Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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March of the Imperials [Imperial Remnant Dominion of Kothlis and Krant]

Travis Caalgen

Director Caalgen was unfazed when dozens of fighters and capital vessels came to greet them.

The Remnant had stirred the wasp hive, but now they were going to set it ablaze.

"Proton beam charged, Sir." An ensign reported from the crewpits, not even five seconds later did the Com-Scan operator state that a scan of the field was complete with five major bases sticking out like a sore thumb in the scans. "Target the asteroid bases, prepare for multiple single reactor ignitions." The Director ordered. On the bridge viewscreens, five targeting reticules appeared over the respective asteroids.

Tributary beams blasted through their respective shafts, projecting from the dish into a single powerful beam which was launched at the first asteroid base. The green proton beam impacted on the asteroid, razing the base on the surface that had latched onto it like a parasite but leaving the resources inside of it intact.

"Target Gamma destroyed, four targets remain. Charging reactors one, two, four, and five."

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"]
He was stunned by the ship's power. His eyes were wider than ever. The Captain smirked in amusement. 3 of the 5 MC40a's were disabled and dead in space. Their shields were gone, Weapons systems gone and Engines destroyed. The 2 remaining MC40a's were making a run for it.

"Destroy the escaping cruisers." He said.

The Turbolasers began blasting away at the MC40a's engines. Concussion missiles launched from the Nebula then went straight at the MC40a's. One hit the bridge of the MC40a. An Aurora of explosions brought a smile to Darren's face. A missile went straight into the hanger of the MC40a destroying it from the inside. All the other 3 could do was sit and watch as their friends were destroyed. They were next.

"Prepare the boarding craft. Identify their command ship and concentrate our troops on it. " He said.

"Sir, The one in the middle is their command ship." A man said.

"Send them in." He said.

Several TIE Boarding shuttles exited the hanger escorted by 2 TIE Fighters. They attached to airlocks. 12 stormtroopers exited each shuttle. They killed Rogue clones while making their way to the bridge.

"Shall we take prisoners?" He said through the comms.

[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Victor Adraas"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Sergius Maro"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Tari Prule"]
[member="Avedia Lacroix"]
[member="Baron Morcus"]
The enemy fighters raced over purge squadron and the elite flight of TIE’s activated their engines. They slingshotted around the small asteroid they had been lying in wait on and accelerated to meet the ARC fighters. This completely caught the enemy fighters off guard as they were taken from the rear by multiple TIE squadrons. Des targeted one of the enemies and acquired a lock. He let loose with his proton torpedoes and the ARC fighter erupted in a flaming inferno.

Desmond was mentally celebrating his kill when something miraculous happened. The Silencer’s proton dish lit up in a green neon fury and the resulting ray nearly blinded the Chiss’s cybernetic eyes. In the distance one of the asteroids erupted in a gout of flame. Shortly after enemy commands went through and a squadron of enemy ARCs began to accelerate towards the vulnerable star destroyer


Purge squadron raced forward to meet the enemy and downed two on the first pass. Then they were forced to sacrifice the rear as the enemy decelerated. Desmond cringed as multiple bolts of plasma raced by. He knifed upwards and attempted to bank round the enemy fighter, but he had knifed upwards as well. Desmonds emergency lights began blaring as the enemy fighter acquired a lock. Sweat beaded the Chiss’s brow as the missiles came dangerously close to impact, then at the last minute he performed a barrel role that caused the missiles to collide with one another. Desmond jerked his fighter to a complete stop and the enemy raced ahead, unable to keep up with Desmond’s machine like reflexes. Des homed in on the enemy craft and fired.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
As the three human size holograms flickered off, each commander wrought with stress and fear from aggravating their commanding officer, another blue wisp appeared in front of him. that of a woman, a woman with, pointy...ears? Whatever she was, the humanoid began to make her case, however ridiculous it was Mahan listened and kept his temper. The incessant rambling and the obvious meddling with Mahan's strategy was already aggravating the Grand Admiral. Finally when she was finished, the Duros turned towards the viewport, trying to focus back on the battle at hand, but the hologram did not turn off. After a few moments of ignoring it, Mahan finally broke his cool, "Comms officer, end the hologram transmission with the Sekellian fleet." The comms officer began pressing buttons like there was no tomorrow, "Sir, the bridge holoprojector is not responding, hold on momentarily." Trying to refocus on the battle, Mahan began to rub his temple. Then the hologram began to put on armor? Mahan had had it, "If you can't fix this, I will!" On the back of Mahan's belt, almost identical to a stormtrooper's standard issue thermal detonator, was a metal cylinder he snatched off, in a moment he pressed the only button on it, two metal parts of equal size sprouting out each end. Within another moment he thrust the quarter staff into the projector currently presenting the hologram, smashing it to pieces.

