director Caalgen observed the debris soaring away from the spot that had once been an MC40 Cruiser. A remnant of the explosion that nearly blinded the man was still brewing in the center. "Oh, it's beautiful..." Travis said, a satisfied look appearing over the features of the old man. He clasped his hands together as he turned away from the bridge viewports to face his crewmen. "A success, a brillian success. The full firepower of the Conqueror-class Star Destroyer, capable of vaporizing entire starships. The lull after the gunner finished the firing sequence will have to be tweaked, but this class of ship is powerful enough to damage even a battlecruiser any time we wish!" The Director roared, receiving a salute from the bridge.

His celebrations were sullied when communications officer tensed, stoop up from his station and approached the Director. "Sir, we are receiving a distress signal from Kothlis, Imperial in origin." He uttered, surprise overtook Caalgen's face. "I wish to speak with Grand Admiral Mahan" He ordered "It's his ship that sent the distress signal." the officer responded. "A large Imperial fleet was dispatched there, was it not?" Travis queried, receiving a swift 'Yes, Sir'. He pondered for a moment, looking outside the viewports once again.

"Prepare for the jump to hyperspace and inform Emperor Graf" the Director ordered, with another "Yes, Sir!", the communications officer was off and orders were relayed. It was near perfect timing too, the Rogue Clone elements were nearly destroyed. "Alert the Commander that she is in command of this operation, and to mop up any remnants. When the task is finished, have them join us at Kothlis." Caalgen said.

The Silencer's powerful ion engines glowed a bright blue and the stars streaked across the viewports as the Conqueror-class Star Destroyer jumped to hyperspace towards Kothlis.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Lora Onone"]
A man walked up to Darren then said.

"Sir, We are detecting a distress signal from the Providence over Kothlis."

He turned around to the man. Thoughts ran through his head. He growled.

"Tell Grand Admiral Mahan that we are en route to assist." He said.

The TIE's were called back and the Arquentin Cruisers were next to the Nemesis. Darren knew that the battle in Kant was over.

"Contact Purge squadron and tell them to board. Prepare for the jump to Hyperspace." The captain said.

They jumped to assist Grand Admiral Mahan over Kothlis. People ran through the destroyer preparing for the battle to come.
They were repairing TIE's and readying the assault craft.
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Lora Onone"]
[member="Baron Morcus"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Desmond C’artyom raced out of the asteroid field as the crippled Mc40a lazily trailed along. Without the proper nav computers the ship would be destroyed by the asteroid field. Desmond exited the asteroid field and regrouped with the rest of Purge Squadron. Then he received a transmission. “Purge Squadron Report to the Nemesis, the day is ours,”

Desmond and flight took leave of the battle and flew towards the Nemesis. They boarded the craft’s hangars and disembarked from their shuttles. Covered in grease and sweat Desmond quickly sought out the showers. As he undressed from his uniform he overheard someone speaking “C’artyom, you're required for debriefing,” Desmond hurriedly finished his shower and raced to the command room.

The debrief was simple and sweet. Trouble on Kolthis. They had maybe an hours rest before the battle.
The man walked towards Desmond. He looked at the Chiss then said,

"So you are the leader of Purge Squadron? Yes?" Darren said.

Aboard the Nemesis was like home away from home. It wasn't no luxury starliner, Darren designs them though. The Nemesis was built to take on an Imperial II class star destroyer and be a star fighter carrier. It contained aspects of the Venator and Imperial star destroyers. A lieutenant walked up to Darren then said,

"Sir, We are about to exit hyperspace. Shall we get the pilots ready." The man said

"Of course. C'artyom get ready for combat." He said.
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]

Tanomas Graf

A pearly white blade erupted out of the back of a clone trooper with armor covered in insignia of the Rebellion. Raising his leg and pushing the impaled body of the clone off of his lightsaber, the extension of himself and his will, the Emperor flourished his blade before angling it to deflect another stream of deadly blaster bolts that had launched from the rifle of a mercenary. He responded by reaching out with the Force and grabbing the throat of the man, lifting him off his feet as a rather audible crack was heard when his windpipe was crushed by the Emperor. Graf looked around while his knights and guardsmen cleared the current room of resistance, after they had all restored their previous formation they prepared to proceed until Tanomas' holocommunicator began beeping.

The old man activated it, a hologram of an Imperial officer appeared. "My Lord, Director Caalgen has ordered me to inform you that a distress call from the Grand Admiral's vessel was detected from the Kothlis system. Reports of a Rebel incursion have been received from the ground forces." The officer reported after bowing to the Emperor. "Very well, alert the Director that I am sending a fleet. See to it that the Rebels are crushed and Kothlis is conquered." Graf announced, with a quick 'Yes, My Lord' the officer ended the holocall and went off to speak with the Director. Considering for a moment, the Emperor entered codes into the communicator and began a call.

"Vice Admiral Thaxton, gather your fleet and reinforce the Grand Admiral at Kothlis. A Rebel fleet took him by surprise in the middle of his skirmish with the defense forces and he has sent out a distress signal. Retrieve the Grand Admiral, wipe out the Rebel forces in the system, and land your troops on the surface to instill order." The Emperor commanded, receiving a bow from the woman. "By your will, Your Highness." She stated as the communications were ended. The woman walked towards the viewport of her Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and observed as many more of the class as well as numerous smaller vessels began to form up for the jump to hyperspace.

Now that the issue was resolved, they continued on their way. Graf felt rather empowered at the moment, he could move fleets and conquer whole words with a mere word, his will was the will of the Imperial Remnant. In stark contrast to the Surpreme Leader of the First Order, he rather enjoyed personally overseeing operations, but he could not micromanage everything, instead leaving other things to the Triumvirate and the respective officers down the chain to the last stormtrooper. His thoughts came to a halt when they entered the makeshift command center of the operations in the region.

Inside, they were immediately shot at by security guards as well as brave, but foolish rogue leaders who thought they could defy the Empire's claim to the Kamino system. Graf's beloved lightsaber soared across the room when he threw it, taking out a closely clustered group of individuals. "Kill them, all of them." He uttered as his guardians entered the room and massacred all living things within, even the unarmed Kaminoan doctors who pleaded for forgiveness and mercy until they were cut down and shocked by Guardsmen and Knights.

Once they were clear of threats, the Emperor entered and brushed aside a severed head in his path as he approached a bright blue, mobile cloning vat, peering inside, his eyes widened. It, no, he was perfect; It was almost like looking in a mirror, a clone of Tanomas Graf was floating unconscious in the vat. Every grayed hair on his head and face was there, every discerning mark that he had had was there, the facial structure was the exact same. "What is the status on the cloning process?" The Emperor requested, entranced with the floating clone.

A Knight checked the various scorched displays and cleared his throat "The clone is by all means complete, but they were about to begin the process of imprinting memories before we intervened.". Tanomas contemplated for a moment "They did not have the proper equipment nor time to train the clone properly like they were taught on Kamino. So they were going to rely on my memories to do so for them..." He stated "But they failed to realize that this could easily cause insanity and turn their creation against them..." His eyes flashed over his copy again.

"I can flood the vat with neurotoxin and kill the abomination, My Lord." The Knight suggested. "No." Tanomas nearly yelled "Sedate him instead and get him transported to Kamino. After he is secured, alert the authorities of the illicit activities in this bazaar. I believe I have other matters to attend too now. I sense that Manda's new Moff has arrived..." He mentioned. The Imperial Knights bowed to the Emperor as he left trailed by his Imperial Guards, the Knights would be able to handle the situation. Instead of killing the clone, he would train him as he would himself, train him to act as a double so that he could easily be in two places at once, train him so that if his progenitor should meet his end, Tanomas Graf would remain in power.

He arrived at his shuttle once again, walking up the boarding ramp. He entered the cockpit for a brief moment to speak with the crew "Contact Moff Naphrite and inform her that I wish to speak to her at the Capitol Building of this planet, now the Imperial Center." He said, receiving a nod from the crewmen as they carried out their duties. The shuttlecraft ascended from the dank landing pad and arched over the thousands of markets within the city, a TIE escort would have met up with them mid-flight to protect them should any of the inhabitants on Manda wish to project their hatred of the Imperial Remnant on him.

Several minutes later the Lambda T-4a shuttlecraft set down on an amazingly pristine landing pad and the Emperor strolled down the ramp, met by a few squads of stormtroopers who had taken over the government building with no resistance at all. Former government officials rushed past the Emperor in terror as he made his way through the levels until he reached the office of the Prime Minister, obviously having fled the world hours earlier when Imperial forces arrived.