Taking a deep breath, he pressed the button again, letting the quarter staff detract and placing it back on his belt. The bridge crew stopped only for a moment before returning to their duties. The operations officer approached Mahan, "Sir, we've reached close range firing solutions, requesting any new orders?" Mahan need no think before iterating his next set of orders, "Have all three Star Destroyer focus their fire on the enemy's non-capital ships, the last Mark Two Assault Frigate and the remaining Bothan Frigate. Inform the assault ships to push through to the planet surface, we've broken through the enemy's defense." Writing these orders down on a datapad, the commander looked up, "And the Providence Grand Admiral?" Mahan turned to the human male, "Focus all turbolaser fire on the Venator's topside canons. Divert two TIE bomber squadrons to disable the enemy's flagship's sub-light thrusters. Finally, prepare all of the Subjugator's boarding craft for boarding the enemy Venator , have a TIE fighter escort ready for them." The commander saluted, "Yes sir." Mahan returned to his view of the battle, the broadside action more worthy of being his attention than almost anything he had ever seen.

* * * * *

The battle had taken a turn for the worst for the resisting planetary defense fleet. With the new targets prioritized by the Imperial Grand Admiral, and the added firepower of the Sekellian vessels, the Kothlis fleet was being torn apart. One of the two remaining Nebulon-B escort frigates was blown apart by the combined firepower of the Sekellians. In almost cohesion the only other larger sub-capital vessels were torn apart by Imperial laser fire, their debris crashing into each other, leaving the Venator class Star Destroyer guarded only by their remaining fighters, and a damaged Nebulon-B escort frigate. But before the two frigates joined the space junk already surrounding Kothlis, the entire planetary defense fleet gave one last barrage on the poor Subjugator Imp-I Star Destroyer, sealing its dreaded fate.

* * * * *

Captain Jyn Dis'sn's hair was in disarray, his uniform hat lost somewhere on the floor of the CIC on the Subjugator. He was doing all that he could to prevent the inevitable from happening, but it was too late. The constant shaking, the short circuiting electrics, and the falling pieces of ship coming down like rain, were good signals it was over. His first ship command and already it was but doomed. But they had fought their hardest, and now the ship would try and salvage what it could of its ground troop escort and its weary crew, picking up a wired communicator, Jyn began, "All personnel abandon ship, repeat abandon ship. Use escape pods, shuttles and any other small craft aboard. All personnel abandon ship, abandon ship." Suddenly the CIC erupted in activity as its occupants began to scramble for the nearest exit. Jyn stood silently as he let the room slowly empty, finding his hat along the way. As soon as the once busy CIC was despair of life, save for Jyn himself, the Imperial officer nodded in respect for the ship, before leaving for his own escape pod.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Baron Morcus"]

Victor Adraas

Victor finally wakes up from the crash of his ship, he stands up to see on his left where the beach is, where his ship also crashed which luckily didn't land near the water. On his right is a jungle, he doesn't see much from the point he's standing at. A stormtrooper of Victor's squad rushes up to Victor, saying "Victor! I dragged you out of the ship, the pilot didn't survive and about two members of our squad are dead, the rest are just injured, still knocked out from the crash." Victor looks around his area, to see about twenty stormtroopers just resting. "You dragged all of them out?" "Yes sir! I couldn't leave them in there." Victor puts his left hand on the stormtroopers shoulder "Good work trooper, take a breather if you want. I suppose we can wait until they're awake again." the stormtrooper sits down by the shuttle, putting off his helmet. Victor starts venturing into the jungle and the stormtrooper yells out "Woah! where are you going?" Victor takes a quick look back at the stormtrooper "To scout out this place, I don't want any Bothans to surprise us or any rogue clones in that matter. They'll be looking for crashes." and with that, ventures on ahead into the jungle.

Victor started exploring around the jungle but got lost pretty easily, he was treading lightly so he wouldn't get surprised by any unwelcome attackers. After about ten minutes of walking around aimlessly, Victor managed to find another crash. He instantly rushed to it to only see all the stormtroopers lying on the ground outside the shuttle, each of them with blaster shots to their bodies. "They're executing our soldiers... the bodies look fresh, meaning they can't be far." Victor cautiously goes on ahead from what he can guess off the tracks. He managed to catch up to a Bothan patrol, four Bothans with rifle blasters. Victor silently follows them to their base, it isn't too big but from the looks of it, they recovered some blasters and a TIE Crawler. Victor silently goes back to where he came from to try and find his crash.

He got lost in the jungle, until he heard yelling. He followed the yelling to actually find his crash again, but he sees three stormtroopers lined up against the shuttle and two Bothans aiming at them. Victor wondered how they got overpowered, but it doesn't matter. Victor brought out his DC-17 and aimed it at one of the Bothans, he pulled the trigger which only injured the Bothan and he fell, the other Bothan turned around to the surprise and a stormtrooper took the chance to hit the Bothan from behind, then grabbing the blaster and shooting off the Bothan. The stormtrooper headed to the other injured Bothan who was trying to crawl away, he looked to Victor before he pulled the trigger, Victor nodded to him saying "Do it." and the second Bothan was wiped out. Victor then ordered the stormtroopers to line up, he started to tell them about the layout of the Bothan's nearby base.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Baron Morcus"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Avedia Lacroix"] Ξ [member="Butch Mahan"] Ξ [member="Baron Morcus"] Ξ [member="Tari Prule"] Ξ [member="Travis Caalgen"] Ξ [member="Victor Adraas"] Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"]
(Post 4)
Allies: Imperial Rem
Enemy's: N/A
Gear -

S-1AN Hauler X3

Sekallien Runner x2

Blade wings X4

The com had turned to static meaning something happened. But the fleet was taking no damage from the imperial forces. She thought that as a good sign at least. Sanya had gotten all her armor on and her mask now set comfortably on her head. As she went for the elevator her had would reach back bringing the holo com to her hand. It wasn't hard to tell that the ship had begun firing. Every shot let off vibrations shaking the floor beneath her feet. The elevator went further down all the way to the hanger. It's floor gleemed with it's glossy black floor shiny enough you could see your own reflection more than a shadow. As she entered her ship from the back she went straight to the cockpit flicking everything online. This was the first time she was going to fly this into battle since the engines upgrade that was done a a while ago. Under the republic banner she was always commanding large ships. But they didn't have the feeling and thrill of been in something smaller. Speed and gforce couldn't be felt as well in bigger things either.

The engines roared as it lifted from the hanger floor the gear lifted into the hull of the gunship that was now in forward motion. "VS launching." She said on the fleets channel. "B-wing get ready to form up with me. Asuna have she shileds of the remaining nebulon B down?" Her eyes widened to the sight of space outside of the hanger. Different coloured munitions filled the area along with explosions. "Any minute now malady. Begin your run." She could see on her sensors the b-wings had caught up to her. Although it wasn't long till fighters started to rain down on her. The sekallien runners where doing their best from where they where but it didn't stop them flying through their formation. "Squadron two keep enemy fighters off our back. Use your maneuverability against them." She on the sticks to lean her ship to the left and pulled back making a tight turn. Fighters weren't the only concern now they and hit range of the point defence of the nebulon. The pilots of the b-wings where the most experienced. After all this voyage was to do training exercises on different worlds.

Every passing second they grew closer. Energy readings showed shields on the enemy ship had been broken but they didn't make it easy. She looked to her right seeing a b-wing in flames erratically flying before exploding. Distracted she'd flinch from the shot hitting her ship that caught the corner of her eye. 'Karck shields thirty five percent.' She thought to herself. "Okay it's now or never girls. Aim for the centre of the ship use your composite beams for maximum firepower." The where close now for the b-wings in range eight beams fired upon it's mid point causing a series of explosions. Lights could be seen flickering on their ship. Power was still getting through somewhere and Sanya wouldn't be satisfied till it was in half. Her ships targeting would be aimed in the same area where the b-wings hit before she unleashed a hail of helfire missiles. To add in damage all ships where firing their standard weapons. She was one ship down from just attacking this. Now there was the bigger problem. The Venator...