He sat down in the chair, which was rather comfortable, and stared out of the window over the bustling trade world while waiting for the Moff to arrive. He would die when he wanted, the Graf Dynasty would end when he wanted, the Imperial Remnant would end when he wanted. He was in control of entire worlds, entire systems, and now, after Operation Rogue Thunder, an entire sector of space. Graf chuckled to himself as Imperial ships hovered in the sky.

Meanwhile, as all of the events on Manda proceeded. Vice Admiral Thaxton's fleet made the jump to hyperspace from Void Station, heading for the planet of Kothlis where the first fleet had unceremoniously been destroyed by the Rebel Alliance that had dared to operate in Imperial territories in a so called quest to restore 'freedom' to the people, by providing the Rogue Clone forces in the sector with better ships and more men than they had fled Kamino months ago with when the Remnant first invaded.

Their job was simple, retrieve the treasured Grand Admiral, destroy or force the Rebel fleet to retreat from the sector, and then land more ground troops to reinforce the first invasion force. Easy, they would proceed to overthrow the Bothans there and instill another Imperial government on another world. "Perhaps I should appoint a Warlord of the Empire soon. I'm certain of a few people who deserve it..." Graf muttered to himself, killing the silence in the office.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Location: Kant battle site
Post: 4/25
Objective: Crush remaining Rebel forces

A officer approached soon enough as she watched ships begin to make leave for assisting the grand admiral. "Ma'am I have been ordered to relay you have been placed in command of the operation here while the distress call from the Grand admiral is attended to." She nodded.

"Very good. Tell the ships to begin forming a encirclement fighters focus on the X-wings and A-wings the b wings are almost gone. The Y wings can be targeted by Turbo laser if needed. Just adjust for the slow speed. If you still have trouble we’ll get to them soon enough.” As she continued to command now she began to order remaining Imperial ships here mostly other Victory class ships and the fighters they had to make a noose around the opposing fleet. Few cruisers remained and they were damaged severely. Frigates and Corvettes remained in abundance enough. They were moving to try and focus on one damaged Victory class. “They are trying a break out the cruiser at the marked area. Focus all fire on the lead ship in that area once it blows they will begin to break up.” Soon enough the fighters flying around began to kill off many of the last X wing fighters who struggled valiantly to face them. Meanwhile a squadron of bombers flew in the Tie bombers aiming for one of the enemy corvettes sending a slew of torpedoes into them blasting them destroying several engine sections. Eventually focused fire blasted apart the enemy lead ship and as predicted causing the others to break off this let the cruisers begin to section them off and isolate each ship.

“Alright bring the ship about Lieutenant, lets focus fire on the frigates once their done we can blow up the smaller ships with all the time we want to take. Focus all fire on the main reactors.” As they began the opposing rebel frigates fired back but were being usually fired upon by two or three ships each causing them to suffer damage swiftly. One of the frigates tried to position itself to shield another but as she saw this Lora directed her ships to aim for it’s engines, the shots struck home once the shields fell sending it careening off course as it no longer had full engine control. As more enemy ships exploded she watched another squadron of fighters pull in and strike into the bombers they had forcing them to back off. “Looks like enemy fighters are still coming out of the asteroids seems our enemy has spent much effort to hide their forces.”

“Redirect the fighters back onto the enemy tell them to finish them off. Also tell the other cruisers to use ion cannon fire on the enemy corvettes. I have an idea.” She suspected the fighters were trying to buy time for some to jump to hyperspace if they got disabled the fighters may get more risky. The ion cannons rang out and sure enough this caused them to flew straight for her ship she smiled. “Perfect all fighters converge more power to the deflector shields.” As Tie interceptors flew in behind them she watched each fighter get shot up blowing into pieces one tried to ram her ship but turbo laser battery fire caught it’s straight trajectory. Once gone she motioned to press the attack tearing into enemy ships .

“Ma’am several rebel ships are surrendering. Shall we board them?” One of her officers asked.

“No I have my orders from on high we will be setting an example for them. Resistance to the Empire is a death sentence and the foolish here who stand against us will be crushed.” Turbo laser fire destroyed another ship slowly one by one the enemy was struggling to keep up resistance. She mused how the living force somebody liek the Grand Admiral got himself caught up in needing help. Underestimation? hard to say she had several ships keep an eye out for hyperspace jumps in case enemy forces tried to jump them by surprise.