Travis Caalgen

As the battle on the edge of the asteroid field raged on, the Conqueror sat proudly as one of the centerpieces of the small fleet. While it would have been considered overkill by a real Naval commander, the Director felt confident that he could achieve what the Navy could do with less resource loss in half the time. He knew that this was certainly just bias, as the Silencer was his brainchild, but there was a sense of factual evidence in his beliefs, evidence that would be proven by the vessels' performance in the battle over Krant.

Four out of the five reactors aboard the Silencer had charged simultaneously, which would allow the ship to fire its proton beam cannon at intervals of one minute instead of waiting for each individual reactor to slowly charge. The Conqueror-class of ships were much like revolvers, one could put it, five shots before needing to charge all of the reactors.

Caalgen's thoughts drifted as the ship fired again at another one of the asteroids, launching across the void of space and impacting on the rocky surface of a mineral rich asteroid base, turning the surface into a field of molten slag and destroying and base that had entrenched onto it, much to the chagrin of the rogue fleet.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"]
The ARC fighter in front of Desmond erupted in a inferno of flames and his fighter shook vehemently as he passed through the debris. He banked left and targeted another craft. The enemy fighter began making quick choppy curves as Desmond attempted to gain a lock. As he did this he scarcely noticed the ARC that had slipped into firing position behind him. The rogue clone fired and Desmond's ship was raked by enemy fire.

His ship’s warning sirens began beeping obnoxiously as his TIE spun out of control. He checked his systems and noticed one of his engines had been knocked out. He flipped the auxiliary repair switch and the vessel deployed a series of small mouse droids. It lacked the space for a traditional astromech droid, but Des had made a slight modification to allow for some kind of maintenance droid.

So, as the droids worked their repairs Desmond was bobbing and weaving as the hunter became the hunted. The ARC in front of him had done a 180 and now was joining his comrade in shooting at Desmond. The Chiss’s hands frantically raced between fighter controls and a series of fail safe maneuvers ran through his head.
[member="Travis Caalgen"] [member="Tari Prule"] [any others near Krant]

Post: 1
Location: Arriving above Krant near asteroid belt.
Ship: Imperial Victory II Class Star Destroyer - Heavy Storm

As she watched her ship exit hyperspace and Not too far from the Conqueror. As her ship arrived she looked over to her officers. "Shields up get me in comms with command. All pilots to fighters. Let see if they left us anything to do." She then waited till the comms officer had a line. "This is Commander Onone of the Heavy Storm requesting a situational report regarding opposition forces." She then waited and had the ship move to form up with the rest of the task force.

Sergius Maro

Maro..... You magnificent b*stard, I READ YOUR BOO
Allies- Imperial Remnant
Enemies- Resistance to the Empire on Kothlis
Objective- Claim the planet Kothlis in the name of the Galactic Empire

The sand was covered with scattered corpses of both Bothan and Stormtroopers alike. Maro ignored the deaths, focusing on the task at hand: subjugating the Bothan's and their planet Kothlis. The imperials were pushing fast, the Bothans slowly began to fall back into the jungles taking dozens of Stormtroopers out as they fell back. Many of the other troopers rushed ahead of the AT-STs dropping one by one like flies, but Maro ordered his troops to stay close to his and let it soak in most of the damage. As the Bothans scurried off into the jungle they shots began to fling at the stormtroopers from above the trees, some tried to fire back, some tried to evade the fire, others weren't so lucky. Maro's AT-ST couldn't fire that far up, so his troopers began to fire rapidly into the trees. The Bothans climbed down and dispersed deeper into the jungles, all the AT-STs and troopers including Maro's devision chasing after them. Like rats they all scurried off in different directions some getting picked off while others surviving. In the horizon of the small (more or less) jungle was a large settlement on top of a strange mix of watered sand and lush verdant grassland. Maro's troop marched towards it and began taking out any who attacked them. Some of the families hid inside huts and homes while others fleed in different directions. Not long after, resistance to Maro's occupation of the settlement was quelled and an Imperial flag was raised at the center of the city. Now it was time to conquer the rest...........

[member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Lora Onone"]
The trade world of Manda was always bustling with ship traffic, hundreds of vessels came and left every day, for the planetary system was right on not one, but two major trade routes, from which many merchants, smugglers, and even criminals traveled upon. Many illegal goods passed through this planet, the local authorities barely paid attention to these non-violent crimes, but the leniency was to come to a swift and abrupt end. An Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer jumped out of hyperspace, followed by seven Tartan Patrol cruisers, sending the civilian vessels in orbit of Manda in a scramble. Quickly the Tartans took their positions as they prepared to lock the planet under Imperial control, forcing all entering and exiting vessels to undergo customs checks. As the Tartans followed their orders the Star Destroyer inched closer and closer to the planet, halting several kilometers above the planet's thermosphere.

The moff Theodosia Naphrite oversaw the packing of her luggage, as several deck crew carried and pushed several crates and bags towards the hangar. She did not want to leave anything on the ship, as she would be remaining on the planet for much longer than the Star Destroyer would be remaining in orbit. She wore the standard issue Imperial gray uniform, with the rank plaque identifying herself as a moff on her chest. It was one of the many uniforms they had for moffs, but by far the least formal. Being new to the planet she wanted to emulate the very essence of an Imperial, and civilian clothes or the formal moff wear would not be as effective as the standard issue. But she would not wear the cover, she did not like it, and it contrasted with her gold headband that she had sported since she was a pre-teen on Onderron. As the deck crew took the final hover crate and pushed it along the corridor towards the shuttle that was to take Theodosia to the planet surface.

Settled with their work, the Moff followed them down the corridor towards the hangar, gazing at the lack of decor on the Star Destroyer. Theodosia did not like to live the simple life, she indulged herself in all sorts of pleasures that her officer and her wealth granted her, she did not find the attractiveness of living a dreary, colorless life many of these Imperials lived. Non the matter, she was almost off this grey hunk of metal on down on what was to be her responsibility. Yes, she was finally granted a planet, the planet of Manda, a place she could take from its lowly trader/pilot atmosphere to a wealthy, cultural society. This would be the first step on the way to Grand Moff, if she screwed this up, or someone sabotaged this for her, she would be stuck as a Moff the rest of her natural life, and she wouldn't let that happen. Even if she had to kill for it.

[member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Butch Mahan"]| [member="Darren Jarok"]​
[member="Tanomas Graf"]​

Tanomas Graf

The Imperial entourage had traveled through the market until they found their charge, the old bazaar where the cloning operation had been set-up. They entered with caution, checking every corner for threats to themselves and the Emperor. Surprisingly, for a place where all of your leaders were being held, it was rather unguarded, but this was only on the surface. None of them knew what could be down below in the never-ending tunnels of Manda. Tanomas opened a small blast door and they moved inside.

Within the first few seconds of them walking into the first tunnel, mercenaries and clones alike began to shoot at them, blue plasma bolts soaring towards the Emperor that were deflected by the lightsabers of him and his guard. This felt like the beginning of a long battle, one that may or may not end up with the death of some of his guard.


It was all or nothing.

The main base at Krant was under attack, Their friends at Kothlis were being invaded, Their leaders were about to be assassinated simultaneously across the sector. The main elements of the rogue fleet was still in hiding, but without their leaders and base, they'd devolve into just a nomadic element. They needed to send all of their resources to fight the Imperial Remnant, to fight the interlopers that had stolen Kamino and enslaved their people. They were one of the two fleets not fighting, and the Admiral would not sit back.

"All ships, prepare for the jump to hyperspace!" Admiral Rann announced, his bulbous eyes staring out across the void of space. "Today we will either die or drive back the Imperials so that we may die another day! We must buy the Rebellion more time until they can form a cell! We must fight back against the Emperor and his lackeys! Save the Rebellion! Save the Dream!" He roared as the fleet made the jump to hyperspace towards Kothlis.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Darren Jarok"]

Travis Caalgen

Several minutes had passed in front of the Director's eyes, with multiple blasts emitting from the Silencer and glassing the asteroids that held the bases of the weakling rogue elements that had fled from Kamino after the Imperial Remnant had conquered it. He spun around at once when an ensign had alerted him to the arrival of a Victory II-class Star Destroyer in the battle. The commander of said vessel was requesting a situational report on the battle, which Caalgen was more than happy to provide.

"Commander Onone, this is Director Caalgen of the Silencer. We are in the midst of destroying rebel elements in the field. Don't sit around and start firing." He growled. The communications ended and Caalgen began issuing orders. "Charge the reactors to full power and target those cruisers, I want to see what the AWRD's pride can do." He announced, "But sir! We haven't tested the full power of-" The Lieutenant started, before backing off at the look the Director sent his way.