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
The Grand Inquisitor quickly followed closely behind Mahan as they made their way to the escape pods before the oncoming Star Destroyer hit, quickly climbing inside to join him. ''I respect the discipline of your crew in these times of crisis, Mahan. I will see to it each life lost today is avenged ten fold. I will find these rebels and deal with them personally, once I can procure transportation from below....'', Morcus said, a hint of anger in his tone of voice. How dare these scum question the might of the Remnant, he thought to himself. He would not allow them the satisfaction of victory, that much he was certain of.

Meanwhile, the Black Reach used the commotion to recall it's fighters, who quickly returned to the ship's hangar bays before it quickly entered lightspeed when an opportunity was presented, moving to meet with the oncoming fleet of reinforcements and ready itself for a renewed offensive against the enemy.

[member="Lora Onone"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Darren Jarok"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Osto Rann"]
@Theodosia Naphrite
The small fleet came out of hyperspace. A few rebel ships were rammed by The Nemesis. A nebulon B was ripped in half by the tip of the Nemesis. Several fighters crashed into it too. Inside, Everyone felt the vibration of the explosions. Darren watched the explosion then smirked. He walked towards a holographic table showing the rebel fleet and the Imperial fleet.

"Tell the cruisers to engage frigates. We will concentrate fire on their capital ship. Launch purge squadron and our fighters. Prepare to send in the troops to the surface." He said.

The men saluted before running back to their stations. TIEs exited the hangers like flies. The turbolasers fired at the enemy capital ship. Several concussion missiles launched then head straight for the capital ship.
Rann's plan had worked, as if the Force was guiding them; The Hammerhead-class Corvette guided the Imperator-class Star Destroyer until it began to scrape against the hull of the much larger Allegiance-class Battlecruiser, and within the span of a few minute the midsection was separated from the base of the battlecruiser, with much of the crew getting ejected into the vacuum of space or evacuating in its numerous escape pods. A look of relief encapsulated the Admiral's features as the mighty Imperial Fleet fell to the smaller but much more nimble Rebels. "Admiral, we've intercepted a distress signal from the Battlecruiser!" The communications officer stated.

Osto turned to face him "Not good, with the organizational level of the Imperial Remnant; Another fleet should arrive within a few hours and much larger than what we just faced..." He reiterated "Nevertheless, a few hours is better than none. Alert the fleet to deploy their ground forces so that we can break through the Imperial invasion force and extract our charge." Minutes later, Rebel transport ships and U-Wings descended upon the planet of Kothlis and established a beachhead on the surface.

Rebel soldiers and battle tanks debarked and began to move towards one of the smaller cities on the surface, wading through some of the shallow oceans between the islands. It wasn't long until they began to hear the sounds of battle in the distance, it was probably the Imperials and the planetary defense forces engaged in a one-sided conflict since when the Imperial Fleet first arrived. They saw the AT-ATs and clone troopers in the distance and they took their advantage of the element of surprise, firing at the walkers with whatever they had.

Meanwhile, up over Kothlis, the Rebel fleet stood as a watchful sentinel; They were waiting for hostiles to appear at any second. "Sir, I'm detecting an Imperial cruiser exiting hyperspace." A Com-Scan officer relayed to him. He directed his bulbous eyes out of the viewports and observed as a Nebula-class Star Destroyer reverted into realspace and began to fire on the Rebel fleet, destroying an unsuspecting Nebulon-B Frigate as well as numerous smaller corvettes in the process.

Big mistake.

"Concentrate all your fire at that star destroyer!" The Admiral barked. The Rebels retaliated with interest, dozens upon dozens of turbolasers directing their blasts at the destroyer. Off to the side, the remains of the Allegiance could be seen, while the Imperial-II that pierced it had been caught in the gravity well of the planet and crashed into one of its oceans around half an hour ago. Numerous X-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, and Y-Wings began to attack the TIE Fighters as well as the Arquitens-class Light Cruisers that the small fleet had been composed of.

There was no way for this small force to survive without help, the Rebel fleet was much too large for it to take alone.

"Admiral, something large is coming out of hyperspace!"

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"]

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