"Charging reactors" A technician stated as a large power surge would be detected from the Silencer.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Lora Onone"]
Desmond watched as the enemy signatures nearly gained yet another lock. He performed another barrel roll and bought himself the precious seconds he'd need to escape. He raced into the asteroid field and began to weave through the treacherous terrain. His ship performed a quick scan of the asteroid ahead of him and it immediately beeped back a reply. The rock was mostly hollow.

He entered one of its many caverns and raced forward. Large stalactites threatened to scrape his hull and damage his ship. He bobbed between giant pillars. He noticed the enemy had apparently followed him in as laser fire raced past him. The shaft ended abruptly and forced Desmond to knife upward. One of the clones was not quite quick enough and smashed into the wall ahead of him.

This detonated one of the small pockets of fuel and a column of flame raced after the fighters as they exited the shaft. Once out in the open Desmond realised how far he had strayed from the main fleet. He was now dangerously close to one of the many MC40a’s.

He risked a quick glance at his radar and noticed Purge Squadron was still tied down fighting the enemy elements attempting to break through to the Silencer. Desmond was on his own.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
It did not take the Imperial fleet long to disable the Rebel flagship, and with the boarding vessels already prepared, the Venator was ripe for attack. Mahan, satisfied with his progress prepared to leave the bridge, "Enemy fleet status report," he ordered blankly, waiting for the operations director to respond, "All remaining sub-capital vessels have been destroyed, several V-wing and X-wing fighters have jumped to hyperspace, full retreat." Pleased with the results, Mahan followed up his second order, "Fleet status report," The director was prepared for this question, "Several TIE fighters and TIE bombers have been destroyed, the Star Destroyer Subjugator has been destroyed. All three Acclamator class Assault Ships have entered the atmosphere. Multiple attack craft and escape pods from the Subjugator are awaiting retrieval." Satisfied with the results of his victory, Mahan gave his last order on the bridge, "Prepare my shuttle for departure, we are to attend to the enemy's surrender." Rear Admiral Vao, who had returned to the bridge, protested, "Admiral Mahan, our troops have not fully take control of the enemy flagship, the risk of you boarding a potentially hostile area is high." Mahan glared at the Rear Admiral, "Your input has been noted Rear Admiral, you are now at the helm." With a short exchange of salutes, Mahan left the bridge, heading towards the hangar for his near departure, but he would never make it to the hangar.

Examining a blaster he had been given on his way down by one of his own Naval Commandos, Mahan was approached by a junior officer, "Grand Admiral, we are getting reports of an enemy fleet entering orbit." Mahan's eyes widened, "Fleet allotment?" The officer spoke directly from the datapad he held, "One capital vessel, twenty five sub-capital vessels, and an estimated one hundred and eighty attack craft." Mahan clenched his fist, "Are they confirmed non-Imperial vessels?" The junior officer nodded. Mahan rushed back to the bridge, knocking passerbys into the corridor bulkheads as he moved. His fleet was seriously outgunned, with only two Star Destroyers, one of them lightly damaged, and a scathed Battlecruiser with minimal attack craft remaining, Mahan would need to pull a miracle out of his ass to save the day.

Entering the bridge, everything was hectic as technicians and officers alike run back and forth trying to salvage some sort of a plan. The Rear Admiral approached, "We've prepared hyperspace coordinates for retrea-" Mahan bellowed, "Turn the fleet about! Prepare a defense against the enemy vessels." Fear colored the junior flag officer's face, "Admiral, we do not have the firepower to repel such a fleet." Mahan stared down Vao, "I didn't ask for a status report, Rear Admiral, now return to your post." Vao sighed angrily and stepped aside for the Grand Admiral to take his place, nothing would stop him now.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Theodosia Naphrite "]| [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Darren Jarok"]
The rather sizeable Rebel fleet came out of hyperspace over the Bothan world of Kothlis. "Squadron leaders, report in!" The admiral requested. "This is Gold Leader, standing by" was one of the first phrases heard through the communications console, followed by fourteen more such as "Red Leader, standing by." and "Admiral, this is Blue Leader, standing by".

Satisfied, Admiral Rann sat back into the command chair and stared outwards at the outnumbered, but powerful Imperial Fleet. One battlecruiser, two star destroyers, and multiple cruisers were more than enough to subjugate an entire system. But the Imperial Admiral, or whomever was in command, would hopefully underestimate the sheer resilience of old Rebel vessels, as well as the people dedicated within them.

"Cruisers and frigates, create a forward shield around the command vessel and focus fire on those star destroyers, corvettes maintain a presence on our flanks and watch for enemy fighters. Fighters and Interceptors are to defend our bombers while we get into range of the enemy fleet, then prepare to deliver your payloads to the enemy using the Trench Run Defense, it worked on the Death Star, it'll work on these Imperial Star Destroyers. May the Force be with us!" Admiral Rann mentioned.

It took a few minutes, but turbolasers began to fly across from each sides to hit the opposite, fighters moving to engage the others fighters. Some of the defense fleet that had been stationed above Kothlis were possibly still in the fight, Otso hoped, but the Imperial Fleet had damaged those rather well before the Rebels arrived.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"]

Travis Caalgen

It had taken longer than usual for all of the reactors to fully charge, this was expected. All of the blasts that the Silencer had fired were always the result of the charging of a single reactor, hence the order 'Single Reactor Ignition'.

But never, had they tested the capacity for the warship to use the full charge of all five reactors in the proton beam, the inspectors had deemed it too much for the vessel to handle. Caalgen was going to disprove that, right then and there. He was going to prove that a single, fully charged blast from the proton beam cannon can obliterate any enemy vessel, without destroying themselves in the process.

The bridge crew looked worriedly at the director, they knew as much as he did that this could easily backfire and kill them all in an unimaginable inferno. The director, rather sympathetic to the plight of his own people, returned the look for a swift second. They all had a family, and so did he, but every sacrifice they made towards the Remnant was a sacrifice they made to their family's safety, even if they perished, their loved ones would be safe on Kamino, Rishi, or Void Station.

The first of their targets, a rebel cruiser, appeared on the screen under another targeting reticule, this time it switched to show the estimated trajectory of debris after it was destroyed. A lieutenant gave Caalgen a nod. Travis opened his mouth to say one thing;

"You may fire when ready."

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Victor Adraas"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Lora Onone"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Osto Rann"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]

As she received the situation update she sprung into action. "Launch fighters tell them to form a defensive front around us focus fire on enemy capital ships. Disable them if you can but don't go out of our way for it." As her crew began she looked over her holographic display and began to analyze her foe. Mostly fighters and some larger vessels. The fighters were the true danger to her ship her turbo laser batteries woudl be having to expend too much to hit them so she used her TIE interceptors to make approaches harder. They already began firing on a group of incoming X wing fighters trying a run at the shield generators. The other fighters began to try for runs too which told her the X wings were a distraction. However it also gave her the likely approach vectors of them and the Y wings comign in second were much easier to pick off. "Aim for the y wings with one battery calculate using a slight lead on the enemy craft. They are much slower and if we plan this right we can force them off."

Soon they did exactly as she figured and the few turbo lasers used fired one striking and blasting an engine of a Y-wing forcing the others to back off while another shot destroyed the Y wing turning it into harmless junk. Her second squadron of interceptors moved to attack the next set of fighters trying to come in from another angle B-wings all going in for an attack run. Meanwhile the majority of fire was pounding a nebula B frigate as it tried to fight back only to blast it's main engines offline before another barrage shredded it's hull up in places leaving it helpless. Once one of the MC80 cruisers came in they began to prioritize it exchanging fire rapidly.

Victor Adraas

Victor's company on the planet of Kothlis were fully up and awake, Victor counted up to 19 stormtroopers who survived the crash, including himself. He explained to the stormtroopers in a briefing how the crash he found earlier around the jungle were found by the Bothans and each stormtrooper was executed. Then Victor mentioned the base he found, the Bothans were trying to find any other shuttle crashes and salvage what they could. A stormtrooper suggested during the briefing of whether or not to attack the base, but Victor thought it would be unwise. There is a great number of Bothan soldiers at the nearby base and possibly rogue clones. Victor decided the best course of action were to find any other shuttles on the hopes that the Bothan's didn't reach them.

Victor started to lead the stormtroopers to search for any other crashes. Instead of going back into the jungle where the Bothan base is, they went the other way to find the beaches of Kothlis. Since it's a much more visible land, Victor believes it's best to search for any crashes from the beach, or any on the beach. In order to save time the 19 stormtroopers splitted up, 5 patrolling around the beach in-case they encounter other stormtroopers who had the idea of going around. 7 to go into the other direction to look for shuttle crashes, and Victor's squad of 7 would go the opposite direction to look for crashes.

[member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Tari Prule"] | [member="Sergius Maro"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Avedia Lacroix"] | [member="Darren Jarok"] | [member="Lora Onone"] | [member="Osto Rann"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko

[member="Avedia Lacroix"] Ξ [member="Butch Mahan"] Ξ [member="Baron Morcus"] Ξ [member="Tari Prule"] Ξ [member="Travis Caalgen"] Ξ [member="Victor Adraas"] Ξ [member="Tanomas Graf"] Ξ [member="Lora Onone"] Ξ [member="Osto Rann"]
(Post 5)
Allies: Imperial Rem
Enemy's: [member="Osto Rann"]
Gear -

S-1AN Hauler X3

Sekallien Runner x2

Blade wings X4

Reinforcements - en route

Udarnik assault frigates x3

X2 Blade wings
X1 vesparum intorceptor

Incurso-Class Star Destroyer (development)
Ooc: [member="Butch Mahan"], [member="Osto Rann"]
I'm going to bring two more ships one is for a dev. the ship I'm deving doesn't need to survive after 10 posts Link to the sub. It's on doc's since I'm still needing to do the description.

... Although it was no longer the only problem. She brought her ship round to regroup with the small fleet. "Asuna send me the I'd codes for all the split wings and get me their commander again." Sanya said in frustration. "It's unresponsive malady." "Kark. Right order the fleet to regroup behind the imperial vessels. Get the dynamic freighters to scoop pick up the escape pods from the ships. Make sure they go to either the haulers or the imperial ships. I need to go be reckless." She began to gain speed dying towards the imperial command ship that was now going to try and defend against the larger fleet that had dropped. As she came into the hanger of the larger ship her ramp would lower. People in uniforms and white armor began to surround the gunship and two entered from the back of the ship when the ramp lowered. "Power down your craft and hands above your head." She ignored that command tossing a small data stick. One of the troopers had caught it and looked at the device. "Run that up to the man upstairs. It's the ID codes to the starfighters of my fleet. Last thing I need is my people been shot from both sides of this battle. Also tell him to focus on the battle I'll see to it the pods get to safety." She said with the distorted voice her mask caused. The man in white armor stood there as if confused the other still pointing his gun to the back of her. "Well what you waiting for. The enemy won't kill them selfs. It's a nice thought though."

Both the troopers backed up pointing their guns at her till they left. She watched on the screen till they got off her ship and flicked the switch to bring the ramp up and seal. As her gunship lifted up Sanya saw the trooper pass the data stick to a man in uniform. Probably his superior. Her ship would turn exit hanger. "Meda and Elleste Launch split wings. They are to deal with enemy fighters. Let the ties take care of the bombers."

"Roger that."
"Roger that malady." Both said.

"After they have launched Meda and Redeemer you will go planet side and refuel. We need to make sure if it comes to it we can retreat." Right now Sanya had no real plan. They where indeed out numbered. "Elleste you stay behind the imperial fleet to keep taking on the survivor's. Make sure they know their not captives and will be returned back to their own when possible. If you can establish contact let them know to send shuttles." "Yes queen Val swift." Right now her shields where slowly charging chances are she'd loose this ship if not careful. Even the number of blade wings where diminishing in numbers. "B-wings on me we are going to play defence till an opportunity arises."

A holo image appeared on the center console of asuna. "Sanya. I've just got word that the incurso and three udarnik escorts is en route. Seems the realized we where caught up. Bout time." A grin washed across her lips as if that was the miracle they needed. The haulers could connect to the libita for a hyperspace jump. "Thanks for that asuna. Keep me posted and inform Meda to ignore the order to go planet side. Follow elleste to take on pods and launch your split wings to help defend."The holo image faded and Sanya's fighting spirit kicked in once more. "Okay gals. Change of plan. We need to make them split apart so we'll go for their support ships expect heavy fire on approach. When where close we'll dive under, if you need to move above make sure it's between where they will hit their own. Runner black and blue, get between the imperial fleet keep the bombers off them long enough for the reinforcements to get here." Shifting to full speed once more it was time to attack. If she was aboard something more sturdy and protected Sanya could comfortably use battle meditation to level the playing field. Until then they would have to make due.

Still there was the disabled venator behind them now. Either way this battle just got interesting. Enough so she was smiling beneeth her mask.

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